, . " I UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY JUN 2 61992 Sv/2D5 b ! Mr. Roger Scheibe South Dakota Department of Agriculture Division of Regulatory Services Anderson Building, 445 East capitol Pierre, SO 57501-3188 Dear Mr. Scheibe: Subject: Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) Livestock protection Collar EPA Registration No. 13808-7 • Your CSF Dated ,June 11, 1992 The Confidential statement of Formula (CSF) dated June 11, 1992, is acceptable and supersedes all previous CSFs for this product. Sincerely yours, Robert A. Forrest Product Manager (14) Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch • Registration Division (H7505C) 6/26/92:ERICKSON:DISK7:13808-7.CS2 COKCUUIMCI!S SYMBOL t .................................. _ ..........................................................................._ ..•......•.•.•.••••••• _•.•... ::"EAME: .................. ................. ................. .................................... _.......... ... ._............ ................ EM Form 1320-1A (l/GO) I',;,.,.d ... R.qclod I'"pr' O,FICIAL FILE COpy "U.,.Oooa .., •• p ..... OIIIoo: ,te2- __... 72 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY JUN 161992 Mr. Roger Scheibe South Dakota Dept. of Agriculture Division of Regulatory Services Anderson Building, 445 East capitol Pierre, SD 57501-3188 Dear Mr. Scheibe: Subject: Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) Livestock Protection Collar EPA Registration No. 13808-7 Your FAX Dated June 16, 1992 The amendment referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under FIFRA sec. 3(c) (7) (A), is acceptable, subject • to the following provisions: 1. submit and/or cite all data required for registration/ reregistration of your product under FIFRA sec. 3(c) (5) when the Agency requires all registrants of similar products to submit s~ch data. 2. Submit one copy of your final printed labeling before you release the product for shipment. This registration will be subject to cancellation in accordance ~ith FIFRA sec. 6(e) if you do not comply with these conditions. Your release for shipment of the product bearing the amended labeling constitutes acceptance of these conditions . • A stamped copy of the labeling is enclosed for your records. s0~vrs. Robert A. Forrest Product Manager (14) Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch Registration Division (H7505C) 6/16/92:ERICKSON:DISK7:13808-7.CSF ____~~ ________r- ______~r- ______~~c~oHeuR«e~S - SYMBOL , ..................................... _ ••••••••••••••••• .......................................................... -.............•.... -......... SURNAME! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..................................... -............... -.............. ................ O"TE , EPA Form 132G-IA (1190) P,iIIltd ... R,qcltd Pop" OFFICIAL FILE COpy ·U.S. 0cH0i' .... P,"",", 0Ibc ,.- __40072 r , Ci / , ~ .. r • ACCEPTED JUN 161992 Under the F.deloI ln8ectiol~ •• FUDgicide. ODd Rodenticide Act, o. amended. for the peat.oid. ",giote,..s """'.. EPA Reg. No. •••• • •••••• • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • •••••• / • • • •• •• • • • • • ••••• • •• • • •• • ••••• 0 •• • • • • • ••••••• • 0 •• • • •• • •••••• •••• • • •• • •• •• ••• •• • 801JTB D&KO'l'A DBPAidJiUi OP aGJIXCOLTURB PrERRB, BOUTB DIIor& 57501 .. 1----°--'-'·-'-·'-·------'--·-·-"-·-'--'.------------ RESTRICTED USE P.CIDE f-··~~;~~~~~~~if~~ this ~roduct Collars shall be sold or transferred only by registrants or their agents and only to certified ! Compound ~i',estock Protection Collar applicators. Collars may be used only by specifically certified I May be faltal if swallowed. W il or criminal livestock Protection Collar applicators Or by persons under their direct supervis;on. I handling collars. Wash hands aft. , that have been contaminated wi )• contaminated animals fOrfood 0 )0 NOT USE FOR USE ONLY IN THE STATE OF . -_._. I st>:lrr.I+"A.~bTJf: ~.. ENVIRONMENT. t~~~~"ano~ 'SODUIM FLUOROACETATE (COMPOll~Q:l e.aO).:: ~ ..This produc' ;s highly toxic to . feeding on carcasses of contami _---., IVESTOCK PROTECTION COLLAR Apply this product onfy as spe! :eo pasturp " •••• ••• •• of any body of water • ed to occur ~ , For use on sheep or goats to kill depredatin!) coyotes: •• • • • • • • •• •••• I ENDANGERED SPECIE~ Instruction ~ C"J CilVE INGREDIENT. SODIUM FLUOROAt:TETAi'E 1 .aQ~. • • • 19 Technica E-t ,m INERT INGREDIENTS· 99.00% NOTICE: It is a ;=ederal offen! manner that results in the death I P-t l~ OTAL 100.00% 1species. ---I~i~. n " --... .., .., .e:I "0 i .,..--. .: g111 ~ KEEP OUT 0:= REACH OF CHILDREN i The use of 1080 in the Uvestoc determined tc pose a hazard to or dis~osa" U,'z Hilt i See techr.icaf bulletin {restricti! M U -01 U :::> 9 I where the 1080 collar cannot be I irS onfy in ..... 1...., it i:f ANGER' POISON from food. L:...... ::!~~::::::~: ..:=3M: .. ~ Jonotstore _____ ._. A I, STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT Ire acutely 1 ; a violation IF SWALLOWED: Induce vomiting at once with an emetic such ~~ syrup of ipecac; use ;;,~~~~~:g~ · symptom·free latent period of 'h as directed. If emetic is not available. drink 1-2 glasses of water and iduce vomiting by ingestion and onset at symptom, touchin'.l back of throat with finger. Do not induce vomiting or giving anything by mouth , ann hyper3ctive behavior leadin lsse~. wool Ii underthree I to an unconscious person. PROMPT TREATMENT IS MANDATORY. GET MED!CAL , cyanosis,. Ventricufar fibrillation erty owned ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. primary cause of death. Early S'j If mile from hean sounds and premature. we IF ON SKIN: Wash the exposed area twice with scap and water. - ------- - .- TREATMENT: No effective IF ON EYES: Fh 'sh eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. symptomatic treatment may be e ,e disposal create anificiaf airway if neeeS! Iy be stored IF ON CLOTHING: Remove contaminated cfothing and wash before reUSe. Dispose of :or up to 90 volume. Initiate emesis. If patier all contaminated leather. including shoes. boots. and gloves. according to the "Pesticlde has lost the gag reflex. endo Disposal" section. See disposaf instructions on the side panel. precede gastric lavage with I, Ivironmental SEE SIDE PANEL FOR ADO:TIONAL PRECAUTIONARY STATEM,"NTS. activated charcoal and magnesir ,se"tative at fV Diazepam. Monitor cardiac fur in diSllOsing glyceryl moneacetate {monoaceti facilities. MANUFACTURED FOR: South Dakota Oepanment of Agriculture. Pierre. SO 57501 it is experimentaf and unpro\ NEAREST POISON CONTROl 1\ U.S. PAT. 3.il42.806 EPA ESTABLISHMENT NO: 13808,SO.1 ,d/or I.. king INFORMATION. Symptoms of EPA REGISTRATION NO: 13808.7 . FolI_ the usualfy subside within 12·24 hal !S1tktiOn the NET CONTENTS: 30.4 grams (1.1 oz.) per small colfar CAUTION: The use of parente Technical grade materi~f contain NOTICE dosages. may cause hemolysis. ~ : COl ..... • Id paralYSiS. If a nonsteril solutio. co: .... ! Seller makes no warrar.ty. expr9ssed or impfied. concerning the use of this product other should be cultured to guide the CD I' $ . thin illCliQted on the label. Buyer assumes aU risks of use andlor nandfing of this pro""ct if sepSis devefops . • when such use .ndlor handling is contrary to la~le i"s!ruCllons, (UScPA. RECOGNITION AND M. POISONfNGS 3rd ED.' BES' AVAILABLE COpy .-- ----------tBfl::EST AYA1LABLECOPY - -.- ---------- DIRECTIONS FOR USE --- i RESTRICTED USE P.CIDE It is a violation of State and Federal laws to use this ~roduct Collars shall be sold or transferred only by registrants or their agents and only to certified in a manner inconsistent with its labeling or the Compound ! Livestock Protection Collar applicators. Collars may be used only by specifically certified May be fallal if swalle 1080 cancellation order. Misuse may result in civil or criminal • livestock Protection Collar appli;ators or oy persons under their direct supervision_ handling collars. Wash h enforcement action. that have been contami i --------------------------------------------------- • contaminated animals f· DO NOT REMOVE TOXICANTFROM COLLARS. DO NOTUSE ! FOR USE ONLY IN THE STATE OF St>:{jT.I+f>~br.,·: :. • ~·.;\JVIt~O TORN. DAMAGED OR LEAKING COLLARS. Dispose of SODUIM FLUOROACETATE (COMPO! I~Q:.1 t:'I~O).·.: damaged collars in accorance with the "Storage and '\J ~ QP ~ ••This product is highly - feeding on carcasses of Disposal"instructionsonthislabel. __-----' .. IVESTOCK PROTECTION COLLAR , Apply this product onl~ Put collars on the necks of sheep or goats in fenced pasture " J •••• :". •• where coyote predation is occuring or is expect"d to occur ..... .;: ~.:: \ _ For use on sheep or goats to kill depredating coyotes:... • • • • • •••• l of any :~::~:~t:~D : Use collars only in accordance with the User Instruction. ~ ~J :~~rg ~iACTIVE INGREDIENT. SODIUM FLUOROACTETATE 1.01l'-. : •• • • and Use Restictions con:ained in the accompanying Technica ~;S2 =.~ 1 <",NERT INGREDIENTS' 99.00% • • • NOTICE: It is a Feder Bulletin. ~...,. a ~ ~.,., T manner that res;Jlts in tt -------------.--------- -- ,'\.!T"'" ::~,g v:: 0 AL 100.00~. j species. ~.~.---~--~-----------------~~: ~~ ~ ---------- r,' 'I-="" .::..,.s.:: ~ The use of 1080 in the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN I - ~ .:51!i~ determined to pose a h U i Z •• "'9. Donotcontaminatewater;foodorfeedbystorageordisposal. -!log i I\!r See technical bulletin I ul---' ... ·oQ.ci! where the 1080 collar cc STORAGE: Store Livestock Protection Collars only in ...... 1-, .g~:i::PANGER- POISON from the U.S. Fish and ~ original container. in a dry. locked place aWay from food. L.:...... ~'t: I:,,::::::>:"'=":-:M~W~ __ feed. domestic animals and corrosive chemicals.
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