S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. PS -=- --1 11 11 1 ■ ■■ T ■ ■ ■ g-i ?-■■■». —- -J ...-‘IMl ! -..-U1 gSSgggiil.'.’j:..'!,?" ..■■■■ ■" ■'! ■I..?*-1"”1 ■ILill„'"g.1' ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 25, 1900. IS2?E.1VSKZ} PRICE THREE CENTS. _nMCLLMMOlb ANOTHER NOTE TO PORTE. rail. leARTHUR’S ANSWER Valt.4 Stair. Mill tn.l.tlugi .. IM CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK SOIL. P*jr. AWFUL SLAUGHTER. ON CHINESE > of Portland, Maine. Constantinople, Saturday, Jun 83.— To Filipino Proposal of Mr. Lloyd C. Grlscom, United States charge d'affaires, today presented a fresh it ■~*r CAPITAL. $100,000.00 Peace. note to the Ottoman government, Insist- ing upon an Immediate reply to the de- Surplus ind UaditlfaJ Profits, $29,000.00 mand of the United State* for a settlement Killed in a Railroad First of American in of the Indemnity In connection wit h Solicits tlie Recounts of Banks,Mer- Thirty-Five People Killing Troops the loss of American* at the time of the cantllc Firms, Corporations ud Armenian massacre*. and la to fur- frMioten Engaged ii leeonstroet- Individuals, prepared Although rigorously phrased the note nish Its patrons the best facilities China in Is not an ultimatum. It Is said, how- and liberal accommodations. Accident Georgia. ing Draft. Reported. ever, to be a disagreeable surprise to the on Porte, testifying as It does to the Inten- Interest Paid Deposits. tion of the United Stats* government to pnrsue this matter of Indemnity to the end. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAYINGS. as Friars Re- a Clause to Four Killed and Seven Wounded Menim and CarraspaadaMa laritad. Train Ran Intb Washout, Caught GOT BEYOND DEPTH. jected. Lawrenoe, Mass., June 84 Cl'I.LEJI C. CHAPMAN, President. —Georgs Fire and Was Burned. in Ambuscade at Tien Tsin. Lang of Haverhill, 88 years old, was THOMAS H. EATON. Cashier. drowned in Island Pond, N. H., today. DIRECTORS. Lang, who with his father and mother was camping at the lake, went out to the WHEN C. CHAPSAN SETHL IARRABEE, That fiesta With the middle of the pond to bathe. He was not E. ML STEADMAN PERLEY P. BURNHAM. Question an expert swimmer and the high wind BRICE M. JAMES F. HAWKS Civil Commission. E0WAR35, prevailing drove the boat from beyond his HENRY S. OS6000 WILLIAM M. MARKS Person on Train in Admiral With Every Except Remey Brooklyn reach and he sank in sixty feet of water. ADAM P. LEIBHTON A diver will be tomorrow „ M WMt( employed In One Car Killed. Ordered to Taku. an effort to secure the body. The young man was prominent In Haverhill social MAINE ARTIFICIAL STONE CO.. Manila, Juno 94—10.85 p. m.—General where his s formal answer to circles, father Is connected and dealers In all kinds of MaoA rthnr has given Manufacturers with the shoe business. Portland Cement goods. Office 117 Kennebec the Filipino leaders who, last Thursday P. & K. Estimate* giv- street, opposite depot. submitted to him peace that en on Ar'lflclai Stone sidewalks, Dnvewavs, proposals Floors, etc. Cement Garden Borders furnished Burned and Others had hern approved earlier In the day by and set: also Common Cement Cellar Floors. Bodies Terribly This Will Hlake Chinese Port a of In Headquart- AU work done at lowest prices and satisfaction meeting representative Insurgents. guaranteed. bis reply he assured them that all persona] Waitt and Bond’s LUCAS. Crushed Recognition. ers of Asiatic A. W. HIGGINS, ROBERT Beyond under the United States constitu- Squadron. my22tMsp rights trial and the •-♦ tion excepting Dy jury right to bear arms, would ba guaranteed them. BLACKSTONE The promoters of the peace movement are now engaged In reconstructing the Kitchen and Table nr able to renter assistance to their fellow Cutlery. June 84.—A to Atlanta, Cla., passenger draft of seven clauses submitted Washington, Jnns 84.—The navy de- arise out of the Chinese situation. As branch of the South- CIGAR train on the Macon ptssengers. General MacArthur In such a way as to partment this afternoon Issued the fol- stated by some of the highest officers of one and For a brief time there was sllenoe. 'l'hen ern railroad ran Into a washout, render It acceptable to both sides. lowing bulletin: the army, the scale of preparation is of Bread Knives, Butcher Knives, north of Qa., the of the Pullman car recov- a hall mile McDonough, occupants The seventh cause, providing for the “A telegram from Admiral KempfT a magnitude which would both Interest The from their bewilderment ami after Leading Potato French Cook and was wrecked. ered Knives, last night completely expulsion of the friars, Gen. MacArthur dated Che Foo, June 24, says: and surprise the public. lire and the entire hard work managed to get out of their Knives, Knives and Forks in SO The wreck caught rejected, on the ground that the settle- 'In ambuscade near Tien Tsin on the But, he added, the Information would with the of the sleeper oar and found themselves on the track lOc Londre Handled Carvernand train exception ment of this question rests with the 21st, four of Waller’s oommand killed and be of even greater Interest and service to patterns, Stag on the In the rain. The extent of the was destroyed. Every person pouring commission hoaded by J udge Taft. seven wounded. Names will be furnished any foreign foe which the United Btates Forks, from 75 cents to better ones the of the Pull- was quickly apparent. Flames train except occupants catastrophe That portion of the *ad infantry which as soon as received. Force of two thou may be exiled upon to face within the in the vjoriu. car Not a member of the were seen coming from that part of the In silk lined Cases. man perished. formerly garrisoned the Island of Samar sand going to relieve Tien Tsin today, next few weeks or months and for that train crew escaped. people wreckage not covered by the water. As Known Cetloloid, Rnbbcr, Ivory, Cellu- Thirty-five will proceed to the Island of Leyte, giv- (Signed) ‘Kempff.’ reason there Is no purpose to make public Everywhere. Is a list of the the wreck began to go to pieces under were killed. Following ing the garrison there the needed rein- The Secretary of the Navy has ordered the complete preparations making to loid and Pearl Handle Knives, with the destructive work of both flames and dead: forcement. Admiral liemey to go with the Brooklyn meet whatever Issues arises. All that QUALITY Plated Knlve\ Forks and flood, human bodies floated out from the Spoons, William A. Barclay, conductor, At- The battalion of the 29th Infantry to Taku and to tender to Uen. MacAr- the officials will say Is that both the army COUNTS. mass and were carried down stream by reliable goods. lanta. which was sent yesterday to Samar, will thur conveyance of any army troops and the navy If the occasion arises, will the swift current. The storm did not J. E. Wool, conductor, Atlanta. act as the garrison there. Which the Brooklyn can carry. give a good account of themselves. abate In fury. Flashes of lightning J. H. Hunnlcutt, conductor, Atlanta. Adjutant Uenentl Corbin was at his added to the steady glow of the burning MINE EXPLOSION. J. T. Sullivan, enlgneer. IN desk during the morning and after going & Co. train and lit up the soenejwlth fearful Burbank, Douglass W. W. Bennett, boggagemaster, At- Admiral Kempff's despatch giving the over the dispatches went to the White distinctness. lanta. Five Men Killed In Champion Mine, llrst definite news of the shedding of House. The President was about to start Flag man Quinlan, who was one of the T E. Maddox, cotton buyer, Atlanta. Mlaelealppl. American blood on Chinese soil, came for church so that there wits time for first to get out, at onoe started for the W. J. Atlanta. early this morning and was turned over only a brief consultation. Gen. Corbin Patte, nearest station. his telegraph Making June 04.—Four men THE WEATHER. Twelve year old son of W. J. Patte, Champion. Mis*., to Secretary Long os soon as he arrived at said nothing had been received up to that way as rapidly as possible In the face of Atlanta. were killed In the Champion mine explo- the department. With Admiral Crown- hour from Uen. MacArthur as to the the blinding storm, he stumbled Into the II. K. Cresslnan, oonduetor. sion Saturday evening. It was previous- lnshleld, the Secretary carried the de- Philippine or Chinese situation. As to pullman office at and after telegraph McDonough one was lost. Usurge W. Flourney, Atlanta. ly reported that ’>nt te spatch to the White House where, on the the preparations for C" Inn Uen. Corbin telling the operator of the wreck, fell D. C. Stock bridge, Qa. Tite dead: *. I President’s return from church, It was refused to say anything except that the Hightower, tainting to the floor. W. W. Park, Maoon, Qa. John Floyd, shift boss, married. laid befure him. The determination report of a brigade being ordered there wits to Atlanta Word quickly sent both tender. Elder Henson, travelling man, supposed Noah Lark, skip thereupon was reached to order Admiral was purely speculative. and Macon, bat no assistance was to be to have been from Florida. Herman Luma, miner. Keiney, in oommand of the Asiatic While ths Berlin reports as to the safety had except in the latter city, as the Inter- J. B. Florida. Nashville. Otto Parka la, miner. squadron from Manila to Taku on board of Baron Von Ketteler and the legations rupted track prevented the arrival of any W.
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