Lasting Impressions Senior sweeper Mary Pat Rosenthal leaves her mark on the women's soccer program. See THE CHRONICLE page 15. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 Loss of black faculty members may stymie hiring goal By MARNI ALLEN professional schools. members, said Malkia Lydia, stressed that departments would Despite efforts to bring more Even if each hiring unit president of the Black' Student not hurt themselves by hiring black faculty to the University, achieves the hiring goal, the over­ Alliance. There tends to be a underqualified faculty. the overall number has not in­ all number of black faculty mem­ "knee-jerk reaction" to assume Although three new black pro­ creased significantly due to the bers may not increase by 1993 that blacks were hired as part of fessors have joined the Univer­ loss of other black faculty. because, "while we recruit them, an affirmative action program, sity for the 1991-92 year, the net The Resolution on the Recruit­ we also lose them," said Leonard and this might make black pro­ number of black faculty did not ment of Black Faculty, passed by Beckum, vice president for mi­ fessors uncomfortable, she said. increase because three have left. the Academic Council in 1988, nority affairs. The University does not sacri­ Those that left are Professors outlines the methods each "hir­ Black faculty frequently move fice academic standards when William Gates ofthe English de­ ing unit" within the University to different universities due to a recruiting black faculty, said partment, Anthony Appiah ofthe should utilize to increase the num­ variety of factors, Beckum said. Margaret Bates, vice provost for philosophy department, and ber of blacks on the faculty. The Some leave because they receive academic programs and facilities. Sandra Robinson of the religion resolution requires each unit to better packages from other There are "no artificial additions" department. New this year are increace its black faculty count schools or find more comfortable on the basis of color, she said. Vice President for Student Af­ by at least one by 1993. Hiring environments at other schools, "Why would the University fairs Janet Dickerson, James units are departments and pro­ he said. community fail to trust the integ­ Coleman in the Law School and STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE grams in Arts and Sciences, the This may not be "the warmest rity of colleagues in hiring black Taft Broome of the political sci- School of Medicine and the other environment" for black faculty faculty?" Beckum said. He See FACULTY on page 4 • Leonard Beckum Alliance University dawdles on shuns city entertaining freshmen waste plan Few alternatives to kegs offered By MICHAEL SAUL freshmen, such as a step-show, a By PEGGY KRENDL The Office of Student Affairs Cable 13 game show and an im­ The Durham City Coun­ failed to deliver on its promise provisation night. cil is meeting resistance to this year to provide more enter­ Maureen Cullins, assistant to a proposal to transfer trash taining alternatives to kegs for the vice president of student af­ outside the county instead freshmen. fairs, told The Chronicle in April of building a new landfill. Curbing drinking, especially that hew, exceptional events The People's Alliance, a among freshmen during the first would be implemented this fall in local organization that has few weeks of classes, has been a place of the moratorium. been active in the landfill, goal for student affairs for sev­ Student affairs, however, never debate, opposes the current eral years, but its attempts have organized any such events or ac­ proposal and says that the been unsuccessful. tivities. county should be respon­ •Last April the Alcoholic Bever­ Cullins said that the departure sible for its own waste and ages Regulation Review Commit­ of William Griffith, former vice should increase recycling tee eliminated a two-year-old president for student affairs, was efforts. moratorium on freshmen attend­ the reason for the failure to fulfill The city spent the major­ ing upperclass parties based on the office's goal. ity of last year debating its ineffectiveness. The commit­ Griffith left the University this landfill sites in Durham tee found that freshmen were still summer and Janet Dickerson County, to replace the ex­ drinking despite the ban. filled his position in July. isting landfill scheduled to The moratorium began in 1989 "My sense is that in the transi­ fill up by 1995. in an effort to divert attention tion we didn't have time as an Over the summer, the MARK WASMER/THE CHRONICLE from kegs to other non-alcoholic office to plan those activities," debate shifted to two differ­ activities and to increase a sense Cullins said. ent options, one of which Magic carpet ride of unity within the incoming class. Although no new activities were the city council has voted to Trinity seniors Derek Hess and Anne Dowiing relax while In the wake ofthe moratorium, held, Duke Public Safety has re­ See TRASH on page 4 • wondering where in tarnation they'll hijack all those rugs to. student affairs hoped to offer more ceived only one report of a fresh- alternatives to kegs for this year's See FRESHMEN on page 4 • Academic computing center reorganizes, changes name By MATT STEFFORA Technologies. brary, said Homai McDowell, di­ In the wake of many computer The name change reflects the rector of the Office of Student purchases, the Center for Aca­ organization's goal of providing Affairs computing educational demic Computing has changed better consulting and support center. its name and reorganized in or­ services to all members of the This year, ASSIST will place der to improve its support to the University community, said Jerry students in the clusters in Teer University computing commu­ Campbell, University librarian Building, Central Campus Apart­ nity- and head ofthe computing orga­ ments and the Down Under in ^Ne're reorganizing Academic nization. Gilbert-Addoms dormitory. Computing to make it more re­ "Support services" will include "A lot of students have asked sponsive," said Gail Corrado, as­ the installation and maintenance us to have consultants in other sistant vice provost for academic of equipment, instruction in us­ computer clusters" besides computing. "What we are aiming ing software, and general help Perkins, McDowell said. for is for Duke to have the best with any computer-related prob­ Once the Office of Student Af­ technical support of any univer­ lems, Corrado said. fairs finishes hiring and training sity in three years." ASSIST is also expanding the the consultants, the four clusters To enforce its emphasis on tech­ use of students as consultants in will be manned by one or more nical support, Academic Comput­ student clusters. Last year, an students for 20 to 50 hours a week ing will change its name to the Office of Student Affairs program and longer, seven days a week, Computer ASSIST Center, which McDowell said. had a group of undergraduate STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE stands for Academic Systems Sup­ and graduate students monitor The student consultants can port for Information Systems the public cluster in Perkins Li­ See COMPUTING on page 7 • Jerry Campbell PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1991 World and National Newsfile Soviet Congress resists proposed reforms Associated Press "The most disgusting thing in the world Ukraine. Within them are smaller group­ Nuclear Cleanup: The Energy By FRANCIS CLINES is a frightened deputy," he said, his anger ings, like autonomous republics and au­ Department anticipates spending as N.Y. Times News Service focused on the insurgent bloc generally tonomous oblasts, for which there is no much as $38 billion for environmen­ MOSCOW - In a day of mass parliamen­ supporting the crimping of legislative pro­ provision in the draft accord between the tal cleanup at the government's tary confusion, the national Congress of­ cedures as a necessary temporary cure for Kremlin and the republics. atomic weapons plants over the year, fered stiff resistance on Wednesday to the the nation's crisis until new elections and "The autonomous entities won't have a a sharp increase that indicates a Soviet leadership's demand for fast pas­ a new constitution are available. vote under this plan," Vyacheslav shift from weapons production to sage of its emergency plan for replacing The leadership faced the mushrooming Bimbayev said to the rather confused gath­ cleanup. the current Soviet Union with a loosely demands of deputies for many individual ering of some 2,000 deputies in the Krem­ bound mixture ofthe central and republi­ guarantees, particularly that the identi­ lin Palace of Congresses. Anarchy rules: Nikolai Sobolov can governments. ties ofthe Soviet Union's scores of autono­ has a remedy for the ills of his rud­ mous republics and resurgent nationali­ "It merely tosses us a bone," he said, derless country where central au­ At best, President Mikhail Gorbachev ties be better supported in the sketchy arguing that the Russian autonomous en­ thority has all but collapsed and the could win only a preliminary vote to keep emergency plans announced thus far. tities would only have a single deputy in economy is in ruins: try anarchy. discussion alive on the radical plan to To take account of the country's hun­ the Council of Representatives, an interim suspend the current Constitution and gov­ dred or so ethnic and nationality group­ legislature envisioned under the new plan. Nukes Safer: The Bush adminis­ ernment, includingthe Congress of People's ings, the Soviet Union instituted an elabo­ That council is to be subject to a powerful tration urged the Soviet Union on Deputies. rate system of differentiation. new national executive panel, the State Wednesday to undertake an eco­ The largest of those are the 15 so-called Council, composed of the leaders of 10 nomic revolution to match its dra­ Gorbachev and the leaders of the Union Republics, like Russia and the major republics and Gorbachev.
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