בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America RavOne Ben time Tzion R’ SegalAbba Shaulneeded was to thego Rosh Yeshiva As they approached their assignedRabbeinu! seats... in Yeshivatto Gateshead Porat withYosef his in son. Yerushalayim. One Someone accidentally afternoon Rav Mutzafi approached him with an padlocked the kitchen door emergency while he was learning. Tatty, but that’s I can’t learn Pesach,with please all the food for tonight’s PIRCHEI Two Adult 2nd cost so much more… hmm that small with this let’s movemeal. to How are we going to class tickets especially for 2 Agudas Yisroel of America boy easily could noise. the first classfeed our 120 hungry Vol: 6 Issue: 18 - י"א אדר א', תשע"ט - please. pass as a child… compartment. Bachurimadults!? February 9, 2019 פרשה: תצוה הפטרה: אתה בן אדם... )יחזקאל מג:י-כז( !!! eyi purho prhhkfi t canjv!!! nrcho tsr nabfbx tsr דף יומי: חולין פ״א מצות עשה: 4 מצות לא תעשה: 3 TorahThoughts was during this time, but מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה There are differing opinions as to where) וְעָשִׂ יתָבִׂגְדֵ יקֹדֶ ׁש לְאַ הֲרֹן ... לְכָבֹודּולְתִׂ פְאָרֶ ת)ׁשְ מֹות כח:ב(. Immediately Rabbi Abba Shaul took all The trainMoshe, attendant Chaim, Don inexplicably and Yosef! did You It is worthwhile to your , אַ הֲ ֹר ן the money he had out of his pocket. allnot can show share up into the collect privilege tickets. of a special And you shall make garments of sanctity for spend extra money for he certainly was not in Egypt.) mitzvah. Please take this money and buy hours of undisturbed brother, for honor and for splendor. Who had been the leader of the Jewish people during these K’vod Harav, pitas, falafel and tomatoes for about 120 therefore felt that if he מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה . אַ הֲ ֹר ן ,s older brother’ מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה ?hard times , ןכֹהֵ גָדֹול the , אַ הֲ ֹר ן learning! One of the eight special garments that Please send a few This is a very bachurim. Please do not tarry. This needs would be made into a אַ הֲ ֹר ן the Breastplate, which was worn on his would take over that position and , חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט Bachurim to buy some Please let’s go wore was the special supper... to be preparedimmediately immediately. to the would be greatly pained. Thus, he refused to אַ הֲ ֹר ן ”,spokesman“ ? חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט have to wear the אַ הֲ ֹר ן merit, did , זְ כ ּו ת pitas, falafel and all right. chest. What tomatoes. station attendant and .teaches us that the reason that accept the position (ׁשְ מֹות ד:יד on) מִׂדְ רָ ׁש רַ ָ ב ה explain our dilemma! The that there was nothing to fear. Not only מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה told ד׳ ,was due to his exceptionally Finally חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט merited wearing the אַ הֲ ֹר ן but he would truly rejoice in his , מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה not be jealous of אַ הֲ ֹר ן would בְשְכַר'וְרָאֲָך וְשָמַח בְלִׂבֹו' זֹוכֶה “ ,states (ׁשַ בָת קל״ט.) גְ מָ רָ א The . מִׂ ד ֹו ת fine s appointment, even though it was coming at his’ מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה heart at ( מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה) will see you ( אַ הֲ ֹר ן) of ‘and he זְ כ ּו ת In the — לְחֹוׁשֶ ן הַמִׂשְ פָט עַללִׂבֹו is worthy of carrying the , גְ מָ רָ א was expense. Such a good heart, says the אַ הֲ ֹר ן ’(ׁשְ מֹות ד׳:י״ד) (and will rejoice in his heart (at your success . חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט ”.on his heart חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט worthy of wearing the can , אַ הֲ תבַ יִׂ שְ רָ אֵ ל who was filled with true , אַ הֲ ֹר ן A person like כְ לַ ל to become the leader of מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה chose ד׳ At the time when s’ד׳ and beg יֹום כִׂ פּור on קֹ דֶ ׁשהַ קֳ דָ ׁשִׂ י ם repeatedly refused to be the one to go into the מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה ,and take them out of their slavery ִׂי שְ רָ אֵ ל מִׂ ׁשְ ֵ ל י says in ׁשְ מ ֹל ֹ ההַ מֶ לֶ ְך accept the mission for seven days. Although he gave various reasons forgiveness for an entire nation. This is what But love covers all offenses." Such a — וְעַ לכָ לפְ ׁשָ עִׂ ים תְ כַ סֶ ה אַ הֲ בָ ה" ,(י:יב) s overriding’ מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה knew that ד׳ ,for his reluctance to accept his mission concern was that he felt he would cause great distress to his brother, heart has no room for jealousy, and thus no room for hatred. It is pure . חֹו ׁשֶ ן הַ מִׂ ׁשְ ָפ ט enough to wear the . אַ הֲ ֹר ן R’ Segal appraised the station attendant R’ Segal was not satisfied and found are not only גְדֹולֵי יִשְרָאֵ ל had been away from Egypt for forty years and he was Throughout the generations, our מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה By the time Rav Mutzafi returned... When the food was ready, Rabbi Abba Shaul of his change accommodation. had seen a major increase in the כְ לַ ל יִׂשְ רָ אֵ ל .thepersonally station masterhanded andeach paid talmid him. his food. far away from the people ! מִ ד ֹו ת knowledge, but also for their beautiful ּת ֹו רָ ה I wanted remembered for their did in order to hasten the ד׳ Rabbeinu! I can’t to have a share in intensity of the slave labor (which Rabbi, Labriut! (Adapted from The Pleasant Way (with kind permission from Rabbi Sholom Smith .גְ אּולָה believe my eyes! preparing and serving the Rabbi, I am astounded… redemption) during these years, the last period before the really??… The trip ul’hachzakat torahtecha! food that will give our sonny, One day I want you ended! there is no - Eat in good health! may talmidim the strength to to also become such a need to pay…just this strengthen your torah learn well! great rabbi who is onelearning! in a forget it! million! of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses related part of a זַ צַ ״ ל R' Shimon Schwab The . ָח ֵפץ ַח ִּיים in conversation he had with the חַ ָנ ה and ר׳ יְהוּדָ ה born to , זַ צַ ״ ל Schwab ר ׳ שִׁ מְ ע וֹ ן י"ד אדר א׳ 5669 — 5755 Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, learned at Telz and Mir מָ שִּ י חַ when , כ ֺּ הֵ ן said to him, “As a ָח ֵפץ ַח ִּיים 1995 — 1908 in Darmstadt. He married Recha דַ ָי ן before becoming comes I will have the opportunity to serve ,in the district of Ichenhausen רָ ב Froehlich in 1931. In 1933, he became the Do you know why I am . י בֵ ת הַ מִּ קְ דָ ש The Rebbi’s love for Torah and his sensitivity in the in רָ ב Bavaria. Escaping Nazi Germany in 1936, R' Schwab served as Simply because my Zaide ? כ ֺּ הֵ ן towards others are just some of the eternal a messages we must apply to our daily lives. Baltimore, and founded the Bais Yaakov School for Girls of Baltimore. In after מִּ י לַד׳ אֵ לַי s call of’ מ ֺּ שֶׁ ה responded to ,קְהַ ל עַדַ ת יְשוּרוּן of רָ ב serving as , זַ צַ ״ ל he joined R' Joseph Breuer ,1958 In that merit, all his future .עֵ גֶׁ ל the sin of the מַ עְ ָ י ן ,A prolific writer, his magnum opus . פְ טִׁ י רָ ה where he served until his R' Schwab then ”.כֺּ הֲ נִּ ים as ד׳ Rav Schwab on Prayer edited generations serve) עִׁ י וּ ן תְ פִׁ לָ ה ,Selected Writings ,בֵּ ית הַ שוֹאֵּ בָ ה Ih his youth, his .רוֹיזָא and ר ׳ מ ֹ שֶׁ ה יִׁ צְ חָ ק was born to , ר ֹא שׁ י ְ שִׁׁ י בָ ה the Manchester ,ר׳ יְהוּדָה זְאֵב סֶגַל זַצַ״ל father was his primary teacher. In 1930, he went to learn in for three years under his eldest son), and more reflect his original ,ר׳ מֺשֶׁ ה posthumously by ר׳ אֶ לִׁ יעֶ זֶ ר Abba Shaul, immigrants יְ י שִׁׁ ב תַ Benaya מִׁ י רto Eliyahu and ירושלים Chacham Ben Zion was born in מִּ י לַד׳ noted, “In every generation, there is a call of ר׳ יְחֶזְקֵ אל of תַ לְ מִׁ י ד מֻ בְ הָ ק and was a ר׳ ַח ִׁיים ְשׁמוּ ֵא ְל ִׁביץ ַז ַצ״ל with בְ חַ בְ ר וּ תָ א where he learned יְ ההוּדָ פִׁ ינְ קֶ ל זַ צַ ״ל .and historical genius הַ שְ קָ ָפ ה from Iran. Until the age of 11 he was taught by his father, who then sent him to thinking, practical ”!Bend your ear and listen to that call . אֵ לַ י ZionR' Avraham later Tzvi became Kamai ,ר׳ אֶ Ben לִׁיעֶזֶר היְהוּדָ Chacham פִׁ ינְקֶ ל .from Tzadka סְמִׁיכָהhad under received R’ Yehuda ר׳ יְהוּדָ learnedה זְאֵ ב By. 1933,He first . לֵ וִׁ י נְ שׁ ט ײַ ן זַ צַ ״ ל and R' Shimon Shkop . He married , the daughter of Cohen (a ,( ישיבתthe city’s)פורת יוסף the ר׳ שְׁ ֹלמֹ ,Hadassahה זַ לְ מַ ןIn 1948, he married יוֹכֶבֶ ד.Ezra Attiya זַ צַ ״ לthe , Chacham רָ בof זַ צַ ״ לa Ponovezher ) invited to join the) ראש ישיבה,in 1934.
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