The Socialist Labor cnndidate frll' r,ovm•noJ' receivml firl, the So­ cletllst Wor}1crs canriidntc got 13 and the Prohiblllon candidate an even 100. The high wate1· marlt on the regu}ar slate ticllet for 11 I . Unofficial failles Of VOI4!8 New Hospital on oleclton night varied liltle f1~m1 the olflcinl count, In no J•taee wu.s the v u. r IJ& n c e N.ears Finish enough to chunge wny rLo.sulls. Cruwassers co m pI ct e d their Only a few things remain to ciH~cking of officml statement of hr! done before Mason's new hos- ~o~otes sheets and tally booi1s pltal Is ready for dedJCalJon und Wednesday, then OC('llpancy. The unofficial count short- Ali of t11e major installations have been completed, srnd How- changed governor Williams ~y 50 votes but hit the Bagwell total al'Ct 1~ .. SciiJerl, JH'esidcnl of the J'lgllt on the nose. On lieutenant· 'l'his is !he cleclslon wlucil thospitat hoard, 'J~hursday mont· go1.1ernor, Swainson wils short­ raised the most controversy, Area inr,. Ilosrital b£>ds and bedding residents pJ•otcsted the high have arrived Delivery ha . n t changed. The unoJrlcial count SupeJ'VJsors also auttwrhmd school proposal on the basis that been made of some of the sroo~l gave Dcmoc!·at Swainson 27,447 transfer of $7,000 from the con­ Iurnittu·e. , and Repub!Jcan Brown 36,048. ting-ent fund to the soldiers and no provisions for providing clc· menlary rooms are provided. There's sl ill a lit tie r•abinet I Th~. o:ficJat ~ount chaJ~ed _the sailors r~::lief fund. wnrtt to he done in the llitchcn SWdJnson tol,tl to 27,:>28 anct A motion to r:red!t Mrs. Lillian Several public meetings have Seibert said, Intcr-commu111catiot; Brown's to 35,989, Wise with 30 days of sick INADEQUATE for a juvenile detention home even if remodeled and modernized is been held-the latest one Thurs­ in~latlations arc being completed There was JUst Oil!! vote diffcr- brought on extended discussion, the present building, agreed Judge Robert L. Drake (right) and SupervisorS. A. Bement day night. School board membet·s Ulis week, ence between the oJTicial and Un· The former drain office employe Mason, chairman of the county buildings committee. They at·e lool\ing at ' the nanow' and school administrators ex· officml count on auditor r,eneml. was finally granted the leave with plaincd the reason for reaching Uy lllll foi'I'Jllll't of' next stairs which lead to the detention quarters on the second floor. The building-was .pur­ a dec1slon to build a high school, wm•l1 tlw ~.:•·nm·nl •·onl1111'tm· Had there been a close vote, 2 votes in dissent. They were candidates fm· congress might c11st by Supervisors Card and chased by the county from Mr .. and Mrs. 0. S. Clipper .in 1920. It was once the home of presented the preliminary plans will hll\'fl l'llDI]lh'IPd ntJ COil• and explained the financing. Nll'tll'tinn wn1·k. 'l'hc JUl'J•huui- have worried, The unoJTicial tally Harold Plet~, East Lansing. Captain Sayer, long a lake captain. (Archy's photoi.) ' 1~11 111111 elet'IJ'iB l'OntJ,tcfs gave Don Hayworth 200 and Mrs, Wise aslwd f:ot· and re­ Accorrlmg to lhe school board lutve lm••n OO'ffiltleted. CIHirles E. Chamberlain 650 more ceived a leave of absence, ex· the $1,400,000 bond issue will b~ tlmn the canvass showed. plaine<! Gerald L, Graham, coun· lngllanr ·Lags DNiic•ation of the new hospit11t Two more housing develop. spread over 26 years. Millage On the county ticket, except ty drain commissioner. Then she mcnts on Mason's southwest side necessary to retire the debt will will be on S<~lurduy arternoo!l, for coroner, there were many in· decided not to return ancr applied were given clear·ance Monday run an estimated 5.1. This Js just NovembCJ' 29. The elate is rllll'ing for accumulated sick leave. He Thanl<sgiving wee!<, Seibert, re. stances where the 2 tallies coin· night. ' a .fraction over the present 5·mill cJderl. Somehow for coroner, Jo· said the leave of absence was· building nnd si tc levy which will marked, ancl dediCation of the Judge Asks for _New Detention Home To clear I he path Mason coun· seph E. Gutstem and A1·thu1' W. g1·antcd on advice of a doctor. ' be abandonee! if the bond issue hospital f•an well be made a 11art ,. c1lmcn made 2 zoning changes at Jewett, Democrnts, and Dorwin of 'Dhanksgiving observance. The salaries committee, Supel'· Ingham needs a new juvenile present staff is far below I he I causl!d by failure to reach and a special meeting. The action pnsscs. Any further school con· E. Hoffmeyer and Jack B. Holmes, visor Alvin . Potter, Lansing, structlon would call for additlonal Opr•n house will be on Satur· detention home, Judge Robert L. number bemg employed to cope solve such problems early. Costs cnme after 2 hearings played be­ Republicans, were off by several chau·man, recommended granting mlllage, school officials point out, day, November 29, a£ter the dedi· Drake told supervisors Monday with neglected and delinquent in dollars and cents alone for be· fore a 11 empty house, h und1·cd. Official tallies were: of' the sick· leave, ·Supervisor Max approved, the new building calion exercises, and the next Gutslein, 25,131; Jewett, 26,306; It 1s no recent need. The judge children in other counties. lated and consequently prolonged No one showed up lo either .rr day. Murnlnghan, Lansing, at first Will. be capable of handling GOO Hoffmeyer, 38,175; and Holmes, questioned it, claimtng it could has frequently called public at- "There arc only 6 sleeping treatment fpt• the young arc slag- obJect or app1 ovc the changing It wilt he n wecl< or so Iuter 36,850. t en l10n. to t h c Inadequacy· of the rooms," the judge explained, "and ger1t1g," of Brookdale s u b d i vI s I o n on pup1ls with lhc basic units large bC!fore 1he hospital is placed in serve as a precedent. It was final­ enough so that. the 8ehool could William C. Berryman, unop­ ly explained !Jhat no precedent on old home in Mason So did his 4 of them are madeq uatc for de· 'I' hen• 1u·e now 280 boys South street from A·l agJ'ICUI· use. It will take a weel1 or so to turai to R·1 residentml and the later be expanded to take care of !>osed fot· surveyo1·, received 38. sick leave would be established. predecessor, Judge .John McClel- tention pu1:poses. Children wit 11 ' ami gll'l~ 011 111;obutlon t.o ti1e gel att the necessary supplies on 0 !an. The matter was bJ·ought to a varying problems can not be changing of a piece of property 800 pupils with the aclcillion of 850. A mot1on by SupeJ'VJsor Potter Jngluun ,jltvcnile comt, the d1ancl amt to transfPr some of the I1ea d by rcf usaI of the state fire segregated There is madequate bounded by South, McRoberts classrooms only. For circuit court commission· to re~1ire, Pauline Richmond to equipment from lhe old hospital. marshal to approve the structure space to undcrtalw a program of :ludge told SIIJJerviMors. and Oak stJ·eets from A·l agri­ Included in the preliminary 'fhe hospttal auxiliary Is doing crs, both unopposed on the non· fill a vacancy in the health de· until il spnnl<ler system is in· rehabilitation. Ingham's juvenile cultural to R-1 rcsJdentla!. plan are a gymnasium built to much of the worl< on making cur. partisan ballot, the vote was parlment was adopted. ~>. salary Richard J. Braiw, 32,783, C, La­ of $2,880 was set up. stallctl and other improvements home is a shoestring ope1·ati011 'rhB Ba·oolulate sitk' Js wltere seat 1,500, an auditorium seating tains and doing needed sewmg arc made. compared •to counties of com· for the new hosp1tal. A Grey Verne Roberts, 31,925. ](e~slel' eonlruetim~: COIIlJlllllY 800, library, music, science, agrl· parable size." cultural, home economics and Ladies un1t has been organir.crl The Ol1emos incorporation vote 'J'he cost to IH'ing lhe build· • hus IIII'CIIdy siUJ'I~d l'bulldllll:' and is being trained for duty was changerl by 3 In the canvass. ing nt• to, mlnimwn lilifety I The judge pointed to Saginaw, houses. 'l'he nlhe1· 1u!cu. ls al· shop department along wllh a cafeteria. when ~he new hospllal is opened, The official count was 1,646 no to Kiwanians Aid fitnndards wotdd ummmt to smaller than Ingham but wttll read,v lillcd with houses along 729 yes, about ~10,000 rejJOJ'ted Super· facll!tl~?s fm· L7 chlld1en and a 1\lelU.berl~ ~h·ecl. The wniug Present plans call for housing The canvass ~:>howed a close FFA Hog: Plan. visor S. A. Jlement or 1\lllsun, · staff ·of 6 .at Its detention home. Chlllll_\'ll \\'liS J'CI]lllll!ifi!d by '1\11', only the upper a grades in the vote 9n the propos<tl to call a cludrman !'f t:he COIUlty bulJd· Washtennw With capactty for 12 "Diagnosis and re·direclion ear­ 111ul t\trs. Alford Powelson ~o high school and keeping the ninth Deer Slayers constitutional convention. Favor­ Mason Kiwanilllls will gl1.1e $200 Jngs committee. lnvt>,stment and a' stalf of 5 and Kalamazoo ly, at a local fac•ility, utlhzing at t hut.
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