Thiruttu Tuomittur

Thiruttu Tuomittur

THIRUTTUUS009782416B2 TUOMITTUR (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,782 ,416 B2 Cowen (45 ) Date of Patent: Oct. 10 , 2017 ( 54 ) PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS OF 4 , 880 , 830 A 11/ 1989 Rhodes POTASSIUM ATP CHANNEL OPENERS AND 4 ,894 , 448 A 1 / 1990 Pelzer 5 ,063 , 208 A 11/ 1991 Rosenberg et al . USES THEREOF 5 , 284 ,845 A 2 / 1994 Paulsen 5 ,356 ,775 A 10 / 1994 Hebert et al . (71 ) Applicant: Essentialis , Inc. , Carlsbad , CA (US ) 5 ,376 , 384 A 12 / 1994 Eichel et al. 5 , 378 , 704 A 1 / 1995 Weller, III (72 ) Inventor: Neil Madison Cowen , Carlsbad , CA 5 , 399 , 359 A 3 / 1995 Baichwal 5 ,415 , 871 A 5 / 1995 Pankhania et al . (US ) 5 ,629 , 045 A 5 / 1997 Veech 5 , 733 , 563 A 3 / 1998 Fortier (73 ) Assignee : Essentialis , Inc. , Redwood City , CA 5 , 744 , 594 A 4 / 1998 Adelman et al . (US ) 5 , 965 ,620 A 10 / 1999 Sorgente et al . 6 ,022 , 562 A 2 /2000 Autant et al . 6 , 140 , 343 A 10 / 2000 Deninno et al . 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