AMENRA ‡ BAMPA PANA & MAKAVELI ‡ BLISS SIGNAL ‡ BOYS NOIZE CHAMPION WITH MC SERIOUS ‡ CHRISTOPHER BAUDER & KANGDING RAY ‡ COLLEEN ‡ CUNTROACHES ‡ DAF ‡ dJ PANIC THE DARKRAVER ‡ DENGUE DENGUE DENGUE ‡ DREW MCDOWALL ‡ EQUIKNOXX feat SHANIQUE MARIE CTM 2018 WITH ERNEST BERK RETROSPECTIVE COMPANY CHRISTOPH WINKLER, GROUP A, RASHAD BECKER & PAN DAIJING GAIKA ‡ GEORGE LEWIS & ROSCOE MITCHELL ‡ HITMAKERCHINX & DJ AARON ‡ HOLLY HERNDON ENSEMBLE ‡ HYPH11E TURMOIL JACE CLAYTON — JULIUS EASTMAN MEMORIAL DINNER ‡ JAMES FERRARO ‡ JANA RUSH ‡ JASSS ‡ JLIN ‡ KABLAM 26 JAN — 4 FEB 2018 BERLIN KILBOURNE ‡ KLEIN ‡ LAUREL HALO ‡ LOTIC & RODERICK GEORGE ‡ MARCUS SCHMICKLER FESTIVAL FOR ADVENTUROUS MEDUSA’S BED — LYDIA LUNCH, ZAHRA MANI, MIA ZABELKA ‡ NADAH EL SHAZLY ‡ NAKED ‡ NENE H ‡ NIHILOXICA MUSIC & ART OKKYUNG LEE ‡ RASHAAD NEWSOME ‡ RECONDITE ‡ ROXXXAN ‡ SCOTT KELLY WITH JOHN JUDKINS ‡ SWAN MEAT TCF ‡ THE MOVER AKA MARC ACARDIPANE ‡ and MANY MORE CTM 2018 Musik war stets ein Mittel, um die Zumutungen der Welt zu bän- UNCANNY VALLEYS OF A POSSIBLE FUTURE digen. Aber auch ein Mittel, mit dem sich unser In-der-Welt-Sein TURMOIL verändern lässt. Während wir uns täglich selbst dabei beobacht- THE CTM 2018 EXHIBITION en können, wie wir den fortdauernden Druck politischer, sozialer Music has always been a remedy for the ruthlessness of this und ökologischer Krisenmomente und den dadurch ausgelösten ANNE DE VRIES ‡ FrÉDÉRICK A. Belzile ‡ GuY BEN-ARY ‡ Jessica Ekomane ‡ Lawrence LEK world, a tool for altering our own way of being and for creating emotionalen Aufruhr als eine neue Realität normalisieren, führt das PETER FLEMMING ‡ TEUN VONK ‡ Zorka WOLLNY & Andrzej Wasilewski ‡ ZULI community. With the Turmoil theme, CTM 2018 inquires into Festival seine Beschäftigung mit den widerständigen Potentialen the potential of sound and music to invigorate resilience and von Sound und Musik fort. Mit dem Thema 2018 Turmoil fragt das The CTM 2018 Exhibition presents diverse artistic approaches – often playful, always political – that respond to CTM 2018’s Turmoil theme. awareness at a time when we have begun normalising the on- Festival nach dem Sound innerer und äußerer Krisen und nach den going barrage of political, social, and environmental crises and Möglichkeiten von Musik angesichts der ebenso aufwühlenden wie Music’s role in fostering and releasing collective emotions is explored by Anne de Vries, who, through a hardstyle stadium show setting ex- the resulting disquiet that resonates through our on- and offline frustrierenden Gegenwart. Was tun mit solchen Intensitäten? Gibt plores the relationship between technology and mass experience. A very different form of release is to be experienced in Teun Vonk’s »The lives. The festival explores the state of music and sound practice es eine Ästhetik des Tumults und der Aufgewühltheit? Welche klan- Physical Mind«, which hugs visitors between two giant air pillows, guiding them into a feeling of security and physical well-being. Voices of in the face of a confusing and critical present: What is the sound glichen und musikalischen Antworten auf die gegenwärtige Überlast protest and unrest are electrified by Zorka Wollny and Andrzej Wasilewski’s Tesla coil installation. ZULI presents an immersive collage of the of turmoil? What are aesthetics of tumult? Which other sonic von Erregung, Angst und Auseinandersetzung lassen sich denken? bustling and tumultuous metropolis of Cairo. Exploiting the way virtual reality rests on our expectations and illusions, Jessica Ekomane ex- and musical responses could we conceive of to counter the cur- amines the tacit rules that underlie the visual representations we create. Peter Flemming speculates on systems which can de-orchestrate our rent overload of agitation? Wie immer ruht das Festivalprogramm auf zwei Säulen: Konzerte, rational daily lives with a room-scale kinetic installation of ordinary objects that are suspended as if in an invisible web. In Frédérick A. Belzile’s Clubnächte und Installationen ermöglichen unmittelbare Erfahrun- »Eyes in the Sky«, a Dakota Access Pipeline protester’s drone seems to take such de-orchestration to heart – by flying away. »Geomancer«, As always, the CTM 2018 programme is built on two pillars: gen, während das Tagesprogramm mit Vorträgen, Gesprächen, a newly-awakened and escaped satellite A.I., comes down to earth with dreams of becoming the first A.I. artist in Lawrence Lek’s namesake first-hand experience and critical reflection. Club events, con- und Workshops ein Forum für kritische Reflektion und Austausch film. Guy Ben Ary’s »cellF«, dubbed »the world’s first neural synthesizer«, challenges visitors to think about how we might respond to synthetic certs, and installations are complemented by a broad-ranging bietet. Quer durch diese Formate widmet sich dieses Jahr ein be- (musical) consciousness. A proJECT by FUNDED by daytime programme of talks, workshops and networking events. sonderer Schwerpunkt den verheißungsvollen wie bedrohlichen Traversing these formats, a special programme this year is de- Potenzialen der künstlichen Intelligenz in Musik und darüberhin- Opening: 26.1. » 19:00 / Runs: 27.1.—2.4. » Daily 11—20:00 / During CTM: 27.1.—4. 2. » Daily 11—22:00 dicated to the potentials and alarming consequences of new A.I. aus. Konzerte und Performances, Vorträge und das MusicMakers Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien / Free entrance technologies in music and beyond. The debate around A.I. at Hacklab erkunden und diskutieren Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet CTM informs special concerts & performances, a series of lec- der K.I., wie auch Teile der CTM 2018 Ausstellung. Sie zeigt küns- tures, and the MusicMakers Hacklab. It also feeds into the CTM tlerische Reaktionen auf die Zerrissenheit und Kontroversen unserer 2018 Exhibition that presents diverse artistic responses to tech- Gegenwart und das dadurch ausgelöste technologische, politische IN cooperation WITH nological, political, and personal turmoil. Another programme und persönliche Unbehagen. Ein weiterer Programmfokus gilt dem focus within this edition is dedicated to exchanges between mu- besonderen Verhältnis von Musik und innovativen Tanz- und Bewe- sic and innovative forms of dance and movement. gungsformen. PHYSICAL RHYTHM MACHINE_BOEM BOEM The huge »Physical Rhythm Machine_Boem BOem« installation Die großformatige Installation »Physical Rhythm Machine_Boem Installation BY PHILIP VERMEULEN WITH compositions BY LAKUTI, SAM BARKER, AND STEFFI at the Halle am Berghain, as well as a wide-ranging partner BOem« in der Halle am Berghain, ein umfangreiches Programm mit programme with performances in 4DSOUND at MONOM, Performances in 4DSOUND bei MONOM, die spektakuläre Instal- The Physical Rhythm Machine is a visceral acoustic instrument that shoots balls at speeds of up to 150 km/h into large resonant boxes. Be- institutional partners the spectacular SKALAR installation and live performances at lation und Live-Performance SKALAR im Kraftwerk Berlin sowie cause the shots can be fired at precise intervals, the machine can generate intricate rhythmic patterns. Artists Steffi, Sam Barker, and Lakuti Kraftwerk Berlin, and the »inside/out« concert at Akademie der das »inside/out«-Konzert in der Akademie der Künste komplettieren will create short rhythmic compositions to be brought to life via the momentum of the balls. MEDIA partners Künste round out the festival’s 10 days. die 10 Festivaltage. Runs: 30.1.—2. 2. / Tue—Thu 21—23:00 / Fri 22—24:00 » Halle am Berghain Included as part of CTM’s Berghain concert programmes programme partners CTM X RED BULL RADIO skalar TRANSCEND THE TURMOIL Installation & PERFORMANCE BY Christopher Bauder & KANGDING RAY Exclusive live recordings of festival concerts plus interviews and additional recordings by PERFORMANCES IN 4DSOUND BY FIS, Florence TO & JOHN CONNELL, Gaika, IOANN, PAN DAIJING, TCF. PRESENTED BY MONOM & Spatial SOUND Institute. festival artists via » www.redbullradio.com Presented with WHITEvoid and Kraftwerk Berlin, SKALAR is a large-scale art installation supported by and performance that explores the complex impact of light and sound on human percep- During CTM, MONOM – Berlin's Center for Spatial Sound – will become a place to switch tion. In SKALAR, Christopher Bauder treats light as a solid material that can be sculpted off unwanted disturbances and immerse oneself in vivid sonic worlds. MONOM have and shaped to architectural dimensions, evoking abstract emotional associations. Intertwi- commissioned Gaika, Pan Daijing, FIS, and TCF to use their 4DSOUND system to build ned with Kangding Ray’s tireless exploration of textures, rhythm, and sound design, Kraft- intensely visceral experiences that will range from calming to thought-provoking and rad- werk Berlin’s giant hall is filled with iridescent formations of spatial light and sound. ical. IOANN will present »Imagining the Hyperspace«, and John Connell and Florence To will give the German premiere of NOQTURNL, an overnight performance exploring the DESIGN ~ voJD.NET CTM X BERLIN COMMUNITY RADIO Installation: 27.1.—25.2. / Mon —Thu » 15—21:00 / Fri—Sat » 13 —23:00 / Sun » 13—21:00 threshold between waking and dreaming. Performances: 4.2. » 18:00 & 20:30 / 24. 2. » 20:00 & 22:30 Exclusive live recordings of festival concerts and lectures, plus artist interviews, mixes, and Kraftwerk Berlin / Tickets required NOQTURNL: 27. 1. » 23:59 / Performances: 30.1.—2.2. » 19:00 special sessions at Berlin Community Radio’s studio during CTM 2018. MONOM / Tickets required WWW.CTM-festival.DE www.berlincommunityradio.com
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