T Ml 1""l'V ^•WmT&Wg&g£SimmTLmB33 3B.ff JTi.1 r***_*_*_t WfcJB. nsm I I- _;' J-, *vzi v~- ^cr^r '-_.-"J./\>~;. _.,?!_)*"•— .^*.—***—-1~-* v, -- * - 7 . • r _ ._»'•£__._. ' T.;K.o-r«- Jan 16 r jueg*it-i«»»"i-< j, -* _ _ - -V 'i.**-;*?*5** *• .' -.J ... :C_ _ _"-' _ • *> ^ *• -J. » '.- j »- ;.35__*sT, <*%£_*• **. ' .' - _r * \ "**, ,' *• tf- / V-* ' * i // __/ _3 •_*-«•- .Sb/m'/ </<V w n- a n- ',- m*v- — 'V _. r Y>c_. / ft •V.Q/V VOL. VII. CRESTON, B. 0., FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1915 No, 20, Mrs. McMurtrie had a sewing bee on Nelson Brown, Lo Monday at her home with the result Billy Murdoch is Irwin Simmons Personal John Stace Smith creston School 200 respirators were made for the sol W. Timms BIRTH—At" Erickson. on May3Qtb,, diers at the front, the material being Killed hi Action Russell Leamy Report for May to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scott, a son. donated by the hostess. Stanley W^atson Robert Hubie F. S. Ryckman, Indian constable at The Stettler brothers, who moved The name of at least one Creston Thomas Campbell DIVISION I., Superior—S. Macdonald, Cranbrook,-" was a visitor here yester­ here from Nanton, Alberta,' last fall, tn. s_ is now inscribed on the empires Douglas Butterfield Principal. day. Phiirp Butterfield Perfect Attendance—Vida Gobbett, -started on the return trip the'latter roll of honor. The name is that of Frank J. May *_•_.. _ __r TUIsfxr ow_---<- +TMw» miot.laTi-1 w»»»*-<» Mabel Husei-oifc, Sonaid Lidgace, Essie , -j-«e June meeting o£ ihe Creston * ~ V » c»——-c- w.-w-.—-«__.^. ^.W.J.V^' Wil-Ia-Si Callander * Burn ' Murdock, John Johnson Miller, Norman Trotter, Robert Max­ Board of Trade is called for Tuesday in pldtiine prairie schooner style. whose name" appears among those kill­ George Seymour ed in action in the Canadian casualty • Fred Hurry * well. Jennie Nichols, Alex. Lidgate, night, -. Roy. Currie" left for Cranbrook' yes­ George Hogan list issued on* May 21st. v Zalla Johnson. ' " terday where he -proposes enlisting •o.\ n:r_r^-.» Mrs. W. H. Crawford will not re­ ' "Billy" Murdock as he was more JLFOI/-»-._. J__C7JiX with the all-Kootenay Regiment. DIVISION IL—G. E. Sparkes, Teacher. ceive on Thursday, June 10th, nor commonly known, was one of the Fred Haggart again this season. Gordon Smith and Lieut. Hicks were William Hall Attendance is as follows: Audrey also passengers to the same city. Creston men with theJSecond Contin­ J. IS. woods Attridge, Almeda Attridge, Dorothy J Miss Wfi_iams*"Qf Cranbrook was a gent leaving here about, the end of John Carfra, jr. Carpenter, Lillian Cherrington, Rost, Gotyqur tag yet? The .Red Cross October for Victoria. •- Early - in Dec­ Gordon Smith Saturday..to Wednesday visitor with 1 Cherrington, Ruth Compton, Helen -Auxiliary have a supply of cute little ember there was a calj lor 600 men to Lieut. Eric Howard t Mr.,* , and Mrs. Bennett. William Turner Moran, Eunice Moore, Vera Parker, -i_. .- - red, white and blue ones at ten cents form a reserve force for the Princess Reginald Watson. Vera Smith, Bert Boffey, Harold Gob­ ''B. J. Patch,* the circulation getter of each. Might as well invest in one this Patricia-Light Infantry TJegiment and bet, Orin Hayden, Denzel Maxwell, the Daily News, Nelson, was calling on week as the ladies will be on the job We are assured on very reliable Billy was one of about a hunched ehos- Frank Romano, Francis Pow. 1 oil txr_-j-.!r clients here on Monday.* r -*_,_ -.l-Sj. T*>____s —-_rs_ authority that the' 1915 voters' list _ *_> -2 - VJ-a J.JLK*xxx A._.V.I _> V?—i&_*.»S^_.£w» •_.£_._.£- _.0|5*0 Junior 4th—Lillian Cherrington, J \rr\£xr\4r. * «__<_ shows that there are approximately The editor has__". moved from' Fourth ... .._.... _,__—_._., x_-UScroft, John Hig- the first o^- the Canadian Helen Moran, Esther Bradley. \l«rv Street to the Bir-c-h cottage, just x. -a_<S3,-,_&_•._ __ troops to get into'action and early in 425 persons over 21 years of age Parker, Harold Gobbet, Alice Embree. vacated by S. E. Bradley. ' ginson and' Chas.* Bliss were Cran­ April the first lines were" thinned out resident in the Valleyl Assuming Senior 3rd—Dorothy Carpenter. Au­ to such an extent that the reseryes Yesterday was the King's Birthday brook visitors the latter part of the these figures are correct an enlist­ drey Attridge, Mary Dew, Orin Hay­ v week on the Baines-Huscroft datnag"e were ordered forwardfed to fill the gaps The bank staff and school were the ment of 32 vfclufnteers shows that den, Eyelyn Miller, Rose Cherrington. action which was heard at the sitting |n the ranks and about that tiirie de­ only ones to'knock off *-*--_- __«_w Junior 3rd, First Di v.—Vera Parker, 1.&J.V. ^XMVJf ceased got his first taste of trench at least one-fourteenth of onr male Creston. of the high court on Friday* ~ ' Ruth Compton,' Almeda Attridge, Another Creston young man enlist­ warfare. population of military age have J__L»-_— -_-._.„«.., j_iuuc. -.uutu-e, ^.rtnux* ...« sx:xt~xx J* •Httttca ait ed this wpftk. *»$• Crfnbrook for active From letters received by F. B. Cal­ offered for overseas service—a very Gobbett. , the drugstore to be sharpened so that bervice with tbe all-Kootenay Regi­ lander it wo»Id-_ee_a^ as if the men creditable showing, as the figures JuniorSrd.Second Div.—Ben Embree they are better than new. Costs only ment. He is Reg. Watson, a son of were working on shifts of four days for all Canada average about one- Eunice Moors, Susie Hurry, Henry 35 cents a dozen. W. S. Watson. He has been working on duty and four days off and* up Brown, twentieth. The regular quarterly meeting of the at Cranbrook since early April. until the end of April, when his last The 191_>e_i,rH>rfe trade in strawberries ,.v:-~ 1,-^. ___ _.u- xi :_i xz^^. DlVIf-IO-N. TTT "rt..-_a TM..«_rt T'-jrtx.r.A,. Conservative As*_Oi_ia,uor. will be held xxi ui-fo -UUii-UH-i.-- ajjtr.i«_i uicn.iun commenced on Wednesday when John couple of days^befor-icMjuuie higs deatucic h jtiouwasa is due Duck Creek which has five ^^^Attendance-Marion Ash, in the Mercantile Hall on Saturday, 16 June 12, at 8-p.m. Spratt-shipped a -crate to Pincher announced, he appeared to be stand­ •x.tx __. r-m.- J rt *.- 4. "eo^B -"arcon, l_ouise JBevan, Harry Creek, Alberta. * Mi*. Spratt has been ing the work welij- though always men with the Third Contingent, Compton, Robert Hetherington, Agnes' R. M. Reid, J. D. Spiers and Percy marketing them locally In small quan- gkuTwhen the rest periods came. The representing one-eighth of the Hobden, Charlie Holmes, Ruth Lid- Truscott were at Cranbrook* Tuesday* i iritl-S for almost twfo_ __»ol-Q'-r-sift- list in which his t»s_tne appeared gave whole male population of that j gate, Annie Maioi 1UI1UVCU iT_._l_U_.t_, WiuBcoocS \tx the notion jumuiey v. Can- H.Cl4-«MAf */ _- -^ . J_ - no clue as to the'dataVm which be fell, nadiah Pacific Railway. XJX. jcxeuuertsou i-iiiu-ueu i/_ ureswu but a cable from his father reached Counting in the "old boys" the Senior 2nd—Agnes Hobden, Annie on Tuesday after spending a couple of Creston on Friday, jmd from it was Maione, Ardrey Wilson, George Brod­ Mrs. Shorthouse and/three children Valley has at least' 49 present and months on surgical work in the well- learned that he fell ot) May 8th. erick, Jesse Wiles. < arrived-'from -Rossland on-Wednesday known Mayo Brothers'Hospital" at Deceased was only^bwenty-six years former residents now on the firing "Junior 2nd—Ai-thur Dew, Louise to join her .husband,' who recently Rochester, Minn. H- al^o spent a few- of age, heing the -youngest .son of Hue or training' for active service. Bevan, Ruth Lidgate.-John George leased the Hooper ranch. -- - days in Detroit while in the east. Archibald' Burn Mvo_?togk, "W. S., of As many.of these -are now in-i the Beeby, Eya^ Holmesv- Friday. June 25th, is booked for an J ___«. _l____r--__-_-_ _: Fi-T^,Readfi_**--_\l---a Att-rid****** *_£-•.»* c The JT,hiwi- Canadian- Contingent-^* SWi^Kiivw^ ~fc$£i&¥^~ £££ left-'heHiie is. i6e _¥elinTr and \strawiwrry"" "social-7at still at Victoria, and' still all in readi- 1908 and his first stop on this side of ** °l Polhtt, Harry Compton,' Arnold Bains, the' casualty li$ts will 1ind" tHem Chas. M.oore's under-the auspices of .ness for an immediate getaway.* The the Atlantic was in Mexico, where he Robert Crawford.-' Christ Church Ladies Guild. ~ r handy for -reference, very few of *** «• " ~ + - r moye on order cannot "come too soon resided, for a few months, • leaving High Second Primer—Georgie Bar­ . - • -« - 'for the men from Ctfestonf.all of whom there toward the end of the year for them being with English ,regi-, ton and Marion Ash equal, Merle Reid A couple of the bridge crew from have had enough of training camp life Duncan, B.C. 1909 saw him resident in ments. They,are: •• • Robert Moore. Cranbrook were here the early part of at Victoria. Nova Scotia, and in 1910, along with George Smith Low Second Primer—Robert Heth­ thfe week putting hayracks in the O.P.
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