CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS NO. 27 GOLD FIELDS COLLECTION RHODES UNIVERSITY GRAHAMSTOWN 1981 CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH REGISTER 0? DOCUMENTS NO. 27 GOLD FIELDS COLLECTION GRAHAMSTOWN 1981 CONTENTS A. Manuscripts anddocuoents ................ ............. 1. B. Pictorial aaterial .................................. *»1. C. Paaphlets......................... 71*. I. Maps .............................. 99. E. Newspapers............................................ 1 1 6 T. Artefacts .................. 117 The documentb described in this Register are the "non-book" materials from the collection presented to Rhodes University for the Cory Library by Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd. It contains manuscripts and documents, books, photographs, newspapers, pamphlets, maps and memorabilia. These materials were assembled from 191*1*- onwards by the firm as a Rhodes Memorial Library and Museum. This Library was established to cover the history and traditions of the Company and its subsidiaries, successors to the original Rhodes, Rudd and Caldecott Syndicate, with special reference to Cecil John Rhodes. The establishment took place as the Company was nearing its 60th Anniversary and Mr F.C.M. Bawden, who was in 'charge from the early days until his death in 1 9 6 8 was able to build up the collection both by purchase and by assembling materials in the records of Gold Fields and its subsidiaries. In 1976 Gold Fields decided that the Collection should be made available to researchers and chose Rhodes University as the most appropriate institution through which to do this. At the time of the deposit in the Cory Library the University Librarian, Dr. F.G. van der Riot, commented, "I think that this is about the biggest gift that has come to the Cory Library since it was first established with the Cory Collection." The sise of the deposit was a major factor in the decision to retain the usual policy for these Registers and to list only the "non-book" Items here. The book collection numbers just ever 2 0 0 0 titles and has been fully catalogued in the Library's card catalogues. Details can be obtained from the Librarians. The subject fields covered are those of the original Rhodes Library in the main. This Register represents.the first detailed catalogue of the "non-book" sections of the Rhodes Library and it is, perhaps, slightly sad that it goes out under another name but it was felt that for a collection in the Rhodes University Library to be called the Rhodes Library night result in confusion and so the Gold Fields Collection was born. All materials in the Collection are available to researchers and the Cory Librarians will be happy to assist visiting researchers or to supply further information on items here listed. Photostat or microfiche copies of material can be supplied under the Cory Library's normal conditions. J.M. BERNING Grahamstown SANDRA FOLD March 1 9 8 1 NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY This list has been in preparation for a nuaber of years. In that tiae certain proper naaes (e.g. "Rhodesia", "Lourenqo Marques") have been changed. In order to avoid further delays in the production of the list which would be necessitated by changing the old tera and rearranging the alphabetical order of iteas it has been decided to leave such naaes as they were when the list was originally coapiled. J.M.B. I, S.C.T. I CONSOLIDATED GOLD FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD (including Gold Fields of South Africa Ltd. IRR7 -IR9 2 ) AGREEMENTS 1. Agreement (copy): whereby Gold Fielde, Abe Bailey MS 11* 956 Julius Jeppe sell mynpachts at Vierfontein to the New Vierfontein Mines Ltd. Johannesburg, 29.5.1002. 8p fcp TS 2. Agreement: between Gold Fields, some other bodies MS 951 and the Town Council of Johannesburg on the treat­ ment of sewerage and storm water. Johannesburg, 1Q01*. °p fcp TS+PR+MS 3. Agreement: to lend £500 to the Gold Fields MS 1U 953 Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. Johannesburg, Oct. 1898. 7p fcp TS+MS '+. Agreements: (a) list of agreements and powers of MS 11* 969 attorney between Gold Fields and its officials (1 0 1 1 ); (b) list o' external agreements (1fi97); (c) Board resolution on the signing of share script (1S96 67). Johannesburg, 1 8 9 7 -1 9 1 1 . 1 folder fcp TS+MS 5. Agreements and papers: about the supply of MS I1* 050 explosives from Kynoche Ltd. and the British South Africa Explosives Co. Ltd. Various pi., 1900-1905. 1 folder fcp+Lto MS+TS+PR 6 . Agreements: about electricity supplv, with the MS 11* OS'? 3raamfontein Co. Ltd. (1 0 0 6 ) and the Johannesburg Lighting Co. Ltd. (1R9U) - electricity for lighting. Johannesburg, 1flol+-1°06. 1 folder fcp^to MS+TS+PR 7. Agreements: relating to projects in the Northern Transvaal; (a) with the Murchison Proprietary (Tvl) Ltd. about the Murchison Range Gold Fields; (b) with J. Sullivan about possible diamond localities near Pietersburg; (c) between W.M. Edwards and A.S. Boucher about prospecting on the farm Tweefontein; (d) between Boucher and C.E. Scott and the S.A. Gold Trust and Agency Co. about the fara Hartebeestspruit; (e) between H.L. Currey and J.A. Awdry allowing Awdry to prospect in the Zoutpansberg area. Johannesburg, 1889 - 1904* 1 folder fcp MS+TS 8 . Agreements (copies/drafts): (a) contract with a MS 14 95$ aanager - from Sand Mines Ltd.; (b) legal position of Turffontein Estate Co. and Mynpachts; (c) purchase of claias on Booysens Estate and Turffoatein; (d) establishment of Booysens Gold Mines Ltd. Johannesburg, 1909 - 1912. 1 folder fcp TS 9. Agreements: with Edwin Harris Dunning; about an MS 14 984 exchange of New Rietfontein Estate and Gold Mine shares for Gold Fields shares, also provisional agree- aent between the S.A. Republic and the Johannesburg Township Syndicate about land at Turffontein. Various pi., 1892 - 3. 1 folder fcp MS+TS 10. Agreements: for the supply of cyanide with Mosenthal MS 14 954 Brothers and for the British Cyanides Co. Ltd. with Rand Mines Ltd. London and Johannesburg, 1916-1920. 1 folder fcp MS+TS+PR 11. Agreement: appointing C.J. Rhodes and C.D. Rudd as MS 16 0 3 8 managing directors and defining their position. [Johannesburg?], 12.12.1892. 1v. elephant MS 12. Agreeaents (copies): between Gold Fields and the MS 16 0 5 8 Transvaal Mortgage Loan and Finance Co. Ltd. about the purchase of the Ingraasberg gold fields and between Gold Fields and Wernher, Beit & Co. relating to this. London, 1894. 1v fcp MS 13. Agreements: (a) engaging Frederick Amos Bristol (1909); (b) on a loan to Gold Fields Deep Ltd. 0 895); (c) between Alfred Hinuber Haggard and Henry Brown Marshall and the B.S.A. Co. about a lease of water power rights on the Victoria Falls and Zambesi River (n.d.) - copy. Various pi., 1895 - 1909. 1 folder fcp TS & MS 14. Agreements: for the supply of power by the Victoria MS 14 93? Falls & Transvaal Power Co. Ltd., to Gold Fields companies (Jupiter G.M.C. Ltd., Knights Deep Ltd., Simmer and Jack East Ltd., Simmer Deep Ltd., Simmer 8, Jack Prop.Mines Ltd., Robinson Deep G.M.C. Ltd., Luipaard's Vlei Estate and G.M.C. Ltd.); and agreement with Rand Mines Ltd. Johannesburg, 1910 - 1917. 1 folder fcp MS+TS+PR 15. Agreements and powers of attorney: involving Capt. MS 14 986 E.F. Rhodes - (1) agreement with Reinhold Strauss about prospecting in the Heidelberg district; (2) power of attorney to F. Lowry in B.S.A. Company territories; (3) similar power to R.S. Egerton. Johannesburg, 189**. 1 folder fcp TS 16. Agreements: (1) power of attorney r£ mortgage bond MS 14 992 given by Champ D'Or Deep Level G.M.C. Ltd.; (2) receipt by Gold Fields for sale of an interest in Rand Mines to H. Eckstein 8, Co.; (3) agreement by Gold Fields Deep to sell claims (etc.) to Gold Fields; (4) agreement on the conversion of the Braamfontein Syndicate into a limited liability company. Johannesburg, 1892 - 1896. 1 folder fcp TS 17. Agreements and powers of attorney: (1) with F.A. MS 14 944 English ££ Village Main Reef (1892); (2) between C.D. Rudd and E. 3irkenruth re South Simmer and Jack Deep Level G.M.C. Ltd. TT8 9 4 ); (3) between Birkenruth and the May and Glencairn Deep Level Syndicate Ltd. claims at Elandsfontein and Driefontein gold fields (1893); with F.A. English re Salmon claims (Elandsfontein) (1894). Johannesburg, 1892 - 1894. 1 folder fcp MS+TS+PR 1ft. Cables: originals, copies, drafts and decodings for MS 16 075 cables exchanged between South Africa and London. Cape Town, Johannesburg and London, 1 8 9 1 - 1 8 9 6 . 1 folder aiac. MS+TS COLLECTIONS OF PAPERS 19. Collection of papers: (a) list of gold sines and MS 16 077 cospanies adainistered by the Gold Fields group (dated after 1 9 *1 8 ); (b) notice for shareholders aeeting of the Rand Steaa Bread and Biscuit Factory and Produce Co. (1891); (c) copies of letters about a tea cloth signed by C.J. Rhodes et. al. (1950); (d) lists of aaterial in the New York Public Library about C.J. Rhodes and correspondence (1 9 5 0 ); (e) list of equipaent in the Research Bureau, Nelsonia - geological section (1950). Various pi., 1 8 9 1 - 1950. 1 folder fcp ♦ bto TS+PR 20. Collection of papers: about J.G. Lockhart's proposed MS 16 109 biography of C.J. Rhodes, reactions to Felix Gross' biography and possible use to be aade of Rhodes aaterial belonging to Gold Fields. Johannesburg, 1957. 1 folder bto TS+PR 21. Collection of papers: about the recruitment of MS 1b 9b8 "native" labour for Gold Fields coapanies.
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