E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1998 No. 1 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon. Burr Filner Kasich Moran (KS) Regula Souder Burton Foley Kelly Moran (VA) Reyes Spence The SPEAKER. This being the day Buyer Forbes Kennedy (MA) Morella Riley Spratt fixed by Public Law 105±140 of the 105th Callahan Ford Kennedy (RI) Murtha Rivers Stark Congress, enacted pursuant to the 20th Calvert Fossella Kennelly Myrick Rodriguez Stearns Amendment to the Constitution for the Camp Fox Kildee Nadler Roemer Stenholm Campbell Franks (NJ) Kilpatrick Nethercutt Rogan Stokes meeting of the 2nd session of the 105th Canady Frelinghuysen Kim Neumann Rogers Strickland Congress, the House will be in order. Cannon Frost Kind (WI) Ney Rohrabacher Stump The prayer will be offered by the Cardin Gallegly King (NY) Northup Rothman Sununu Chaplain. Carson Gejdenson Kingston Norwood Roukema Talent Castle Gekas Kleczka Nussle Roybal-Allard Tanner The Chaplain, Rev. James David Chabot Gephardt Klink Oberstar Royce Tauscher FORD, D.D., offered the following pray- Chambliss Gibbons Klug Obey Ryun Tauzin er: Chenoweth Gilchrest Kolbe Olver Sabo Taylor (MS) Owens Sanchez Thomas O God, our help in ages past and our Christensen Gilman Kucinich Clay Gingrich LaFalce Oxley Sanders Thompson hope for years to come, we ask Your Clayton Goode LaHood Packard Sandlin Thornberry blessing upon us and upon all Your peo- Clement Goodlatte Lampson Pallone Sanford Thune ple. Your prophets of old have called us Clyburn Goodling Lantos Pappas Sawyer Thurman Coble Gordon Largent Pascrell Scarborough Tiahrt to do justice, to love mercy and to Coburn Goss Latham Pastor Schaefer, Dan Tierney walk humbly with You, and on this Collins Granger Lazio Paul Schumer Towns special day in the life of this place, we Combest Green Leach Paxon Scott Traficant Pease Sensenbrenner Turner pray for those gifts. O gracious God, Cook Greenwood Levin Cooksey Gutierrez Lewis (CA) Peterson (MN) Serrano Upton may we do the works of justice so all Costello Gutknecht Lewis (GA) Peterson (PA) Sessions Velazquez people are treated with equity and Cox Hall (OH) Lewis (KY) Petri Shaw Vento truth, may we open our hearts to ex- Crane Hall (TX) Linder Pickering Shays Walsh Crapo Hamilton Lipinski Pickett Sherman Wamp press mercy to all people in great need, Cubin Hansen Livingston Pitts Shimkus Waters and may we, in all humility and good- Cummings Harman LoBiondo Pombo Shuster Watkins will, sustain our noble traditions and Cunningham Hastert Lofgren Pomeroy Sisisky Watt (NC) Porter Skaggs Waxman serve the common good. Bless us this Danner Hastings (FL) Lucas Davis (FL) Hastings (WA) Luther Portman Skeen Weldon (PA) day and every day we pray. Amen. Davis (VA) Hayworth Maloney (CT) Poshard Slaughter Weller Price (NC) Smith (MI) Weygand f Deal Hefley Maloney (NY) DeFazio Herger Manton Pryce (OH) Smith (NJ) White Quinn Smith (TX) Whitfield CALL OF THE HOUSE DeLauro Hill Manzullo DeLay Hilleary Martinez Radanovich Smith, Adam Wicker The SPEAKER. The Clerk will utilize Dickey Hilliard Mascara Rahall Smith, Linda Wolf Ramstad Snowbarger Wynn the electronic system to ascertain the Dicks Hinojosa Matsui Dingell Hobson McCarthy (MO) Rangel Snyder Yates presence of a quorum. Dixon Hoekstra McCarthy (NY) Redmond Solomon Young (FL) Members will record their presence Doggett Holden McCrery by electronic device. Dooley Hooley McDermott b 1240 Doolittle Horn McGovern The call was taken by electronic de- Doyle Houghton McHale The SPEAKER. On this rollcall, 364 vice, and the following Members re- Dreier Hoyer McHugh Members have recorded their presence sponded to their names: Duncan Hulshof McInnis by electronic device. Dunn Hutchinson McIntyre Under the rule, further proceedings [Roll No. 1] Edwards Hyde McKeon Abercrombie Barrett (NE) Blunt Ehlers Jackson (IL) McKinney are dispensed with. Ackerman Barrett (WI) Boehlert Ehrlich Jackson-Lee McNulty f Aderholt Bartlett Boehner Emerson (TX) Meehan Allen Barton Bonilla Engel Jefferson Meek Andrews Bateman Bonior English Jenkins Menendez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Armey Bentsen Borski Eshoo John Metcalf Bachus Bereuter Boswell Etheridge Johnson (CT) Mica The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Baesler Berman Boucher Evans Johnson (WI) Millender- from New York (Mr. SOLOMON) come Baker Berry Boyd Everett Johnson, E. B. McDonald forward and lead the House in the Baldacci Bilbray Brown (CA) Farr Johnson, Sam Miller (CA) Pledge of Allegiance. Ballenger Bilirakis Brown (FL) Fattah Jones Miller (FL) Barcia Bliley Bryant Fawell Kanjorski Minge Mr. SOLOMON led the Pledge of Alle- Barr Blumenauer Bunning Fazio Kaptur Mink giance as follows: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 27, 1998 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the quorum of each House has been assem- the second day after Members are notified to United States of America, and to the Repub- bled and that Congress is ready to re- reassemble pursuant to section 2 of this con- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ceive any communication that he may current resolution, whichever occurs first. SEC. 2. The Speaker of the House and the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. be pleased to make, the gentleman f Majority Leader of the Senate, acting jointly from Texas (Mr. ARMEY) and the gen- after consultation with the Minority Leader MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE tleman from Missouri (Mr. GEPHARDT). of the House and the Minority Leader of the f Senate, shall notify the Members of the A message from the Senate by Mr. House and the Senate, respectively, to reas- Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- NOTIFICATION TO THE SENATE semble whenever, in their opinion, the public nounced that the Senate had passed interest shall warrant it. Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a with amendments in which the concur- The concurrent resolution was agreed rence of the House is requested, a bill privileged resolution (H. Res. 336) and ask for its immediate consideration. to. of the House of the following title: A motion to reconsider was laid on The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- H.R. 607. An act to amend the Real Estate the table. lows: Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 to require f notice of cancellation rights with respect to H. RES. 336 private mortgage insurance which is re- Resolved, That the Clerk of the House in- b 1245 quired as a condition of entering into certain form the Senate that a quorum of the House HOUR OF MEETING ON federally related mortgage loans and to pro- is present and that the House is ready to pro- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1998 vide for cancellation of such insurance, and ceed with business. for other purposes. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask The message also announced that the A motion to reconsider was laid on unanimous consent that when the Senate had passed bills and a concur- the table. House adjourns today, it adjourn to rent resolution of the following titles, meet on 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, January f in which the concurrence of the House 28, 1998. is requested: DAILY HOUR OF MEETING The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. DREIER). Is there objection to the re- S. 191. An act to throttle criminal use of Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a quest of the gentleman from Texas? guns. privileged resolution (H. Res. 337) and S. 758. An act to make certain technical There was no objection. corrections to the Lobbying Disclosure Act ask for its immediate consideration. f The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- of 1995. DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR S. 1172. An act for the relief of Sylvester lows: Flis. Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON S. 1213. An act to establish a National before Monday, May 18, 1998, the hour of WEDNESDAY NEXT Ocean Council, a Commission on Ocean Pol- daily meeting of the House shall be 2 p.m. on Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask icy, and for other purposes. Mondays; 11 a.m. on Tuesdays; and 10 a.m. on unanimous consent that the business all other days of the week; and from Monday, S. 1566. An act to amend the Soldiers' and in order under the Calendar Wednesday Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 to protect the May 18, 1998, until the end of the second ses- voting rights of military personnel, and for sion, the hour of daily meeting of the House rule be dispensed with on Wednesday, other purposes. shall be noon on Mondays; 10 a.m. on Tues- January 28, 1998. S. Con. Res. 39. Concurrent resolution ex- days, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; and 9 a.m. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there pressing the sense of the Congress that the on all other days of the week. objection to the request of the gen- German Government should expand and sim- The resolution was agreed to. tleman from Texas? plify its reparations system, provide repara- A motion to reconsider was laid on There was no objection. tions to Holocaust survivors in Eastern and the table. f Central Europe, and set up a fund to help cover the medical expenses of Holocaust sur- f HOLOCAUST VICTIMS REDRESS vivors. ACT PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONAL AD- f Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- JOURNMENTS OF THE HOUSE imous consent that the Committee on COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY THE AND RECESS OR ADJOURNMENT International Relations be discharged PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE from further consideration of the Sen- Mr.
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