The News and Information Publication of The Society of Rheology Volume 84 Number 2 July 2015 Swimming in a viscoelastic fl uid: Attraction Towards a Wall Inside: Rheology Bulletin • Bingham to Watanabe • Metzner to Ma • Resources from the AIP • A Tribute to Sam Edwards • SOR Meets in Baltimore • Votes and Elections Executive Committee TTableable ooff CContentsontents (2013-2015) 2015 Bingham Award: Hiroshi Watanabe 4 President Gregory B. McKenna 2015 Metzner Early Career Award: Anson Ma 6 Come to Baltimore! 87th Annual SOR Meeting 9 Vice President Gareth H. McKinley by Jai Pathak for the Local Arrangements Committee Secretary Community resources available from the 10 Albert Co American Institute of Physics Treasurer by Catherine O’Riordan, AIP Montgomery T. Shaw Vote to establish SOR Fellows 14 Editor by Greg McKenna and Gareth McKinley Ralph H. Colby A Tribute to Professor Sir Sam Edwards 16 by Masao Doi Past-President A. Jeffrey Giacomin Affordable SOR Short Courses in Baltimore 18 Members-at-Large News/Business 19 Shelley Anna Elections, Awards, News, ExCom Dimitris Vlassopoulos minutes, Treasurer's report Norman J. Wagner Events Calendar 28 On the cover: Simulations shown refl ect the hydrodynamics of low-Reynolds number swimmers, called "squirmers" near a wall in a viscoelastic fl uid. The images show the snapshots of the conformation tensor and the fi rst normal stress difference around a pusher (that gener- ates thrust behind the body), neutral squirmer (that generates a symmetric fl ow fi eld), and puller (that generates thrust in front of the body). Wi is the Weissenberg number, and is defi ned as the ratio of the second to the fi rst squirming mode to distinguish three types of swimming mechanisms. The principal axis of each ellipsoid is aligned with the principal eigenvector of the conformation tensor and its length is scaled based on the associated eigenvalue. From Gao-Jin Li, Alireza Karimi, Arezoo M. Ardekani, work presented at the 2014 SOR Meeting and published in Rheol. Acta, 53 (12), 911-926, 2014, used with permission. The Rheology Bulletin is the news and information Serial Key Title: Rheology Bulletin publication of The Society of Rheology (SOR) and is LC Control No.: 48011534 Published for The Society of Rheology by AIP Publishing LLC published twice yearly in January and July. Subscrip- (AIPP) a subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics tion is free on membership in The Society of Rheology. ISSN: 0035-4538 CODEN: RHBUAV Letters to the editor: [email protected]. CALL NUMBER: QC1 .R45 The Rheology Bulletin is archived at www.rheology.org/sor/publications/rheology_b/issues.htm and is also available through the iRheology app for iOS products. 2 Rheology Bulletin, 84(2) July 2015 Committees Membership Committee (2013-2015) Metzner Award Committee (2015) Gordon Christopher Roger Bonnecaze (2013-2016) Cari Dutcher Victor Breedveld, chair (2012-2015) Jason Maxey, chair Morton Denn (2013-2016) Charles Schroeder George Petekidis (2014-2017) Kelly Schultz Nina Shapley (2012-2015) Patrick Spicer Meetings Policy Committee (2015) Education Committee (2013-2015) Andrew M. Kraynik, co-chair Michael Boehm Gareth McKinley, co-chair (VP) Jacinta Conrad Albert Co (Secretary) th Chris Dimitriou Kalman Migler (2015 Local, 2016 (88 ) Program) th Marie-Claude Heuzey Rajesh Khare (2015 (87 ) Program) th Jonathan P. Rothstein, chair Susan Muller (2015 (87 ) Program) th Maryam Sepehr Don Baird (2016 (88 ) Local) Anke Lindner (2016 (88th) Program) Bingham Award Committee (2015) Lynden Archer (2013-2016) Nominating Committee (2015) James Caruthers (2014-2017) Anne Grillet, chair Eric Furst (2014-2017) David Venerus Marie-Claude Heuzey (2013-2016) Jan Vermant Evelyne van Ruymbeke (2014-2017) Jay Schieber (2012-2015) Journal Publication Award Committee (2015) Lynn Walker, chair (2012-2015) Shelley Anna Roger Bonnecaze Ralph Colby, chair Dimitris Vlassopoulos Ad hoc Committee on ICR (2013-2015) Gerald G. Fuller, chair Ad hoc Committee on Electronic Publishing Ad hoc Financial Committee (2015) Andrew M. Kraynik and Open Access Policies (2013-2015) João Maia Anne M. Grillet, chair Ralph Colby (ex offi cio) Montgomery T. Shaw (ex offi cio) Ad hoc Committee on Meeting App(s) (2015) Jeffrey Giacomin (ex offi cio) Randy Ewoldt, chair Gareth H. McKinley, chair Matthew Reichert Tom McLeish Maryam Sepehr Faith A. Morrison Albert Co (ex offi cio) Roseanna Zia Jason Maxey (ex offi cio) Webmaster (2013-2015) Albert Co Editor, Rheology Bulletin (2013-2015) Faith A. Morrison Associate Editor for Business, Journal of Rheology (2013-2015) A. Jeffrey Giacomin Director, International Outreach Program (2013-2015) Gerald G. Fuller Student Travel Grants Coordinator (2013-2015) Norman Wagner Associations with External Committees/Organizations: SOR Designee to AIP Governing Board (2013-2015) Faith A. Morrison SOR Designee to AIPP Board of Managers (2013-2015) A. Jeffrey Giacomin U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2013-2015) Eric Shaqfeh International Committee on Rheology (2012-2016) Gerald G. Fuller Rheology Bulletin, 84(2) July 2015 3 2015 Bingham Medal Awarded to Hiroshi Watanabe Profi le by Tim Lodge, University of Minnesota 393). These experiments of over thirty years’ vintage were really ground-breaking; they preceded the populariza- The 2015 Bingham Medal of The Society of Rheology is tion of this topic that was set off by measurements of the awarded to Hiroshi Watanabe of the Institute for Chemi- order-disorder transition in the mid-1980s and that contin- cal Research, Kyoto University, Japan. ues almost unabated today. It is a theme In an independent career spanning three to which Hiroshi has returned throughout decades, Hiroshi Watanabe has made his career; one may count upwards of a series of seminal contributions to 50 papers on block copolymer rheology the molecular-level understanding of from his group. Among the other recur- the rheology of polymer liquids, and ring themes in Hiroshi’s overall oeuvre in so doing advanced both theoretical are polymer blends (both miscible and description and experimental practice. immiscible), model star and comb poly- Above all, his ability to marry dielec- mers, and suspensions, gels, micelles, tric relaxation and rheometry on model and liquid crystals. In each of these areas polymers has provided a uniquely he has made substantial, incisive contri- detailed look at mechanisms of en- butions, worthy of international recogni- tangled polymer relaxation, and thereby tion. Yet, they are all superseded by the challenged state-of-the-art theory at theme that has signifi ed Hiroshi’s great- every step. est contribution, alluded to above: his unique insights into the mechanisms by Hiroshi trained under Professor Tadao which entangled polymers relax stress. Kotaka at Osaka University in the De- partment of Macromolecular Science, earning a Bach- Every polymer rheologist is now familiar with the pio- elor of Science in 1979, a Masters degree in 1981, and neering reptation concept of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, and a Ph.D. in 1985. Following custom, as an exceptional how Masao Doi and Sam Edwards built this into the core graduate student he was promoted to Assistant Profes- of a molecular theory of polymer rheology. Although ap- sor in the same laboratory. From April 1987 to March pealingly simple in conception, it soon became clear that 1989 Hiroshi came to the University of Minnesota as a this model had important defi ciencies in its original form, visiting scientist, working with Matt Tirrell. In 1994 he and many additional processes have been considered was called to the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto (e.g. contour length fl uctuations, constraint release, tube University, to become Associate Professor with the dilation, and orientational coupling, to mention some of legendary rheologist Professor Kunihiro Osaki. He suc- the more prevalent). Over the ensuing decades the basic ceeded Osaki as Professor in 2003, and he has remained model has undergone considerable refi nement, due to an at the ICR ever since. From 2008-2012 he served as impressive interplay of experiment and theory, to the ex- Vice-Director of the entire Institute. His work has been tent that it is now acknowledged as a signature success of recognized in many ways, including the Research Award condensed matter theory. Much of the theoretical develop- from the Society of Rheology, Japan, in 1994, the Award ment has been motivated by the experimental approach from the Society of Polymer Science, Japan, in 2008 and that Hiroshi exemplifi es: his measurements have been Fellowship in the American Physical Society (2005). carefully crafted to test important assumptions, at the Most recently he received the Award of the Society of most fundamental level. This is where the use of dielectric Rheology, Japan (2012). Hiroshi has also served as relaxation as a complement to rheometry (and to the linear an at-large member of the Executive Committee of the dynamic moduli in particular) is so powerful. Society of Rheology. The ability of the linear stress relaxation modulus G(t) Hiroshi’s fi rst contributions to rheology were in the (and, equivalently, G’() and G”()) to test molecular exploration of the linear and non-linear response of theory is limited by the fact that G(t) is expressed as a ordered block copolymer solutions (J. Rheol., 1984, 28, sum of exponential decays from the normal modes of chain relaxation, each with a prescribed weighting factor. 4 Rheology Bulletin, 84(2) July 2015 It is often possible to describe a given data set equally moment component along the chain axis as “Type A” well by different distributions of relaxation times. and pointed out that the dipoles sum to give a net con- Dielectric relaxation senses the same mode spectrum, tribution that tracks the end-to-end vector. However, by but with signifi cantly different weighting factors, such symmetry, all even-numbered modes do not contribute, that it is almost impossible for a model to describe the so the experimental relaxation spectrum is quite differ- results of both experiments on the same system by ac- (continues, page 26) cident.
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