ACADEMIE POLONAISE DES SCIENCES INSTITUT DE PALEOZOOLOGIE PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA - No. 35, 1976 TABULATA AND CHAETETIDA FROlVI THE DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS OF SOUTHERN POLAND (TABULATA I CHAETETIDA Z DEWONU I KARBONU POLUDNIOWEJ POLSKI) BY ALEKSANDER NOWINSKI (WITH 21 TEXT-FIGURES AND 27 PLATES) WARSZAWA- KRAK6w 1976 PANSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE \ REDAKTOR - REDACfEUR ZOFIA KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA Czlonek rzeczywisty Polskiej Akademii Nauk Membre de l'Academie Polon aise des Sciences ZASTIlPC~ REDAKTORA - REDACTEUR SUPPLEANT J 6ZEF KAZMIERCZAK Adres Redakcji - Adresse de la Redaction Inst itut de Paleozoologie de I'Acadernle Polon aise des Sciences 02-089 Warszawa, AI. Zwirk i i Wigury 93 Copyright by Paristwowe Wydawn ictwo Naukowe 1976 Printed in Poland Pailstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe - Warszawa Naklad 600+90 egz. Ark. wyd. 16,5. Arkuszy druk. 8 + 29 wkIadek. Papier rotogr, kt. III 61 x 80 120 g. Oddano do skIadania w styczniu 1976r, Podp. do druku w pazdzierniku 1976 r, Druk ukoilcrono w listopadzie 1976 r, Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Jagiellonsklego w Krakowie Zam . 172/76 CONTENTS Abstract .. .. 7 Introduction. ... 7 Acknowledgements . 8 Abbreviations 9 GENERAL PART Geological and geographical setting of the coral-bearing strata II The Cracow-Silesian Upland II Devonian . II Carboniferous. ...... 14 The Holy Cross Mountains . 16 Tabulata assemblages and accompanying fauna 19 Devonian . 19 Carboniferous. .... .. ....... 21 Stratigraphic significance of the Tabulata and Chaetetida . 23 Comparison with Tabulata assemblages from other areas . 24 Blastogeny ..... .. .... 26 General remarks. ..... 26 Examples of asexual reproduction 31 SYSTEMATIC PART Tabulata . 41 Order Favositida SoKOLOV, 1962 . 41 Suborder Favositina SoKOLOV, 1950 41 Family Favositidae DANA, 1846 . 41 Subfamily Emmonsiinae LECOMPTE, 1952 . 41 Genus Squameofavasites TCHERNYCHEV, 1941 41 Squameofavosites megasquamatus sp, n. 42 Subgenus Dlctyofavosites TCHERNYCHEV, 1951 . 43 Squameofavosites (Dictyofavosites) pachyfavositoides sp. n. 44 Genus Emmonsia MILNE-EowARos & HAIME, 1851 45 Emmonsia czarnieckii sp. n.. ... 46 Family Michelinidae WAAGEN & WENTZEL, 1886 . 47 Subfamily Micheliniinae WAAGEN & WENTZEL, 1886 47 Genus Michelinia de KONlNCK, 1841 47 Michelinia tenuisepta (pmLLIPs, 1836) 48 Michelinia aseptata sp. n. ..... 49 Family Palaeacidae POCTA, 1902 50 Genus Palaeacis MILNE-EoWAROS & HAIME, 1857 50 Palaeacis orlei sp. n. .. 51 Suborder Thamnoporina SoKOLOV, 1950 53 Family Pachyporidae GERm, 1921 53 Subfamily Thamnoporinae SoKOLOV, 1950 (HILL, 1954) 53 Genus Thamnopora STEININGER , 1831 53 1° 4 ALEKSANDER NOWINSKI Page Thamnopora boloniensis (GOSSELET, 1877) 53 Thamnopora striatoporoides sp. n. 55 Subfamily Pachyporinae GERTH, 1921 56 Genus Cladopora HALL, 1851 .. 56 Cladopora gracilis (SALEE, 1915) 57 Suborder Alveolitina SOKOLOV, 1950 58 Family Alveolitidae DUNCAN, 1872 . 58 Genus Alveolites LAMARCK, 1801. 58 Alveolites suborbicularis LAMARCK, 1801 59 Alveolites taenioformis SCHLO'rER, 1889 . 59 Genus Alveolite//a SoKOLOV, 1952 . 60 Alveolitella fecunda (SALEE, 1915) 61 Alveolitella ramosa (F. A. ROEMER, 1855) . 61 Alveolitella rarispinosa sp. n. 63 Genus Crassialveolites SOKOLOV, 1955 64 Crassialveolites polonicus sp. n. 65 Genus Caliapora SCHLO'rER, 1889 67 Caliapora battersbyi (MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1851) 68 Family Coenitidae SARDESON, 1896.. 69 Subfamily Coenitinae SARDESON, 1896 . 69 Genus Placocoenites SOKOLOV, 1955 . .. 69 Placocoenites medius (LECOMPTE, 1939) 69 Subfamily Natalophyllinae SOKOLOV, 1950 . 70 Genus Natalophyllum RADUGUIN, 193'8 70 Natalophyllum giveticum RADUGUIN, 1938 71 Natalophyllum dubiensis sp. n. .... 73 Genus Scoliopora LANG, SMITH & THOMAS, 1940 74 Scoliopora denticulata (MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1851) 75 Scoliopora cf. muricata TCHUDINOVA, 1964 76 Genus Tyrganolites TCHERNYCHEV, 1951 . 77 Tyrganolites eugeni TCHERNYCHEV, 1951 77 Tyrganolites frasnianus sp. n. 78 Order Syringoporida SOKOLOV, 1962 .. 79 Family Syringoporidae NICHOLSON, 1879 79 Genus Syringopora GOLDFUSS, 1826 79 Syringopora ramulosa GOLDFUSS, 1826 80 Syringopora reticulata GOLDFUSS, 1826 81 Syringopora geniculata PHILLlPS, 1836 82 Syringopora hyperbolo-tabulata CHI, 1933 . 84 Syringopora lipoensis CHI, 1933 . 85 Syringopora sinusoidea sp. n. 86 Syringopora subgeniculata SoKOLOV, 1947 . 88 Syringopora subreticulata sp. n. 89 Syringopora tenuitheca sp. n. 91 Syringopora pachysiphonata sp. n. 92 Syringopora sp. .. .. 93 Family Multithecoporidae SOKOLOV, 1950. 93 Genus Multithecopora YOH, 1927 93 Multithecopora spinosa sp. n. 94 Multithecopora polonica sp. n. 95 Genus Syringoporella KETTNER, 1934 96 Syringoporella longituba sp. n, 97 Order Auloporidae SOKOLOV, 1962 . .. 98 Family Auloporida MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1851 98 Genus Aulopora GOLDFUSS, 1826 . 98 TABULATA AND CHAETETIDA OF POLAND Page Aulopora sp. 98 Family Moniloporidae GRABAU, 1899 99 Genus Cladochonus Mc COY, 1847 99 Cladochonus sp. 99 Family Spinoporidae SOKOLOV, 1955 . 100 Genus Sinopora SOKOLOV, 1955 100 Sinopora polonica sp, n. 100 Chaetetida . ... ... .. 101 Family Chaetetidae MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1850 . 101 Subfamily Chaetetinae MILNE-EDWARDS & HAIME, 1850 101 Genus Cyclochaetetes SOKOLOV, 1955 101 Cyclochaetetes tuberculosus sp. n. 102 Genus Chaetetella SOKOLOV, 1939 . 103 Chaetetella repens SOKOLOV, 1950 . 103 Chaetetella cellulata SOKOLOV, 1950 104 Subgenus Chaetetiporella SOKOLOV, 1939 105 Chaetetella (Chaetetiporella) heterozoa sp. n. 105 Chaetetella (Chaetetiporella) rotaiformis sp, n. 106 Subfamily Chaetetiporinae SOKOLOV, 1955 107 Genus Chaetetipora STRUVE , 1898 .. 107 Chaetetipora conftuens STRUVE, 1898 107 Bibliography 109 Alphabetical indices .. 119 Index of authors 119 Palaeontological index 122 Plates I-XXVII and their legends ABSTRACT The results of studies on Tabulata and Chaetetida from the Givetian, Frasnian and Visean of the Cracow-Sile­ sian Upland (Cracow Region) and from the Visean of south-western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (Galezice) are presented. Fourty-one species of TabuJata (orders : Favositida, Syringoporida, Auloporida) including eighteen new spe­ cies, and six species of Chaetetida (family Chaetetidae) including three new species are described. Following new species are designated: Squameofavosites megasquamatus sp, n., S. (Dictyofavosites) pachyfavositoides sp. n., Emmonsia czar­ nieckii sp. n., Michelinia aseptata sp, n., Palaeacis orlei sp. n., Thamnopora striatoporoides sp. no, Alveolitella rarispinosa sp, n., Crassialveolites polonicus sp, n., Natalophyllum dubiensis sp. n., Tyrganolites frasnianus sp. no , Syringopora sinu­ soidea sp. no, So subreticulata sp, n., S . tenuitheca sp. no, S. pachysiphonata sp. no , Multithecopora polonica sp. n., M . spi­ nosa sp. n., Syringoporella longituba sp. no,Sinopora polonica sp, n., Cyclochaetetes tuberculosus sp, no, Chaetetella (Chae­ tetiporella) heterozoa sp, n., Ch. (Chaetetiporella) rotaiformis sp, n. It has been stated here that only two types of asexual reproduction occur in Tabulata: (I) intracalicular budding, and (2) longitudinal division. Three variants of intracalicular budding have been studied in details: (a) intravisceral budding realized by wall outgrowths or invaginations in the wall of parent calices, (b) mural budding, and (c) extravisceral budding. The comparison of described Tabulata and Chae­ tetida assemblages with contemporaneous assemblages of Europe and Asia indicates that: (1) the Givetian assemblage of Debnik anticline is mixed and rather poor in species; (2) the Frasnian assemblage of Debnik anticline displays great similarity to West-European tabulate corals, (3) the Visean assemblage from the Holy Cross Mountains (Galezice), except of a few local components, is close to the West-European assemblages. The assemblages of Chaetetida from the Visean of the Holy Cross Mountains (Galezice) have many species Common with East-European assemblages (Moscow Basin). INTRODUCTION The Tabulata from the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous of the Silesian-Cracow Upland have been only little studied. A few species of Tabulata were described or mentioned without illustrations from numerous outcrops of the Debnik anticline by GURICH (1903) and ZAR\jCZNY (1889). Four species of Tabulata have been described by STASINSKA (1973) from the Lower Carboniferous of the Holy Cross Mts. (Dalnia hill near KieIce).In the region of Galezice, the Lower Carboniferous Tabulata and Chaetetida have not been so far described. The present paper has been prepared on the basis of a rich material of relatively well­ preserved colonies, collected by the writer in natural outcrops and artificial exposures of the Silesian-Cracow Upland and the Holy Cross Mts., between 1969 and 1972. The Devonian Ta­ bulata were collected from many Givetian and Frasnian outcrops of the Debnik anticline (the environs of Debnik, Zbik and Paezoltowice in the Cracow Region). The Lower Carbo­ niferous (Visean) assemblages of Tabulata and Chaetetida come from the Carboniferous Limestone outcrops in the western part of the Debnik anticline (including the slopes of the Eliasz6wka stream valley and the Czema and Czatkowice villages), from the Uppermost Culm 8 ALEKSANDER NOWINSKI of the environs of Zalas (the Orlej gorge) and from the Carboniferous Limestone of the western part of the Checiny-Klimontow antic1inorium (Ostrowka and Todowa Grzaba hills in the village Galezice) in the southern part of the Holy Cross Mts. Part of the material from the Carboni­ ferous of Galezice and from the environs of Zalas has been made available to the writer by Dr. S. CZARNIECKI
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