Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association February 23, 1994, Volume 3 1, Number 8 Forum tackles I-A playoff debate Liaison panel Panel acknowledges sets deadlines that coaches vary greatly on subject for meetings By J. Gregory Summers The Presidents Commission Liaison Corn- THE NCAA NEWS STAFF mittee has scheduled IWO additional meetings for this yrar, one tentative, and has an- Any doubt that considrration of a pos- nounced deadlines by which it must receive sible Division I-A football championship reques6 to appear at one of those nlcrtings. is going to he a complex undrrtaking was The committee began irs second year of put to rest during panel discussions at the existence with a February I4 meeting in Dallas. 18th annual College Football Forum ‘l%c National Association of Collegiate Wo- Fcbrualy 20-22 in Kansas City, Missouri. men Athletic Administrators was fhc only As tight prornincllt coaches and four group to appear at that mrcting. administralors explained their views on a In earlier meetings, the committee has possible playoff IO approximately 30 entcrtaincd al)pcarances by the American reporters, only one thing became clear: Foot~>all Coaches Association, the Americacl Suppon for or opposition to any champi- Volleyball Coaches Association (which also onship propc>sal WIII hinge on a stagger- reprrsrntcd the National Softball Coaches Charks E. kung (tight), chancellor of th-e IJniversity of Calijhnia, Los Angk3, iriK nurnl~-r of variables. Association in certain issues), the National I Jnivcrsity of Louisville coach Howard and chair of the re.yearch group charged with gat)ukng ir$kmation about thx Association of Baskt-tball Coat hcs, the Scllncllcnbergcr summed it up best when viability of a Divtiion I-A football chamfiionship, talks with reporters Fehrua?y Amrrican Baseball Coaches Associadon and hc said, “There are as many opinions as 21 at the Colkge Football Forum. the Faculty Arhletics Representatives As- there are coaches.” sociation. That fact was c-vidcnt in Lhc comments group c hargcd with g;tthclGng inlorm;r- onship arc: The committee’s func~tion is to provide an of the p~l~clists. Only SChnrllenbrrger tion about the viability of a Division I-A n How will it affect the stuclent~athletes cffcctivr means for conslitucnt groups to corn- voiced his support for virtually any play- championship. involved? municate with the Yresidcnts Commission. off format; dlc rest of the proup expressed The committee includes fivr members of the “Some people talk about a one-game n How will its timing rclatc to exam and conditions for their support or rejection Commission, as well as two athletics directors, playoff; SOI~IC talk about i1 16-team play- scmcster-break periods? two faculty reprcsenLativcs and two senior of a plan. off. There’s a lot of variation here, and H What cffcct will it havr on bowl woman administrators. ‘Different assumptions’ until WC lero in 011 something murtl clear- ,EplllCS? er, it’s very difficult to dccidc. We net-d lo H liow many teams will be involved? In scheduling its meetings for the year, the “Opinions about a playoffare so varied come to some common understanding W 1 low will teams hc selrrtrd? commirtee tentatively set one forJune I3 ill because each opinion is based on differ- about what ir is wc’rc looking a~.” H HOW much additional rcvcnur will it Dalliis, with the understanding that the mcet- ent assumptions,” said Charles E. Young, generate? ing will bc held only if thcrc is an appropri- chancellor of the IJllivrrsity of-California, Among the important questions that will ate request to appear. The deadline for ;rsk- Los Angeles, and chair of a research have to be answered about a champi- See Football, page 26 F ing for an appearanc c iit that meeting is April 1. .I‘he committee’s regular fall meeting will Group begins review of academic standards be September 12 in Kansas City, Missouri. The deadline for requesting an appearance at that The NCAA Research Committee has n First, an independent party will re- Analysis Working Group, but after the session will he.July 1. discussed how it will respond IO the adog view thr research (the Academic Pcr- addition of more minority members to the NACWAA appearance tion of 1994 Convention Proposal No. 174, formance Study) that preceded the atlop working group. the resolution calling for a review of ini- tion of 1992 Convention Proposal No. 16 The remaining work of the group will NACWAA was represented at the February tial-eligibility standards that are scheduled implementing thr new initial-eligibility focus on the experience of the 1987 and I4 meeting by its president, Marilyn McNeil to go into effect August 1, 1995. standards. 1988 classes and will provide a clearer pit- of California Polytechnic State University, San Meeting February 14-15 in Kansas City, The NCXA national office research stfi ture of thr impact of both 1983 Luis Obispo, and its president-rlrct, Car-y Missouri, the committee concurred with will make recommendations to IhcJoint Convention Proposal No. 48 and the new Croth, Northern Illinois University. a recommendation of the NCAA Joint Policy Board on how the review might be initial-eligibility standards. The comple- NACWAA made five requests in its appear- Policy Board that it proreed in the fol- conducted. tion of the study will be performed at the lowing manner with a review of the ini- n Second, the Academic Performance See Commission, page 32 F tial-eligibility standards. Study will be completed by the Data See Academic, page 32 F W In the News n On deck News Digest Page 2 n In a guest editorial, William McHenry of The 1 February 23-23 Academic Requirements Committee, Briefly 3 College of Wooster writes that the concept of sports- Kansas City, Missouri manship is in need of support: Page 4. Comment 4 February 28- Special Degree-Completion Program March 1 Committee, Monterey, California Chomoionships previews 6 a Studentathletes and coaches are as eager to par- February 28- Committee on Financial Aid and Basketball statistics 9 ticipate in Youth Education through Sports clinics as Mrch 1 the youths who attend the events: Page 5. Amateurism, Amelia Island, Florida Council minutes 23 March 1 Special Advisory Committee to Infractions case 25 n The Special Committee to Oversee Implementation Review Recommendations Regarding NCAA Record 27 of the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse has tak- Distribution of Revenues, Chicogo I The Market 28 en steps to improve knowledge of and services pro vided by the program: Page 13. Page 2 The NCAA News February 23, 1994 TheNCAAN ews la-l-t--l @ES~-‘I L A weekly summary of major activities within the Association they coulci commit to participitling in a fall evaluation visit and to attending ;t tr;lillillg session in the spring. Schedule conflicts force Schedule of key dates for Also, chief exccutivc offiiccrs lor those in- postponement of meeting stitutioticj whose self-studies will bc revirwcd March and April 1994 this fall have rcceivcd il list of about 20 PO- For ~ht= second time, a meeting between tcnrial peer reviewers. They hiivc until Frh- NCAA and Black Coaches Association rep- ruary 28 to iiotity the committee of any rc- rcsentativcs was postponed shortly bcforc it vicwcr whom they would prcfcr not 1~ wx to hwc t;ikrn place. assigned to their institutiolls. A Fchruary 20 meeting in Chic-ago was Staff contact:.John H. Lcavcns. pos~poncd hccausc 01 uncertainty that all Next meeting: May I I iI) Siirl Franrisco. H<:A rcprrsentatives could attelld. A Ft=hru- :try 6 meeting also was postponed when NCAA Presidents (bmmissioll c h;tir Judith k:. N. Albillo was unable to attend. Playoff group meets ~l’tic ~bnimui~ity Kc-l;Uions Service of ttlc c:.S..Justicr I)ep;trtiiicnt is conliriuiiig in its with interested groups rlfoits to ;IIT;III~C a meeling brtwccii lhc or- g;mi/;ilioris. MARCH and Division II funds of the NCAA revenue- ‘l‘he rcsearrh group that is collrc ting in- Among the issurr IO be discussed WIICII ;I RECRUITING distribution plan. fC~~llli~liC~~l :lIK>Ut :I Division I-A toC>tt>iltl I.‘lily- Men’s Division I bark&all 8 -Graduation-rate disclosure form due from nlcctillg dot-s t:tke pl;lcc will t>c iIc;ltlemic off liict with tcprcscnlalivrs of several rclat- I -3 ______._____._._._._.._______._._____ Quiet period. Division I members. et1 groups Fehrualy 21-22 iit K;ttlsiis (:ity, Sl;lllclilrtlS lor eligibility, gcndrr rquity, lb 4-22 _.____._______._. .._._.__.__Contact period. Missouri. itcd access to prospc’ctive and enrolled stu- 23-30 ._._.___.______________..I......Quiet period. APRIL In :t presentation to mcdi;l attciicling Ihr drnt~;~tl~lctt.s :uitl minority opponunirics in 3 I _______._.___._._.__._.._._._______Dead period. RECRUITING ;~lhlrrics. Women’s Division I basketball’ Men’s Division I basketball ;lr,r,rlitl (Z~llrgr FOOIIX~I Forum, LJnivcrsity of California, Los Angclcs, (%;lncellor ‘I‘tic mcdi;ition is in rcsponsc to the con- l-29 ___._._..._.__.. .._.__._._______Contact period. l-5 (noon) ____ _. _. ___. _. .Dead period. 30-3 I ____. ._.___.___._Deod period. 5 (noon)4 (8 o.m.) . ..__._._.____Quiet period. Ch;irlrs E:. Yoiing said revenue potcnti;il for II-ovcrny rc\nlting from the dct&it of I!)!)4 Men’s Division II bask&all’ 6 (8 a.m.)-1 1 (8 o.m.) ____._._Contact period.
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