Pos Raceno Name Time Pos Raceno Name Time 1

Pos Raceno Name Time Pos Raceno Name Time 1

Pos RaceNo Name Time Pos RaceNo Name Time 1 11003 01:01:10 Emmanuel Mutai 51 11142 01:16:08 John Matheson 2 11001 01:02:55 Jasan Mbote 52 11147 01:16:40 Graeme Croll 3 11004 01:03:07 Bernard Barmasai 53 12294 01:16:52 Mark Johnston 4 11006 01:03:20 Ryoske Fukuyama 54 12468 01:16:54 Paul Cuddihy 5 11002 01:03:34 Elias Kiptukn Maindi 55 11167 01:16:58 Mark Walsh 6 11023 01:03:55 Ryo Yamamuto 56 11169 01:17:41 Alasdair Mcleod 7 11005 01:03:56 Michinori Takano 57 12300 01:17:56 Martin O’Donnell 8 11007 01:04:00 Koichi Mitsuyuki 58 11059 01:18:05 Jenny Blizard 9 11010 01:04:05 Tsegezead Woldmichael 59 11184 01:18:11 Liam Conway 10 11013 01:04:14 Tomas Abyu 60 11182 01:18:12 Toby Messenger 11 11008 01:05:10 Makoto Harada 61 11161 01:18:14 Hal Pawson 12 11031 01:05:22 Robert Russell 62 12655 01:18:18 Terence Coyle 13 11012 01:05:25 Teweld Eberhan Mengisteab 63 11132 01:18:26 Richard Shipway 14 11015 01:05:37 Stephen Hepples 64 12727 01:18:45 Jozsef Zoltan Farkas 15 11009 01:07:42 Christian Pflugl 65 12562 01:18:50 Alex Keenan 16 11018 01:07:55 Robert Gilroy 66 12474 01:19:08 Daniel Price 17 11020 01:08:04 Allan Adams 67 11163 01:19:14 Darren Rook 18 11140 01:08:55 Andrew Douglas 68 12569 01:19:25 Ross Bark 19 11122 01:09:40 Ray Ward 69 11173 01:19:26 Russell Whittington 20 11124 01:09:42 Ross Houston 70 11232 01:19:26 Fiona Matheson 21 11022 01:10:03 Christopher Listerwilson 71 11155 01:19:30 Nick Reid 22 11016 01:10:15 David Phee 72 12659 01:19:41 Craig Cassidy 23 12559 01:10:34 Ross Milne 73 11240 01:19:42 David Walsh-Kemmis 24 11123 01:10:56 Carl Ryde 74 12554 01:19:49 Hugh Mcinnes 25 11051 01:11:00 Wokknesh Tula 75 11154 01:19:58 Alistair Allan 26 11053 01:11:02 Mayumi Fujita 76 12301 01:20:08 Michael Craig 27 12558 01:11:13 Hassan Raidi 77 12317 01:20:14 Greig Glendinning 28 11127 01:11:13 Michael Morris 78 11211 01:20:15 Phil Williams 29 11134 01:11:15 Paul Sorrie 79 11191 01:20:17 Gerard Craig 30 11119 01:11:15 Neil Thin 80 12476 01:20:27 James Paton 31 11056 01:11:28 Hayley Haining 81 11227 01:20:27 Marc Stevens 32 12292 01:11:41 Kenneth McCoy 82 12333 01:20:35 Christopher Mcgarrity 33 12296 01:12:05 Stuart Campbell 83 11055 01:20:36 Amleset Tewelde 34 11019 01:12:05 Kerry Liam Wilson 84 11354 01:20:39 Alistair Robertson 35 11137 01:12:10 Benjamin Melby 85 11680 01:20:46 Richard Workman 36 11050 01:12:24 Flomena Chepchircher 86 15355 01:20:52 Andy Birnie 37 11052 01:12:28 Rie Matsumoto 87 12470 01:20:55 Kenneth Mitchell 38 11133 01:13:18 Scott Bradley 88 11168 01:20:56 Derek Breen 39 11141 01:13:26 Mark Shepherd 89 11233 01:20:56 Bryan Burnett 40 11058 01:13:59 Birhan Dagne 90 11327 01:21:08 Neil Hogg 41 11054 01:14:01 Mai Ito 91 11064 01:21:13 Alison Docherty 42 11145 01:14:21 David Lindsay 92 11248 01:21:14 Fraser Wells 43 11060 01:14:37 Alyson Dixon 93 12299 01:21:16 Gavin Melville 44 11135 01:14:37 Tom Ferrington 94 12311 01:21:18 Thomas Loehndorf 45 12467 01:15:37 Scott Kennedy 95 12465 01:21:19 John Duffy 46 11071 01:15:43 Amy Chalk 96 12316 01:21:19 David Conroy 47 11072 01:15:51 Suzie Buish 97 11062 01:21:28 Leanne Hamilton 48 11146 01:15:53 Alistair Hennessey 98 11328 01:21:31 Andy Campbell 49 11160 01:16:05 George Taylor 99 11290 01:21:33 Euan Geddes 50 12295 01:16:08 Colin Mcgill 100 20794 01:21:40 Kenneth Macbeth Pos RaceNo Name Time Pos RaceNo Name Time 101 11177 01:21:41 Stuart Cook 151 11416 01:24:34 Bruce Carse 102 11251 01:21:45 Connell Drummond 152 12543 01:24:35 Paul Leonard 103 11198 01:21:48 Megan Wright 153 11390 01:24:37 Johnny Lawson 104 11243 01:22:03 Rachael Elliott 154 11406 01:24:37 Anthony Wilson 105 11261 01:22:05 Andrew Heathwood 155 11615 01:24:37 Scott Mackay 106 11102 01:22:06 Frank Hurley 156 12576 01:24:39 Robert MacFarlane 107 12573 01:22:07 Pawel Jarzebowicz 157 11202 01:24:45 Ivan Field 108 11209 01:22:07 Graeme Kennedy 158 11236 01:24:48 Robert Summers 109 11279 01:22:17 William Haining 159 11197 01:24:53 David Hiddleston 110 11259 01:22:22 David Hughes 160 11186 01:24:55 Alastair John MacLachlan 111 11281 01:22:28 Derek Govan 161 11312 01:24:55 John Mclaughlin 112 11242 01:22:50 Kenny Campbell 162 11407 01:24:57 Martin Caldwell 113 15514 01:22:51 Peter Gallanagh 163 11785 01:25:02 Stephen Jack 114 11469 01:22:51 Edward Crockett 164 12546 01:25:03 Roger Skinner 115 11303 01:22:55 Andy Gray 165 12347 01:25:04 Ralph David Hector 116 12475 01:23:00 Mark Mckelvie 166 11466 01:25:07 Thomas Paskins 117 11429 01:23:02 Andy Hume 167 11061 01:25:08 Shona McIntosh 118 11256 01:23:03 Raymond Farrell 168 12575 01:25:09 David Gleave 119 11299 01:23:03 Bruce Matthew Lovell 169 11479 01:25:10 Rory Matheson 120 11187 01:23:04 Stewart Walker 170 11300 01:25:11 Andy Marshall 121 12730 01:23:05 Stephen Gordon 171 11301 01:25:13 Brian Silvester 122 11292 01:23:07 Brian O’Donnell 172 11252 01:25:15 Paul Burns 123 12306 01:23:14 Alistair Hood 173 11289 01:25:16 Craig Reid 124 11708 01:23:14 Stephen Grant 174 11743 01:25:20 Jeff Thornton 125 11268 01:23:15 Alan O’Rourke 175 11365 01:25:21 Helen Sharpe 126 11606 01:23:16 Colin Graham 176 11066 01:25:23 Amy Lynn Crian 127 11517 01:23:17 Rebecca Johnson 177 12721 01:25:28 Ken Macmahon 128 12473 01:23:28 Colin Partridge 178 11170 01:25:28 Marcus Covell 129 11207 01:23:29 Graham Anderson 179 12318 01:25:29 Mark McGoldrick 130 11223 01:23:29 Chad Harrison 180 11144 01:25:31 Alex Bett 131 11326 01:23:30 Campbell Joss 181 11302 01:25:35 Steven Mcfarlane 132 11314 01:23:33 Richard Connor 182 11195 01:25:37 Gary Walker 133 11385 01:23:34 Alan Gilkison 183 11311 01:25:45 Crawford Brown 134 12572 01:23:35 Bryan Lamb 184 11380 01:25:51 John Smith 135 11183 01:23:39 Antoni Kot 185 12345 01:25:57 Tom Kiely 136 11344 01:23:40 Samuel Price 186 11067 01:25:59 Sheila Dougan 137 12335 01:23:40 Erik Arlemark 187 11267 01:25:59 Andy Buchanan 138 11360 01:23:43 Graham Gilbert 188 12485 01:26:04 Douglas Grieve 139 11616 01:23:48 Iain Mckinnon 189 11395 01:26:04 Claire Imrie 140 12571 01:23:54 Francis Gilroy 190 12422 01:26:07 Jamie Mclevy 141 11308 01:23:56 Adrian Dow 191 21817 01:26:10 Graham Leitch 142 12324 01:23:59 Barry Stewart 192 12681 01:26:12 James Cassidy 143 11505 01:24:08 Stuart Murdoch 193 11249 01:26:17 Keith Wall 144 12651 01:24:11 Andrew McLinden 194 12368 01:26:22 Andrew Hardman 145 12310 01:24:12 William Garrick 195 11309 01:26:25 Claire V Mcarthur 146 12325 01:24:12 Stephen Richard Martin 196 11487 01:26:25 James Flood 147 11101 01:24:19 Michael Robertson 197 11324 01:26:26 Graeme Diverty 148 11271 01:24:19 Paul McGregor 198 11709 01:26:30 Alan Mcallister 149 11255 01:24:31 Richard Cockbain 199 11465 01:26:35 Iain Tomb 150 11178 01:24:32 Neil Gibson 200 12590 01:26:35 Deborah Gray Pos RaceNo Name Time Pos RaceNo Name Time 201 22452 01:26:37 Malcolm D Hughes 251 12350 01:28:10 Simon Puttock 202 12303 01:26:39 Daniel O’Connell 252 11443 01:28:13 David Weatherhead 203 11693 01:26:42 Danny Brough 253 11341 01:28:17 Andrew Cairns 204 11609 01:26:42 Ian Sandilands 254 18073 01:28:19 Simon Fraser 205 11384 01:26:42 Colin Mcmillan 255 11511 01:28:19 Duart Keith 206 11464 01:26:44 Mark Thornton-Smith 256 12369 01:28:20 Simon Rew 207 11193 01:26:45 Jonathan Dale 257 12501 01:28:20 Donald Cameron 208 11412 01:26:49 Billy Braidwood 258 11377 01:28:20 William John Green 209 11241 01:26:49 Neil Maclachlan 259 12491 01:28:24 Steven Morrison 210 21171 01:26:50 Derek Swanston 260 12682 01:28:26 William Breckenridge 211 11258 01:26:52 Struan Robertson 261 11713 01:28:28 Brendan Sweeney 212 18890 01:26:55 David Moran 262 12704 01:28:29 Mark Gorman 213 11942 01:26:57 Shaun Phillips 263 11605 01:28:30 Andrew Macdonald 214 11391 01:26:59 Leslie Mcderment 264 11389 01:28:32 Aidan Grisewood 215 12574 01:27:02 Paul Oliver 265 12718 01:28:33 Scott Macnab 216 11507 01:27:04 Craig Dillon 266 12732 01:28:35 Alan Blakie 217 11229 01:27:06 Helen Smethurst 267 22381 01:28:35 Ian Gordon 218 12493 01:27:06 Ewart Gray 268 11403 01:28:36 Douglas Watson 219 11524 01:27:09 Robert Kingdom 269 11420 01:28:39 Andrew Magill 220 11637 01:27:12 Michael Barker 270 11393 01:28:40 Billy Carswell 221 12346 01:27:15 Louise Beveridge 271 12607 01:28:41 Barry Paterson 222 11370 01:27:16 Alan Miller 272 11331 01:28:41 Patrick Cullinane 223 11441 01:27:16 Pamela McCrossan 273 12679 01:28:42 Joe McKnight 224 12344 01:27:19 Stephen Winter 274 11480 01:28:42 Andrew Clugston 225 12385 01:27:21 Alan Mackay 275 11404 01:28:44 Gordon Robbins 226 11272 01:27:22 Mark Stringer 276 12542 01:28:45 Gordon Allison 227 12348 01:27:25 Bruce Whyte 277 12165 01:28:48 John Qureshi 228 11399 01:27:25 Michael Aird 278 12654 01:28:49 Robin Scott 229 17194 01:27:26 Barbara King 279 11371 01:28:51 Chris Tervit 230 11445 01:27:29 Steve Paton 280 11434 01:28:54 Alan Swan 231 12338 01:27:35 Daniel Clements 281 12605 01:28:54 Robert Mitchell 232 12694 01:27:36 Alasdair Murray 282 12349 01:28:55 Jonathon Munro 233 12660 01:27:38 Paul Viola 283 12661 01:28:59 Paul Reilly 234 13350 01:27:38 Andrew Buchanan 284 11388 01:28:59 Andrew Rooney 235 11156 01:27:39 John Kynaston 285 11428 01:28:59 Des Mckeown 236 11410 01:27:39 Malcolm Jack 286 11376 01:29:00 Bobby Rossborough 237 11431 01:27:41 Neil Mackay 287 11687 01:29:00 Craig Burke 238 11287 01:27:41 Derren Thomson 288 12608 01:29:01 Andrew Watson 239 12658 01:27:41 Gregor Davis 289 11521 01:29:01 Bruce Malcolm 240 12482 01:27:42 James Mcgill 290 15404 01:29:03 Kelvin Dell 241 11277 01:27:42 Philip Sweeney 291 11508 01:29:04 Neil Mcmurray 242 12336 01:27:45 Michael Mcbride 292 11503 01:29:04 Wesley Stuart 243 11522 01:27:47 Ed Watson 293 12599 01:29:08 Barry Van Den Berg 244 11358 01:27:49

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