150 EVOLUTION AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE TEMPERATE FRUIT CROPS IN SÃO PAULO STATE, BRAZIL1 MARCO ANTONIO TECCHIO2; JOSÉ EMILIO BETTIOL NETO2, WILSON BARBOSA3; MARIA LUIZA SANT’ANA TUCCI4 ABSTRACT - This work was carried out to show the current situation of the temperate fruit crops in São Paulo state, Brazil, with an emphasis on grapes, peaches, apples, plums, nectarines and pears crops. Current economic data of crops, major growing regions, main cultivars produced, as well as the new technologies generated by research are presented. Regarding the grape crop, a decrease in the national production as well as in the major growing states was observed. The main grapes growing centers in São Paulo state are pre- sented, highlighting its peculiarities regarding cultivars, cultural crop management and current researches. A trend has been observed toward increasing Niagara Rosada grape growing area rather than the fine table grape cultivars. It was also observed the adoption of cultural practices, aiming to increase productivity, to improve the fruits quality and to reduce manpower necessity. In terms of stone fruits, peaches are the most widely cultivated in São Paulo state, followed by plums and nectarines. Both for stone fruits crop and for apples and pears crops, statistics and comments are presented on the crops evolution as well as the current researches results and the requirements of these fruit crops in São Paulo state, Brazil. Index terms: Temperate fruit crops, economics, diagnosis, cultural management. EVOLUÇÃO E PERSPECTIVA DA FRUTICULTURA DE CLIMA TEMPERA- DO NO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO RESUMO - Objetiva-se apresentar e discutir a situação atual das principais frutíferas típicas de clima temperado do Estado de São Paulo, como a videira, o pessegueiro, a nectarineira, a ameixeira, a macieira e a pereira. São apresentados os dados econômicos, as principais regiões e cultivares, as novas tecnologias geradas, além de outras pesquisas em desenvolvimento. Na cultura da videira, evidencia-se não somente de- créscimo na produção nacional, mas também na maioria dos estados produtores. Apresentam-se os principais polos vitícolas do Estado de São Paulo, com sua particularidade referente às cultivares, manejo cultural e pesquisas de interesse. Nesse sentido, verifica-se a tendência de aumento da área da videira Niagara Rosada em detrimento das cultivares de uva fina de mesa. Evidencia-se, também, a adoção de práticas culturais visando à maior produtividade, qualidade dos frutos e redução na necessidade de mão de obra. Em termos de frutas de caroço, o pessegueiro é o mais cultivado no Estado de São Paulo, seguido pela ameixeira e pela nectarineira. Tanto para as frutas de caroço, quanto para macieira e pereira, são apresentados dados estatísticos e comentários sobre a evolução dessas culturas e os motivos atuais dos sucessos e as principais necessidades da fruticultura temperada no Estado de São Paulo. Termos para indexação: Fruticultura temperada, economia, diagnóstico, manejo cultural. 1Palestra Sinfruit 209 - Simpósio Internacional de Fruticultura - Avanços na Fruticultura (17 a 21 Outubro) 2Pesquisador Científico do Centro de Frutas, Instituto Agronômico (IAC) - 13214-820 – Jundiaí-SP. Email: [email protected]; [email protected] 3Pesquisador Científico do Centro Experimental Central, Instituto Agronômico (IAC) - Centro Experimental Central - 13075-630 – Campinas-SP. Email: [email protected] 4Pesquisadora Cientifica do Centro de Horticultura, Instituto Agronômico (IAC) - Centro Experimental Central – 13075-630 – Cam- pinas-SP. Email: [email protected] Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal - SP, Volume Especial, E. 150-157, Outubro 2011 M. A. TECCHIO et al. 151 INTRODUCTION São Paulo state grapes production decreased by 3.7%. As for the Brazilian growing area, it de- In Brazil 43 million tons of fruits are harvested creased by 1.4% in 2010 when compared to 2009. per year. The state of São Paulo is the largest Brazil- São Paulo state has produced 177,934 tons of grapes ian producer, holding 43% of the total production, in 9.514ha, being the second in the Brazilian context, that is, about 18.5 million tons (IBRAF, 2010a). Fruit standing out, however as the first Brazilian producer crops industry in São Paulo State is characterized of table grapes (IBGE, 2011). The V. labrusca grape- by diversification, by the orchards concentration vine ‘Niagara Rosada’, represents a 48.2% of grape on family farms, as well as by the intensive use of production and a 89.1% of the vineyards. Fine table manpower, with high generation of employments and grapes represents a 51.3% of São Paulo state grapes income (AMARO et al., 2010). According to these production, where 0,4% correspond to cultivars authors there is a close relationship between the São suitable for wine or juice production. In eastern and Paulo state railroads, such as Companhia Paulista, southwestern São Paulo state the agricultural regions Central do Brasil and Sorocabana, and the begin- (EDR) of Campinas, Sorocaba and Itapetininga rep- ning and expansion of fruit growing in the state. It is resent 66.8, 13.8 of 10.2% of the ‘Niagara Rosada’ worth mentioning that the first commercial orchards production, whereas in northwestern São Paulo state, were planted with temperate fruit crops, mainly due the agricultural region of Jales represents 2% of that to the colonization by the European and Japanese cultivar production (INSTITUTO DE ECONOMIA descendants. AGRÍCOLA, 2011). For the last three decades the commercial In eastern São Paulo state, Jundiaí, Louveira, temperate fruit growing spread out by several regions Indaiatuba, Itupeva, Itatiba, Porto Feliz and Jarinu, in São Paulo state, thanks to local research programs, stand out as cv. Niagara Rosada producing areas. The mainly breeding, introduction and evaluation of culti- predominant type of training is unilateral or bilateral vars and cultivation systems, carried out by Instituto horizontal cordon-training with spur pruning, and Agronômico (IAC). The results have stimulated the harvest period occurs from December to Febru- farmers to invest in the fruit marketing, diffusing ary. Depending on the environmental conditions, crops such as grapes, stone fruits, as well as other the harvest begins in November in the Indaiatuba temperate fruit crops. Therefore, many temperate County. According������������� to �erdi��������������������������� et al. ���������������(2010), in Jun- fruit orchards were planted in new nontraditional diaí, traditional cv. Niagara Rosada producer, there regions, where very little research has been done were 284 grapes growing farms, corresponding to regarding climate acclimation and cultural aspects 732.1 ha in 2007/2008. The same authors observed (BARBOSA et al., 2003). that 92.3%, 5.99% e 0.35% of the total production It is worth mentioning that the exchange of corresponded to table grapes, and wine and juice information and knowledge among farmers, research- production, respectively. They also concluded that ers and extensionists, both from São Paulo state and 50% of the grape growing farms had less than 5 ha from other Brazilian regions, was of fundamental and 90% were below 20 ha. importance for the high position of São Paulo state Regarding the fine table grapes production, in Brazilian temperate fruit crop industry. Among it is worth mentioning the southwest and northwest the temperate fruit crops, grapes and stone fruits are regions of São Paulo state. The agricultural regions worth mentioning for their economic importance. (EDR) of Itapetininga, Sorocaba and Jales stand Nevertheless, other temperate fruit crops such as for 82.4% of grape production (INSTITUTO DE apple and pear crops are also alternatives to the ECONOMIA AGRÍCOLA, 2011) and the vineyards temperate fruit industry in São Paulo state, mainly in are trained on arbor system. There is predominance the segment familiar farms, where the product can be of cultivars Italia, Rubi and Benitaka, and to lesser marketed in natura or processed within the growing extent cultivars Brasil, Redimeire and Redglobe. region. The fine seedless table grapes production is based upon the Californian cultivar Centennial Seedless, GRAPES CROP introduced by IAC in 1988, and to lesser extent, by Brazil is the nineteenth grape producer in the the �enus grapevine, introduced by EMBRAPA in world (FAOSTAT, 2011) with 1,295, 442 tons in 83.718 1984, as well as by cultivars BRS Clara and BRS ha (IBGE, 2011). In 2010 there were a 3.7% reduction Morena, from the EMBRAPA breeding program, in Brazilian production of grapes when compared to available for cultivation in 2003. 2009, the greatest reduction in the states of Bahia and In southeastern São Paulo state, São Miguel Minas Gerais, being respectively 13.5 and 10%. Arcanjo and Pilar do Sul stant out as grapes produc- Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal - SP, Volume Especial, E. 150-157, Outubro 2011 152 E�OLUTION AND PERSPECTI�E OF THE TEMPERATE FRUIT CROPS IN SÃO PAULO... ers, with predominance of cultivars Itália, Rubi, Paulo state, the early pruning is also frequent, being Benitaka, Brasil, Redglobe and Centennial Seedless, performed from December to February, allowing which are harvested from January to April. In the grapes to be harvested from April to June, that is, late northwestern São Paulo state it is worth mentioning fall and early winter, when prices are higher, besides Jales, Urânia, Palmeira d´Oeste, Marinópolis, São providing higher yield in less time. Incorrectly, the Francisco, where fine table grapes are
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