148 Rock Art Research 1996 - Volume 13, Number 2. IFRAO Report No. 17 permanent supervision at Toro Muerto; Let’s save Toro Muerto (Peru) in case the state authorities should not be able to MATTHIAS STRECKER protect the site, its administration might be transferred for a number of years to a private entity which would In the opinion of Antonio Núñez Jiménez (author of a look after the site and profit from tourism; series of four books on Peruvian rock art, RAR 6: 73-4) the Ministry of Education should continue the initia- the petroglyphs of Toro Muerto, engraved in volcanic tive to have Toro Muerto declared a World Heritage rocks in a desert region near the village Coriri in the Site by Unesco. Majes valley (Prov. Castillo, Dept. Arequipa, Peru) constitute ‘the most noteworthy of all rock art sites in We ask our readers to support this plan. Please write Peru’. The rediscoverer of this site, Eloy Linares Málaga, to the following Peruvian authorities asking to stop irri- has named it ‘the largest site in the world’. It really is an gation of Toro Muerto and to start definite action to enormous locality with thousands of petroglyphs in an protect this site: area extending for five kilometres. Toro Muerto has been investigated since 1951 by Excelentísimo Señor Presidente Constitucional de la Linares M. and researchers from Australia, France, República del Perú, Ing. Don Alberto Fujimori F., Germany, Cuba and other countries. It has been published Palacio de Gobierno, Plaza de Armas, Lima, Peru; in a number of books and articles (e.g. Núñez Jiménez Don Domingo Palermo Cabrejo, Ministro de Educa- 1986; Linares Málaga 1987, 1993). ción, Calle Vandelvene 160, San Borja, Lima, Peru; About fifteen years ago the Peruvian archeologist Ing. Rodolfo Muñante S., Ministro de Agricultura, Frederico Kauffmann Doig, the then Director of the Avda. Salaverry s/n, San Borja, Lima, Peru. Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), had a small building Fax (all three): Lima 365855. constructed at the access road to the site to control visi- tors. Unfortunately, vigilance of the site was later aban- REFERENCES doned by the INC. On the other hand, Linares M. initiated LINARES MÁLAGA, E. 1987. Arte rupestre e identidad en Arequipa. efforts to have Toro Muerto declared a World Heritage Rock Art Research 4: 60-62. Site by Unesco. LINARES MÁLAGA, E. 1993. The largest site in the world: Toro Unfortunately, this extraordinary rock art site is in Muerto (Peru). International Newsletter on Rock Art 6: 25-27. NÚÑEZ JIMÉNEZ, A. 1986. El libro de piedra de Toro Muerto. great danger of being destroyed completely. The commu- Habana, Cuba. nity of new settlement near the site, Candelaria, has begun RAR 13-402 irrigation of part of the zone. Moreover, an agreement exists between the INC and the settlers which allows this activity. Besides, many engraved rocks have been affected by the quarrying of stone for construction work or by vandalism. In June 1996 E. Linares Málaga and Matthias Strecker (Secretary and Editor of the Bolivian Rock Art Research Society, SIARB) visited Toro Muerto and offered a press conference in Arequipa. They suggest that the following measures be taken in order to save this rock art site: Petroglyphs at Toro Muerto, southern Peru. organisation of a permanent exhibition on Toro Institutum Canarium Muerto in the village of Coriri; Subsequent to the recent death of IFRAO Representative publication of a flyer for tourists which explains the Professor Herbert Nowak, the IC has elected its Secretary importance of these petroglyphs; and Editor, Professor Werner Pichler, as its new IFRAO the Peruvian Ministers of Education (head of the INC) Representative. The new official contact address is Insti- and Agriculture should annul the agreement which tutum Canarium, Wagrainerstraße 9, A-4840 Vöckla- allows irrigation of the zone; bruck, Austria. the ‘Policia de Turismo’ (police branch responsible for vigilance of archaeological sites) should establish Rock Art Research 1996 - Volume 13, Number 2. 149 focus on rock art as symbolic expression. This process NEW IFRAO MEMBER took place on a number of levels. Mark Hedden intro- duced the problem with a presentation on Friday after- Eastern States noon, 24 May. He detailed changes in ideas of time, Rock Art Research Association space, selfhood and the sources of authority associated with the introduction of written languages, based on The Eastern States Rock Art Research Association abstract signs for vocalised sounds, such as the alphabet. (ESRARA) is technically a loosely organised association Concepts associated with oral (and rock art) traditions of men and women interested in locating, observing, were contrasted to literate concepts. For example, ideas of recording, reporting and explaining petroglyphs and rock time and space changed from revolving or circular paintings found in the states of the United States of conceptions to linear or progressive modes. The sense of America that are east of the Mississippi River. In practice the social unit evolved from a focus centred on the home ESRARA members are pleased to, and do, communicate group to the individual as unit within a larger aggregation and confer with people anywhere in the world interested called the state. Authorities for acceptable action from in the study of petroglyphs and rock paintings. dream-based insights and oral tradition changed to rules The Association publishes the ESRARA Newsletter, based on written historical precedent and the definition of informing members and other interested persons of acti- what is acceptably ‘real’ as documented objectively ‘seen’ vity in locating, recording, illustrating, and speculating phenomena. These differences in concept still contribute concerning, petroglyphs and rock paintings. The Associ- to major misunderstandings between members of cultures ation holds occasional general meetings hosted by volun- with written languages and those who have lived by teer individuals and institutions at which people meet to traditions handed down orally. Hedden pointed out that as report and illustrate their researches, to learn of the studies written languages supplanted oral traditions in each of others, and to confer with their colleagues. Custom- cultural area, traditions of painting or carving images on arily, at these meetings members present exhibits natural rock surfaces also ended. concerning their researches. The 1996 meeting of On Friday evening, Carol Patterson-Randolph, of ESRARA was held at the University of Maine, Machias Urraca Productions in Washington State, carried on the campus (see report below). ESRARA has been elected as theme with a discussion of rock art as sign language, the thirtieth member of IFRAO. The Association’s IFRAO giving examples explained by Native informants and by Representative is: site context from western United States. She pointed out Dr James L. Swauger that images commonly interpreted literally by Western Anthropology Department observers as mountain sheep served as metaphors for Carnegie Museum of Natural History people, and that details and attributes of these ‘sheep’ give 4400 Forbes Avenue information about the nature of the trail and the terrain, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 and may contain vital information about the presence of U.S.A. springs in a dry country or mark the movements of the ‘people’. These signs can be readily understood, even across language barriers, by other Natives. Carol stressed the need for going directly to Native sources for an ‘emic’ or inside interpretation of significances attached to rock The Meeting in Machias, Maine art motifs as opposed to the Western scientific or ‘etic’ MARK HEDDEN interpretations which tend to merely classify motifs by their apparent or superficial appearances. The Third Eastern States Rock Art Conference (ESRAC) During a day-long presentation of papers on Saturday, was held over Memorial Day weekend on the University Michael Sockalexis, a Penobscot from Maine whose of Maine at Machias campus (24-26 May 1996). There family came from the area of a major petroglyph site at were seventy-six registrants who came for all or part of Embden on the Kennebec River, offered ‘A spiritual the proceedings from various parts of the U.S.A. and interpretation of the Embden petroglyphs’. His work is Canada. This included a number of Native Americans based on oral traditions, research into all available docu- from Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine and mentation, interviews with elders and his own insights Connecticut who took an active part in the events. based on numerous visits to the site. Edward Lenik care- After a reception for early arrivals on Thursday even- fully reviewed two centuries of ‘etic’ Euroamerican theo- ing, 23 May, these events began with a bus trip and walk ries on the significance of a series of engraved mask-like to one shoreline petroglyph site (ME 62.8) which culmi- faces on bedrock exposures at Bellows Falls, Vermont, nated with ritual singing and drumming by Jean Labrador and rejected all of them in favour of an explanation of Nova Scotia. Jean strongly impressed on us that all consistent with known Algonkian traditions of receiving approaches to the sites should be made with unshod feet, spiritual power at such special or unique natural settings. to show respect to the petroglyphs as marking a spiritually Presentations by Jean Allen (Alabama), Daniel Arsen- sacred place and to help prevent erosion of the glyphs ault (Québec), Carol Diaz-Granados (Missouri), Iloilo from sand and grit on boots and shoes. Jones (Illinois), Deborah Morse-Kahn (Minnesota), Lori A notable feature of the Machias conference was the Stanley (Iowa) and David Lowe (Wisconsin) detailed an 150 Rock Art Research 1996 - Volume 13, Number 2. abundance of both old and new finds of pre-Historic rock standing between Native Americans present and those of art in their respective areas which have generally been Euroamerican descent. The latter, as they became aware overlooked or ignored by more traditional archaeologists.
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