Water in the atmosphereBjorn Stevens and Sandrine Bony Much of what we know, and even more of what we don’t know, about Earth’s climate and its propensity to change is rooted in the interplay between water, air circulation, and temperature. very schoolchild learns about the role of how you look at it, being suspended in the atmos- the atmosphere in Earth’s water cycle. But phere is an exceedingly unlikely state for a water few get the chance to learn about water’s molecule to find itself in; but while in that state, E role in determining the properties of the water makes a world of difference. atmosphere. Water determines not only how the Sun’s energy is partitioned through the at- An absorption virtuoso mosphere and across Earth’s surface but also the Water stands out because of its physical and radia- character of the large- scale circulations, which that tive properties. As figure 1 shows, it is a small mol- energy drives. Recognition of the fundamental in- ecule with a large appetite for IR radiation. The fluence of water even predates formal scientific water molecule is endowed with a plethora of rota- thinking. In the Judeo-Christian creation myth, for tional absorption modes, which result from the tum- instance, one of the creator’s first tasks, after sepa- bling of its strong electric dipole around three small rating darkness from light, was to separate water and disparate moments of inertia. These modes con- from water to create the sky. tribute to a rich set of spectral lines that stretch from the near-IR into the microwave. Some of them arise That water assumes such a defining place in the because the rotational modes ornament three vibra- sky is remarkable given that it only accounts for tional modes that form the fundamental rotational– 0.25% of the total mass of the atmosphere. That’s the vibrational (ro- vibrational) bands. One, λ = 6.3 μm, equivalent of a liquid layer only 2.5 cm deep, barely 2 is associated with H-O-H bending; the other two, λ enough to make a global puddle, distributed 1 and λ3, associated with symmetric and asymmetric through the atmosphere almost entirely (99.5%) in stretching, are located near 2.7 μm and overlap with the form of vapor. By way of comparison, the global an overtone of the bending mode. ocean, if spread uniformly over Earth’s surface, would have an average depth of about 2.8 km. Fresh Bjorn Stevens directs the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, water on Earth’s terrestrial surface—ice sheets, lakes, Germany, and Sandrine Bony is a CNRS senior scientist at the Laboratoire de rivers, wetlands, and soils—is 2000 to 3000 times Météorologie Dynamique in Paris. more abundant than atmospheric water. No matter ERIK CHRISTENSEN, PORKERI www.physicstoday.org June 2013 Physics Today 29 Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms Water Such a surfeit of absorption lines also endows strong greenhouse effect and a strong planetary the water molecule with a potent continuum absorp- albedo, despite containing only about 0.5% of the at- tion. Debate continues about the relative contribu- mosphere’s water.2 As only a small fraction of that tions to that continuum from the overlap of the water is distributed in large, precipitating hydro - wings of different spectral lines and from the tran- meteors such as rain and snow, which have relatively sient production of molecular clusters of water small surface-to-volume ratios, precipitating water dimers during collisions in the vapor (see PHYSICS is far less important for Earth’s radiative budget than TODAY, April 2013, page 18). Whatever the cause, the water vapor or suspended condensate. continuum absorption is an important manifestation of water vapor’s unusual effectiveness at interacting Thermodynamics and phase changes with radiation throughout the thermal IR.1 This ef- Because water cycles through vapor and condensate fectiveness is felt also in the near-IR and makes water phases in the atmosphere, the laws of thermodynam- vapor the most important absorber of solar radiation ics place important constraints on the coupling be- in the lower atmosphere. Other molecules found in tween water vapor and air temperature. Through the atmosphere also have strong, or well-placed, the Clapeyron equation, the second law of thermo - absorption features in the IR. But when it comes to dynamics dictates how the saturation vapor pressure interacting with the full spectrum of IR radiation, es depends on temperature T and fundamentally con- including overtones at shorter wavelengths, none strains the humidity structure of the atmosphere. The approaches the virtuosity of the water molecule. equation can be expressed as (See the article by Raymond Pierrehumbert, PHYSICS TODAY, January 2011, page 33.) β delns = dT ln . Condensed water, which atmospheric physi- T (1) cists refer to collectively as hydrometeors, can take various forms, such as the simple crystals, droplets, The factor β is roughly equal to the ratio of the en- snowflakes, graupel, and hail illustrated in figure 1. thalpy of vaporization—the energy required to The extent to which they scatter electromagnetic ra- transform water from liquid to gas at constant pres- diation depends on their refractive index and their sure—to the water vapor gas constant. Its value size relative to the radiation’s wavelength: Shorter (about 5400 K) expresses the strength of the effect of waves are preferentially scattered, longer waves are temperature variations on saturation vapor pres- absorbed. Because the typical size of cloud droplets sure. Because of water’s unusually large enthalpy of (and to a lesser extent cloud ice) is commensurate vaporization, β is a factor of two or three larger than with the shorter wavelengths of the thermal IR, that of other common condensable vapors such as clouds are effective at absorbing energy at these and carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. longer wavelengths. The large vaporization enthalpy also implies They are much less effective in doing so at the that at typical surface temperatures, es approximately 10- to 100-fold shorter wavelengths found in the doubles for every 10-K rise in temperature. If the solar part of the spectrum, where the radiation is in- vapor pressure e rises above es—for instance, as a stead scattered. As a result, clouds exhibit both a result of expansional cooling or a radiant loss of a Suspension Precipitation Crystals Snowflakes Graupel and hail Water molecule Figure 1. Hydrometeors (a), the condensed forms of water in the Drizzle atmosphere, come in several Cloud droplets Raindrops sizes. They mostly scatter visible light but absorb over a broad −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 range of the IR. (b) The near- b DIAMETER (μm) and thermal-IR regions of the spectrum excite the molecule Visible Near-IR Thermal IR and produce its rotational– vibrational (or ro-vibrational) Ro-vibrational Rotational and rotational bands. Specific 100 λ λ λ lines 1, 2, and 3 mark the Ro-vibrational symmetric stretching mode, TY overtones 1 bending mode, and asymmetric VE LINE stretching mode, respectively. INTENSI RELATI 0.01 λ λ λ 0.4 1.0 3 1 4.0 2 10.0 40.0 WAVELENGTH λ (μm) 30 June 2013 Physics Today www.physicstoday.org Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms a b 103 energy—condensate will gen- erally form to maintain the ambient vapor pressure near (Pa) its saturation value. For short- e 102 lived and dilute condensate clouds, the condensate largely follows the atmospheric flow until it evaporates again as the 101 temperature rises or the vapor pressure falls—for instance, through mixing with drier air. VAPOR PRESSURE, 0 For clouds that are suffi- 10 ciently long- lived or conden- sate laden, larger hydromete- 200 220 240 260 280 300 ors such as rain or snow form TEMPERATURE (K) and rapidly precipitate from Figure 2. The atmospheric vapor pressure (a) the atmosphere. as a function of temperature is bounded by The first law of thermo- the atmosphere’s vapor pressure when saturated with water (solid line). The data are shown dynamics dictates how tem- as the median (dot) and range (error bar) of 228 monthly values at different isobaric levels— perature changes for adia- 900 hPa (green), 700 hPa (blue), 500 hPa (orange), and 300 hPa (red). (Data are provided by batic displacements of air the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.) (b) Based on satellite measure- parcels and thus fundamen- ments of radiation emitted at 6.2 μm, this map reveals the relative humidity of the middle tally constrains the thermal and upper troposphere. It also reveals how closely humidity levels are tied to atmospheric structure of the atmosphere. circulation patterns: Pronounced dry regions (dark) show large- scale descending motions of Because air has mass, its pres- air concentrated in the subtropics. Clouds, regions of complete saturation, are visible as sure decreases with altitude. white features. (Image from Meteosat.) So as a parcel of air ascends, it expands and cools adiabatically; likewise, descend- vapor phase, making saturated air quite dry. So ing air warms. The adiabatic temperature change that relatively dry regions of the atmosphere are in- accompanies such vertical displacements is deter- dicative of descending currents, which adiabati- mined by γ*, the adiabatic temperature lapse rate.
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