Elptb SerIes, Vol. XI No. l' , Weduesday, December 11, 1985 : Agrahayana 20, 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) (YtiL XI COI'IIains NOI. 11 to 20) LOK SABBA SECRETARIAT NEW DELIU Prlce I Ill. 4.00 [Original English proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi· Version will be . treated as authoritative and not the translation thereof.] CONTENTS No. 17, Wednesday, Decmeber 11, 1985 I Agrahayana 20, 1907 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions : .Starred Questions Nos. 326, 329, 330. 333, 6-33 3 3S and 336 Wri tteD Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 325, 327, 328, 331, 332,334 and 337 to 347 ... 33~51 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3438 to 3479, 3481' to 3557 and 3559 51-190 Papers laid on the Table 192-197 Message from Rajya Sabha 197-198 International Airports Authority (Amendment) Bill, 1985 198 As passed by Rajya Sabba-Laid on the Table Leave of absence from the sittings of the House 198-199 Committee of Private Members, Bills and Resolutions Ninth Report 199 Committee on absence of Members Minutes 199 Matters (fnder Rule 377 (i) Need to direct the banks not to increase service chatges aD the issue of Bank drafts, Bills, Cheques and other services Shri Banwui La1 Purohit 199 .., Tho Sian + marked above tbe DaIDC of a Member indicates tbat tbe question was actually" asked on tho Boor of tbe House by that Member. (i) (ii) (ii) Need to purchase more mesta crop in Andhra Pradesb by the Jute Corporation of India by opening more purchase centres Shri S.M. Bhattam ... 200 (jii) Need to amend the Urban Land Ceiling Act, 1976 with a view' to provide accommodation to the common man Shri Anoopcband Shah 201 (iv) Need to enact comprehensive legislation to enable authorities to take effective action against errinl manu- facturers of chemical baaed consumer goods !Dr not observing safety measurCIII Shri Shu:ad Diahe 202 (v) Need to construct a bridge across Kamla Balan river in Darbhanga district of Bihar Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 203 (vi) Need to increase quota of levy cement to ICeraJa for speedy completion of various projects Shri K. Konjambu 208 (vii) Need to look into the demands or teachers of Delhi University and its affiliated coJlegcs Shri Basudeb Acharia (viii) Need to provido drinking water and jrriladonal facilities to tbe people of Barmer, Jaisalmor, aQd- Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. ... 20S Motion Re : Challenge of BducatioD-A Policy Penpectivo-Contd. ... 206-308 SIar.i-·Aalad Gljapatbi a..;.u.. 207 ••• 210 Dr. Sudbir Roy 214 Sbrimati SaI&YI lta)elWari ••• 214 (iii) Sbri V.S. Krishna Iyer 12S Shri Virdhi Chander Jain ... 230 Dr. Pbulrcnu Ouba ... 233 ~ rimati Geeta Mukherjee 231 Prof. Nirmala Kumari Sbaktawat 241 Sbri Eduardo Faleiro 241 Prof. Sairuddin Soz 25J Shri R. Jeevarathioam 36& Shri Shayam Lal Yadav 270 Sbri G.M. Banatwalla 27& Prof. p.J. Kurien 283 Shri Shantaram Naik 287 Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy 290 Sbri Rana Vir Singh 296 Shri Mool Chand Daga 198 Shri K.N. Pradhao ... 300 Half-An-Hour Discussion 303-316 Allocation of Funds for Extcntion of T.V. Net work Shri Virdbi Chander lain ... 303 Shri V.N. Gadgil 30S Shri Barish Rawat 310 Shri R.P. Dass 312 Sbri Mool Chand Daga ... 314 LOK SABnA DEBATES 1 2 LOKSABHA MR. SPBAKER.: If ,OU want tbe House it can go on.. If you do Dot want Wednesday. Decemller 1 I, 19851 tbe Hou~ I canaot help it. Ag,.aMJ'QIIII 20,. 1907 (Saka) Th~ L(Jk Sabha met at EIt!MJ of tie Clock. MR. SPEAKBR : If you want to listea [MR.. SPEAKER. ill the CluJir) to me, 1 cctn tell you sonaething. There is no rule under which before tbe Questioa (English] Hour, I can take up tbis discussion ••• SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DBO (Parvathipuram): Sir, we cannot (11IIet'l7l}Ititlns)** function in this House witb all tbe Botes, papers and everythitJg locked up inside the rooms. MR. SPEAKBR: There is no ques- tion of privilege ••• MR. SPEAKER: There is no rule under which a discussion can take place. ( interrllptiOlts)·· (Int~"'II/IIUMs) ** MR. SPBAKER: That is what I am telling you. If you want to listeD, you MR. SPEAKBR: I will not allow. can do so. Otherwise, I canDot function. Udder tile rule? Look here : tbe problem is that all tho tbings regardinl administrative matters ( 1I11",,,,,10IU)*· can be discussed by mutual cooperation amongst all of us; and I caD sit amongst MR. SPEAKER: There is DO ques- you -and talk it over. For there is tion of discussion, Sir. There is DO rule me, under which it can be discussed. If you no Opposition or ruliDg party. as far as want to flout a.1I tbe rules it is for you administration is concerned. I can sit to do so. What can I do about it ! ... witb you. ( Ilflerrapti(lns )*. (llfterrtqtiOns) •• MR.. SPEAKER: Not all~wed. MR. SPEAKBlt: No question of ( InterruptiolU)·· prestige. Why should I stand on it ! This does not conccrn me personall,. MR. SPEAKER: There is no rule U nneccssariiy , Mr. Unnitrishoaa's ire UDder which a discussion can take place. lot on me. I Had notbina .,aiDst him, If you want to flout all the rules, I can. and he should have nothiDa aaainst IDC .. Dot allow it. I am not your master. ( Interrllptions). y ~u arc my master. (1IC'err"Pt;ons) •• MR. SPBAKER: Please sit dowo • ••Not recorded. 3 DECEMBER 11, 1985 4 SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN (Bada- MR. SPEAKER: That is what I pra): That was far from my intention. say. That is what I want to say. It was UDDcccssariJy ••• t4R. SPEAKER: I would have lis- tened perfectly. I am always tbere to (Interruptions) listen, and I will always listen. MR. SPEAKER: Please take your (Interruptions)·. seat. MR. SPEAK.ER: If Mr. Unnikrish- MR. SPEAKER: Alain you arc DaD had not betn that sort of agitated, I getting agitated uDnecessarily. No. would have always listened. I always Look here. (Interruptions) If you don't listeD. I would always Jisten to him, as listen, what can I say? (Interruptions) long as I am sitting here. No problem Nothing will go on record, except wbat on that, because it was not in me to do I say. otberwise. I do not want anybody to vacate the rooms. What is its use to ( Interruptions)*· me? I am onJy functioning as a func- tionary of yours. (Interrupti.?ns) Just MR. SPEAKER: Please si t down. Jisten to me. Please take your seats. I am saying something to you. You are speaking aU SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: at the same time, unne~ssari1y wasting What about the nlanner in which you tbe time of the House. I want only to have done it? (Interruptions). say that if you want to discuss that pro- blem, and also the one which Mr. Unni- MR. SPEAKER: I only want to put trisbnan is now referring to, viz. what it this ••• was the manner in which I got them vacated - that also I will answer, because have had full one year at my disposal (lnterrllptioI1S)** 1 and you a1so had it at your disposal to sort things out. Otherwise I would not MR. SPEAKER: It is not a dis- have done it. cussion. I only want to say this: you can come. J can calJ all of you-mem- ( Interruptions) bers of the ruling group, and all others. ** MR. SPEAKER: Again you are SHRI E. A YY APU REDDY (Kur- speaking. Why can't you listen to me? nool): At what time ? Just listen to me. (Interruptions) I heard the rules; I heard the conventions MR. SPEAKFR: Any time, what- always fonowed by the Speakers, and al- ever you say- not now, before tbat. ways foUowed by the House. You can come at 3 o'clock; you can come at 2 o'clock. Any time you can (Interruptions)*· come. Tbere is no problem. (Inter- ruptions) I am not barring ... If you are MR. SPEAKER: No. No question. not listening, what can I do or say? I There is notbing. I did not say that. I am only saying that it is always open for never said it. I am not going to say discussion. For me, it is immaterial anything which I cannot follow. I keep who occupies the rooms, provided you my promise; and I keep tbem and carry . give. me the rooms. I will allot you them out. You are welcome. I will rooms; and provided you fix the rules call the ruling group also. You can sort I will abide by tbem. No . problem with it out. Whatever you decide there, I me. will follow. (Interruptlotls) You come at 2 o'clock. Let us make it 2 o'clock.· (Interruptions) Let us make it so. **Not recorded. - 5 AGRAHAYANA 20, 1907 (SA.cA) Oral A,1UW.. 6 THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE MR. SPEAKER: Tbis is Question (8.. BUTA' SINGH): I have a basic Hour. I will Dot allow any discussioD objection to the practice that you have on it. very generously alloWed in this House. It is very serious and dangerous for the (Interruption') functioning of this house. I maintain the position which I stated yesterday. S. BUrA SINGH: Tho boo. mem- The office of tbe Speaker and his ad... bers must koow tbat the budaet or tbe ministration is beyond the discussion of Speaker's Office is not discussed in tbe this Hoose. House. (Interruptions) When files per- taininl to the office of the Speaker can- MR.
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