-«..».••».• HAPPY A ' NEW YEAR HAPPY TO ALL. , '. NEW YEAR THE WESTFIELD LEADER ALL ' THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY •-*-#—#—1 THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR—NO. 17 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30 1025 16 Page*—S Cent* C. C. HOME ENTER- CHOIRS SING AT FATHERS AND SONS SALARIES OF OFFICIALS TAINED BY MARRIONETTS TWO CHILDREN SAVED ROTARIANS HEAR I NETHERWOOD TONIGHT GETTOGETHER DR. PATTERSON Edith Flack Ackley, of New York, FROM DROWNING TO BE RAISED Matmder's beautiful cantata "Beth- The "Father and Son" banquet The Rotary Club of Westfield, held visited the Children's Country Home Young Girl's Prompt Action h'hem" which was so delightfully sung which was held in the Parish House its weekly luncheon at the Westfield Tuesday afternoon, Oeeember 2'), in- I to a very appreciative congregation of the Congregations! church, last Hotel, yesterday and in the absence Building Inspector, Tax Collector, Town Clerk troducing her delightful inurrixn- Averts Tragedy at Min- j last .Sunday night at the Methodist night, wus well attended. One hun- of the president George Prutchey, Dr, ettes to the children. J Kpiscopa! church, will be given again dred Fathers and SOUB were pres- Leland Davis was in charge of the to Be Benefited by Ordinance-Council dowaskin Park tonight at the Nethcrwond Reformed ent. During the dinner community meeting. He announced that during Her clever little doll clown danced churcchurchh , Lcland avenue nnd Third singing led by Charles F. Goodrich the month of December, there had with as much agility and abandon as Lust Thursday afternoon Stanley street, Fluinfield. The singers wilt waa part of the program. The young been three 100 percent meetings, Re-Organizes Friday at the Woman's Club on Monday and Hill, aged 5 and Elizabeth Hill, aged in-be thi iif e I'oifioiuetcombinedi 4UUquartet1 tei.ss oi f uithe oladies of th« Christian Kndeavor Herbert I!. Welch, chairman of the a tiny fairy was the leading doll it, were saved from drowning by the MethodiyMethodist and Baptist churches aass- served at the tables. program committee, introduced Dr, character in a fairy play, A ranr- prompt action of Miss Julia Foster, sisted by Mr, Charles Brown of St Holman Westerberg responded to 1'ntteruon, President of the Lions MAYOR TO DELIVER HIS ANNUAL MESSAGE rionette elephant who got his trunk The children are the son and daugh- Paul's ICpiBcopal church, George J, the toast, "Our Fathers", in an able Club of WeBtfleld, who gave an in- in exactly the way Kipling narrates ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Hi Keevil, organist and direetur of the manner and Dr. A. W. Taylor an- teresting talk on co-operation be» amused the children with several of 641 Maple street. Methodist choir will conduct the swered with a toast, "To Our Sons" tween tho two bodies, along eivlc At the meeting of the Town Coun- The application of A. D. Marenghi original stunts. The children were playing in Min- cantata nnd play the organ a>.v<-m- in a like manner. lines. (Seorgo Rush, of tho Cranforit cil held last Monday night, an ordin- and William L. Reilly to place signs After the performance Mrs, Ack- dflwaskin Park nnd seeing the htk« panimenl. Thomas M, Jones, After the, dinner, the party ad- Rotary Cluh was a guest. ance to increase the salaries of build- in front of their store, was denied, ley permitted the doll clown to walk frozen over decided to walk nut on 1st and director of the Uaplist choir journed up-gtaira, and were enter- ing inspector, tax collector and town The application of Albert Somerset about, shake hands, climb the chil- the it a. They reached it point soi will play the hymns mid several or- tained by Mr. McNichola, « sleight- elerk was introduced on first reading for renewal of his billiard and pool dren's laps much to their delight, al- distance from tho shore nnd the ic,>, Ran numherfl. The Netherwood of-hand performer, from New York 2ND INTERCQLLEGIATE end a hearing set for Monday even- parlor on West Broad street was re though a few were a little afraid of unable to bear their weight, gave chiirvh is a new building recently City. ing, January 11. The proposed in- ceived and was referred to the po- way nnd Stanley fell in. His sister HOP DRAWS MANY his uncunny liveliness. dei d icated and a modern F.stoy orgun 'feases in salaries will give Building lice and license committee. attempted to help him lint Ihe ice installed there. There will be ne. Inspector Frank Moffett, $2500 a A petition signed by several resi- As an expression of their uppreda- gave way beneath her nnd nhe loo inih-^ion charged at this service and RAHWAY DEFEATS Tht> second intercollegiate hop year; Tax Collector Addison H. dents of First street was received t'on the children cheered Mrs. Ackley was immersed in the chilly waters of general invitation is extended to given by the Intercollegiate Hop As- Clark, $2600 and Town Clerk Charles and referred to the committee on thanking her for such a unique con- the lake. LOCAL "Y" FIVE sociation of Wcstflold Monday night tribution to their happiness. frii'iulB of the Westfield inuRiei- ut the Tennis Cluo drew a large Clark $1300, an increase of several loads. The petition requested that Miss Foster wns passim? about this. M to attend. In a brilliant game of basketball throng. (iuc»ti< from Westfleld and hundred dollars over present sala- improvements be made from Osborne timo and the children's cry directed surrounding towns attended, and en- ries. Many people feel these officers ' avenue to Florence avenue. The PRESBYTERIAN her attention to the spot. Without CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS Saturday night, the local "Y" big joyed the excellent dancing. are deserving this increase as their | signers of the petition stated that hi Minting, she threw off her heavy (he's winning streak was broken by This annual dunce ia becoming a jiresent pay appears inadequate, tney were willing to bear all of the CHURCH ACTIVITIES cont and waded nut to where the chil- PERVADE TOWN the fust llnhway "Y" Seniors. The feature of tho holiday seasons and ia Upon recommendation of Council- expense of the improvement. Resi- dren wore stru»r)!rliiij< in tl.e water. game was featured by excellent PIIKK- h oked forward lo by those who coma man Charles H. VanDoren of the dents of Upper Prospect street again Rev. Dr. William K. MeKinnoy She Bonn had the children on shore T\v lurge groups of members of work ami shooting by both teams. home from schools and colleges as ftmnce committee, the salaries of the appeared before the council rela- preached on the subject "Keep Your- and bailed Miss Maxine Met I Inch, of well as tlume in town. Mayor nnd the Counc'lmen were or- tive to having that portion of Pros- self in the Love of God" at lust Sun- •ill Mountain avenue, who was driv- ihe Congregational and Methodist The early lend piled up by Railway dered paid. These salaries amount pect street and Overhill street im- day morning's service in the Presby- ing through the park. The children (huiiheH started out Christmas morn- \vu« t<«i much for the Westlield live to S>1 each. proved. Councilman E. S F. Ran-terian church. At the evening ser- very rushed homeward anil Miss h'os ing and greeted the day with Chvist- to overcome. The local team was THE USE OF OIL The ordinance to lay out a street dolph stated that the matter was un- vice he spoke on the topic "Outlier ter also was taken home. uui.- taruls. Wherever they went, bewildered by the fast playing of the, dcr AS A FUEL be known as Ludlow Place which'. consideration and that he with i'P the Fragments." The quick thinking of the young they were received with the Christ- Kalnvay team, but in the second half Town The High School Christian Emleav- girl averted a tragedy which must Ins been before the council for norm.- Engineer Blair and Executive mas spirit and the air resoundedfound themselves outscored by Hall- iMany people who hava already in- time was laid over until the meeting !Offic<-'r A"drew Carney of the .Board '•i' Society of the Presbyterian Church hi.ve occurred had no one been near. way. Scoff with 14 points led the of n alth wt re m to make an v-ith their music. They continued Htnllnd nil-burners as a medium of o,i January 11th. The ordinance to| ? > e° « i«- discussed the topic "Huve I Made Miss Foster is the daughter of Air attack for Railway, while West wan heating their honu'n, n» well as thom ranstract a water course on Hyslin speetion of the thoroughfare and see Goad This Year?" at their service nnd Mrs. Frederick 1,. Foster, of 177 until day had fully risen. what could be done the outstanding light of thu West- who are contemplating the advisabU" avenue was passed on second an'i ' last Sunday night. Harri-wn avenue. She is n member Kwrgrnen trees were illuminated Hy of placins; such an apparatus to The Town Treasurer Harry J. Gil- The Senior Christiim Kndcuvor f the senior dims of Ihe High on sev'end lawns and when the lights (leld team. Chattin's defensivo wort final reading 83 were the ordinances chool HIIII since she entered she has was a great asset in the necond hnlf. overcome tho shortage of other fuel relative to the appointing of an as more reported a balance on hand of Soeioty'u topic was "Press On." The were t.iirned on presented a bcuutiful may bo interested in tho following $00,006.53 and the report of Tax Junior Society mqt at the parish taken a leading part in athletics.
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