String Theory and Quantum Gravity

String Theory and Quantum Gravity

String Theory and Quantum Gravity Title: 5D Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills on the Lattice ​ Authors: Anosh Joseph Publication: PoS LATTICE2016 220, (2016) ​ Title: Higher Dimensional Generalizations of the SYK Model ​ Authors: Micha Berkooz, Prithvi Narayan, Moshe Rozali, Joan Simón ​ ​ ​ Publication: arXiv:1610.02422 [hep-th] Oct 7, (2016) ​ Title: Conformal Bootstrap in Mellin Space ​ Authors: Rajesh Gopakumar, Apratim Kaviraj, Kallol Sen, Aninda Sinha ​ Publication: arXiv:1609.00572 [hep-th] Jun 28, (2016) ​ Title: Chaotic dynamics of strings in charged black hole backgrounds ​ Authors: Pallab Basu , Pankaj Chaturvedi, Prasant Samantray ​ Publication: arXiv:1606.08711 [hep-th] Jul 15, (2016) ​ Title: Schwinger-Keldysh formalism II: Thermal equivariant cohomology ​ Authors: Felix M. Haehl, R. Loganayagam, Mukund Rangamani ​ ​ ​ Publication: arXiv:1610.01941 [hep-th] Oct 6, (2016) ​ Title: Schwinger-Keldysh formalism I: BRST symmetries and superspace ​ Authors: Felix M. Haehl, R. Loganayagam, Mukund Rangamani ​ ​ ​ Publication: arXiv:1610.01940 [hep-th] Oct 6, (2016) ​ Title: Holographic Entanglement for Chern-Simons Terms ​ Authors: T. Azeyanagi, R. Loganayagam and G. S. Ng ​ ​ ​ Publication: arXiv:1507.02298 [hep-th] ​ Title: A Toy Model of Black Hole Complementarity ​ Authors: Souvik Banerjee, Jan-Willem Bryan, Kyriakos Papadodimas, Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: arXiv:1603.02812 ​ Title: A toy model of black hole complementarity ​ Authors: Souvik Banerjee, Jan-Willem Bryan, Kyriakos Papadodimas, Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1605, 004 (2016) ​ Title: Hairy Black Holes in a Box ​ Authors: Pallab Basu, Chethan Krishnan, P. N. Bala Subramanian (Bangalore, Indian ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Inst. Sci.) ​ Publication: JHEP (accepted, to appear) ​ Title: Chaotic dynamics of strings in charged black hole backgrounds ​ Authors: Pallab Basu (ICTS, Mumbai), Pankaj Chaturvedi (Indian Inst. Tech., Kanpur), ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Prasant Samantray (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore). Submitted ​ ​ ​ Title: Phases of Global AdS Black Holes ​ ​ Authors: Pallab Basu, Chethan Krishnan, P. N. Bala Subramanian (Bangalore, Indian ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Inst. Sci.). Publication: JHEP 1606 (2016) 139 ​ ​ ​ Title: AdS (In)stability: Lessons From The Scalar Field ​ Authors: Pallab Basu, Chethan Krishnan, P. N. Bala Subramanian ​ Publication: Phys.Lett. B746 (2015) 261-265 ​ Title: Epsilon-expansions near three dimensions from conformal field theory ​ Authors: Pallab Basu, Chethan Krishnan ​ Publication: JHEP 1511 (2015) 040 ​ Title: Holographic quantum phase transitions and interacting bulk scalars ​ Authors: P. Chaturvedi and P. Basu ​ ​ Publication: Phys. Lett. B 739, 162 (2014) ​ Title: Quantum Quench and Double Trace Couplings ​ Authors: P. Basu and A. Ghosh ​ ​ ​ Publication: Phys. Rev. D 89, no. 4, 046004 (2014) ​ Title: Dissipative Nonlinear Dynamics in Holography ​ Authors: P. Basu and A. Ghosh ​ ​ ​ Publication: Phys. Lett. B 729, 50 (2014) ​ Title: Confining Backgrounds and Quantum Chaos in Holography ​ Authors: P. Basu, D. Das, S. R. Das and K. Sengupta ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1312, 070 (2013) ​ Title: String theory as a Higher Spin Theory ​ Authors: M.R. Gaberdiel and R. Gopakumar ​ Publication: arXiv: 1512.07237 (hep-th) ​ Title: Stringy Symmetries and the Higher Spin Square ​ Authors: M.R. Gaberdiel and R.Gopakumar ​ ​ Publication: J. Phys.A, 48, no. 18, 185402 (2015) ​ Title: Higher Spins and Strings ​ Authors: M. R. Gaberdiel and R. Gopakumar ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1411, 044 (2014) ​ Title: The Spectrum of Light States in Large N Minimal Models ​ Authors: M. R. Gaberdiel, R. Gopakumar and M. Rangamani ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1401, 116 (2014) ​ Title: Large N=4 Holography ​ Authors: M. R. Gaberdiel and R. Gopakumar ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1309, 036 (2013) ​ Title: Correlators in the Simplest Gauge-String Duality ​ Authors: R. Gopakumar and R. Pius ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1303, 175 (2013) ​ Title: Minimal Model Holography ​ Authors: M. R. Gaberdiel and R. Gopakumar ​ ​ Publication: Invited review for special issue of J. Phys. A J. Phys. A 46, 214002 (2013) ​ Title: Local Operators in the Eternal Black Hole ​ Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas, Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: Phys.Rev.Lett. 115 (2015) no.21, 211601 ​ Title: Comments on the Necessity and Implications of State-Dependence in the Black ​ Hole Interior Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas, Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: Phys. Rev. D ​ Title: Conformal Invariance and the Four Point Scalar Correlator in Slow-Roll Inflation, ​ Authors: Archisman Ghosh, Nilay Kundu, Suvrat Raju, and Sandip Trivedi ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1407 (2014) 011 ​ Title: State-Dependent Bulk-Boundary Maps and Black Hole Complementarity ​ Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas and Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 8, 086010 ​ Title: The Black Hole Interior in AdS/CFT and the Information Paradox ​ Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas and Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 051301 (2014) ​ Title: Multipoint correlators of conformal field theories: implications for quantum critical ​ transport Authors: D. Chowdhury, S. Raju, S. Sachdev, A. Singh and P. Strack ​ ​ ​ Publication: Phys.Rev. B, 87, 085138 (2013) ​ Title: The unreasonable effectiveness of exponentially suppressed corrections in ​ preserving information Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas and Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: Int.J.Mod.Phys., 1342030 (2013) ​ Title: CMB from CFT ​ Authors: Ishan Mata, Suvrat Raju and Sandip Trivedi ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP, 1307, 015 (2013) ​ Title: An Infalling Observer in AdS/CFT ​ Authors: Kyriakos Papadodimas and Suvrat Raju ​ ​ Publication: JHEP, (2013) 212 ​ Title: Unitarity, Crossing Symmetry and Duality of the S-matrix in large N ​ Chern-Simons theories with fundamental matter Authors: Sachin Jain, Mangesh Mandlik , Shiraz Minwalla, Tomohisa Takimi, Spenta ​ ​ ​ ​ R. Wadia, Shuichi Yokoyama ​ Publication: JHEP 1504 (2015) 129 ​ Title: Phases of large N Vector Chern-Simons Theories on S2 X S1 ​ Authors: S. Jain, S. Minwalla, T. Sharma, T. Takimi, S. R. Wadia and S. Yokoyama ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 1309, 009 (2013) ​ Title: Exploring Perturbative Conformal Field Theory in Mellin space, ​ Authors: Amin Ahmad Nizami, A. Rudra, S. Sarkar and M. Verma ​ Publication: arXiv: hep-th/1607.07334 (to appear in JHEP) ​ Title: Epsilon expansion in the Gross-Neveu Model from Conformal Field Theory ​ Authors: Amin Ahmad Nizami, S.Ghosh, R.Gupta and K. Jaswin ​ Publication: JHEP 03(2016)174 ​ Title: Superspace formulation and correlation functions of 3d superconformal field ​ theories Authors: Amin Ahmad Nizami, T. Sharma and V. Umesh ​ ​ ​ Publication: JHEP 07(2014)022 ​ Title: On Brane Back-Reaction and de Sitter Solutions in Higher-Dimensional ​ Supergravity Authors: Amin Ahmad Nizami, C.P. Burgess, A. Maharana, L. Van Nierop, F. ​ Quevedo Publication: JHEP 04(2012)018 ​ Title: A Euclidean Lattice Formulation of D=5 Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory Author: Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 06 (2016) 030 ​ Title: Continuum limit of the leading order HQET form factor in Bs → K`ν decays ​ Authors: Felix Bahr, Debasish Banerjee, Fabio Bernardoni, Anosh Joseph, Mateusz ​ Koren, Hubert Simma and Rainer Sommer Publication: Physics Letters B757 (2016) 473-479 ​ Title: Review of Lattice Supersymmetry and Gauge-Gravity Duality ​ Author: Anosh Joseph Publication: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30, no. 27, 1530054 (2015) ​ Title: Iso-vector and Iso-scalar Tensor Charges of the Nucleon from Lattice QCD ​ Authors: Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Vincenzo Cirigliano, Saul D Cohen, Rajan Gupta, Anosh Joseph, HueyWen Lin and Boram Yoon ​ Publication: Physical Review D 92, 094511 (2015) ​ Title: Two-dimensional N = (2, 2) Lattice Gauge Theories with Matter in Higher Representations Author: Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 07 (2014) 067 ​ Title: Nucleon Charges and Electromagnetic Form Factors from 2+1+1-Flavor Lattice QCD Authors: Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Saul D Cohen, Rajan Gupta, Anosh Joseph, Huey-Wen ​ Lin and Boram Yoon Publication: Physical Review D 89, 094502 (2014) ​ Title: Supersymmetric Quiver Gauge Theories on the Lattice ​ Author: Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 01 (2014) 093 ​ Title: Lattice Formulation of Three-dimensional N = 4 Gauge Theory with Fundamental Matter Fields Author: Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 09 (2013) 046 ​ Title: Twisted Supersymmetries in Lattice N = 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory ​ Authors: Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt and Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 10 (2013) 166 ​ Title: On the Sign Problem in 2D Lattice Super Yang–Mills ​ Authors: Simon Catterall, Richard Galvez, Anosh Joseph and Dhagash Mehta ​ ​ ​ Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 1201 (2012) 108 ​ Title: Supersymmetric Yang–Mills Theories with Exact Supersymmetry on the Lattice ​ Authors: Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: International Journal of Modern Physics A 26, 5057 (2011) ​ Title: An Object Oriented Code for Simulating Supersymmetric Yang–Mills Theories ​ Authors: Simon Catterall and Anosh Joseph ​ ​ Publication: Computer Physics Communications 183, 1336 (2012) ​ Title: Perturbative Renormalization of Lattice N = 4 Super Yang–Mills Theory ​ Authors: Simon Catterall, Eric Dzienkowski, Joel Giedt, Anosh Joseph and Robert ​ ​ Wells Publication: Journal of High Energy Physics 1104 (2011) 074 ​ Title: Bi-Local Holography in the SYK Model ​ Authors: A. Jevicki, K. Suzuki and J. Yoon ​ ​ Publication: Submitted to JHEP (2016) arXiv:1603.06246 [hep-th]

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