iMMAP - Humanitarian Access Response Weekly Explosive Incidents Flash News ( 13 - 19 FEB 2020) 96 60 56 6 1 INCIDENTS PEOPLE KILLED PEOPLE INJURED EXPLOSIONS AIRSTRIKE DIYALA GOVERNORATE ANBAR GOVERNORATE ISIS 13/FEB/2020 Iraqi Military Forces 13/FEB/2020 Killed two civilians and injured nine others, including a Military officer and three soldiers Launched an airstrike and bombed an ISIS vehicle killing every one of them, south of Wadi near a security checkpoint at Bahar Taza village on the outskirts of Khanaqin subdistrict Hawran west of Anbar. northeast of Baqubah district. Joint Security Forces 13/FEB/2020 ISIS 14/FEB/2020 Security Forces with the support of Iraqi Air Force found five tunnels, explosive Killed two Federal Police members with a sniper rifle in Ibarra Bahruz 13km south of devices, rockets, anti-tank rockets, heavy machine platforms, mortar shells, smoke Baqubah district. grenades, and ammunition in Anbar's desert between Syria and Iraq's border. Federal Police Forces 15/FEB/2020 Found and cleared two IEDs on the outskirts of Had Al-Akhdar in Al-Ibarra subdistrict in the Security Forces 13/FEB/2020 Destroyed three ISIS tunnels in the depth of the western desert in the Buyut Al-Muali area. Baqubah district. Military Intelligence 15/FEB/2020 Tribal Mobilization Forces 16/FEB/2020 Found two ISIS hideouts and cleared three gallons of C4 and a rocket in Zoor Mohammed Killed an ISIS member during a raid operation in Al-Aamij valley west of Anbar. village in Khanaqin district. An Armed Group 17/FEB/2020 An Armed Group 15/FEB/2020 A landmine explosion injured two civilians in the Jazira area west of Anbar. Stormed a house killing its owner and his wife in Bahruz subdistrict in the Baqubah district. Security Forces 19/FEB/2020 Security Forces 15/FEB/2020 Rescued an abducted civilian and killed his two abductors in Al-Rutba desert west of Killed 10 ISIS members, destroyed two caches, and dismantled three IEDs in Hamrin Ramadi district. mountains. Popular Mobilization Forces 15/FEB/2020 KIRKUK GOVERNORATE Found and cleared several explosive caches belonging to ISIS in Ali Al-Sadoon and An Armed Group 13/FEB/2020 Mohammed Abbas villages east of Khanaqin district. Launched a Katyusha rocket at the K1 base. The explosion didn't cause any casualties. Security Forces 16/FEB/2020 Dismantled three IEDs in Al-Ibarra and Jalwla subdistrict. Security Forces 13/FEB/2020 Seized a projectile platform with 14 rockets equipped to be launched at the K1 base. ISIS 17/FEB/2020 Killed a soldier and injured another at the checkpoint entrance of the Jalawla subdistrict in ISIS 18/FEB/2020 the northeast of Diyala. Killed four civilians and injured three others in an attack at Chakhmakh village near Dibs district. ISIS 18/FEB/2020 Directed three mortar shells at a checkpoint in the Jalawla subdistrict. ISIS 18/FEB/2020 Injured six Popular Mobilization Forces members in Tawilaa village in the Al-Rashad Security Forces 18/FEB/2020 subdistrict. Found a corpse in the Arwaie river in the vicinity of the Al-Sadiia district. BAGHDAD GOVERNORATE NINEWA GOVERNORATE Military Intelligence 13/FEB/2020 Security Forces 13/FEB/2020 Destroyed an ISIS tunnel that was used for hiding and moving supplies in the Ain Al-Ghazal Injured 12 demonstrators with tear gas in Al-Khalani square. area in Al-Qirwan subdistrict. An Armed Group 13/FEB/2020 Planted an IED on the side the road that struck a Security Forces vehicle injuring three Security Forces 14/FEB/2020 members in the Abu Ghraib district. Found a hideout and cleared a cache of explosives containing a Katyusha rocket, an RBG7, and an IED belonging to ISIS in the Qairawan subdistrict. An Armed Group 14/FEB/2020 Attacked the demonstrators with knives and injured two of them in Tahrir square. Security Forces 14/FEB/2020 Destroyed an ISIS tunnel in Badush mountains. An Armed Group 14/FEB/2020 Shot and killed a civilian in the Al-Yarmook area in the capital. Security Forces 17/FEB/2020 Cleared a cannon shell caliber 122mm belonging to ISIS inside Al-Batool hospital. An Armed Group 15/FEB/2020 Shot and killed a civilian in the Al-Taji subdistrict. Federal Police Forces 17/FEB/2020 Found a mass grave of 32 civilians corpses killed by ISIS in the Al-Aayatha subdistrict in An Armed Group 16/FEB/2020 Talafar district, 70km west of Mosul. Directed four Katyusha rockets at Green Zone, three of them landed inside, and the fourth one landed in the logistical support headquarters of Popular Mobilization Forces in SALAH AL-DIN GOVERNORATE Palestine street. Federal Police Forces 13/FEB/2020 An Armed Group 17/FEB/2020 Repelled an ISIS attack in Allas oilfield area in the Tikrit district. Shot and killed a civilian in Al-Riassa neighborhood east of the capital. Security Forces 16/FEB/2020 An Armed Group 18/FEB/2020 Found and cleared a cache containing IEDs and explosive materials in Maftul and Injured 10 Security Forces members with hunting rifles during the demonstrations in the Albu-Ghanam village. capital. People Killed & Injured Per Governorate People Killed & Injured Per Incident Type Killed 40 50 Killed 34 Injured 43 Injured 32 40 30 31 30 20 20 20 17 11 10 10 8 9 3 10 4 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diyala Kirkuk Salah Al-Din Ninewa Erbil Baghdad Attack/Direct/Clashes Bomb Attack Crime Air Strike iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents Risk Level in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 13 to 19 Feb 2020 Sumel Mergasur TurkeyTurkey Dahuk ÆQ ÆQShikhanÆQ ÆQ ÆQ Choman Ninewa Erbil Akre Soran Sulaymaniyah Tilkaif Syria Kirkuk Syria Telafar IranIran Shaqlawa Salah Al-Din Diyala Mosul Baghdad .! ÆQ Anbar ÆQ Wassit Sinjar HamdaniyaÆQ Rania Jordan KerbalaBabylon Pshdar Jordan Erbil Qadissiya Missan ÆQ .! Najaf Thi-Qar ÆQ ÆQ ÆQ Erbil Iran Basrah Mosul Iran Muthanna Koisnjaq SaudiSaudi ArabiaArabia ERBIL KuwaitKuwait NINEWA Dokan ÆQ Explosive Incident Risk Level Makhmur ÆQÆQ Sharbazher High Low Syria Penjwin Syria Dabes \! Capital Sulaymaniah Ba'aj .! ÆQ Kirkuk .! Governorate Center .! Sulaymaniya Hatra Shirqat Kirkuk ÆQ Chamchamal ÆQ IDPs Camp ÆQÆQÆQ SULAYMANIYAH Hawiga KIRKUKÆQ Darbandihkan Halabja Primary Road Daquq Iraq Boundary Governorate Boundary Kalar Baiji ÆQ ÆQ ÆQ Tooz District Boundary Ru'ua ÆQ Tikrit Tikrit ÆQ.! Kifri ÆQ ± SALAH AL-DIN 0 30 60 Daur Haditha ÆQ Km Khanaqin Samarra DIYALA Ka'im ÆQ ÆQ Khalis ANBAR Thethar Balad Ana Muqdadiya Ba`aqubah Heet Fares .!ÆQ Tarmia Ba'quba Baladrooz Adhamia Ramadi Kadhimia ! ÆQ . ÆQ Thawra1 Ramadi ÆQÆQ Thawra2\!. Abu Ghraib Resafa Baghdad Mada'in ÆQ Karkh Falluja BAGHDAD Rutba ÆQ ÆQ Mahmoudiya Badra Azezia Suwaira Kerbala Hindiya Mahawil Musayab Kut WASSIT Ain Al-Tamur .!Kerbala Na'maniya iMMAP, Humanitarian Access Response: Explosive Hazard Incidents in Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah Al-Din Governorates from 13 to 19 Feb 2020 Shikhan T u r k e y Choman T u r k e y D a h u k Tilkaif Soran Akre N i n e w a E r b i l Shaqlawa S u l a y m a n i y a h Telafar SSyyrriiaa K i r k u k Mosul ÆQ I r a n I r a n à.! ÆQ I r a n I r a n Hamdaniya ÆQ Rania S a l a h A l - D i n Sinjar Pshdar D i y a l a Erbil B a g h d a d .! A n b a r à ÆQÆQ ÆQ W a s s i t J o r d a n K e r b a l aB a b y l o n J o r d a n ÆQ Erbil Q a d i s s i y a M i s s a n Mosul Koisnjaq N a j a f T h i - Q a r E R B I L Dokan B a s r a h M u t h a n n a N I N E W A SSaauu ddii AArraabbiiaa ÆQ KKuuwwaaiitt ÆQ ÆQ Makhmur Sharbazher Airstrike ġ Dabes Sulaymaniah c Armed Clash Area Ba'aj c .! ÆQ Kirkuk à .! Sulaymaniya à Explosive Hazard S y r ii a Hatra Shirqat àKirkuk Chamchamal ÆQÆQ \! Capital ÆQ S U L A Y M A N I Y A H Hawiga K I R K U K ÆQ .! Governorate Center c Darbandihkan Daquq ÆQ IDPs Camp Primary Road Kalar Iraq Boundary Baiji ÆQ ÆQ c ÆQ Tooz c Governorate Boundary Ru'ua ÆQ Tikrit .! District Boundary ÆQTikrit à ÆQ c Kifri S A L A H A L - D I N ± à Daur Haditha ÆQ 0 30 60 Khanaqinc Km Samarra D I Y A L àAc Ka'im ÆQ ÆQ Khalis à A N B A R Thethar Balad Ana à àMuqdadiya Heet Ba`aqubah Fares .!ÆQ Tarmia Ba'quba àà Baladrooz Adhamia Ramadi Thawra2 .! Kadhimia ÆQ ÆQ àThawra1 Ramadi ÆQÆQ \!. Abu Ghraib Baghdad Resafa Rutba à ÆQ à Karkh à Mada'in ÆQ Falluja ÆQ ÆQ B A G H D A D Mahmoudiya Azezia Badra ġ Musayab Mahawil Suwaira Disclaimer: All information is the best available from various sources including public, national and international sources, and has been cross-checked by iMMAP as best as possible. iMMAP accepts no responsibility for the use of this information. Publication Date: 23 FEB 2020 - For more information contact: [email protected] Copyright © iMMAP,IHF Humanitarian Access Response - 2019. All rights reserved.This report is related to iMMAP-IHF project: Multi-Dimensional Risk Mitigation Information Management Center for Humanitarian Access Response - 2019..
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