H5594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 11, 2019 summer. By the fifth grade, children of the most desirable places to live and small farms, farms owned by new and without summer learning opportunities visit. Royal Oak saw a jump of $10 mil- beginning farmers, veteran farmers, are 2 years behind their peers. lion in revenue in 10 years, truly an and minority farmers in order to better Students need a safe, stable place to outstanding accomplishment for the understand how much the Armed learn over the summer. That is why I people of Royal Oak and a testament to Forces are working with small farms to am so proud to have introduced legisla- Don’s hard work. supply commissaries and feed service- tion to help close the achievement gap Mr. Speaker, I thank Don for his members. and reduce food insecurity. years of service and wish him the very With this data, Congress and Defense The Summer Meals and Learning Act best in his next chapter. agencies can work together to expand will help fund summer reading pro- f opportunity for our small family farm- grams at schools that already serve as ers. PROTECTING MILITARY WIDOWS summer meal sites, providing the sup- Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleagues port and stability at-risk youth need to (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina for standing with me on this very im- grow and thrive. Every child deserves asked and was given permission to ad- portant issue. the opportunity to achieve their goals. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- It is my hope that this legislation will vise and extend his remarks.) f help students stay on the path to suc- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. b 1215 cess. Speaker, Congress should strive for f Democrats and Republicans in Wash- COMMUNICATION FROM THE ington to truly work together. When CLERK OF THE HOUSE IMPROVING MALMSTROM AIR the Military Surviving Spouses Equity FORCE BASE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Act reached 365 bipartisan cosponsors, fore the House the following commu- (Mr. GIANFORTE asked and was I was grateful to share the good news. nication from the Clerk of the House of given permission to address the House That is a remarkable more than 80 per- Representatives: for 1 minute and to revise and extend cent of Congress. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, his remarks.) House Democrats had the ability to HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise bring the Military Surviving Spouses Washington, DC, July 11, 2019. today to thank the members of the Equity Act to the floor tomorrow to re- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, House Armed Services Committee for peal the widow’s tax. Instead, Demo- The Speaker, House of Representatives, their hard work on this year’s National cratic leadership has diverted a vote by Washington, DC. Defense Authorization Act. tacking it onto a flawed and DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the Malmstrom Air Force Base is home hyperpartisan bill without notice late permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II to the 341st Missile Wing, which main- at night, which they know will not re- of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- tains and operates one-third of the U.S. tives, the Clerk received the following mes- ceive support on both sides of the aisle. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on ICBM force. Servicemembers at This is heartbreaking for the 65,000 July 11, 2019, at 11:00 a.m.: Malmstrom protect our country, but military widows in America. However, That the Senate passed S. 1811. the base can do more to keep America it is not too late to do the right thing With best wishes, I am, safe and secure. With some work, the and keep this as a standalone bipar- Sincerely, base’s runway can, once again, host tisan bill. CHERYL L. JOHNSON. flying missions. I encourage our colleagues across the f I especially thank and recognize Mr. aisle to put H.R. 553 on the Consensus TURNER from Ohio. We worked on a Calendar. Together, we can give serv- REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 962, measure that could reform the basing icemembers and their families the rec- BORN-ALIVE ABORTION SUR- process to focus on improving existing ognition they deserve. VIVORS PROTECTION ACT facilities like Malmstrom instead of In conclusion, God bless our troops, Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I ask building new ones. and we will never forget September the unanimous consent that the Com- This bill begins the process of includ- 11th in the global war on terrorism. mittee on the Judiciary be discharged ing Malmstrom in future Air Force f from further consideration of H.R. 962, basing decisions to host aircraft, po- USE FAMILY FARMS AS the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Pro- tentially increasing the number of men SUPPLIERS FOR ARMED FORCES tection Act, and ask for its immediate and women serving there. consideration in the House. (Mr. DELGADO asked and was given I appreciate the Montana Defense Al- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under permission to address the House for 1 liance for its advocacy on behalf of guidelines consistently issued by suc- minute.) Great Falls and all the servicemembers cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- Mr. DELGADO. Mr. Speaker, I rise at Malmstrom and elsewhere who keep tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- today to thank my colleagues on both our country safe. ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- sides of the aisle for voting to include f tertain the request unless it has been my amendment to the NDAA that will cleared by the bipartisan floor and CONGRATULATING ROYAL OAK allow our armed services to aid small committee leaderships. CITY MANAGER DON JOHNSON farmers across the country. Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I urge the ON HIS RETIREMENT Two weeks ago, the USDA released Speaker to immediately schedule this (Mr. LEVIN of Michigan asked and its congressional district-specific data important bill. was given permission to address the for the ‘‘Census of Agriculture’’ and re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- House for 1 minute and to revise and ported that in my district, New York’s tleman is not recognized for debate. extend his remarks.) 19th Congressional District, 96 percent Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, of the farms there are small family f I rise to congratulate my constituent farms. and Royal Oak city manager, Don During our most recent in-district NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- Johnson, on his retirement after 14 work period, I visited small farms back TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 years with the great city of Royal Oak. home in Rensselaer and Montgomery The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Don started as city manager right at Counties and learned more about their LEVIN of Michigan). Pursuant to House the height of the Great Recession. To work with organizations to help vet- Resolution 476 and rule XVIII, the hear him tell it, the city was flat erans gain the skills needed to transi- Chair declares the House in the Com- broke. Royal Oak was facing huge rev- tion to jobs in agriculture. mittee of the Whole House on the state enue shortfalls, and Michigan families Today, the House passed my amend- of the Union for the further consider- were hurting. ment that requires a report from cer- ation of the bill, H.R. 2500. In the years since, he has helped tain Defense agencies on programs, Will the gentleman from California Royal Oak turn around and become one policies, and practices relating to (Mr. PETERS) kindly take the chair. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:08 Jul 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11JY7.014 H11JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE July 11, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5595 b 1220 yet the Government of Azerbaijan has their forces working alongside coali- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE stated, with regard to flights going tion forces in countering terrorism in into Stepanakert Airport, that they Accordingly, the House resolved Afghanistan, in addition to contrib- envision the physical destruction of uting a logistics supply route vital to itself into the Committee of the Whole airplanes landing in that territory. U.S. and coalition forces. House on the state of the Union for the This threat has been repeated several Azerbaijan lies in a compromising further consideration of the bill (H.R. times by Azeri officials, and in times position between two hostile forces: 2500) to authorize appropriations for past, Azerbaijan has actually shot at Russia and Iran. Our bilateral relation- fiscal year 2020 for military activities civil airliners going into Stepanakert ship and the incredible amount of sup- of the Department of Defense and for Airport. That is why this amendment port the Azeris have provided to U.S. military construction, to prescribe is necessary. It prohibits the transfer missions in Afghanistan were strong military personnel strengths for such of Defense Department articles to indicators of how our partnership has fiscal year, and for other purposes, Azerbaijan unless the President can grown since Azerbaijan first gained its with Mr. PETERS (Acting Chair) in the certify that the weapons being trans- independence in 1991. We must not chair. ferred will not threaten civilian avia- limit our ability to provide reciprocal The Clerk read the title of the bill. tion. support to our friend and partner in a The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- It would be a tragedy if a civilian air- tumultuous region. mittee of the Whole rose on Wednes- liner were shot at or shot down as it Putin’s history of utilizing military day, July 10, 2019, a fourth set of en landed or took off from Stepanakert force against its neighbors, such as bloc amendments offered by the gen- Airport in the Republic of Artsakh.
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