Thursday, October 30, 1969 ~ " ! ::. ~ THE JEWISH POST Page Fourteen Israel ill Resist ;~ ,I ; {~~~ Jerusalem (JTA) - Top level I h~re repeated Israel's warning tha~ : ,-: ! 'Religion ........ New Therapies' Talmud Torah sources in Israel believe the present: it will not tolerate "lawlessness" OIl: cease-fire in Lebanon between Iits northern border. They said that Palestinian guerrillas and the regime IIsrael intends to guard the lives, Town Hall Topic- Nov. 16 Hold Bazaar rea BARNEY GLAZER of President Charles Helou has well-being and security of all its settled nothing. The struggle' for citizens. IN HOLLYWOOD c~mtrol of Lebanon is continuing Reports from Cairo quoted official No. 45 but President Helou is still standing Egyptian sources today as saying Vol .. XLV WINNIPEG, THU;RSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1969 firm against the guerrillas and ap- i that the Lebanese Army and Pales- ----.-----------­ parently 'has a large part of the' tinian commandos ,had l' e'a c h e d Lebanese population 'behind him, I agreement on all points of dispute Linda Dangcil (Sister Ana in The Flying Nun) and Shelley Morrison To Head CODiDlittee according to these sources. between them. This would free I (Sister Sixto) hosted a baby shower Sunday, Oct. 12,. for Sally Field counsel to the Congress of Indus- (Mrs. Steve Craig) at Linda's Burbank home. Only family and friends . The sources here said the crisis guerrillas based in Lebanon to con- New York (Special) - Former I m Lebanon is being directed by the tinue thei rattacks on Israel despite Sup C t Ju ti A th J I workers. ' attended. ' reme our s ce r ur . SOVIet Union which seeks to unde:t;- the danger of Israeli retaliation. Goldbe g 'II . ' t'· I Justice Goldberg has maintained Linda' earned an Emm:y nomination fo'r her role as Elena in the • I' .' • • r WI serve as IJ,1J lOna mme Lebanons sovereIgnty. SYrIa I' The IsraelI newspaper YedlOt h' f'th H' tad t G Id . personal ~ontact with leaders of opening segment of The Bold Ones. Her role in The Flying Nun has . c aIrman 0 e IS ru 0 en IS playmg an active role but will Achronot said today ·that Israel Jubile~ Committee which will head Histadrut, many of whom, such as been expanded this season due to her talent and heavy fan mail. She'; not move its army into Lebanon in I would not tolerate a situation which a year-long observance of a' "half David Ben' Gurian and Mrs. Golda " , also an excellent singer and dancer 1;mt neither talent has been exposed the present circumstances, the Is-' would leave the' guerrillas free to century of social engineering in Meir, have attained high posts in the , on TV. i , , raelis said. They claimed that Syria launch strikes on its territory with- Israel,'" according to' an announce­ Israel government. ; i J Linda has been married since January to Richard Hamilton Jr.. '! The Golden Jubilee program will I , prefers ,to let the Palestinian El out retaliating in force. Political ment ;"ade by'Leon H. Keyserling, I COD:lposer and arranger. He works chiefly with radio and TV commercials: Fatah and the Damascus-sponsored sources here said Premier Golda president of the National Committee be launch<;d officially at the annual Helen WeIler, West Coast editor of Dell Magazines, has demanded Al Saiqa guerrilla group handle the' Meir would make that policy clear for Labor Israel. convention of the National Com­ a retraction from Look mag1jzine for what she claims was a Look mis­ situation for the present. in a message ,to President, Helou. mittee :for Labor Israel at the Com.. quotation of her remarks about the Lemmon Sisters. I1 There are about 5,000 trained They said that Mrs. Meir has called Mr. Goldberg, who has been as- ~odore !Hotel in New York City on \ sociated with Histadrut activities Jar the American Thanksgiving week­ \ , , The irony of Ste';'e Rossei working with his new partner, Siappy guerrillas in Lebanon and Syria is a high level conference on the , . MRS. ABE YANOFSKY White, as the supporting act on the Eddie Fisher show at the Las Vegas providing them with guns, food and Lebanese crisis. The word was that many years, and was first chairman end. Caesars Palace, while Steve's former partner, Marty Allen, headlined transportation. The AI Saiqa leader Lebanon could expect to retaliate of the Americ~n Histad~ut Develop­ Winnipeg-A Golden Jubilee pro­ 1~1 Mayor-elect a.nd Mrs. Abe Yano~- the Riviera Hotel down the Strip, failed to materialize wh,en Marty post­ is a detached Syrian Army officer, swiftly against any terrorist iI~cur- \ment Founc\atlOn when It was estab­ gram will be launched in Winnipeg i ' Raif Alowani. The high level sources sions. lished nearly a decade ago, described at· a special Golden Jubilee banquet °'1 sky have graCIously offered theIr I paned his engagement until a later date. Marty announced he needed Histadrut's record as "fifty, years I, to be held at the Bnay Abraham h~me at 62 Ashbury Bay, Garden I more time to prepare his act, in the form of a revue. However, many or' social engineering of the highest Synagogue on Sunday, Dec. 21, +969- CIty, for the annual Talmud Torah believe that he and the Riviera judiciously decided on the delay in order order. It is inconceivable that so I, The guest speaker for, this event , , PTA Bazaar Tea on Sunday, Nov. 2, to avoid unintentional embarrassments. much could have been accomplished ARTHUR J. GOWBERG , will be Hanoch Givten, Minister i from 2 to 5 p.m.,.". K K d Jack Haley Jr. hosted a party in his' Hollywood Hills home for the Madrid-Focal Point in Israel without the vision and C trial Organizations and the steel­ plenipotentiary with the Permanent I< onvenors,· W' mrs. t' enh ramer and TV speC18,. I "'"'" ran k S"matra Jr., His Family and Friends" which. he Madrid (JCNS) - During a ten- Fatah members crossing from North know-how of the men and women M rs. IrVln ems eln ave arrange ., ' sador to the United Nations was an Israel Mission to the United Nations . I 1 . t ti' d' dIrected, for showmg Sunday night, Oct. 19, on CBS-TV Attendee. minute "occupation" last week of Africa, most "f them on their way who founded Histadrut in 1920 and a part leu ar y In eres ng an enJoy- .' . ... important link between the Ameri­ in, New York. Mrs. Nettie Koffman '11 b mcluded: Nancy Jr., Nancy Sr., Tma and Frank Jr. ALthough he tried the Lebanese Embassy in Madrid, to Central Europe. never flagged, in their efforts to build a ble a ft ernoon. There Wl e a, . , and Mr. I. Sokolow are heading the 'ld ' rt d' I t f dad couldn t make the scene. However, his favorite eating place Stefan- a group of 79 Arabs, made up of According to usually well in- a new society based on justice and can La'bor Movement and Israel's Ch I rens a lspay, couresy 0 . , ' committee planning this event. · II k t t h mo s, of Sunset Boulevard, represented him by making its debut as a "Palestinians", Syrians and Jordan- formed sources, the "Palestinian" infused with the spirit of brother- workers when he served as general C J. oe OITIn, we.,' now:n a1' eac er oa t"ermg company. ' ians, destroyed furniture, 'telephones population of Madrid of some 5,400 hood and' freedom." 1-,...,..-----..:"-....:.---------------.,.---,---'-----....:.- maul' commumty. Beaullfully sewn . 1 b PTA '11 b Haley recently finished directing the comedy film, "Norwood." He and a picture of President Helou, has now increased to 6,000, A con- The former, United States Ambas- ar tIe es y women WI e. d . h " Wom,all of Valour ReeeivedHonor n d f 1 In dditi ~... __ slgne WIt Ray Stark to direct The Valentine Estate," a Hitchcock- and hosted the "Palestinian" flag. I siderable number are studying at " o ffere or sa e.' a OD, """"' . Mayor Stephen Juba presented Jewish woman to be elected presi­ '11 b I f d I' . h ' type chIller based on Stanley SlIin's mystery. Also, Universal is negotiat- They disappeared before police Madrid University with the aid of WI e a sa e 0 e lClQUS ome-.., H' • Mrs. Samuel Heft with a fram",d dent of the Winnipeg Council of . mg WIth Jack to do A Night with Mae West," a one-hour TV special arrived and Hussein El JiseI', the scholarships. b a k e d pas t rles. A R.ode Version Public Service Award, bearing the Women (1962). She is a member NBC-TV requested some of the action by inviting the popular young Ambassador, said it was a "per-, These students are frequently New York (JTA) - A Reform gold seal of Winnipeg, "last week. of no less than 21 organizations, and ,Hostesses will be the mothers of director to pilot still another hour special. fectly planned raid ,by a trained seen carrying EI Fatah propaganda Grades 2 and 4 students, as well synagogue ;"'hich staged an unp,:e­ Mrs. Heft was honored for "out­ an officer of nine more. She counts ' During The Flying Nun's hiatus until approximately Jan. 6, Shelle;' commando group," pamphlets, which appear to be cedented rock music program at a 14 other associations she has served as the tea committee which con- J standing leadership in the field of Morrison (Sister Sixto) has been working as a volunteer teacher in Spain _ Madrid, particniarly printed in Madrid and distributed Friday night service last April will in the past.
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