United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013-7127 IN aEPLy a£F£K TO: The Director of the Natlonal Park service is pleased to Inform you that the fol lowing properties have been entered In the National Register of Historic Places. For further Information cal I 202/343-9542. JAN 3 1992 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 12/23/91 THROJc:>1 12/27/91 KEY: state. county, ProPerty Name. Address/soundary, City, vicinity, Reference Nuntier N-IL status. Action, Date, MUitipie Name ARIZONA. c.ocoNINO co..NTY. Fjrst Baptist church, 123 s. Beaver St .• Flagstaff. 91001576, IIOMINATION, 12/23/91 ARIZONA, COCONINO COl.NTY. Pendley Homestead Historic District. us 89-A, 7 ml.Nor Sedona. Sedona vicinity, 91001857, NOMINATION, 12/23/91 CALIFORNIA, ALAMEDA COlNTY, The Bellevue-Staten. 492 Staten Ave .. 0akland. 91001896, NOMINATION. 12/27/91 CALIFORNIA, ORANOE CQU,ITY, Casa Romantica. 415 Avenlda cranada, San Clemente. 91001900. NOMINATION, 12/27/91 COLORADO, MONTEZUMA CQU,ITY, Mancos High school, 350 crand AVe., Mancos. 91001740. NOMINATION, 12/23/91 IDAHO. CARIBCX.J cou,rry_ Largllliere, Edgar waiter sr. HOuse. 30 west second south st .• soda Springs. 91001870. NOMINATION. 12/23/91 INDIANA, MARION oou,rTY. St. Clair. 109 w. ~t. Clair St., Indianapolis, 83000085. REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Apartments and Flats of oowntown Indianapolis TR) IOWA. ALLAMAKEE cou,rry, Lans jng Fisher les Bui !ding. Between co. HWy. X-52 and the Miss lss lppi R.. south uns ing. Lans Ing, 91001832. NOMINATION, 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) IOWA. CLAYTON COI..NTY. American school ot Wi Id Life Protection Historic District, McGregor Heights Rd .. Nol McGregor. McGregor vicinity. 910018 ◄ 0, NOMINATION, 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) 10wA, CLAYTON oo..NTY. cuttenberq National Fish Hatchery and Aquarium Historic District. 315 s. River Park Dr .. cuttenberg, 91001833. NOMINATION, 12/23/91 (Conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) 10WA. DELAWARE COlMY. Backbone state Park Historic District. Jct. or co. Rds. C57 and W69, strawberry Point vicinity, 91001842. NOMINATION. 12/23/91 (conservation Movement In 1owa MPS:CCC praperties in 1owa state Parks MPS) IOWA. DICKINSON COl..NTY. 1owa Lakeside Laboratory Historic District. IA 86 about ◄ mi. N-NW of jct. with us 71. Mil lord vicinity, 91001830. NOMINATICl,I, 12/23/91 (conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) tOWA. CREENE COt..NTY. squirrel HOI low county Park Historic District. E bank or N. Raccoon R. SE of Jefferson, Jelferson vicinity, 91001835, NOMINATICl,I, 12/23/91 (conservation MOvement in Iowa MPS) IOWA, JACKSON co..NTY. Maquoketa caves state Park Historic District. co. Rd. ◄ 28 NW or Maquoketa. Maquoketa vicinity, 91001843. N:>MINATION. 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in 1owa MPS:CCC ProPerties In 1owa state Parks MPS) 10WA. JOH-ISDN COl.NTY, Shimek. eohumil. HOuse. 529 Brown st .• Iowa city. 91001837. NOMINATION. 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in Iowa MPS) IOWA. MONONA COLNTY. sones creek watershed Historic District. Between Litt le Sioux and soldier Rivers, sw of Moorhead. Moorhead vicinity, 91001839, NOMINATION. 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) IOWA. POLK COI..NTY, Fish and came Payllion and Aquarium. 1owa state Fairgrounds. Des Moines. 91001836, NOMINATION, 12/23/91 (conservation Movement in 1owa MPS:Architectural Legacy or Proudfoot & Bird In 1owa MPS) IOWA. SAC COLNTY. takes ide Park His tori C District. Thi rd st.. from Lake to Park st., Lake View, 91001841, NOMINATION, 12/23/91 (Conservation MOvement In 1owa MPS:CCC PrOl)erties In 1owa state Parks MPSJ KANSAS. COFFEY COI..NTY. MIiier Cleo F. House, Jct. or Broaaway and correv sts., Lebo, 91001897, IIOMINATION. 12/27/91 NORTH CAROLINA, FRANKLIN COI..NTY. speed Farm. W side NC 1436 between NC 1432 and NC 143 ◄, Cupton vicinity. 91001907. NOMINATION. 12/27/91 t-ORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COI..NTY. southern Pines Historic District. sounded by Saylor st .. New Jersey Ave .. Illinois Ave. and Massachusetts Ave. Ext .. southern Pines. 91001875, NOMINATION. 12/27/91 OKLAHOMA. CLEVELAN) ccu,rrY, oesarr Historic District. Roughly bounded bV Boyd st .. DeBarr Ave .. Duffy st. and the AT & s F RR tracks. Norman. 91001904. NOMINATION. 12/27/91 OKLAHOMA, OTTAWA COL.NTY. McNaughton John Patrick, Barn. OK 137. 1.5 mi.Nor OK 10, Quapaw vicinity, 91001903, NOMINATION, 12/27/91 OKLAHOMA. WASHINCTON COl.NTY. Bartlesville oowntown Historic District. Roughly bounded by SE second St .. SE Cherokee Ave .. SE FOtuth st. and the AT & SF RR tracks. Bartlesville. 91001905, NOMINATION. 12/27/91 • UTAH. JUAB ca..NTY, south Iron Blossom Headlrame. SE of Manmoth. Manmoth vicinity, 79003477, REMOVAL. 12/0 ◄ /91 (Tintle Mining • Di St r i Ct MRA) UTAH. SALT LAKE COLNTY, Utah savings & Trust company Building. 235 s. Main St .• Salt Lake City, 78002683, REMOVAL. 12/04/91 UTAH, UTAH COl.NTY, Alpine City Hall. 20 N. Main st .. Alpine. 91001820. NOMINATION, 12/19/91 (PUbl ic works Bui !dings TR) UTAH, UTAH COJNTY. Big HI I I Shalt Headframe, E of Eureka. eureka vicinity, 79003486, REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Tintle Mining District MRAl UTAH. UTAH co..NTY, Dividend Miner·s Dry. E ol eureka. Eureka vicinity, 79003 ◄ 88. REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Tintle Mining District MRA) UTAH, UTAH COl..NTY. Iron Blossan NO. 3 Mine, E of Mall'fflOth, Manmoth vicinity, 79003479. REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Tintle Mining District MRA) UTAH. UTAH c:0..NTY. Yankee Headframe. E of Eureka. Eureka vicinity, 79003 ◄ 8 ◄, REMOVAL. 12/0 ◄ /91 (Tlntic Mining District MRA) UTAH. WAYNE CCllNTY. wayne county High School. 55 N. center st .. Bicknell. 85000821. REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Public works Bui Idings TR) VIRCIN ISLAI-OS, ST. Tl-()MAS ISLAl'-0, Skytsborg. 39 oonnlngens Cade. Charlotte Amalie. 910018 ◄ 4. t-OMINATl(),I, 12/20/91 WISCONSIN. ASHLAN) CCllNTY. LUCERNE (Shipwreck). Lake superior. La Pointe vicinity, 91001775, l'OMINATIQ,I, 12/18/91 WISCCll"1SIN. MILWAUKEE COL.NTY. Lio-IT VESSEL NO. 57 (Shipwreck). Milwaukee Harbor. Milwaukee vicinity, 91001823. NOMINATIO',I, 12/23/91 w1sco.is1N, TREMPEALEAU COl.NTY, Trempealeau Platform Mounds site. Address Restricted. Trempealeau. 91001822. NOMINATlet,1, 12/23/91 .. L TAKE • PIIDEIN United States Department of the Interior AMERICA - NATIONAL PARK SERV1CE P.O. BOX 37127 - -• WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013-7127 - IN 11£PLY lllltla TO' The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to inform you that the fol lowing properties have been entered in the National Register of Historic Places. For further information cal I 202/343-9542. JAN I O 1992 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTICJ,IS TAKEN CJ,I PROPERTIES: 12/30/91 Tl-RCl.0-i 1/03/92 KEY: state. county, Prooerty Name. Address/Boundary, city, vicinity, Reference Number N-JL status. Action. Date. Multiple Name ARIZONA. PIMA™"· upper Davidson canyon Archeologlcal District. Address Restricted. sonoita vicinity, 91001891. NOMINATION, 1/03/92 COLORAOO. MCNTROSE co....NTY. us Bureau of Reclamation Project Office Bui ldlng. 601 N. Park Ave .. Montrose. 91001685, NOMINATIOsl, 11/27/91 ~ECTIOJT. NEW HAVEN co.NTY. Mount Carmel congregational Church and Parish HOuse. 3280 and 3284 Whitney Ave .. 195 Sherman AVe .. Hamden, 91001847. NJMINATlo,I, 12/27/91 CCN-.IECTIOJT, NEW HAVEN co....NTY. Plstol Factory owelling. 1322 Whitney Ave .. Hamden. 91001846. NOMINATIC>l. 12/27/91 CCJN,,IECTIO.JT. NEW HAVEN co....NTY. Todd Orrin House. 3369 Whitney Ave .. Hamden. 91001845. JIOMINATIC>l. 12/26/91 CONslECTIOJT. Wlr-oHAM a'.lU-JTY. sumner--carpenter HOuse. 333 Old Colony Rd .. Eastford. 91001854. NOMINATIC>l. 12/26/91 IOWA. ALOUBON ™"· Bennedsen Boldt and Hansen Building, Main St .. Kimballton. 91001460. NOMINATIOsl. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement of Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) IOWA. ALOUBCJ,I co....NTY. Bethany Danish Evangelical Lutheran church. 1.5 mi. N of IA 44. 1 mi. E or 1-fWy. 68. Kimballton vicinity, 91001457. NOMINATION. 10/03/91 <Ethnic Historic settlement or Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) IOWA. ALOUBCJ,I COLNTY. Bush John D. 1 House. 219 N KIIWorth. Exira, 91001461, NOMINATICJ,I, 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement of Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) IOWA. AU)UBCJ,I co....NTY. Hansen Andrew P. Farmstead. Between IA 44 and co Rd. PSB. on Litt re Elkhorn er .. Brayton vicinity. 91001458. NOMINATIOsl. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement or Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) 10WA. ALOUBON ca.NTY. 1rm1anuel Danish Evangelical Lutheran church. w. second st .. E. side. Kimbal I ton, 91001462. NOMINATio-.J. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement of Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) 10WA. AU)UBON COL.NTY. 1or9ensen Hans l earn. Jct. or IA 4 ◄ and Main st .. Kimballton vicinity, 91001452, NOMINATICN. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement or Shelby and Audubon counties MPSJ IOWA. ALOUBON ca.NTY, Koch Hans M. House. IA 173. w. side. o.5 mi. s or Kimballton. Kimballton vicinity. 91001453. NOMINATION. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement of Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) IOWA. ALOUBON co....NTY. Larsen tens T House. 103 Main St .. Kimballton. 91001451, NOMINATION. 10/03/91 (Ethnic Historic settlement of Shelby and Audubon counties MPS) IOWA. JACKSON ca.NTY, Lake !Ohn House. 601 w. Platt st .. MaQuoketa. 91000969. NOMINATION. 12/30/91 (MaQuOketa MPS) JOWA. JACKSON ca.NTY. Mart Ill Dr. C. S. House. 311 s. second St., MaQUOketa. 91000967, NOMINATICJ,I. 12/30/91 (MaQuoketa MPS) IOWA, MAHASKA COL.NTY. Forest cemetery Entrance, Jct. of N. 9th st. and J Ave. E.. Oskaloosa. 91001765. NOMINATl(),I, 12/13/91 (Oskaloosa MPS) IOWA. MAHASKA CO-.NTY. Cibb; E. H. House. WI I I iam Penn College ca~us. N. Market Extension. Oskaloosa. 91001761. NOMINATION, 12/13/91 (Oskaloosa MPS] IOWA, MAHASKA ca.NTY. Hoffman Phil House. 807 High Ave. E., Oskaloosa, 91001760. NOMINATION. 12/13/91 (Oskaloosa MPS) IOWA, MAHASKA CO-.NTY.
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