Bocond Cla«« Postage Pcld Vol LXX1. No. 'IT. 3 Sections, 24 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1964 Cranford, N. J. TEN CENTS . {xmcluation WeekActivities Begin Story of Cranford's Past 300 At CHS for Nearly 400 Seniors End-of-vear activities at' Crari- — In Colorful Tercentenary fflrd Hiyh School will • get'under way tomorroyv With the start of The highlight' of .Cranford's Ter- final examinations, it was -> an'- Mayor Says Dump.Problem centenary Week} celebration will n< unced by G. Frank Zimmer- be a historical pageant entitled man, p:incipal. Under Study Over 5 Years "300 Years at Crane's Ford." to. The high.point of the week will 10 presented at 2:15 p.m. Sunday T<wnship Committee has.'been studying the municipal dumps and be graduation exercises at 8 p.m. i.p Nomnhegan Park.. More than Wednesday in the auditorium. alternate means of disposing of refuse for more than five years. Mayor 20 local'organizations will present There are 382 candidate's for dK H. Raymond Kirwan declared at Tuesday night's Township Commit- plomas. Last June diplomas were tee meeting. • • • '•''•• floats and scenes "on the bank of awarded to' 293 . scnim*?'. This is • His statement came in response!.to a query from. Charles G. Sieg- the Rahway River, in,, the lower the first year the graduating class fried, Democratic nominee for • . • - ..'.... hike area of the park. has neaied the 400 mark. The Cranford Jaycces', sponsors For the first year there will be Township Committee, who asked of the Cranford Days River Carni- no baccalaureate service at the how long the township had been Master Plan vjll for the past three years, are high school according to a ruling aware that the dumps would be sponsoring the river celebration by the Board of Education earlier closed within the next 10 months, agajn this year, with Paul Sowa this year. Local churches are con-as announced at a recent meeting. Adoption Due -(Has general chairman. ducting baccalaureate services Mr. Siegfried also asked why ' Narrating the pageant story will' for .graduates this weekend. the Borough of Garwood had been, be Dr. Homer J. Hall, chairman The annual • awards assembly stopped from using the dumps for Wednesday < f the, Cranford Tercentenary 1 disposing of debris, from their an- i ** Committee and president of the will Be held at the high- school at 1 „ 11:30 a.m. Tuesday followed that nual cleanup and whether this The Master Plan will be adopted Cranford Historical Society. evening at 6:30 o'clock by the constituted a breach of contract i'by the Planning Board at a public •-. Script for the pageant has been senior class dinner in Fellowship with the,neighboring municipality. vyVi-Uc-n by Mrs. E. F. George of r meeting at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday Hall of the First _ Presbyterian Mayor Kirwan advised that in the Municipal Building, it w|as the Cranford Junior Service Church. Yearbooks will be dis- I'Garwood had been notified at the League, who will coordinate, the announced this "week by Howard tributed at that time to seniors. beginning of this year that the staging. Graduation rehearsal will be dump would be closed by the end M. Siegel, chairman. —Scenery, for—the—la nd—sets—has— -held Wednesday from 8:l!r ajn, [o~ The chairman explained that 'the. been constructed under direction of this. year. plan,' as- p.it'scntly drafted, is still 12:15 p.m. in the auditorium. Township Engineer -P-. J. Grail of Stuart McFadden of\he Rotary Mmday will be the last full day ; explained that wiien it was.brought subject to • change as conditions Club.who will act as stage man- of classes at the high school and to his attention that Garwood was • warrant. ager. 'the two junior high schools. Single dumping cleanup .week debris \, "Several interesting suggestions In two acts, the pageant will - sessions will be held Tuesday and I here he requested that they stop. 'have been made.by groups and tell first the story of the Indian Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 j He said local officials had' been residents, Mr. Siegel reported. and Colonial period', followed by p.m. at all th.re:' schools. No I concerned because of a fire at the ; These, ho said,-will be studied and events of the 19th "and 20th cen- lunches will be served Tuesday or clumps' which followed Cranford'.s turies. An Indian, dance pre- j Changes will be adopted where it lude by-Boy Scout Troop _75 .will .Wednesday, but lunch Will be ' cleanup week. ' i appears that they, wijl be for thev available on Monday. O i The engineer, noted that Gar- be followed by the first float, in • Students at the three schools ! wood has been paying to use the' bust interests of the community. which Exploier Post. 79 will will report at"9 a.m. on Friday to ! local dumps for the'past 20 years The^M'aster Plan, Mr. Siegel ex- show an Indian wigwam at the pick up report cards, marking , and that loads of ashes from that lamed, can be amended at a pub- Indian spring in Cranford in 1664. (Continued on Pnge-ll, Section 2) borough have been used as cover Jic'meeting of. the Planning lVard Crane's Mills, erected in 1716, material and fill to help make the- following a pjihjic hearing. Even will be depicted in the second area usable as industrial sites. ..' after adoption nex,,t Wednesday, float, by the Cranford Jaycees. A "uuy me nip- making arrangements to have their | local conditions and there un- torical Society will show the ar- • cleanup debris carted to another I doiibtedly will be a number" of rival of the first family in 1723, Master Plan dump but is continuing, under I a-mendments as a result of these followed by the last local Indian their contract, to use the local studies, he stated. battle in 1755, depicted by Boy dumps for their weekly scavenger Scout troops and Explorer posts. Provisions collections. Local events during the Revo- 1 Mayor Kirwan said the town- lutionary War will include a float The greatest problems facingI ship has entered into sevei/al rqg- 86 to Receive by Capt. N.' R. Fis-ke Post '335, - Cranford today, according to mem- ,'ional studies regarding incinerat- VFW, as the Essex Troop of Co- bers of the League of Women ors but has found that this is nut ,1orii-al' soldiers, 'assigned to guard Voters who met Monday afternoon the answer to the local problepi. St. Michael's Crane's Ford. at the home of Mrs. Ravenel Wil- He explained that an incinerator The Kivvanis Club float wilf"* burns about 80 percent of the- re- tell. the story of- James Morgan, liams, 116 Garden St.,.for the first fuse. The other 20 percent as well Diplomas British agent hanged on Gallows of two study unii meetings on as meiai oDjccTarVL'IS. 11.IIIT ! lu UL La'i liil for Hill »ri, fm. thL M'liuila uf dm- ' Master Plan Report are 1 • the traf- away. There also is the problem eighth graders, 49 girls and 37 oral Washington's chaplain, Par- fic pattern and the general appear- of air pollution which has H> bej boys; from St. Michael's School son Caldwell. The hist Indian encampment on ance of the central business dis- contended with as well as an "ac-will be held in St. Michael's trict and 2> projected school popu-ceptable" location of the inciner- the river bank about 1740 will be lation increases. The second unit ator. Church at " 8 p.m. tomorrow. shown be the Boy Scout Order of meeting will bo held- tonight at Mr. Siegfried asked whether the There were 96 graduates last year. the- Arrow, and a flo;rt by Brem- 8:30 at the home of Mrs. George proposed increase of 50 cents a Rt. Hev. Msgr. William B..Don- ner Chapter, Order of- DeMolay, ~ Lewis, 3 Shetland Dr. month to local scavengers to,cart nelly, pastor, will officiate at the will tell of the departure of fami- Traffic patterns as described in debris to dumps in the Wood- awarding of diplomas. Singing lies moving west after the war. the Master Plan Report were out- bridge-Fbrds area is a firm figure. during the program will be by •Featured during the' intermis- lined by Mrs, Nathan Rodstein, He noted that, with about 7,000 girls of the seventh grade, ac- Photos by Krutchry Associates sion will be a float presenting who maintained that the chief families, this amounts to about- companied by Sister Pierre, SCENES AT COUNTRY FAIR — At top left, Dr. Homer J. Hall, d-hairman of Cranford Tercentenary Committee, Miss Cranford cf 1964,. Miss-Ann problem Jacing planners is to di- $42,000 a year. O.S.B., at the organ. • • serves as town crier for Tercentenary Country Fair held on Cleveland"School grounds Saturday. At top right, chil- Thurz,1 accompanied by Miss Deb- vert through traffic from the cen- Mayor Kirwan explained that The program also will include 'drcn examine cannon of vintage-of 1774, left to right: Janice Frutchey, David Novello, Robert Novello and Kevin bie Cooney and Miss Ginny Hunt tral business district. To improve from the $42,000 should be de- Benediction- of the Most Blessed Traylor. At bottom left, Miss Cranford (Ann Thurz) presents gift certificate to Pat Stanton, winner in'women's 1 of her entourage. Intermission" the flow o/ traffic, the Master ducted the taxes paid by new1 in- Sacrament and the Act of Const -, division of costume contest, as Mrs.
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