'"i t l'i \ . DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SUMMERLAND, PEACHLAND AND NARAMATA Vol. 8, No. 37. Whole Nó. 402. SUMMERLAND, B.C., APRIL 14, 1916. $2100, payable in advance., Municipality Effects MAKING IT EASIER RED CROSS ASKING TO KEEP PAID UP. Garnett Valley Flume FOR MORE SOCKS. | Okanagan Telephone Saving of Fifteen Polels Encumber Hundred Dollars | Pay Stations At Convenient Points. Causes Hot Debate! How Material Supplied Is Distributed; Local Highways Councillors Disagree On Questioh Qf Supervision. At a meeting of the local Board ; Inve8tiISinking"Tuud Money In Own Work Proceeding Under Foreman. The attention of all Red Gross Dead Pole Lines Obstruct Work Of Thirty Year Debentures At $84.43. of the Canadian Patriotic Fund I workers is called to the large num• held on Wednesday evening at St | ber of socks that will be required Development Unsightly & Dangerous. for our soldiers in the trenches,dur• Somebody's need for cash and Ä'Älft:: Gonncillor Stark. Enquires • ' - ing the spring and summer, and With only two' sides-to a road readiness to sacrifice to obtain it land, West i Summerland, ' Nárá- also toNthe vast quantity of siirgi? and both occupied where is a third has made it possible for the Mun-. mata¿ and Mineóla to kindly accept Of Electric Light Matters cal dressings and hospital supplies and necessary line to be placed?. icipal Council to buy in a $10,000 any subscriptions to the Fund that that will also be needed after the Such a problem has been, put up to block of Summerland thirty-year anyone may wishto pay in through Mr. Kelley Gives Notice Of Appeals. Asks That Assess-, "Great Spring Drive" [commences. the Municipal Council on more than, Debentures, bearing interest at 5 them. - The Postmasters would ment Roll Be Open To Public During Business Hours. The Red Cross Society has done one occasion;- and at the sitting- per cent, and maturing in the year then send the Treasurer (E. B. May) nobly, shipping from -the Central I last Friday a letter from the local . 1940; for only $8,443. This value such collections-with list of names =—<—r Depot a!"t Vancouver, during the 1 telephone company^ again brought through Coun. Campbell that Coun. was arrived at by the bond brokers say once a week. The Municipal Council has held month of February alone, 2,650 the question : to-the surface, .and Johnston would have nothing- more by figuring the present value of This idea is^with a view to giv- two meetings within the past week, pairs of hand knitted socks for our many; interested citizens are won• to do with it there was nothing else cash" at 6J per cent as against the'5 ing greater facilities to the sub a special, meeting on Friday the 7th fighting force, • and1 58,057 hospital dering how long the dead pole lines for him to do but order the-work per cent at' which the debentures scribers, as it: is not found feasi- and the regular meeting on Monday articles for our wounded. But the of thè Okanagan Telephone Co. are done.--"- '•' were issued. \ ble, so. it seems, for everyone to the 10th; Usually the Council need will be much ..greater during to be permitted to hinder the dev-.. \ As is generally well known, - when make their payments into the banks, meetingsvare comparatively unev• Gpun. Johnston: .But the work the next few' months,.'and it isur-, elopment of the community and re• debentures are authorized, a fund, Theh Postmasters will • not • be -re• entful, little more . than routine has not: yet been authorized. We ged that all Red Cross members put main to disfigure the landscape and known as a "sinking fund,'' must quested to ask anybody for any am• matters coming up and not often have not yet been able to come to ananVdeeiainy decisionn . X™ZTh.Lvery time I hav» e fort\Qah all theiK^+Vr , effort+us „t o double their menac, -* e public-J safet- 'y be at once started which, when ad• ount; that may be due or to solicit anything-; of a contentious nature. annnsupplies, both for-..the ^trenches and AAt least one dangerous corner re-' But at both~these meetings there proposed anything dw connection ded to each year, will be sufficient new,subscribers^ but merely to ac• : the^ hospital. •-' mains in darkness because the plac-' to meet; the obligation.'. Savings cept any pay ment that they may be were moments when the discussion; with it I have been sat upon. The grades were taken - and- stakes, put It ~ has been frequently asked es .that the light poles .should take • banks are commonly used to care asked to receive. became mor,e animated, and- on whether hand v knitted>• socks, • re- are occupied by a dead telephone' Monday :there were accusations and in; but later.it was decided to give for this money; and it was .from It is hoped in this' way' that^ the : cieved by the Red Cross,: Society, polei line, which for weeks was such an account, or fund, that the number of delinquents of' last counter-accusations. the flume more grade and make it smaller. are-sent to the trenches or to the permitted to recline on the., road money was drawn to retire -these month, viz. 58, will be cut- down It was the rebuilding of the hospitals only; For the benefit of : • Coun. Johnston's contention that side and across fences. Here and . debentures, offered at such a favor• to a minimum. -If promised sub• flume on the west side of Gar• all such enquirers the; following ho motion authorizing the work had there all over the Municipality able price. Thus was not only the scriptions-do not come in more nett Valley that, caused the skir• information has been, given- out these poles are to be" seen inclining been put through was supported by ( sum of $1,557-saved'on the princi promptly before the last day of mish, and .has for' long been a by the Central Depot: , the minute book. at dangerous and unsightly angles. pal, but money" earning only 4 per each month .then the substanti al debated subject. Last fall, decid• All supplies arriving at the Red An estimate had been submitted On the road running, north from cent in the bank was made to yield totals that have been sent forward ing that a new flume was neces• Cross Central/- Depot are? packed m the Municipal Office the east side large returns. •". Another feature during February and March will sary,, and with a view to having by> the ex-Superintendent, - showing two kinds- of cases, FIELD .and a cost of $2,900, which included is occupied.by the pole line put in• worth consideration is the reduc- drop-away in a very humiliating the work that far advanced, HOSPITAL. Each FIELD CASE to disuse when 'Summerland refused :tion of our bonded indebtedness by. manner, which, it may be truly Supt. Mitchell was instructed to 742 ft. of cement ditch. contains socks, day shirts and khaki " - Coun.' Stark asked if a4 ft. flume longer to tolerate the Okanagan that, amount $10,000. said the Summerland people* would take - the levels: This • he did, ; handkerchiefs, and ' is marked Company; and; the. west side by the The particular debentures re• not-like to. seeV • changing, the grade arid providing would be necessary to carry water "FIELD COMFORTS," while the from a 16 inch pipe. abandoned poles of-vthe government";. deemed were $2,000 of by-law No; It may be well to here point out for a larger flume. His plans, as hospital cases contain colored -or trunk line—which line now follows 24 of May 5,1910, for the purchase again;that it is. impossible Tor submitted, required' a; .flume 4 ft| ; Coun. Campbell believed that a 3 I machine, knitted socks and other ft. flume was. plenty big enough; the shore—and 'temporarily used by .of'.irrigation systems, and $8,000 those who 'undertook the 'original wide, and 7 ft. higher at the F. supplies suitable for hospital use. the new company. Last, fall it be• of same date, for improvement of canvass to look up each subscriber A. C. Wrigh^'ip^bb^erty,|'where^thie;an d he hiad suggested the smaller These cases are then' shipped to flume to save cost but as the sav• came necessary to extend the light- j irrigation system.-.All were thirty each month, and again if the Treas syphon is connected to serve Jones Toronto,and thence' to. London,; ing system along that road and hav-A ing would not be very great he was , year issues. urer ' were -to notify each one it Flat. During the occasional refer• England, the hospital 'cases going ing.in:.mind''the'fact'^hat'i^he"Sum-;-; ence to the'work to be done 'it had (willing toabideby-; the 'decision of would not only necessitate the giv s to our own Canadian Commissioner, merland Telephone Go.'s use. pf the i ng'upf of most valuable time" atithis practically been decided that an in- the other's; He believed that more Colonelv Hodgetts,fand. distributed and;more(water;must-.be taken from government pjoles'was only a tern- - COLLECTORSHIP GOES season ,of the year, but would cut l.creased - head of- three ,feet at the by him to our own' Canadian Hos- porary arrangement''and the.-west syphon ;was-?sufticient,. particularly Trout Creek to; Biipply- 'Joriei^Flat, TO MR. K. S. HOGG. into- thetotaFreceived for postages itals the FI LD nf nr«0„t 0f«r0M t^JvT P « ? COMFORTS,go- side also served' the purpose better and stationery.
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