THURSDAY TODAY DECEMBER 2, 1999 Although the average 97th Year • Number 54 age of marriage In the United States has been steadily increasing in recent years, one in 13 TCU High 69 students is married Low 55 during his or her time at the university. Cloudy Page 4 Fort Worth, Texas Serving Texas Christian University since 1902 www.skiff.tcu.edu Search ends as Ferrari appoints new VC By Lorl Eshelman University of Minnesota, STAFF REPORTER Carleton College treasurer to fill chief financial officer position Campbell worked as ■ general Carol N. Campbell, vice pres- practice manager at Coopers and ident and treasurer of Carleton Ronald Clinkscale in late He said Campbell has the skills ward to working with Ferrari and growth in Carleton's endowment Lybrand. a McLean. Va.-based College in Northfield, Minn., February or early March and will from the accounting and manage- the rest of the TCU community, as from $175 million to $550 mil- company specializing in financial has been appointed vice chan- also serve as treasurer of TCU. ment perspective as well as excel- well as the Commission on the lion, Ferrari said. advising and consulting. cellor for finance and business Clinkscale has been serving as lent communication and personal Future of TCU. Campbell has also been Campbell then worked at the at TCU. interim chief financial officer skills. "I am anxious to play as much involved with several national University of Minnesota for six Chancellor Michael R. Ferrari since the position was vacated by "She brings experience from of a role as 1 can in furthering the organizations and served as chair- years where she served in various announced Campbell's appoint- James McGowan in June 1999. both a major public institution as planning effort at TCU." she said. woman of the board of directors of positions, including treasurer and ment Wednesday after a six- "Our goal was to attract the top well as ■ small, leading private Campbell has served as the National Association of acting senior v ice president for month-long search process which chief financial officer in the coun- institution." he said. "That will be Carleton's vice president for the College and University Business finance and operations. included 109 nominees and appli- try to come to TCU, and invaluable in the development of past 10 years, where she complet- Officers. cants. (Campbell) was an outstanding fit TCU's future." ed over $60 million in construc- After earning a bachelor's Lori Eshelman Campbell will take over for for TCU." Ferrari said. Campbell said she looks for- tion and renovation and oversaw degree in business from the leeshelmanQ delta is.tt u edit Pulse Holiday cheer BRIEFS Students shocked COLLEGES Former Rutgers players sue school for stripping incident at violent drama NEW BRUNSWICK. N.J. (U-WIRE) — Two former Rutgers basketball players and a student manager were not of Seattle protests only stripped of their clothes but also their dignity, a lawsuit filed Tuesday charges. Some say clash between police and The lawsuit stems from a December 1997 incident where demonstrators disturbing, surprising men's basketball head coach Kevin Bannon ordered them to By Steven Baker tal concerns and worker's rights. strip nude and run sprints after STAFF REPORTER Sara Steen. a sophomore reli- participating in a free throw Separated from the protests in gion and social work major from shooting contest. their hometown of Seattle, sonic Seattle, said she learned ol the Bannon reportedly had team TCU students have mixed feelings protests from communicating over members remove articles of about the violent results of those the Internet with a student from clothing for each free throw events. the University of Washington. they missed. Miranda Moore, a sophomore "He was telling me about tear Lawyers for former players international communications gas It was real!) surprising to sec Earl Johnson and Josh Sankes major, said it does not surprise her such a scene." she said "The and (tanner student manager that people are protesting there. Seattle police force does not have Juan Pla. filed a complaint in "There are a lot of left-wing enough experience because noth Superior Court claiming the groups that protest on the street in ing like this ever really happens in strip free throw event was a Seattle every year." she said. Seattle.'' violation of the students' civil "What was surprising were the About 200 members of the rights. violent things going on. We don't National Guard and 300 state Sankes transferred to Holy even have shootings in Seattle. 1 troopers, sent bv Washington Oov. Cross College in Worcester, have seen more violence in Fort Ciaiv Locke, aided Seattle police Mass. after the 1997 season, Worth with the Wedgwood thins; Tuesday in thwarting the violent and Johnson left for Iona and TCU rapists than ever hap- protesters with tear gas and pep College in New Rochelle. N.Y. pened to me while I was in per spray Sixty eight people were last year. Seattle." arrested Tuesday, and (its more The lawsuit names the About 40.000 people crowded were taken away from the scene University. President Francis L. the downtown-business district of Wednesday in transit buses. Lawrence, the Board of Seattle Tuesday to protest the Moore said the mas or could Governors, the Board of meeting of members from the have handled the situation in a Trustees. Bannon. assistant World Trade Organization. About less violent was coach Tod Kowalcyzk. athletic 5.000 of those protesters became "I know people were prett) vio director Robert Mulcuhy and violent against police and even lent, but they waj the) dealt with his predecessor Fred Gruninger began breaking windows and loot- it. with teat gas and stuff, was as defendants. ing stores such as Nordstroms and something that sou would see m The University had not been Starbucks Coffee shop. Israel or in a Third World coun- served with any legal papers as The upset protesters accuse the try," she said. of yesterday. PHOTO EDITOR 135-nation member WTO of U.S. Secretary of State- — Daily Targum Heather Zak, a freshman premajor, and Zach Klemo, a sophomore speech communication major, join favoring the needs of multination- Rutgers University many others during the Holiday Tree Lighting in front of Sadler Hall Wednesday night. al corporations over environmen- See PROTESTS, Page 6 Final effects of genetically engineered food still unclear LOS ANGELES (U-WIRE) — Genetic engineering in agri- Youngblood marches on as interim director culture is seen as positive for humanity by some, and either By Alan Melson the marching band since he arrived at Brewer High School in White tor with the TCU drumline once a the band, as well as a willingness to potentially harmful or intrinsi- STAFF REPORTER the beginning of this school year. Settlement, north of Fort Worth, week during football season. He said work with the students." Dale said. cally wrong by others. As a small child. Brian Youngblood Youngblood said he has had a lot of where be served for two years as returning to the college level full time- "He really shows enthusiasm for his Charles Bennett, professor would put on a record of old fun working with the band. director of bands. Before that, he has been a pleasant experience alter job in what he docs, and I think that emeritus of geography at Southwest Conference fight songs "It's really been a good time." he served as associate director of bands working with high school students lor fillers down to the students" UCLA, said people lack infor- and march around the room with his said. "I anticipated a bit of "Who are at Hurst I..D. Bell High School for 10 12 years. Kenneth Raessler. directot ol the mation on the subject. sister's baton, pretending be was a you, coming in and messing with our years. His marching band at Bell won "It's a much higher level of maturi- TCU School of Music, said "A lot of controversy arises drum major leading the band. More stuff,' but there really hasn't been that numerous awards, and the school's ty and ability." he said. Youngblixxl fosters a sense of spirit in on the unfortunate fact that than 30 years later. Youngblood is still at all. The band's been willing to try drumline became nationally known Band members said they appicci the band. people are not sophisticated leading the band, and he says he's whatever craziness I've dished out. for its high-energy performances. ate Youngblood's energetic approach. "His show designs are excellent enough with biology." Bennett having a great time doing it. and I've been very satisfied with their Youngblood is no stranger to TCU. Geoff Dale, president ol Kappa and have drawn a great crowd said. Youngblood. new interim associate work effort and their product on the however. Hq composed drum parts Kappa Psi, the band service fraternity, response at the football games." he The biolech firm Monsanto director of bands at TCU, has field." for the TCU band-from 19X8-1990. said Youngblood has been an asset lo said Tve received many positive- defines genetic modification as received praise from university offi- Youngblood. who grew up playing during his first few years at I..D. Bell. the marching band "a technique where individual cials and students for his work with percussion, came to TCU from and he worked as an assistant instruc- "He has brought a lot of energy to See DIRECTOR, Page 5 genes can be copied and trans- ferred to another living organ- ism to alter its genetic make-up and thus incorporate or delete specific characteristics into or LOOKING BACK from the organism." Some companies such as Kennedy assassination, 1960s political turbulence shakes campus and spurs debate Monsanto argue that the new years of campus technology leading to super- From mono to hangovers sity.
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