RAINBOW VOLUME 1 Number 1, January 2012: Page 58 - 69 MATERIALISM AS SEEN IN THE BLACK TULIP BY ALEXANDRE DUMAS Meta Kurnia Sari ABSTRACT This study aims to observe the Materialism among the main characters in Alexandre Dumas’ novel, The Black Tulip. In the research process, the writer finds the data by reading books which related to the topic as well as the through the internet. This study basically adopts “Dynamic Structuralism” which includes three elements; the reader, the work, and the reality. The method of research is conducted through library research, with The Black Tulip as the primary data, and the references that support the analysis as the secondary data. The result of this study shows that the materialism exists in everyone. People need money in order to support their life. Money is indeed important and it is employed as the parameter of success in some aspects of life. However, the level of materialism in every single person is different. This paper shows how significant a black tulip is for certain main characters, including the ways they treat it. It is also the symbol of sadness in the Netherlands in 1672-1673 which was identical with the dark age. Besides, it is also as the symbol of Rosa, the prison keeper daughter who helps Van Baerle in revealing the truth over the black tulip. Keywords: materialism, the Netherlands, black tulip, money, Van Baerle. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berutujuan untuk menelaah materialism pada tokoh utama yang terdapat pada novel Alexandre Dumas yang berjudul The Black Tulip. Pada proses penelitian, penulis mengumpulkan data dengan membaca buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan topik dan juga melalui internet. Penelitian ini pada dasarnya mengadopsi teori “Dynamic Structrturalism” yang meliputi empat unsur; pembaca, karya, dan kenyataan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian pustaka, dengan novel The Black Tulip sebagai sumber data utama, dan beberapa referensi yang mendukung analisis sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sifat materialisme terdapat pada setiap orang. Manusia membutuhkan uang untuk mendukung kehidupannya. Uang pada dasarnya penting dan digunakan se- bagai tolok ukur kesuksesan dalam beberapa aspek kehidpan. Bagaimanapun juga, tingkat sifat materi- alisme pada setiap orang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini menunjukkan betapa pentingnya setangkai bunga tulip tulip hitam untuk beberapa tokoh utama, termasuk cara mereka memperlakukannya. Tulip hitam juga sebagai simbol kesedihan di negara Belanda pada tahun 1672-1673 yang identik dengan tahun kegelapan. Selain itu, tulip hitam juga merupakan simbol Rosa, anak penjaga penjara yang membantu Van Baerle dalam mengungkap kebenaran bunga tulip hitam. Kata kunci: materialisme, Belanda, tulip hitam, uang, Van Baerle. 58 Meta Kurnia Sari - Materialism as Seen in The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas INTRODUCTION of the characters in pursuing material things, Certain people express their ideas at the same time as Dumas also depicts an through literature. “Literature is a social insti- exact era of that historical era perfectly that tution, using as its medium language, a social is in 1672 and 1673. He criticizes certain poli- creation. Such traditional literary devices as ticians and other Dutch people in 1672 and symbolism and metre are social in their very 1673 throughout the novel, for example, the nature” (Warren and Wellek, 194). There are murder of Cornelius and John De Witte in some literary works that reflect the society at 1672. His judgment toward what is wrong and a particular period of time. Many authors have what is right is clear as well in the novel. written certain works related to the history of In addition, there are some parts of the a particular place or country as well. Alexan- novel which are interesting to be analyzed dre Dumas is one of the authors who wrote a further, such as the symbol of a black tulip reflection of a particular society in the Nether- which is mentioned behind the love story. Be- lands in the form of a novel entitled The Black sides, the writer of this paper considers that Tulip. analyses of Dumas’ The Black Tulip are rare Besides The Black Tulip other novels of since it was written in French while the set- his novels include The Count of Monte Cristo ting is in the Netherlands in 1672 to 1673. and The Three Musketeers. “The Black Tu- The writer of this paper finds it challenging to lip is originally published in three volumes in deal with this particular work because some 1850 as La Tulipe Noire by Baudry (Paris)”. of the events described in it happened in real (http://www.answer.com/topic/the-black-tu- life in 1672 and 1673. However, since it has lip). Through The Black Tulip, Alexandre Du- been translated into English and it has to do mas tells the readers about romance, history with European studies and history, the writer as well as materialism. He mixes these three considers that The Black Tulip by Alexandre components in order to create such a great Dumas needs to be analyzed further in order novel which tells the readers a story. The his- to open up the horizon of Indonesian under- torical background is the Netherlands around standing on European cultures, history, and 1672 and 1673, while the love story is be- studies. tween Rosa, the prison keeper’s daughter and The primary objectives of this study are: Cornelius Van Baerle, the tulip fancier who is • To examine the materialism in The imprisoned. In this novel, the main characters Black Tulip, to expose more that are influenced by the material things. Isaac Boxtel is materialistic. The writer of this paper finds Alexandre • To show all main characters’ different Dumas’ The Black Tulip allusive, challenging, intentions of money and the black tu- and interesting because it presents materi- lip. alism behind a love story and the history of • To observe the significance of the the Netherlands during 1672 and 1673. Also, black tulip in the novel. the writer appreciates Dumas’ solemn writ- • In line with the objectives of this pa- ing style, he effectively describes the efforts per, the focus of examination is the 59 RAINBOW, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2012: strong orientation on materialism in carried out to collect the data related to the The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas. novel The Black Tulip. In order to support the As it is mentioned by Kenney, main data, the writer of this paper refers to Any discussion of character in fiction, then, other books, material, and sources related to must attend to the relationship between char- its analysis. To support and give a clear pic- acter and the other elements of the story, and ture of the work, it is necessary to explore between character and the story as a whole. more about historical and cultural background That is, character must be considered as part in the Netherlands around 1672 and 1673 as of the story’s internal structure (Kenney, 26). well as brief note on The Black Tulip. Thus, it has something to do with the There has been a study about The Black characters in the novel, such as Van Baerle, Tulip by Alexandre Dumas. This particular re- Rosa, and Isaac Boxtel, and Gryphus. search examines the historical events of that Since this paper examines materialism particular novel, its political setting, and the in The Black Tulip, the setting of which takes ambition of several characters. This particu- place in the Netherlands, the scope of the lar paper looks at the cultural elements of the study covers the history of the Netherlands novel, including the wave of ‘tulip mania’ that during 1672 and 1673 as well as prominent swept Holland during this time period. (Es- figures in the Netherlands during that era in- saytown) cluding main characters’ behavior towards According to the best of the writer’s knowl- materialism, commentary criticism of the edge, there has not been any research yet work, and materialism. about The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas This analysis is about the materialism at the Library of Faculty of Cultural Sciences as observed in The Black Tulip. Besides the Universitas Gadjah Mada. Since there is a analysis of the novel itself, and description paper on www.essaytown.net analyzes The of setting of time and place of the novel, as Black Tulip, this paper is going to analyze the well as a commentary on the novel are im- materialism in relation with the main charac- portant. Thus, the dynamic approach is ap- ters of the novel as well as the significances propriate since it covers the elements above. of the black tulip which makes it different from Mukarovsky as it is cited in Fokkema and the previous research. Kunne-Ibsch about dynamic structuralism mentions that “the work of art manifests itself Materialism in the Main Characters of the as sign in its inner structure, in its relation to Novel reality, and also in its relation to society, to Materialism as Seen in Each Main Charac- its creator and its recipients” (Fokkema and ter Kunne-Ibsch, 143). Since materialism cannot Isaac Boxtel stand by itself, dynamic structuralism is ap- Isaac Boxtel is Van Baerle’s neighbor who propriate to be applied in this paper. is also a tulip fancier. He is not as wealthy The primary source of this paper is the as Cornelius Van Baerle, he is not as great novel The Black Tulip. Library research was as Van Baerle in growing tulips and he is not 60 Meta Kurnia Sari - Materialism as Seen in The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas as famous as Van Baerle. Everytime he does will be murdered the same as the De Witte is trying to fall Van Baerle down by creating brothers.
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