September 17, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 19553 women landowners. Thompson has directed a Terror. At the same time, his leadership pre- with a close father-son relationship. John comprehensive overhaul of the state’s man- pared Benning for a massive expansion that Peragallo, Jr. was President of the company. agement training program, utilizing his experi- will greatly transform the base. He was responsible for the construction and ence of training over 100 county operations While it was the general alone who wore the care of many of the pipe organs throughout trainees. As director of the Farm Service uniform that got a little heavier every year with New Jersey, and for the complete renovation Agency, Rear Admiral Thompson helped issue military hardware, Wojdakowski’s career was of the organs at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New millions of dollars in Federal agricultural pro- anything but a solo mission. It was a family af- York City. John Jr.’s sons, John III and Frank, gram benefits to over 3,000 customers. fair. Candy volunteered at every port of call. have been actively involved in the business In addition to his accomplished business ca- For example, she ran a family support group since the 1980’s and now a fourth generation reer, Rear Admiral Thompson is a retired two- at Fort Hood during the first Gulf War. At Fort of Peragallos, Janine, Anthony, and John IV, star Admiral in the U.S. Navy Reserve, pro- Benning, she worked as a master trainer for work alongside them. The company has in- viding our Nation with over 35 years of serv- Army Family Team Building and she began a stalled almost 700 new organs and currently ice. He is it veteran of the Vietnam war, First leadership seminar. Their son Steven followed maintains about 400 along the east coast, in- Gulf war, and the global war on terrorism. in his father’s footsteps. After graduating from cluding those at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Madam Speaker, I know the Members of Columbus High School in 1998, Steven en- John was a member of the American Guild the House will join me in paying tribute to tered West Point—where his 6 foot 4 inch fa- of Organists, Northern NJ Chapter, St. John RADM (Ret.) Stanton Thompson for his out- ther played on the basketball team under Vianney/St. Elizabeth of Hungary Fraternity standing career and dedication to his country coach Bobby Knight 30 years before. Steven, and was active with the Boy Scouts of Amer- and in wishing him all the best as he enters now a captain, is currently serving in Iraq as ica when his sons were younger. the next stage of his life with his wife, Sandy, a Troop Commander to the 3rd Armored Cav- John and his wife Christine met at the St. and with his loving children and grandchildren. alry Regiment. Their daughter Ami may have Anthony’s Church Carnival in Paterson in f started a family tradition when she got married 1955, and he took her to the Plaza Theatre in earlier this year in the same Fort Benning Paterson on their first date. Christine was in- TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL chapel where her parents tied the knot. doctrinated into the family business on their WALTER WOJDAKOWSKI The American people owe the second date, which was to a church so John Wojdakowskis a debt of gratitude for a lifetime could check the organ. They married eleven HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND of service and sacrifice, a lifetime of duty be- months after meeting and had a dynamic, OF GEORGIA fore self. Maj. Gen. Wojdakowski has worn his spontaneous, loving marriage of fifty-two IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation’s uniform with honor, dignity and pride years. He will be dearly missed by his wife, Chris- Wednesday, September 17, 2008 since the day he graduated from West Point. On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- tine, his children John III and his wife Kath- Mr. WESTMORELAND. Madam Speaker, I tives, I want to thank the general and his wife leen, Frank and his wife Josephine, Stephen rise today to pay tribute to a great American Candy for everything they have given us. I and his wife Debra, and Christine Egan and soldier who has dedicated his life to our coun- congratulate them on their many accomplish- her husband Christopher, his 10 grandchildren try. Maj. Gen. Walter Wojdakowski will retire ments and wish them years of happiness as and one great-grandson, and his sister Cath- from the U.S. Army Jan. 1 after more than they retire to beautiful Harris County in Geor- erine Miller and her husband Charles. three decades of service, capping his career gia’s 3rd Congressional District. Although John passed away, his spirit will always be with us. John will forever be re- as the commanding general at Fort Benning in f Columbus, Ga. membered for the love he shared with his A native of Colorado, Wojdakowski found a POSTHUMOUS TRIBUTE TO JOHN family and friends, and for the music that is welcoming home in Georgia. In this way he is S. PERAGALLO made with the grand instruments that John no different than thousands of soldiers who’ve spent his life constructing and maintaining. come before him. The people of west Georgia HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. The job of a United States Congressman in- are deeply proud of Fort Benning; they hold OF NEW JERSEY volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing compares to learning about and recognizing the soldiers in high esteem and treat them like IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES part of the family. individuals like John S. Peragallo. Wojdakowski felt that family feeling strongly Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Madam Speaker, I ask that you join our col- in 1976 when he was first stationed at Fort Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I would leagues, John’s family and friends, all those Benning. On one fateful July night that year, a like to call to your attention the life of an out- who have been touched by the sacred music young Columbus woman named Candy Coo- standing individual, John S. Peragallo, who that he helped to create, and me in recog- per caught his eye at the officers’ club. It passed away on September 12, 2008 at the nizing the contributions of John S. Peragallo. wasn’t long before they were off on their first age of 76. He will be remembered for his life f date at a local Shoney’s Big Boy and a year long dedication to his family, friends, and his HONORING CHRISTOPHER MORROW later Candy Cooper would become Candy family business. Wojdakowski. The soldier’s lifelong love would It is only fitting that he be honored in this, become his lifelong partner in service to their the permanent record of the greatest democ- HON. SAM GRAVES nation and to fellow military families. racy ever known, for he brought joy and OF MISSOURI As a military family, the Wojdakowskis have peace, through his craft, to many others IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES moved their family to points across the nation throughout his lifetime. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 and across the globe—from Georgia to Alaska John was born in New York, but was a life- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly to Germany and Kuwait. The Wojdakowskis’ long resident of Paterson, NJ. He graduated pause to recognize Christopher Morrow of road, however, often pointed back toward from Eastside High School in 1949 and went Blue Springs, Missouri. Christopher is a very Georgia. In 1993, then a colonel, Wojdakowski on to take several classes at Newark College special young man who has exemplified the assumed command of the 11th Regiment at of Engineering. He served our country in the finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by Fort Benning. He returned in 1996 as a briga- United States Army during the Korean Conflict taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of dier general. and was a chaplain’s assistant and a member America, Troop 1138, and earning the most Wojdakowski’s final tour of duty at Benning of the honor guard. prestigious award of Eagle Scout. began in 2005 when the major general took Since John’s childhood, he helped his father Christopher has been very active with his charge of the entire base. Wojdakowski’s in the family business of building and servicing troop, participating in many scout activities. crowning achievement in the military would pipe organs. The Peragallo Pipe Organ Com- Over the many years Christopher has been in- come at the same base where his own family pany was founded by his father, John volved with scouting, he has not only earned began, Fort Benning, GA. There, at the Peragallo, Sr., in 1918, after learning the craft numerous merit badges, but also the respect world’s largest infantry training center, as an apprentice with the famous E.M. Skin- of his family, peers, and community. Wojdakowski kept the focus on training our ner Organ Company. John Jr. joined the com- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join nation’s warriors and supporting the War on pany in 1949 and made the business stronger me in commending Christopher Morrow for his VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:10 Mar 22, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E17SE8.000 E17SE8 WReier-Aviles on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 19554 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 14 September 17, 2008 accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Parrish likely delivered over 16,000 news- If I had been present, I would have voted America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- casts over the Ozark airwaves during his ten- ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote No.
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