1 out 表紙.indd 1 12/09/21 2:02 Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria) Dedicated to all WCCC KOBE 2012 participants! 55th World Congress of Chess Composition 36th World Chess Solving Championship 30(3". "5& 03/*/( '5&3/00/ 7&/*/( 33*7"- &(*453"5*0/ 1&/*/(&44*0/ 6*$,0.104*/( Mat in 2 moves 1&/0-7*/( )&44)0(*3*&/%4)*1"5$) &$563&4 #:1"35*$*1"/54 &44*0/&$563&"%0,"*5"0"*,0 &$563&4#:!04)*,";6&%""/% 45%": 6+*5" "504)*"4)*.050 Solutions: 馬歩 &44*0/&$563&"/"0"("8" 玉 /%%": &$563&#:"%"4)* ","4)*." 0/$&350,630,"4)* KO: Try 1.R:g6?玉 (2.S:f5#), 1…B:g6 a 2.Sf3# A, 銀 馬 9$634*0/50:050 0-7*/()08 1…B:c5+ 2.B:c5#, but 1…Bg4! 金 香 -04*/( 歩 香 飛 馬銀 Key 1.Rf3! (2.R:f4#), 1…B:f3 b 2.S:f3# A, 龍 香 3*;&(*7*/( -04*/("/26&5 &44*0/ 金 1…g5 2.S:f5#, 1…B:d2 2.c6#, 1…B:c5+ 2.B:c5#飛 桂 香 桂 &1"3563& BE: Try 1.c8S? (2.Se7#), 1…Sd5 2.Q:d5#, but 1…Sc6! The venue is shown on page 2, the timetable on page 3. Key 1.Rg6! (2.R:f6#), 1…Se4 2.Q:e4#, 1…Sd5 2.Q:d5#, In this congress bag are 1…B:d4 2.S:d4#, 1…R:d6 2.S:d6#, 1…g:f4 2.g4# ▲ None ▲ None this program Puzzle by Masato Shinoda Solutions should be handed-in by September 20th 18:00 Puzzle by Masaya Nakamura Solutions should be handed-in by September 20th 18:00 Composing Tourney Announcements 香 Diagram Sheets 角桂 Coupon Book 桂 龍歩 歩 金 Restaurant Map 玉角 金 玉 Restaurant Guide 歩歩 香飛 Koma.doc Shogi Free Paper と 桂 桂 桂玉 馬飛銀 ▲金 ▲ None 2 1 out 01扉.indd 4 12/09/21 1:59 02 program.indd 1 12/09/21 2:08 Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria) Dedicated to all WCCC KOBE 2012 participants! 55th World Congress of Chess Composition 36th World Chess Solving Championship 30(3". "5& 03/*/( '5&3/00/ 7&/*/( 33*7"- &(*453"5*0/ 1&/*/(&44*0/ 6*$,0.104*/( Mat in 2 moves 1&/0-7*/( )&44)0(*3*&/%4)*1"5$) &$563&4 #:1"35*$*1"/54 &44*0/&$563&"%0,"*5"0"*,0 &$563&4#:!04)*,";6&%""/% 45%": 6+*5" "504)*"4)*.050 Solutions: 馬歩 &44*0/&$563&"/"0"("8" 玉 /%%": &$563&#:"%"4)* ","4)*." 0/$&350,630,"4)* KO: Try 1.R:g6?玉 (2.S:f5#), 1…B:g6 a 2.Sf3# A, 銀 馬 9$634*0/50:050 0-7*/()08 1…B:c5+ 2.B:c5#, but 1…Bg4! 金 香 -04*/( 歩 香 飛 馬銀 Key 1.Rf3! (2.R:f4#), 1…B:f3 b 2.S:f3# A, 龍 香 3*;&(*7*/( -04*/("/26&5 &44*0/ 金 1…g5 2.S:f5#, 1…B:d2 2.c6#, 1…B:c5+ 2.B:c5#飛 桂 香 桂 &1"3563& BE: Try 1.c8S? (2.Se7#), 1…Sd5 2.Q:d5#, but 1…Sc6! The venue is shown on page 2, the timetable on page 3. Key 1.Rg6! (2.R:f6#), 1…Se4 2.Q:e4#, 1…Sd5 2.Q:d5#, In this congress bag are 1…B:d4 2.S:d4#, 1…R:d6 2.S:d6#, 1…g:f4 2.g4# ▲ None ▲ None this program Puzzle by Masato Shinoda Solutions should be handed-in by September 20th 18:00 Puzzle by Masaya Nakamura Solutions should be handed-in by September 20th 18:00 Composing Tourney Announcements 香 Diagram Sheets 角桂 Coupon Book 桂 龍歩 歩 金 Restaurant Map 玉角 金 玉 Restaurant Guide 歩歩 香飛 Koma.doc Shogi Free Paper と 桂 桂 桂玉 馬飛銀 ▲金 ▲ None 31 out 01扉.indd 4 12/09/21 1:59 02 program.indd 1 12/09/21 2:08 55th World Congress of Chess Composition ♟15.09.2012♟ Arrival Book sale Congress bags Registration (first come, first served) 4 ♜16.09.2012♜ Registration--WFCC Opening Session--Quick Composing Opening Session Kimono experience for ladies Registration Quick Composing 5 ♞17.09.2012♞ Open Solving--Chess & Shogi Friendship Match--Lectures Open Solving Open Solving Chess & Shogi Friendship Match Lectures 6 ♝18.09.2012♝ WCSC 1st day--WFCC session/Lecture on Dobutsu Shogi --Lectures WCSC 1st day WFCC session Lecture on Dobutsu Shogi Lectures 7 ♛19.09.2012♛ WCSC 2st day-WFCC session/Lecture on Shogi --Concert--Lecture on Tsumeshogi WCSC 2st day Lecture on Shogi Concert Lecture on Tsumeshogi 8 ♚20.09.2012♚ Excursion to Kyoto--Solving Show Excursion to Kyoto Excursion to Kyoto Solving Show Solving Show Solving Show Solving Show Solving Show 3rd place match Pfannkuche 3-2 Kovacevic 1st place match Murdzia 4-1 Kolcak 9 ♔21.09.2012♔ WFCC Closing Session--Prize Giving--Closing Banquet Prize Giving Prize Giving Closing Banquet Closing Banquet Closing Banquet Closing Banquet 36th WCSC Tournament Champion Team Poland --- Mista, Murdzia, Piorun 10 3 out 03delegates.indd 3 12/09/21 2:28 113 out 03delegates.indd 3 12/09/21 2:28 124 5 out 04-05participants.indd 4 12/09/21 2:50 out 04-05participants.indd 5 12/09/21 2:50 4 135 out 04-05participants.indd 4 12/09/21 2:50 out 04-05participants.indd 5 12/09/21 2:50 Open Solving Tournament Kobe, 17th September 2012 final standings, Kobe 18.09.2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Points Time Nr Name Country #2 #2 #3 #3 + + #6 #4 h#3 h#5 s#3 s#7 60 180 1 Comay, Ofer ISR 5 5 3.5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 50.5 180 2 Limontas, Martynas LTU 555545555-5- 49 179 3 Kovacevic, Marjan SRB 5 5 3.5 5 4 5 5 5 5 - 5 0 47.5 180 3 �������������� POL 5 5 4.5 5 5 5 5 5 3 - 5 - 47.5 180 5 FeokEstov, Aleksandr RUS 554525555-50 46 180 6 Zude, Arno GER 555515553-5- 44 180 7 Mukoseev, Anatoly RUS 5 5 4.5 5 5 1 5 5 3 - 5 0 43.5 180 8 Murdzia, Piotr POL 5 5 4.5 4 2 5 0 5 5 - 5 0 40.5 180 8 Pfannkuche, Michael GER 5 5 4.5 5 1 5 5 - 5 - 5 0 40.5 180 10 Czeremin, Claus GER 5 5 4 4 1 5 5 5 1.5 - 4 - 39.5 180 10 Mista, Alexander POL 5 5 3.5 4 2 5 0 5 5 - 5 0 39.5 180 12 Nicula, Dinu-­‐Ioan ROU 554420553-5- 38 180 13 Kopyl, Valery UKR 5 5 4 2.5 1 1 5 5 5 - 4 0 37.5 180 13 Vachier-­‐Lagrave, Maxime FRA 5 5 4.5 - 5 5 5 5 3 - - - 37.5 180 15 Caillaud, Michel FRA 5 5 4.5 0 1 1 5 5 5 - 5 0 36.5 180 15 ����������������� SRB 5 5 5 2.5 1 5 5 - 3 - 5 - 36.5 180 17 Erenburg, Mark ISR 5550155-5-5- 36 180 18 Selivanov, Andrey RUS 5 5 4.5 5 1 1 5 1 3 - 5 - 35.5 180 19 Krivenko, Valery UKR 555511053-5- 35 180 20 Almammadov, Araz AZE 5 5 4.5 4 - 1 - 5 5 - 5 - 34.5 178 21 Maeder, Thomas SUI 5545--055-5- 34 180 22 Satkus, Vidmantas LTU 5 5 2.5 5 0 1 5 1 5 - 4 0 33.5 180 23 Kovalenko, Vitaly RUS 550055553--- 33 180 24 Uitenbroek, Hans NED 554415003-5- 32 180 25 �������������� AZE 550-55-05-5- 30 180 26 Gülke, Volker GER 5 5 3.5 1 - - 0 5 5 - 5 0 29.5 180 26 Tummes, Boris GER 5 5 5 2.5 1 5 0 1 5 - 0 - 29.5 180 28 Heuvel, Peter van denNED 5550150-3-5- 29 180 29 Einat, Paz ISR 5 5 4 - 1 4 0 - 5 - 4 - 28 180 29 Stelling, Roberto BRA 5540155-3--- 28 180 31 Javadov, Ramil AZE 5 5 4.5 - 2 5 - 1 - - 5 - 27.5 180 31 Ooms, Andy BEL 5 5 3.5 - 1 5 0 - 3 - 5 - 27.5 180 33 Kolcak, Marek SVK 554--5-03-5- 27 180 33 McDowell, Michael GBR 5540005-3-5- 27 180 35 Axt, Hemmo GER 5 5 3.5 - - - 5 - 3 - 5 - 26.5 180 35 McKay, Roddy GBR 5 5 4 - 1 5 0 1 1.5 - 4 - 26.5 180 35 Watson, Ian GBR 5 5 4 0 1 5 0 0 1.5 - 5 0 26.5 180 38 Pervakov, Oleg RUS 555-51----5- 26 180 38 Rustamov, Lu`iyar AZE 5 5 4.5 5 - - - - 1.5 - 5 - 26 180 40 Yamada, Kohei JPN 5 5 4.5 0 0 5 0 - 3 - 2.5 - 25 180 41 Iskandarov, Misratdin AZE 5 5 4.5 - 1 5 - - 3 - 0 - 23.5 180 42 Sihnevic, Mikalai BLR 5 5 5 0 1 0 0 5 1.5 - - - 22.5 180 43 Kikuta, Yuji JPN 5541----3-4- 22 180 43 Yoshioka, Masaki JPN 553-100-3-50 22 180 45 Klasinc, Marko SLO 5 5 4.5 0 - - - - 3 - 4 - 21.5 180 45 Quah, James SIN 5 5 3.5 - - - - - 3 - 5 - 21.5 180 47 Sabol, FranEsek CZE 5 5 3.5 0 - - - - 1.5 - 5 - 20 180 48 Van Herck, Marcel BEL 5 5 - 0 2 5 0 - - - 2.5 - 19.5 180 49 Gilbert, Axel FRA 5544-1------ 19 180 50 Kopylov, Evgeny RUS 5540310----0 18 180 51 Kuzmichev, Vladimir RUS 55--110-5--- 17 180 52 Suzuki, Tomomichi JPN 5 5 3.5 - 1 1 - - - - 1 - 16.5 180 53 Harkola, Hannu FIN 55--110-3--- 15 180 53 Inoue, Tetsuya JPN 550-01----4- 15 180 53 Kobayashi, Toshiki JPN 5 5 3.5 - - - 0 - 1.5 - - - 15 180 56 Hara, Atsuo JPN -5----0-3-50 13 180 56 Sunouchi, Seiichiro JPN 55------30-0 13 180 58 Uchida, Akira JPN 0500----3--- 8 180 59 Sumi, Kenichi JPN 050001--00-- 6 180 60 Enemark, Bjorn DEN - 5 - - - - 0 ----- 5 180 60 Horie, Takahiro JPN 0500000----- 5 180 60 Koizumi, Kiyochi JPN 05--00---0-- 5 180 60 Matsuzaki, Naoki JPN 5000-------- 5 180 64 Yanami, Hitoshi JPN 0 0 0 0 - - 0 - 1.5 - 0 0 1.5 180 65 Iwai, Taichi JPN 00------0--- 0 180 14 55th World Congress of Chess Composition Open Solving Tournament Kobe, 17th September 2012 Time – 3 Hours (All problems score 5 points) 1.
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