Accessory Combat Among the Stars War Captain's Companion: Book 3 CREDITS Design: Dale "Slade" Henson. Editing: Jon Pickens Cover Painting: Erik Olson Cartography & Diagrams: Diesel & Dennis Kauth Typography: Tracey Zamagne Thanks To: Ann Brown, Timothy B. Brown, David "Zeb" Cook, Newton Ewell. Andria Heyday, Colin McComb, Bruce Nesmith, Jon Pickens, Steven Schend, James M. Ward, Dori Watry, Steve ''Old Man" Winter. Very Special Thanks: Jeff Grubb, James M. Ward. Play Testers: Sam Adams, The Association of Roleplaying Garners of Houston, Brian Baker. Rich Baker. Wolfgang Bauer, Bill Beggs, Tom Beggs, Dave Boddorf, Darin Brown, Timothy B. Brown, Paul Conaway, Troy Daniels, Charles Frederich, Alan Grimes, Scott Hala, Jerry Harper, Stirling Hershey, John Hinkle, Jeff Hornberger, Joseph C. Justice, Brian Kraak, Kelli McMillan, Mitchell McPherson, Mark Middleton, Brad Mongar, Brendan O'Brien. Sam Orlando, Mark R. Paxton, Robert Quillen II, John D. Rateliff, Jay Reese, Thomas M. Reid, Kip Romaine, Cameron Shellum, Lloyd Shellum, David Stowe, Michael Walter Sr., Mike Walter Jr., Heath Waugh , Mark Welch, Skip Williams, Todd Wilson, Tommy Wilson, Tracey Wilson, Dan Wood, Darrel Wood, Kim Wood, Kathryn Woods, Paul Yaeger. ADVANCED DUNGEONS f, DRAGONS, ADCD, DRAOONLANCE, FOR001TEN REALMS, and WORLD OF GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. SPELWAMMER, RAVENLOFT, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. Copyright ~1992 TSR. Inc. All Right Reserved. Random House and Its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language produc:u. Dls1rlbuted to the book and hobby trade In the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. This SPELWAMMER game accessory is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of Amerlce Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or art 'iiiOrk printed h~reln is prohibited without the expr~ss written permission of TSR. Inc Printed In the U.S.A. TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. P.O. Box 756 120 Church End SampleLake Geneva Cherryfile Hinton Wl53147 Cambridge, CB I 3LB U.S.A. United Kingdom ISBN 1-56076·343·4 Table of Contents • Introduction .......................... 3 • Chapter 7 : Ship and Crew Damage ....... 16 Crew Damage ........................ 16 • Chapter 1: Setting Up the Game .......... 4 Saving Throws ....................... 16 The Ships .............. ...... ....... 4 Table 7-1: Ship Saving Throws ......... 16 The Ga me Markers ..................... 4 Critical Hits .......................... 16 The Ship Record Sheet ....... ... ....... 4 Table 7-2: Critical Hit Causes .......... 16 • Chapter 2: The Combat Round ............ 5 Table 7-3: Critical Hit Effects .......... 17 The Round Sequence ............... · . · . 5 Definition of Critical Hit Effects ..... .. ... 17 The Announcement Phase ............... 5 Fire ............. .... ............... 17 Initiative ...................... .... ... 5 Breaking Up ......................... 17 Table 2·1: Modifiers to Initiative ....... .. 5 • Chapter 8: Magic and Spell Use .. • ....... 18 • Chapter 3: Ship Movement .............. 6 • Chapter 9: Optional Rules ....•......... 19 Moving A Ship .................... · · · . 6 Random Game Sel·Op .. .......... .... 19 Changing Speed ....................... 6 Debris .............................. 19 Reverse Movement ..................... 6 The Comet Pieces ..................... 19 Facing (Changing Direction) ............. 6 Weapon Specialists .................... 19 Table 3·1 : Maneuverability ........ ... 6 Repairs ............................. 19 Stacking ............................. 6 Towing ............................. 19 Loss of Maneuverability ................. 6 Crash Ships .......................... 19 • Chapter 4: Ramming . .. ................ 8 Unusual Weapons and Equipment ........ 19 Ramming Restrictions .. ........... · . · . 8 Non·Standard Ammunition ............. 20 Ramming Damage ..................... 8 Head·on Ramming ..................... 8 • Chapter 1 0: Advanced Optional Rules .... 21 Heroes .............. : . .............. 21 Ramming and Ship Facing ............... 9 Small Ships .......................... 21 Movement After Ramming ............... 9 Pitch ............................... 21 Ramming Creatures .................... 9 Random Hit Locations ................. 22 Shearing Attacks ...................... 9 Table 10·1: Ship Locations . ... ........ 22 Crashing ............................. 9 Convention Games ........ .......... .. 22 • Chapter 5: Missile Fire ................. 11 Large Missile Weapons ................. 11 • Chapter 11: Rules for 3-0 Play .......... 2? Three·Dimensional Movement ........... 23 Fire Arcs ................... .. ....... 11 Altitude ........... ........... ..... 23 Table 5·1: Fire Arcs ................. 11 Maneuverability Class in 3·D ............ 23 Weapon Crews ....................... 11 Altitude Facing .................... .. 23 How to Fire .......................... 12 Changing Altitude ............... ..... 23 Special Rules for Firing ................ 12 Table 11·1: Altitude Movement ........ 24 Small Missile Fire ................. , ... 13 Three·Dimensional Combat ............. 24 Large Missile Movement ................ 13 Fields of Fire ........................ 24 • Chapter 6: Boarding . .... 14 Table 11·2: 3-D Fire Arcs .. .......... 24 Grappling .......................... 14 Table I 1-3: Three-Dimensional Distances 25 Table 6·1: Grappling Modifiers ......... 14 Firing Distances in 3-D ........... ... ... 26 Degrappllng . 14 Ship Movement while Grappled .......... 14 • Chapter 12: Definitions ................ 27 Grappling Devices .................... 14 • Appendices . ............... ....... 28 Melee . ................... 14 • Spellcaster Record Sheet ............... 32 Special Monsters ..................... 15 Multi·Ship Melees ..................... 15 MoraleSample .............. ................ 15 file Table 6·2: Morale Checklist ........... 15 Table 6·3: Morale Modifiers . 15 Poor Morale ................... ..... 15 Combat in wildspace ls much like combat between ships How to Use This Book at sea. When an enemy ship is sighted, the stronger. more Learn the basic combat game before trying lmmedi· aggressive force seeks combat, loot, and glory, while the ately to play the 3·0 game version. A training game with weaker side !lees or maneuuers grimly {or some tactical ad· two opposing ships of about the same weight and maneu· vantage. verablllty class armed with rams makes a good start. lg· The ad/on usually begins when an approaching enemy nore artillery, boarding, and missile fire at first If you are drops out o{ spelljammlng speed. At long range, the Ugh test unfamiliar with this type of game. Add these rules gradu· large weapons volley, to be joined by euer·heauler pieces as ally, and then add more optional rules as you like. For larg· che ships draw near. Vessels armed with rams maneuver to er games, a neutral referee is recommended to balance strike the enemy broadside, while those armed with greek the opening situation (the scenario), to make any tempo· {Ire projectors close co bathe their foes In lethal flame. For· rary rulings needed, and to keep play moving. mations grow ragged as ships maneuver to dodge the in· If you need to review the basic concepts of wildspace creasing number of large mlssfles and other de.bris that begin and the phlogiston, see Chapter 1 In the War Captain's to flll the field. Huge motherships launch clouds ofswarmlng Guide., the 96·page booklet. /1ftters to harry the enemy with missiles and spells. A general assumption has been made that one player Just before contact. short·ranged attacks by lndluldual will run one ship. However. eJ<perienced players (or OMs) mlsstle weapons and spellcasters sweep the enemy decks. may often find themselves runnjng more than one ship. killing enemy crew and softening up the suroluors {or the The game will run much more quickly if multiple ships run boarding actton that Is sure to follow. If the attacker has a by one player have identical statistics. ram, this phase of the battle can be declslue, ending as the If a large multi·player game is attempted with lnexperi· heavy ram strikes home with keel·shaUerlng force. If not, enced players, standardizing the opposing sides will be tJtis part o{ the acuon may go on {or some time, as the ships helpful. Ram ships are the simplest to run, then ships that make frrin.g pass after fuing pass against each other. attack with large missile weapons. Ships relying on board­ Then, with wtld cries, IL s grapple and "boarders away/" as ing parties are the next most complicated, while the most howling attackers clash with desperate defenders in a deci· complex ships In the game are those that carry large num· siue !lght {or control of the beleaguered uessel. Flitters l1J11d bers of small creft or wizards and clerics with spell ability. directly on the enemy to add their weight to the assault. If the Using spells will have drastic effects on play, and will attackers win, the vessel becomes a spoil of war. to be greatly reduce the Importance of small missile weapons manned by a prize crew and withdrawn for re{ltting and re· and boarding In the game. pair. If the defenders win. they may we{( launch a counterat· tack, boardlng the attacker's uesselln tum! How to Read Dice Thls scene ls repeated many times wilh countless varia· This game requires a number of polyhedral dice: 20· Uons as the fleets clash in frenzied combat or exploration sided, 12·sided, 1O·sided , 8·sided, 6·sided. and 4·sided. squadrons whirl
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