MUNSTER SENIOR RECORDS Compiled by Sean Naughton 01-Mar-15

MUNSTER SENIOR RECORDS Compiled by Sean Naughton 01-Mar-15

MUNSTER SENIOR RECORDS Compiled by Sean Naughton 01-Mar-15 MEN 100m. 10.35 2.0 Gary Ryan 72 Nenagh Olympic Mardyke 03/07/2004 200m. 20.67 1.5 Gary Ryan 72 Nenagh Olympic Catania 26/08/1997 400m. 45.84 Tomas Coman 79 Moycarkey/Coolcroo Santry 29/07/2000 800m. 1.45.41 Thomas Chammey 84 Clonmel/Crusaders Oslo 03/07/2009 1500m. 3.33.61 Marcus O'Sullivan 61 Leevale Monaco 10/08/1996 1 Mile 3.50.62 Mark Carroll 72 Leevale Oslo 28/07/2000 2000m. 4.55.06 Marcus O'Sullivan 61 Leevale Nice 10/07/1996 3000m. 7.30.36 Mark Carroll 72 Leevale Monaco 04/08/1999 5000m. 13.03.93 Mark Carroll 72 Leevale Berlin 01/09/1998 10,000m. 27.46.82 Mark Carroll 72 Leevale Stanford 05/05/2000 1 Hour 19625m. John Treacy 57 Waterford Monaco 1987 Marathon 2.09.15 John Treacy 57 Waterford Boston 18/04/1988 3kS/Chase 8.24.09 Brendan Quinn 60 Waterford Brussels 30/08/1985 110m.Hur. 14.71 0.2 Timothy Flannery 82 Nenagh Olympic Santry 19/08/2000 400m.Hur. 48.90 Thomas Barr 92 Ferrybank Geneva 14/06/2014 High Jump 2.24 ind Antoine Burke 75 Dooneen/Crusaders Birmingham 08/02/1998 Pole Vault 5.02 ind John Hallissey 72 Ferrybank Glasgow 19/01/1997 Long Jump 7.61 Peter O'Connor 1874 Waterford Ballsbridge Dublin 05/08/2001 Triple Jump 16.27 ind Colm Cronin 57 Leevale Detroit 10/03/1978 Shot 16.82 Paul Crowe 74 Limerick Sydney 20/01/2007 Discus 57.36 Joe Brice 58 Middleton Dartmouth 18/08/1980 Hammer 66.94 Eugene Lawor 55 St.John's Tralee Edinburgh 03/05/1980 Javelin 82.75 Terry Mc.Hugh 63 Nenagh Oly/D.C.H. London 05/08/2000 Decathlon 7,775 Barry Walsh 68 Limerick Alhama 24/05/1992 11.38,7.05,14.36,2.03,50.19,15.40,43.98,4.50,56.84,4.13.77. 4x100m 41.92 Nenagh Olympic A.C. 1998 4x400m. 3.14.31 Limerick A.C. Santry 17/08/1986 Liam Looney,Frank O'Mara,John Battles,Kieran Finn. 3000m Walk 11.11.94 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Cork I.T. 02/07/2013 5000m.Walk 18.51.46 ind. Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Belfast 26/01/2008 10,000m.Walk 38.27.52 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Santry 20/07/2008 20k.Walk 1.19.22 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Oieboksary 10/05/2008 50k.Walk 3.37.54 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher London 11/08/2012 MUNSTER SENIOR RECORD 01-Mar-15 Compiled by Sean Naughton WOMEN 100m. 11.40 0.8 Ailish McSweeney 83 Leevale Leige 13/07/2010 200m. 23.15 Kelly Proper 88 Ferrybank Zurich 14/08/2014 400m. 53.10 Marion Andrews 82 Togher Santry 07/08/2011 800m. 2.00.69 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh St.Petersburg 28/07/1994 1000m. 2.34.66 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Monte Carlo 03/07/1993 1500m. 3.58.85 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Monte Carlo 25/07/1995 1 Mile 4.17.25 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Oslo 22/07/1994 2000m. Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Edinburg 08/07/1994 3000m. 8.21.64 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh London 15/07/1994 5000m. 14.41.02 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Sydney 25/09/2000 10000m 30.47.59 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Munich 06/08/2002 10 Mile Rd. 51.00 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Portsmouth 08/09/2002 Half Marathon 1.10.04 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Brussels 06/05/2002 Marathon 2.29.01 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh London 17/04/2005 3k.S/Chase 9.54.00 Michelle Finn 89 Duhallow Nashville Tn. 01/06/2013 100m.Hur. 12.65 -0.5 Derval O'Rourke 81 Leevale Barcelona 31/07/2010 400m.Hur. 54.31 Susan Smith 71 Waterford Zurich 12/08/1998 High Jump 1.78 Breda Tierney/Browne 64 Nenagh Olympic Boston 24/01/1993 Pole Vault 3.70 Juliet Claffey 78 Borrisokane Belfast 16/08/2003 Long Jump 6.60 1.0 Kelly Proper 88 Ferrybank Brussels 08/08/2010 6.62 ind. Kelly Proper 88 Ferrybank Vienna 23/01/2010 Triple Jump 13.62 0.9 Taneisha Scanlon 77 Limerick Bratislava 07/06/2005 Shot 16.29 Patricia Walsh 60 Waterford 1984 Discus 57.60 Patricia Walsh 60 Waterford Santry 07/07/1984 Hammer 59.12 Rachel Achers 85 Marian Ennis Santry 13/04/2007 Javelin 50.42 old Mary T.Reale 71 Limerick Waterford 20/06/1992 Heptathlon 5,442 Kelly Proper 88 Ferrybank Firenze 03/05/2013 14.80[0.0]1.66,10.40,24.10[-1.0]6.31[1.2]34.11,2.26.28. 4x100m. 46.02 Ferrybank Belgrade 28/05/2011 M.Murphy,C.Giles Doran,N.Whelan,K.Proper 4x400m. 3.35.67 Ferrybank Tullamore 02/07/2006 K.Sheehan,M.Deevy,M.O,Connor,J.Barr. 3k Walk 11.35.34 ind. Gillian O'Sullivan 76 Farranfore Belfast 15/02/2003 5k.Walk 20.02.60 Gillian O'Sullivan 76 Farranfore Santry 14/07/2002 10k Walk 45.28.75 Gillian O'Sullivan 76 Farranfore San Sebastian 01/08/1998 10k WalkRD. 43.29 Gillian O'Sullivan 76 Farranfore Phoenix Park 15/07/2000 20k. Walk 1.27.22 Gillian O'Sullivan 76 Farranfore Sesto San Giovanni 01/05/2003 MUNSTER U23. RECORDS 01-Mar-15 Compiled by Sean Naughton MEN 100m. 10.61 1.9 Christopher Russell 90 Ferrybank Leiden 12/06/2010 200m. 21.11 1.5 Christopher Russell 90 Ferrybank Santry 08/07/2011 400m. 45.90 Tomas Coman 79 Moycarkey Edmonton 04/08/2001 800m. 1.46.82 Tomas Chammey 84 Clonmel Oordegen 01/07/2006 1500m. 3.41.37 David McCarthy 88 West Waterford GreensboroU.S.A. 30/05/2009 3000m. 7.47.93 John Treacy 57 Waterford Lausanne 18/07/1979 5000m. 13.26.5 John Treacy 57 Waterford Brussels 18/08/1978 10000m. 27.55.2 John Treacy 57 Waterford Philadelphia 27/04/1978 3k. S/chase 8.29.60 Kieran Stack North Cork Austin 31/05/1985 110m.Hur.3'6" 14.71 Timothy Flannery 82 Nenagh Olympic Limerick 16/06/1999 400m.Hurdles 48.90 Thomas Barr 92 Ferrybank Geneva 14/06/2014 High Jump 2.23 ind Antoine Burke 75 Dooneen Limerick Vienna 15/02/1997 Pole Vault 4.70 Thomas Houlihan 92 West Waterford Athlone 10/06/2012 Long Jump 7.35 -2.5 David Quilligan 90 Leevale Santry 15/05/2011 Triple Jump 15.89 Colm Cronin 57 Leevale Copenhagen 26/06/1977 Shot 16.66 ind Eoin Leen 84 Tralee Hrs Belfast 15/02/2003 Discus 57.36 Joe Brice 58 Middleton Hanover U.S.A. 18/05/1980 Hammer 56.36 ?? James Hall 92 West Waterford U.S.A. 16/04/2011 Javelin 75.04 Terry McHugh 63 D.C.H./NenaghOly. Zug 15/06/1985 Decathlon 7,472 Barry Walsh 68 Limerick Villanova 19/05/1989 11.85,6.70,14.00,2.00,49.96,15.25,44.72,4.40,54.74,4.34.0. 3000m.Walk 11.27.06 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Tullamore 13/08/2000 5000m.Walk 19.51.69 ind Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Nenagh 13/02/2000 10000m.Walk 40.16 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher Tullamore 23/07/2000 20k.Walk 1.22.43 Robert Heffernan 78 Togher EisenHullenstadt 17/06/2000 Munster U23 Records Compiled by Sean Naughton WOMEN 01-Mar-15 100m. 11.59 0.5 Ailish McSweeney 83 Leevale Cardiff 29/08/2005 200m. 23.30 1.3 Niamh Whelan 90 Ferrybank Budapest 20/06/2010 400m. 54.97 Grainne Moynihan 94 West Muskerry Tullamore 30/06/2013 800m. 2.04.23 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Santry 14/07/1991 1000m. 2.38.68 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Mansfield 24/07/1990 1500m. 4.05.81 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Monaco 03/08/1991 Mile 4.26.19 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh New York 20/07/1998 2000m. 5.41.22 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh London 13/07/1991 3000m. 8.52.65 Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh Split 29/08/1990 5000m., 15.17.28 ind Sonia O'Sullivan 69 Ballymore/Cobh U.S.A. 25/01/1991 10000m.. 33.37.4 Aisling Ryan 69 Moycarkey Walnut 23/04/1988 3kS/Chase 10.51.54 Michelle Finn 89 Duhallow U.S.A. 08/05/2010 100m.Hur 12.96 Derval O'Rourke 81 Leevale Bydgoszcz 19/07/2003 400m.Hur 56.62 Jesse Barr 89 Ferrybank Ostrava 16/07/2011 High Jump 1.76 Elaine Ball 74 Limerick Emerald 1990 Pole Vault 3.40 Nikita Savage[3.50 indoor] 92 Youghal Tullamore 04/07/2010 Long Jump 6.60 1.0 Kelly Proper[6.62 indoor] 88 Ferrybank Brussels 08/08/2010 6.62 ind Kelly Proper 88 Ferrybank Vienna 23/01/2010 Triple Jump 12.10 0.3 Maria Carey 98 Newport Cardiff 19/07/2014 Shot 15.37 Patrica Walsh 60 Waterford U.S.A. 1982 Discus 57.06 Patrica Walsh 60 Waterford Leixington 13/05/1982 Hammer 59.12 Rachael Achers 85 Marian./Ennis Santry 13/04/2007 Javelin 50.42 Mary T.Reale 71 Waterford Waterford 20/06/1992 Heptathlon 5,217.00 Brid Hallissey 67 Ferrybank Waterford 15/16/6/91 14.73,1.66,11.30,25.9,5,54,37.02,2.20.90 4x100m 46.93 Ferrybank Santry 29/07/2006 K.Proper,M.Murphy,H,Murphy,N.Whelan.

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