REGD.GOA-S Panaji, 9th August, 1999 (Sravana 18, 1921) SERIES I No. 19 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA EXTRAORDINARY No.2 r GOVERNMENT OF GOA ,/ Department of Elections Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Notification 3-1-87IELEC-VoLIV The following Notification No, 56/99/JUD, III dated 30th July, 1999 issued by the Election Commission of India, New Delhi is hereby published for general information. K. K. Sharma. Chief Electoral Officer (Goa State). Panaji, 4th August. 1999. Ele,ction commission of India Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road. New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 30th July, 1999. 8 Sravana, 1921 (Saka) No. 56/99/Jud. III Notification I. Whereas, the Election Commission has decided to update its notifiCation No. 56/98/Jud.I1I, dated 10th January, 1998, specifying the names of recognised National and State Parties, registered-unrecognised parties and the list of free symbols, issued in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, as amended from time to time; 2. Now, Therefore, in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, and in supersession of its aforesaid principal notification No. 56/98/JudJII, dated 10th January, 1998, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section-3. Sub-Section (iii), and as amended from time to time the Elect jon Commission hereby specifies,- (a) In Table I, the National Parties and the Symbols respectively reserved for them; (b) In Table II, the State parties, the State or States and Union Territory or Union Territories in which they are State parties and the Symbols respectively reserved for them in such State or States and Union,Territory or'Union Territories~ .. (e) In Table III, the registered-unrecognised political parties and postal address of their Central Office; and (d) In Table IV, the free symbols. , \ 278 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No.2) 9TH AUGUSf' 1999 TABLE- I :'oIATIONAL PARTIES Sl. \' ational Parties Symbol reserved Address No. , , \. _. ). 4. I ,BahuJan Sam!\) Party Elephant 12. Gurudwara Rakabganj [ In all StateslU.T.s except in Road. New Delhi.-I 10001. the States of Assam and Sikkim. where Its candidates will have to choose another svmbol from out of the list of free symbols specified by the CommIssion j 2, Bbaratiya Janata Party LOlus l1.Asboka Road. New Delhi - 11000 I 3.Communist Party of India Ears of Com Ajoy Bhawan. Kotla Marg, And Sickle New Delhi - 110002 / 4.Communist Party of Hammer. Sickle and Star A.K.Qopalan Bhawan.27-29, India( Marxist) Bhai Vir Singh Marg (Gole Markel).New Delhi - 110001 I 5.lndian National Congress Hand 24,Akbar Road. New Delhi - 110011 ~ -\ 6. Janata Dal Chakra (Wheel) 7, lantar Mantar Road, New Delhi - 110001 , \ OFFICIAL GAZEITE - GOVT. OF GOA 279 SERIES 1 No. 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 9TH AUGUST, 1999 TABLE - II ST ATE PARTIES SL ~ame of the Name ofthe State Party Symbol Address ~o. State/Union Reserved Territory I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. .'\ndaman& Indian Congress l Socialist) Charkha NatIonal Camp Office. ~icobar Servant Qr. No.5, North Islands Avenue. New Delhi- 110001. 2. ;\ndhra Pradesh 1. NTR TeIugu Desam Lion Road No. 13, Banjara .. ~., Party(Lakshmi Parvathi) Hills. Hyderabad-500034 (Andhra Pradesh) 2. Telugu Desam Bicycle Telugu Desain Party Office, House No. 3-5-837, Sultan Manzil, Hyderguda. Hyderabad- 500029 (Andhra Pradesh) 3. .-\runachal 1. Arunachal Two Daos Arunachal Congress Pradesh Congress Intersecting House, Bank Tinali, Itanagar-79 1 III (Arunachal Pradesh) 2. Janata Party Haldhar AB-13, Mathura Road, within New Delhi-liOOO I. Wheel (Chakra Haldhar) 4. Assam I. Asom Gana Elephant Head Office:- Gopinath Parishad Bordoloi Road, Guwahati- 781001 (Assam,) • \ 111 f 280 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No 2) 9TH AUGUST. 1999 SI. Name of the Klame of the State Party I : Symbol ! Address ! No. State/Union Reserved , Territory I , 1. 2. j- 4_ 5_ I 2_ Autonomous Boy & Girl Head Quarter -Diphu S tate Demand Karbi Anglong-782 460 Committee (.Assam) 3. United Minorities Boat Ulubari, Front. Assam Guwahati-78I 007 (Assam) 5_ Bihar !. Jharkhand Bow& Bariatu Road, Ranchi- Mukti Morcha Arrow 834008 (Bihar). 2. Rashtriya J anata Hurricane 2_ Moti Lal Nehru Dal Lamp Place. Akbar Road, )lew Delhi-I 1001 !. 3. Samara Party Flaming 220,Vitthalbhai Patel Torch House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 11000 I. 6_ Chandigarh Samajwadi Janata Party Tree 16, Dr. R~endra Prasad (Rashlri ya) Road_ New Delhi. 7. Dadra & Nagar Shivsena Bow& Shivsena Bhavan, Haveli Arrow Gadkari Chowk, Dadar, Mumbai-400028 (Maharashtra)_ '"' OFFICIAL GAZETTE "- GOVT. OF GOA 281 SERIES I No 19 (EXTRAORDlNARYNo 2) 9TH AUGUS'r 1999 SI. Name of the :--Jame of the State Parry I Symbol Address '- No. State/Union Reserved Territory 0 I. -." J. 4. 5. ! , 8. Goa I .Maharashtrawadl LIon C/o Baban A. Naik, Gomamak . Anant'D:ada Vaidya Road. Panaji-403001 (Goa) 2. United Goans Democratic Two Leaves Dongrim Party Nuvem,PO-Majorda Salcete- 403713 (Goa) 3. Goa Rajiv Congress Party Hut ht Floor Dias Building, Rua Ormuz Road, Opp. Ferry Wharf, Pamlji, Goa-403 DOL 9. Haryana I. Haryana Vikas Party Boy & Girl Kothi No. 136/22. Sonipa! Road. Rohtak (Haryana) . 2. Indian National Lok Dal Spectacles 100, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi. 3. Samata Party Flaming 220, Vitthalbhai Patel Torch House. Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001. 10. Himachal Himachal Vikas Congress Telephone Samkhetar Bazar, Pradesh Mandi-17500 I (Himachal Pradesh). /,,-- II. Janunu& Jammu & Kashmir National Plough (i) Sher-e-Kashmir Kashmir Conference Bhavan, Residency Road, Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir) (ii) Nawai Subh . Complex, Zero Bridge, Sri nagar (Jammu & Kashmir). - '- 282 OFFICIAL GAZETrE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 1 No 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 9TH AUGUST 1999 51 Name of the Name of the State Party Symbol Address No. State/Union Reserved Territory , l. 2. o. , 4. 5. 12. Karnataka Lok Shaku Coconut 83. Lod) Estate, New Tree Delhi· I I 0003. bearing Fruits 13. Kerala I. Kerala Congress Bicycle State Committee Office, Near Star Theatre Junction. Kottayam South (Kerala) 2. Kerala Congress (M) Two Leaves State Committee Office, Near Fire Station. Kottayam (KeralaJ 3. Muslim League Kerala Ladder Kerala State State Committee Committee. League House, Red Cross Road~ Calicut-32 (Kerala) 4. Revolutionary Socialist Spade & 37, Ripon Street Parry Stoker (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Calcutta· 700016 (West Bengal) 3 14. Maharashtra I.Republican Party Rising Sun ENSA Hutment, J- of India Block, Mahapali~ Marg, Azad Maidan, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra) 2.Shivsena Bow and Shivsena Arrow Bhavan, Gadkari Chowk. Dadar, Mu:nbai400028 (Maharashtra) • '. - -m OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 283 SERIES I No. 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No 2) 9TH AUGUST, 1999 81. Name ofth~ Name of the State Party Symbol Address Vo. State/Union Reserved i Territory ,i I. I 2. 3. 4. 5. j 15. Manipur 1. Federal Party of Manipur Rising Sun MajorkhuL lmphal- 795001 (Manipur) 2. Manipur People's Party Bicycle People's Road, lmphal- 795001 (Manipur) 3. Manipur State Congress Cultivator Babupara, Imphal- Party Cutting 79500 I (Manipur). Crop 4. Rashtriya lanata Dal Hurricane 2, Moti Lal Nehru ~:.:.:. Lamp Place, Akbar Road, New Delhi-llOOII. 5. Samata Party Flaming 220.Vitthalbhai Patel Torch House, Rafi Marg, .New Delhi - 110001. 16. Meghalaya I.Hill State People' s Lion Kench's Trace, Laban, Democratic Party Shillong-793004 ( Meghalaya) 2.People'g Democratic Two Swords Mawlai Nongkwar, Movement & a Shield Shillong-793008 (Meghalaya). 3.United Democratic Party Drum Lumsohphoh, Lower Mawprem, Shillong-' 793002 (MeghaIaya) 17. Mizoram l. Mizo National Front Star General Headquarters, 'Zarkawt, Aizwal (Mizoram) 2. Mizo National Front Sun General Headquarters, (Nationalist) (without Treasury Square, rays) Aizawl-796001 (Mizoram). 284 OFFICIAL GAZE'ITE - GOVT. 9F GOA SERIES I No. 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 9TH AUGUST, 1999 SI. :-.lame of the Name of the State Party Symbol Address No. StateiUnion R-eserved Territory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 .. Mlzoram People s Electric General Headquarters, Conference Bulb Treasury Square, Aizawl-796001 (Mizoram). 18. .Nagaland Lok Shakti Coconut 83, Lodi Estate, Tree bearing New Delhi-II 0003. Fruits 19 Orissa Biju Janata Dal Conch Naveen Nivas, Aerodrome Gate, Bhubaneswar-751 009 (Orissa). 20. Pondicherry I.AIl India Anna Dravida Two Leaves 275,Avvai Shanmugam Munnetra Kazhagam Salai. Royapettah, Chennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu) 2.Dravida Munnetra Rising Sun 'Anna Arivalayam' Kazhagam 268-269. Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai- 600018 (Tamil Nadu) 3.Tarnil Maanila Bicycle Satyamurthy Bhavan, Congress General Patters ~. (Moopanar) Road,Chennai-600002 \ ~- ,. .;.-= (Tamil Nadn) 4. Pattali Makkal Katchi Mango 63, Nattu Mullin Naiken Street~ Vanniya Teynampet, Chennai-6000 18 (Tamil Nadu) '. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 285 SERIES I No. J9 (EXTRAORDINARY No.2) 9TH AUGUST, 1999 51. Name of the .Name of the State Panv Symbol Address No. State/Union Reserved Territory I , l. 2. 3. 4. S. 21. Punjab Shlroman! Akah Dal Scales House No.256, Sector-9 C, Chandigarh. 22. Sikkim 1. Sikkim Democratic Umbrella Upper Deorali, Front Gongtok, East Sikkim. Elephant Sangram Bhavan, 2. Sikkim Sangram Jewan Theeng Marg, Parishad Gangtok (Sikkim) 23. Tamil Nadu I.Alllndia Anna Dravida Two leaves 275,Avvai Shanmugam Munnetra Kazhagam Salai. Royapettah, Chennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2.Dravida Munnetra Rising Sun . Anna Kazhagam Arivalayam "268- 269AnnaSalai, Teynampet, Chennai- 600018 (Tamil Nadu) 3.Marumalarchi Dravida . Top 'THA Y AGAM', Munnetra Kazhagam No.141. Rukmani Lakshmi Pathi Salai, Egmore, Chennai- 600008 (Tamil Nadu), 4,Tamil Maanila Congress Bicycle Satyamurthy Bhavan, (Moopanar) General Patters Road, Chennai- 600002 (Tamil Nadu) 5. Pattali Makkal Katchi Mango 63, Nattu Muthu Naiken Street, Vanniya Teynampet, Chennai- 600018 (Tamil Nadu) \ 286 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES J No. 19 (EXTRAORDINARY No. 2) 9TH AUGUST 1999 SI :.Jame of the Name of the State Party I Symbol I Address .No.
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