E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2002 No. 135 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING There being no objection, that is the called to order by the Honorable HARRY PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE order. REID, a Senator from the State of Ne- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The I also ask consent, in my capacity as vada. clerk will please read a communication a Senator from Nevada, the Senate to the Senate from the President pro stand in recess until 1 p.m. today; and PRAYER at 1 p.m. the Senate proceed to a period tempore (Mr. BYRD). The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The legislative clerk read the fol- of morning business until 2 p.m., with Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: lowing letter: Senators permitted to speak for up to Almighty God, Lord and Sovereign of 10 minutes each, and at 2 p.m. the Sen- U.S. SENATE, the United States, we come to you in ate stand in recess until 3 p.m. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, prayer with two things gripping our Washington, DC, October 15, 2002. There being no objection, the Senate, minds. We have a new realization of To the Senate: at 10:34 a.m., recessed until 1:05 p.m. the force of evil in our world. We are Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, and reassembled when called to order stunned by the continued evil acts of of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby by the Presiding Officer (Mr. BENNETT). the cowardly, but cunning sniper who appoint the Honorable HARRY REID, a Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. In my has taken the lives of nine people in ator from the State of Nevada, to perform capacity as a Senator from Utah, I sug- our area. Dear God, intervene and the duties of the Chair. gest the absence of a quorum. The ROBERT C. BYRD, clerk will call the roll. bring this person or persons to justice. President pro tempore. Comfort and sustain the victims’ fami- The assistant legislative clerk pro- lies. Reading the news and watching on Mr. REID thereupon assumed the ceeded to call the roll. televison the aftermath of the massive chair as Acting President pro tempore. Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask attack of terrorism in Bali, further f unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. convinces us of our battle against an MORNING BUSINESS evil, world-wide terrorist movement. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. Lord, help us to deal with this insid- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- STABENOW). Without objection, it is so ious treachery. At the same time, pore. Under the previous order, the ordered. Pakistan boils with anti-American sen- Senate will now begin a period of f timent. And we seem to have made lit- morning business not to extend beyond ORDER OF PROCEDURE tle progress in negotiation with Iraq. the hour of 11 a.m., with Senators al- lowed to speak therein for up to 10 Mr. REID. Madam President, it is my All this brings us to a deeper reliance understanding that there is an order on You. Quiet our turbulent hearts; minutes each. The order for the quorum call is re- for the Senate to stand in recess be- renew our dependence on You. Thank tween 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock today. Is You for the great women and men of scinded. In my capacity as a Senator from Nevada, I suggest the absence of a that correct? this Senate. Strengthen them, give The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is them courage, inspire their discern- quorum. The clerk will call the roll. correct. ment, guide their decisions. With them Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask The assistant legislative clerk pro- we fall on the knees of our hearts and unanimous consent that the order be ceeded to call the roll. commit our lives to You. Reign su- vitiated. preme in this chamber and in the mind f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and soul of every Senator. You are our ORDER OF PROCEDURE objection, it is so ordered. Lord and Saviour and are greater than Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask evil. Amen. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- unanimous consent that the Senate be pore. In my capacity as the Senator in a period of morning business until 3 f from Nevada, I ask consent that the o’clock, with Senators permitted to order with respect to the consideration speak therein for up to 10 minutes PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of H.R. 3295, the Election Reform legis- each. The Honorable HARRY REID led the lation, be modified to reflect consider- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ation of the conference report begin- objection, it is so ordered. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ning at 3 p.m., Tuesday, October, Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a United States of America, and to the Repub- today, under the same conditions as quorum. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the previous order, with all other as- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. pects of this order remaining in effect. clerk will call the roll. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10401 . VerDate 0ct 09 2002 04:02 Oct 16, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15OC6.000 S15PT1 S10402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 15, 2002 The assistant legislative clerk pro- not been done during the year, and own energy policy. Certainly, we have ceeded to call the roll. when putting them together it can be- a broad energy policy. We have talked Mr. THOMAS. Madam President, I come a very haphazard kind of ap- about lots of things that go into it. We ask unanimous consent that the order proach. Frankly, I think the leadership talked about production. We talked for the quorum call be rescinded. responsibility, and the responsibility about the availability of energy The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for all of us, is to cut through that and sources. objection, it is so ordered. to establish some priorities and talk We have gotten ourselves into the po- f about those things that need to be sition of importing nearly 60 percent of done. It sounds increasingly as if we our energy. And that situation is very ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES will be back in a lame duck session iffy because of the condition we are Mr. THOMAS. Madam President, I after the election is over to finish some now facing. So we do have to do some come to the floor today to talk a little of the items. Most apparent among things. bit about where we are and, hopefully, them are appropriations bills. We talk about production in the en- about where we are going, and, more We do not have a budget. It is the ergy bill. We talk about production in particularly, some comments about en- first time in many years we have not terms of encouraging the production of ergy, which I think is one of the real had a budget. A budget is very impor- oil, production of coal, the production important points that we must talk tant, not simply because there would of gas. Some of the proposals have to about. be a budget but because it is a process do with access to public lands where, First, let me say that certainly we for holding down spending. And if the such as in my State, for example, 50 find ourselves in a difficult position as appropriations bills exceed the budget percent of the State belongs to the we close this session. I think we have that has been agreed to, then you can Federal Government. And in many of brought ourselves into that position by ask for a point of order, and then have the Western States more than that be- not moving more quickly on some of to have more votes to pass it than you longs to the Federal Government. the issues that have been out there and do without it. So it is not just the idea So we have to devise a plan where we that now we desire to have passed. of a budget for the sake of a budget; it can take advantage of those resources It is very difficult to resolve some of is a mechanism that helps hold down and, at the same time, of course, take these issues in the ending moments of spending. care of the environment. We can do a session. Certainly, we are not going I think we have passed just 1 out of 13 that. And we have shown we can do to be here much longer. Clearly, we are of those appropriations bills. Hope- that. going to go into a recess before the fully, in the next 2 days, we will pass We are particularly interested in coal election. Particularly those who are another. We must pass the Defense ap- as being a source of energy that we running are very anxious to do that. propriations bill, in my judgment, be- pursue more. People are in favor of And, indeed, to be fair to voters, people cause the need for defense dollars cer- that. We have to do more about clean who are running should be out in the tainly has increased over last year.
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