1719743-R8 SDMS PageS-C The Dally Rates,Thursday. October 8.2015 U»Ntt*fca»tia i 5S Accepting waled bids CATCH-AU STORAGE cated at 4290 Hwy b4 for the liceriOa 5848 US HWY54 An echo Housing Au­ FARMJNGTQN.NM thority. Mundo Ranch 87401 Legal No. 72006 ptO nine IV Drainage end (505)632-2132 Nsned in The Oady Erosion Project Bids limes on October 8 & need to b« submitted Notice is hereby given 14.2015. prior to 400am MST. that a Thursday. October of miscdaneous 22nd. 2015 it the household and per­r- STATE OF NEW MEXI­ JicariBa Apache Hous­ sonal items wd be CO ing Authority Office held to satisfy debt of COUNIYOf SAN JUAN located at 42 Hawks back rent ON OR AF­ ELEVENTH JUDICIAL Drive. Oiice. NM TER Sunday. October DISTRICT COURT 87528. Nfl.Si«.Wd» 22. 2015 at Catch-AI Np, p-ll}6"CV-20{5- b«_jsn»)deTed. Storage. 5848 US \0ifc6 There Wi9 be a MAN­ HWY 54. Famungton, DATORY prt-bid walk NM 874QL IN HCMATTER OF through at the home THE PETITION OF sites on Wednesday. STEPHANIE HEATH W(SgS| yiaronMarie O'Ceiv October |4th. 2015 at 9 RO 5476 10:00am. Please con­ FAJ&UNGTON. NM firm if you plan to at­ 87401 tend at rS»r£!&£M«Lsrfl In­ terested parties should meet at the JiearHU Apache Hous­ ing Authority Offices, NOTICE IS HEREBY In Duice. MM. for GIVEN THAT Shargp plans and questions, From: Circle 6Self Marie. OJCbmgr hied contact Chris Hardriek Storage with Russell Plarvurg 1030 Walnut Drive Name in the and Engineering (RPt) Famdngtert, NM Judicial District Court at 970-365-4S4G ext. 87401 in San Juan County, 17, or by emad at New Mexico at 103 cwsharytsritptoorn So. Obver Drive, f Celeste King-Dab tec. on the 8 day ... il No. 72001 pub- 1608 E 30th Street September, 20IS. The Farmingtop, NM Petitioner seeks to 87401 change the Petition­ er's current name Notice is hereby given from Sharon Mane that a sale of miscella­ O'Connor (o the name We can take your image New money neous household and of "Muffy Marie furri­ personal items will be er. for old cars. held to satisfy debt of to a new level using Call 325-4545 back rent. Legal No. 71930 pub This sale w3) be held irined in The Daily on Saturday, October Times on Oct. 1, S A 2* t.2015 9:00.. am |q- 15.2015. the power of digital. Legal NotkeslS2 C/EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY THE LLS. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY(ERA) ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY FOR PUBUC REVIEW AMD COMMENT OP THE tKITUL ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD RLE FOR THE GOLD KtttG MINE RELEASE SITE SAN JUAN COUNTY, COLORADO The (AblAdBHsbittwflocadBe M for In Gold fogkBpe Rebate Ss fadudeeBndotaawds tonsId widerleiedtpendurtag theuwgaicynawM acta andconbiung madadoi at fee Sto.A find Afl •£be asateit fer AriWjcnddottaTMn^rtdafcgttwcraaenb waned aifee odfcdarbd AflBe and BWbMpon* Is n^Sort ccueaoda,«y be addedM »Mw dateRose ntoe beMflvt to fee (knags fttflc Lbtwypi feceltoB to We Ike fcttd AR. SW eecntnget fee ptdfec to mowmd ananas at flu doeaaats. A (bjaialcopy el 8m MillNt Beis anSWeat SSvwtonUtrsy HlTReeeo Street Gfcerton,CO 81433 Contact deefce Koran,(57Q157-5770 Hours: Tim. -Thtn, 11 tre- 8 pro FitI Sot, 10 am- S pro, OwedSut. 8Men. pjuilnmun PubicUfcrary 7101 Famdaglcn Axe.Farmngtcn, Nil17401 Cwtaet KaMerawnatg, (SoeSSO-1770 Hove: Man.-THl, WOera-WO pre Fn-aaLHOsn-S-tapra Sun-tMpm-WOpn OSee of 8>a Na*#iNtown Urey Arizona Hghuay 764, OOee Loop Read Widow Rack.AZ86S15 Contact IrvingNtoscn £28) 871-6J76 Hgm: Uon.-Ffi, fcOOam-5--COpm Quango Putfelimey 1800 Best TNHAxe, Duranga COII301 - Contact Sandy featv, Fhonc p7t|776-3380 Hoes: Mo*. - Wed, ROOam-kCOpra Tbu. lftOQam-tJOpci Fi- Sat, MO wn -£30 pre,Closed Guidaj The initialAfl Bois atenMabb ottteat To loquesl a ccgyyof Ow MiUAR Be, sendan email wife yournwne aid maffing eddress to:peteratntynB ila8ena.gov Cements on8* MM ARfib maybe adxnrttad to wntttgW thanod 30days to: Steven Way. On-SceneCoonflnafu U8.B ' October 8-Prime Time IfffjyBB HbaylatwdiAPM OCW ntCN - '.»• - Femplre & "BayOne of fwenty- nwaoTaltwiTwoartaHafl Modem Famly StSrnFaffl?^ Theory iTJirory Two THousand. Grit or Take* (N) Millerdum" Qri Uee jUen a CBS 40*1•- KFLTbmday !^SNFLFeetballlRdian>po6sCaitsatH«atMTeuins Site: NK Stadium U) IS C8S4 NewsSptciai EdStoe C8S4M0WS ::HS»h«Ce( tart 00 jsi^srttn ores cam •:• POSNceqHeer cWradaEa- (ArtsOtstrid Fatter Brews The oad ofu>- Shock and Awe:The Stwy «f KeepbiUp IBBCWertd CharGeitosa(N) dQthBialyusn aerm events. eerlenet nerti* Btctrfdty *Soartr n NBCeuui - its: - IRfMatC UrLToeMt MwoesltcbanOA tUcHta YiarWiCtranT (R) The Pterer *LX TaJradns* On Mews et IB i-Ktu-TA^M (2) FOt USAj I; 1 : tt FanAf Nod renSyrcud loees "The bother k< the Base­ Sleepy HeOew tWspen in the newt U an turn lien TbtStaptaw ::H News Uee « TeshA :B TMZ ment*00 Dark" (JO USA IKASA 2 2 Iftetntii (yeMtneu Nereoteben The Needsd The NacUa *MarvbiGwird* The Pfeytr "LA. 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(1) 5151 FAU !M:14: 4 Uerb ' _[t ** res kite tLCwal Amanoust Mtmwrvcrvoooortunity.Jim Carro. iTheTtOCkA 8*w*Uarllar (TF.CerOAlaw BQ . i«i«; IhetnteOv Feeder rhtKa8yFStwKftMeeMKdlvlHiMft» iTheOteDhFader TheMhrFdowittMteyiiKeBy KB FSN :tli44l- ACCOrWeeUwl taaeiAZ ISuertiau Pherrir.«rt7. lUFCIiatoFm CesnatAZ iFIsM Snorts 641 .BJ.... tChoAUoBi iifiktoitoOi a Hate teue the Oaaa MS The WNteet "Ihtf rstbtf" neMUAe ITbefcUdBe tbeltidde [TheUUfle BtodeaGirh kMdeeGbb iOeldcoGbb :(MteQbH III ure :n:«: - tmear *Make Set* ffi) PrriKt Kaon* 'CrrWt Utn' < iriAexkrinnn irxihuMhly m PrtoaetftsmTreWsA1W iP(toeetBiMwav*Uak*itSHP t Doctor 0e(ltde2 Ftdi House iFuBHeuM Frieadt iFriendt iFrlendt U5 Friemri m SPIKE :a:o:«7 LleSyec SatHa :11a Sx«»aflHItia Sane 8afflelite Swetattt* UaSyaelatBeitiaCyeem. ttt Sync Betllelib Syec8aBe|iartttcut Bar Rescue'Srirwrii Dynast** »? res ns • * T iMetiris !28rateGbto (Tiroiteab )28Nke6Ms JBrtkeOrb >2BrekeGMs Comb Oil iTheOfBee" '"iCenen >47 TCM 7 weede (lire) 9 GbtMeeds rrt-CaalMtlarir byrpn. Ifif **-VMeyGM A »Ue*eirl faBt for a leaSHer jacketed tuck. [•C9TruoLov« U1 Tie :a »j - WOieMLHe 1IkivGltAtUfa M* Giant UN"Bid liwfates* Mr (Sent Life Il4* Giant Life 2SB TNT iniHin Castle "Deep in Dtxfh" CasOe "The OouM:Dourn* Cattle *Inventing tlte OW* CettlaYsdMt Oncc" iCSh NY Veritas' CSk NY-Page Turner* u* ! ! i i uni Attte mirta<ca* kcMta ielmstnisMJdr Ye oo crtea let homhm inuicueicbe [NotJctarcUal Ceotacu OtMrtbo H E m USA 'tl'4t < M Uedem Fatal* :UedcraFam8> UedemfmB* lk4A4«ni CamDv Modern Famiy lltodera Fw8v!Modem Fasdhr: ModereF«aBy WON L-J-jt ENraamarv "A Sblrii InTime* riamentarv Qtmentar* 'Absconded* IMMether lUHMottw IMriMettw lUHUetber Parks and Bee IPwksandRtc 7TB M7 ENCORE 'ttetie H fcee 8 The UeeeeeabNee » Stuck en Yea 8 TheLegend atBaeow Vance S77 HBO - LSI Last Week idSFMleet/raelMralM W max - use Dracaia Untold leNI thePratt* (tortts 9 Etewe PtMAncWnrtatescaBhiecrbMibunArdJvlarkvitm 1» *w»* brkk.iuvm« SNOW IsMtTs! 2 STAR2 igeSM - P **** fito HeretFi4jMie«i»PeBw. l^seifefarlMdUSAAlachertrBisfamaismaiHewncresvceMdmEmt 9 Into the Woods A coocieeets Oh up <K>h fairV'tMe ttvacters.Ml .
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