for free! 7. Edition REGENSBURG TOURISTGUIDE 2016 HELLO TOURIST, LET ME BE YOUR GUIDEwww.regensburg-tourist-guide.de Food & drink Dul 1 Amore, Vino & Amici 2 Seven Oceans 3 Leerer Beutel 4 Bischofshof Braustuben 5 Grill Canteen 6 Zum Sorgenfrei 7 Restauarant Gänsbauer Schopperplatz 8 Brauhaus am Schloss PrebrunnalleeHerzogspark 9 Haus Heuport Hundsumkehr 10 Weltenburger am Dom Prebrunntor Holzländestr. 11 Hofbräuhaus Regensburg Am Ledererg. 12 Bischofshof am Dom Herrenpl. Led ere Gerberg. rg. H Spatzengäßchen rebrunnstr. Brunnleite Rühlgässel W Weitoldstr. g Dalbergstr. Sankt- Shopping g Leonards-Platz a a H Weitoldstr. 13 Berger Optik Winklerg. Portnerg. Fidelg. 14 Schweiger Edelbrennerei & Nonnenpl. in Stahlzwingerw. te s n Kaffeerösterei e Wollwirkerg. Rot d u J 15 Schreiner m A 16 Goldschmiede Crusius A 17 Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Kreuzg. P Mühlbacher Kreuzg. 18 Donaueinkaufszentrum Stahlzwingerw. Do 19 ara Shoes kto r-Jo h N ann -Ma 20 Damasko ier bstr. Stadtpark -St Jako 21 andres & zimmermann r. Platz J 22 Regensburg Arcaden 93 3 der Einheit Fürst-Anselm-Allee P 23 ecco Wiesmeierw. Wittelsbacherstr. 30 ReSales Prüfeninger Str. K Taxisstr. L u d w Dechbettener Str. i g - Schottenstr Accommodation E Mathildenstr. c k Wiesmeierw. e r t 24 Hotel Mercure 25 Hotel von Heyden W 26 Goliath Hotel it Dechbettener Str. te ls b Schottenstr. 27 Roter Hahn ac he 4 rs 28 Hotel ASAM tr. Liskircherstr. Wilhelmstr. Leisure Time Dörnbergpark Thurmayerstr. Augustenstr. 29 Seg Tour Regensburg Hoppestr. Kumpfmühler Str. G Places of interest Ladehofstr. 14 Shopping / restaurant / hotel / leisure time WC Public restroom 16 WC Action „Nette Toilette“ - page 33 filterVERLAG 93 3 14 S R 2 Frankenstraße Steinweg Bäckergasse 8 Buspark- platz 15 16 Bäckergasse P Am Europakanal Am Protzenweiher REGEN P WC Q P Dandlstraße 18 Auf der Griede Gutweinstr. 25 Protzenweiherbrücke Herzog-Heinr-Str. Gebhardstr. P ensteiner Steg Seifensiederg. Spitalg. faff Herzog-Albrechtstr. Stadtamhof Andreasstr. Pfaffensteiner W.Franzis- kaner- St. platz Katharinen- Am Gries platz Lieblstr. Wasserg. Grieser Steg Salzg. 6 WC Badstraße Müllerstr. Eiserner Proskestr. Steg Jahninsel P DONAU WC destr. Am Beschlächt Am W Wöhrdstr. einm ark Weinlände t A Wöhrdstr. e k K Am m Rehg. ep W i c er lers 7 A edfa g tr n Steinerne Brücke . g ü r Schallern Werft s B . Fischma g rkt Goldene-Bä C r re n-St e e r D . n Posthorng. W Metgeberg. .- E La r g mm-G r . Sankt-Albans-G. 30 e u Scheugäßchen Thundorferstr. s i b Fu l ch sgä E e ß. l g Fischgässel g Silberne-Kranz-G. g n Brückstr. r Zieroldspl. n Blaue-Lilien-G. E i e l G Einhorngäßchen Taubeng. Weißgerbergrabenb önen Gelegenheit l m 26 h Weing. Roter Herzfleck u ö c Go 21 liaths Lindnerg. Donaumarkt h tr. S R Weiße-Hahnen-G. c Unter den Schw Hackengäßchen S Rathausplatz F ibbögen m Zur m Niedermünsterg. Baumhackerg. A WC Watmarkt A Neue-Waag-G. WC Kohlenmarkt Hunnenpl. 11 12 B Ludwigstr. Haidpl. Haidplatz Kramg. Adolph-Kolping-Str. Trunzerg. L . Waagg. Domgarten . WC g O g s h Krauterermarkt t Vo r e chtl 17 r der G c n r e g Klostermeyerg. Rote-Hahnen-G. ieb a N . Gi z B n e r Tändlerg. ü e Krebsg. WC t WC 9 m n Dom l 1 U a Drei-Mohren-Str. Wahlenstr. Platz Glockeng. K Steinerg. Hinter der Grieb Domstr. Erhardig. 27 Residenzstr. M 8 Kramwinkel 5 Drei-Helm-G. Frauenbergl 10 Alter Pfluggasse Korn- Trotheng. 19 13 Neupfarr- markt Salzburger G. Schwanenplatz Ge platz WC sand 29 3 WC Guten- tenstr. Pfaueng. k- Poetengäßchen I berg- WC O Bertoldstr. Predig 23 WC WC erg. platz S Beraiter g r p i 15 e Speicherg. e Kapelleng. b g WC l Dänzerg. e Ö Schwarze-Bären-Str. l Drei-Kronen-G. g w. m f o A Dachaupl. Straußgäßchen kg Ortnerg. H Weiße-Lilien-Str. Si Deischg. 16 WC r lberne-Fi Blaue-Stern-G. e sc Augustinerg. h-G. n Minoritenw. Obere Bachg. St.Kassians- e Auerg. Luzeng. x i Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. platz Fahrbec WC r Adlerg. Pfarrerg. Viereimerg. B End ohne Ägidienpl. Rote-Stern-G. Malerg. Weißbräuhausg. m Gäßchen A Alte Mangg. Maximilianstr. Steckg. WC Marschallstr. g P Grünes Gäßchen r Königsstr. Oberm e WC ünste a d An rs im tr Doktor-Wunderle-Str. S Königsstr. Waffnerg. 8 der Emmerams . r platz Hülling t S Roter-Lil - Von-der-Tann-Str. ie n n-Win Jesuitenplatz WC kel e k Schäffnerstr. f r o ü h s T - Grasg. g Eck zum Entengang i H e Vaulschink n h ö c Waffnerg. i K Ägidiengang l h A m ö r P F Fuchsengang Sankt-Peters-W. Am Peterstor Landshuter Str. Helenenstr. Sankt-Peters-W. Maximilianstr. Fürst-Anselm-Allee Ernst- Reuter- Margaretenstr. Platz Luitpoldstr. Doktor-Martin-Luther-Str. Bahnhofstr. e Hem k auerstr. c ü r 28 WC b BAHNHOF g r e b 24 n e g l Regensburg a 20 WC G P Arcaden 22 Friedensstraße 2 Universitätsstraße 3 University Content list 02/03 Map Theatre 05 A word of welcome 32 Statt-Theater 32 Theater am Bismarckplatz Sights 32 Turmtheater 32 Akademietheater 06 Steinerne Brücke 07 Porta Praetoria & Castra Regina 08 Salzstadel 33 Toilets free of charge 09 Engelburger Gasse 34 Calendar Highlights 2016 10 Keplerhaus 11 Goliath 36 Routemap Bus Regensburg 12 Rathaus, Reichstag & Folterkammer 38 Important Numbers 13 Schloss St. Emmeram, Thurn und Taxis 14 Dreieinigkeitskirche 15 Schottenkirche, Schottenportal Food & Drink 16 Bismarckplatz 39 Amore, Vino & Amici 17 Haidplatz 40 Seven Oceans 18 Alter Kornmarkt 41 Leerer Beutel 19 Regensburger Dom 42 Bischofshof Braustuben 20 Neupfarrplatz 43 Grillcanteen 21 Stadtamhof 44 Zum Sorgenfrei 22 Walhalla 45 Restaurant Gänsbauer 23 Kuchlbauer´s Bierwelt 46 Brauhaus am Schloss 24 Befreiungshalle 47 Haus Heuport 48 Weltenburger am Dom 49 Hofbräuhaus Regensburg Art 50 Bischofshof am Dom 25 Galerie Art Affair 25 Galerie Andrea Madesta 26 Moquii Schmuck und Design Shopping 51 Berger Optik 26 Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister 52 Schweiger Edelbrennerei & Kaffeerösterei 26 Galerie Hammer 53 Schreiner: Porzellan, Haushalt, Geschenke 26 Kunstkabinett 54 Goldschmiede Crusius 27 Kunstraum Sigismundkapelle 55 Feinuhrmacher & Hofjuwelier Mühlbacher 27 Galerie Bild & Rahmen 56 Donaueinkaufszentrum 27 Galerie Konstantin B. 57 ara Shoes 27 Übersicht über weitere Galerien 58 Damasko GmbH, Uhrenmanufaktur 59 Goldschmiede andres & zimmermann Museum 60 Regensburg Arcaden 28 Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie 61 ECCO 28 Domschatzmuseum 68 Resales 29 document Schnupftabakfabrik 29 Historisches Museum 29 document Neupfarrplatz Accommodation 62 Hotel Mercure 29 document Reichstag 63 Hotel von Heyden 30 Städtische Galerie Leerer Beutel 64 Goliath Hotel 30 Kepler Gedächtnishaus 65 Roter Hahn 30 Fürst Thurn und Taxis Museen 66 Hotel Asam 30 Übersicht weitere Museen Guided Tours Leisure Time 67 Segway Tour Regensburg 31 Synopsis Guided Tours, Kulttouren IMPRESSUM: filterVERLAG OHG – Agentur für Web & Print Textual sources: Museums and Gutenbergplatz 1a | 93047 Regensburg churches of the city of Regens- Tel: 0941 5956080 | www.filterverlag.de burg; city archives; Peter Styra Fotos: filterVERLAG, www.bigstock.com (Castle St. Emmeram, Thurn www.filterverlag.de Coverfoto: Thomas Rieger rigatonis-fotoecke.de und Taxis) 4 Welcome to our beautiful city! Regensburg is one of Germany’s most visited city tour destinations and has become a real attraction for visitors, not least because of its declaration ten years ago as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Immerse yourself in 2000 years of history, be enchanted by the unique charm of the city and enjoy the lively and friendly culture. Regensburg is a lively city of style with much to offer. Modern shops with historical façades stand shoulder to shoulder with historic sites, and modern bars are to be found in medieval vaulted rooms. This harmonious transition between old and new is virtually unique to Regensburg. The cosy cafés, traditional taverns and restaurants are on hand for a much needed break if your legs begin to tire following an afternoon‘s shopping. In the evening, why not enjoy the varied cultural events on offer or get involved in the vibrant night life. This tourist guide aims to assist you as you discover the city for yourself. I hope your time with us is memorable, that you experience some wonderful moments and enjoy your stay in our City of Regensburg Best wishes Joachim Wolbergs The Lord Mayor, City of Regensburg 5 A Steinerne Brücke he Stone Bridge, was constructed from 1135 to 1146 in Romanesque style. The bridge was originally built with 16 supporting arches giving it a total length of 330 metres. In 1487, the 16th arch was filled in with the construction of the ‘Salzstadel‘ at the Wiedfang channel on the city side of the bridge. The arches have a width ranging from 10 to 17 metres and the up-river points of their supporting columns are equipped with ice-breakers. Originally reinforced with stone in the river bed, the columns are now supported by cement to create the legendary ‘Regensburg Danube whirlpools’. T In the 13th century, the bridge was equipped with 3 fortified towers. The ‘black tower’ which was located on the ‘Stadtamhof’ side, was eliminated in 1810 together with its moats, small defence towers and a drawbridge because of war damage. The middle tower was removed back in 1784 after ice impact made it unstable. The only remaining tower today is the ‘bridge tower’ or debtor’s prison on the city or southern side. This tower is decorated with two clocks and paintings depicting battles from the 30-year war. LEGEND Legend has it that the cathedral builder and the bridge builder had a bet with each other as to who would finish their project first. As the construction of the cathedral began to progress much faster, the bridge builder decided to make a pact with the devil and won.
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