Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 15 (2.642) Vatican City Friday, 10 April 2020 HolyHoly WeekWeek inin aa timetime ofof pandemicpandemic page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 10 April 2020, number 15 The Holy Father appointed Fr Krzysztof Chudzio as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl for Latins, Poland, assign- VAT I C A N ing him the titular episcopal See of Marazanae. Until now he has served The Holy Father appointed Fr Mi- as parish priest of Jasienica Rosielna BULLETIN chael G. McGovern as Bishop of (3 Apr.). Belleville. Until now he has served as episcopal vicar ad interim of Vi- Bishop-elect Chudzio, 56, was AUDIENCES ing the seminary he studied electric- cariate I, vicar forane of the Deneary born in Przemyśl, Poland. He was al studies. He holds a degree in I-C and parish priest of the Saint ordained a priest on 14 June 1988. Saturday, 4 April philosophy and theology. He was or- Raphael the Archangel Parish in dained a priest on 18 December The Holy Father appointed Fr Fran- Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect Old Mill Creek (3 Apr.). 1989. cisco Castro Lalupú as titular Bish- of the Congregation for Bishops Bishop-elect McGovern, 55, was op of Putia in Byzacena and Auxili- Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, The Holy Father accepted the resig- born in Chicago, USA . He holds a ary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Prefect of the Congregation for the nation of Bishop Edward K. Brax- degree in philosophy and in Sacred Trujillo, Peru. Until now he has Evangelization of Peoples ton from his office as Bishop of Bel- Theology. He was ordained a priest leville, USA (3 Apr.). on 21 May 1994. CONTINUED ON PA G E 7 Mr Aloysius John, Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, with Msgr Pierre Ntakobajira Cibambo, ecclesi- astical assistant Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, titu- lar of Cerveteri, Secretary of the Cardinal George Pell acquitted of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. child sex-abuse charges Monday, 6 April The Holy See “has always expressed confidence in the dinal's guilt. The Cardinal was serving a six-year jail Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turk- Australian judicial authority” and today “welcomes the sentence for child abuse, confirming the decision son, Prefect of the Dicastery for Pro- High Court’s unanimous decision concerning Cardinal taken by the Melbourne Court in December 2018. moting Integral Human Develop- George Pell, acquitting him of the accusations of ab- The former Prefect of the Secretariat for the Eco- ment, with his entourage use of minors and overturning his sentence”. A state- nomy — Archbishop of Sydney from 2001 to 2014, and ment released on Tuesday, 7 April, by the Vatican Archbishop of Melbourne from 1996 to 2001 — 78- NEW DIO CESE Press Office, recalls how “entrusting his case to the year-old Cardinal Pell is now free. Early Tuesday af- court’s justice”, Cardinal Pell “has always maintained ternoon, he was driven from Barwon Prison in Victor- The Holy Father raised the Apostol- his innocence, and has waited for the truth to be as- ia to a Carmelite Monastery. ic Vicariate of Kontagora, Nigeria, certained”. Cardinal Pell issued a statement saying that the seri- to a Diocese, with the same denom- At the same time, “the Holy See reaffirms its com- ous injustice he had suffered had been remedied by ication and territorial configuration, mitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse the Court’s findings. “I hold no ill will to my accuser, making it a suffragan of the Metro- against minors”. I do not want my acquittal to add to the hurt and bit- politan See of Kaduna. At the same The seven judges who acquitted Cardinal George terness so many feel; there is certainly hurt and bitter- time the Pope appointed Bishop Pell overturned the Court of Appeal’s sentence issued ness enough” he said. last August. The High Court justices based their de- Bulus Dauwa Yohanna as the first “However my trial was not a referendum on the cision on the fact that the appellate court had failed Bishop of Kontagora. Until now, he Catholic Church; nor a referendum on how Church to take into consideration whether there “remained a has served as Vicar Apostolic of the authorities in Australia dealt with the crime of paedo- reasonable possibility that the offending had not taken said See and titular Bishop of Sce- place”, leaving open “reasonable doubt” as to the Car- philia in the Church” Pell pointed out. Rather, “the batiana (2 Apr.). point was whether I had committed these awful crimes, and I did not”. The statement continued: “The only basis for long term healing is truth and the CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E only basis for justice is truth, because justice means The Holy Father accepted the resig- Rescriptum truth for all”. The Cardinal concluded his statement nation of Archbishop Jabulani by offering his special gratitude to all those who prayed and supported him through this difficult time. Adatus Nxumalo, OMI, from his of- ex audentia Sanctissimi fice as Metropolitan Archbishop of His thoughts also turned to his “entire legal team for Bloemfontein, South Africa (1 Apr.). their unwavering resolve to see justice prevail, to The Holy Father, in an audience granted to His throw light on manufactured obscurity and to reveal The Holy Father appointed Bishop Excellency Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, Substi- the truth”. Zolile Peter Mpambani, S C J, as Met- tute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State, In a statement responding to the High Court’s ropolitan Archbishop of Bloemfon- on 31 March 2020, has decided to extend the judgment, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, President of tein. Until now he has served as deadline and the legal effects of the previous Re- the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, reaf- Bishop of Kokstad, South Africa (1 scriptum ex audientia SS.MI of 18 March 2020, firmed the “C h u rc h ’s unwavering commitment to A p r. ) . containing extraordinary and urgent measures to child safety and to a just and compassionate response counter the epidemiological emergency from to survivors and victims of child sexual abuse”. The Holy Father accepted the resig- Covid-19 and contain its negative effects on the Throughout this whole time, the Holy See has al- nation of Bishop Daniel Thomas course of judicial activity. The deadline, initially set ways acknowledged the decisions of the Australian Turley Murphy, OSA, from his office for 3 April 2020, has been extended to 4 May 2020. as Bishop of Chulucanas, Peru (2 judges, reiterating its respect for Australia’s judicial A p r. ) . The Holy Father has determined that this Re- system in it’s various forms, but awaiting develop- scriptum be promulgated by publication in L’Os- ments in proceedings. It has recalled in various state- The Holy Father appointed Fr Cris- s e r v a t o re Romano, with immediate effect, and sub- ments that the Cardinal always maintained his inno- tóbal Bernardo Mejía Corral as sequently published in the official commentary of cence and that it was his right to appeal to the High Bishop of Chulucanas. Until now he the Ac t a Ap o s t o l i c a e Sedis. Court to defend himself. It has always confirmed it’s has served as parish priest of Cristo closeness to the victims of sexual abuse and it’s com- el Salvador Parish (2 Apr.). From the Vatican, 1 April 2020 mitment to pursue, through the competent ecclesiast- Bishop-elect Mejía Corral, 65, was Cardinal PIETRO PAROLIN ical authorities, those members of the clergy who com- born in Carhuaz, Peru. Before enter- Secretary of State mit such abuse. clergy members who are responsible. ANDREA MONDA TIPO GRAFIA VAT I C A N A EDITRICE Subscription rates: Italy - Vatican: € 58.00; Europe: € 100.00 - US$ 148.00 £ 80.00; Latin America, Africa, L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO L’OS S E R VAT O R E ROMANO Asia: € 110.00 - US$ 160.00 - £ 88.00; Oceania, North America: € 162.00 - £ 130.00. Editor-in-Chief Management Office: phone +390669899480; fax +390669885164; e-mail [email protected]. WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH For India: The weekly English Edition of L'Osservatore Romano is published and distributed in Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Photo Service Giuseppe Fiorentino [email protected] w w w. p h o t o .v a India by Carmel International Publishing House, Cotton Hill, Trivandrum- 695 014, Kerala-India; Assistant Editor phone: +91471327253, fax: +91471328191, 329934; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. For North America: L’Osservatore Romano (USPS 016-419) is published fifty times per year (weekly, except third week in Advertising Agency August and last week in December) by Our Sunday Visitor, L’Osservatore Romano, English Edition, 200 Noll Plaza, Vatican City Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. Editorial office Huntington, IN 46750. 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