The Beetleypete A-Z Film Challenge 1000 Here are the movies recommended on Beetleypete’s A-Z Challenge. Beetleypete’s top pick for each day is first in each letter and is in bold and underlined. His other picks are next in bold. Picks by others are listed next in alphabetical order with the letters below indicating the blogger. Where more than one person recommends a film, they are listed in the order they suggest the film. Errors are apologised for in advance. There are over 1,000 films recommended by over 30 bloggers. It was a lot of fun for everyone with some great suggestions. Key to Contributors B1 Beetleypete Pick of the day B Beetleypete recommendation BB abbiosbiston recommendation C Cindy Bruchman recommendation CC cincinnatibabyhead recommendation D democratizemoney (Theo) recommendation DI Dina recommendation DO Doug (FindingPoliticalSanity.com) recommendation E Eddy Winko recommendation EB Eric Binford recommendation EZ Elizabeth recommendation F Fragglerocking recommendation FL Frank Lehnen recommendation FND First Night Design recommendation G GP Cox recommendation H By Hook or by Book recommendation I Islandeditions recommendation IG Ian Gibson Photography recommendation J Johnreiber recommendation JE Jennie recommendation L lividemerald2013 recommendation LE LaurenEph recommendation LM Lloyd Marken recommendation LT lobotero recommendation M Madame Vintage recommendation MA Alex Meringov recommendation O Ozflicks recommendation OL Olganm recommendation P PJR recommendation R Ron Walker recommendation S Sue recommendation T Robert Parker Teel recommendation To Toritto recommendation TS theshammuramat recommendation V Vinnieh recommendation VV Violet of Violet's Veg*n e-comics recommendation W William of 1000 Mistakes recommendation The films The Letter A Ace in the Hole (B1) Aces High (B) Alien (series) (B, V, R, H, L, LM) All About My Mother (B) About a Boy (I) The Abyss (L) Across 110th Street (B, J) Across The Universe (C, O, I) The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (I) The African Queen (O) The Age of Innocence (V) Aguirre The Wrath of God (O, B, I) Airplane (E) All About Eve (V, I, C, H, L) Almost Famous (O) Amacord (O) Amelie (O) American Beauty (O) American Graffiti (I) Annie Hall (O) Apocalypse Now (W, B, O) The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (I) Argo (VV) Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (W, B) L’Atalante (O) Assult on Precinct 13 (D, B) Atonement (C) Avengers Assemble (F) The Aviator (C) The Letter B Blade Runner (B1, J, R, L, H, D, C, T, P, O, M) Babette’s Feast (B, P, I) Bad Day at Black Rock (B, V) Bad Lieutenant (B) Badlands (B, P, O) Battle of Algiers (B) Black Narcissus (B, V, C) Bullitt (B) Bad Boy Bubby (O) Bagdad Cafe (I) Barton Fink (C) Basic Instinct (L) Batman (series) (C) Be Kind Rewind (I) Beetlejuice (?) Beasts of the Southern Wild (L) Bedazzled (1967) (O) Bedazzled (2000) (L) The Beguiled (V) Being There (O, I) Bell, Book and Candle (D) Bridge over the River Kwai (D) Betty Blue (L) The Big Chill (I) Big Fish (?) The Big Lebowski (O) The Birds (L) Black Cat White Cat (W) Black Swan (V, C) Blazing Saddles (O) Blue Velvet (W, B) The Blues Brothers (I) Body Heat (TS) Bonnie and Clyde (L) Das Boot (see under D) Braveheart (C) Brazil (L, W) Bringing Up Baby (T) The Letter C Come and See (B1) Caberet (B) Caligula (B) Cape Fear (1962) (B, H, L) Cape Fear (1991) (B, L) Captain Alatriste (B) Cat People (1942) (B) Chimes At Midnight (B) Cincinnati Kid (B) Citizen Kane (B, H, L, I) City of God (B, J) Crash (B, E) Caddyshack (T) Candyman (V) Captain America-Civil War (F) Captain Fantastic (C) Carlito’s Way (J, C) The Carpetbaggers (G) Carrie (J, C) Casablanca (T, EZ, C, L) Cat Ballou (I) Cat People (1982) (L) The Cell (C) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (C) Chicago (C, L) Chinatown (I) Chopper (W) City of Lost Children (W) Cliffhanger (L) A Clockwork Orange (L) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (L) Clueless (L) Conspiracy Theory (C) Cool Hand Luke (C, B) Corpse Bride (L) Cosi (I) The Craft (V) Crimes of Passion (L) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (V) The Letter D The Duellists (B1, E, G, F, T, H) Dark City (B, L) Dark Star (B) Das Boot (B, T, D) Dersu Uzala (B, O, I) Do the Right Thing (B) Downfall (B, C) Duel (B, H) Damien: Omen II () Dances With Wolves (TS) Dangerous Beauty (L) Dark Knight (W) Darker Than Amber (J) Days of Heaven (O) Dead Man (O) Dead Poets’ Society () Deadpool (F, H) Death Becomes Her (L) Death in Venice (O) Deep Red (L) The Deer Hunter (EZ, G, H) Deliverance (EZ, H, L) Delicatessen (W) The Descent (V) The Devil’s Advocate (L) The Devil’s Backbone (IGP) Diner (I) District 9 (C) Django (E) Doctor Zhivago (V) Dogville (E) Donnie Darko (W, E, B, O) Down By Law (O) Dr. Strangelove (O, I) Draughtsman’s Contract (O) The Dressmaker (I) Dressed to Kill (L) Duck Soup (O) The Letter E Everlasting Moments (B1) The Eagle Has Landed (B, E) East of Eden (B) Easy Rider (B, J, I) Electra Glide in Blue (B, J) Elite Squad (B) Empire of the Sun (B) Event Horizon (B) Eastern Promises (W) Edge of Heaven (O) Educating Rita (I) An Education (V) Edward Scissorhands () Eight Legged Freaks (L) Elephant Man (H) Elf (EZ) Elizabeth (V, B) Ella Enchanted (EZ) Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (L) Emmanuelle – series (L) Enemy at the Gates (L) Enemy Mine (L) The Enigma OF Kasper Hauser (O, B) Enter the Dragon (J) Enter the Void (J) Eraserhead (W, B) E.T. (V) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (L) Everything is Illuminated (C) Evil Dead () Ex Machina (C) Exodus (D) The Exorcist (V, L) Eyes Wide Shut (L) The Letter F Farewell My Concubine (B1, O) The Fallen Idol (B) Fitzcarraldo (B, J) Freaks (B) The Friends of Eddie Coyle (B, F) The Front Page (B) Full Metal Jacket (B, G, RW) Funny Games (B) Falling Down (L) The Fantastic Four (2005) (F, RW, H) Fantastic Mr. Fox (C, E) Fantastic Voyage (L) Fargo (C, E, H) Fatal Attraction (V) Female Agents (V) Femme Fatale (L) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (L) Fifth Element (L) Fightclub (W) Finding Dory (LE) Finding Nemo (LE) Firestarter (G) A Fist Full of Dollars (C, E) Five Easy Pieces (LT) Flesh & Blood (L) The Flight of the Phoenix (L) The Fly (L) FM () Footloose (H) For a Few Dollars More (E) For Your Eyes Only (V) Forbidden Planet (L) Foreign Correspondent (C) The Fountain (L) Four Weddings and a Funeral () Fox and the Hound (E) Foxcatcher (C) Frankenstein (C) The French Connection (C, T) Frenzy (I) Frida (C) From Hell (LT) From Here to Eternity (E) Frozen (E) The Fugitive (J, H) The Full Monty (I) Funny Face (LE) Funny Girl (LT) The Letter G The Grifters (B1, J) Gallipoli (B, J) Get Carter (B) The Getaway (B, J) Ghandi (B) Ghost World (B, O) Girl With a Pearl Earring (B) Glengarry Glen Ross (B, J) The Godfather (series) (B, J, LM) Goodbye Lenin (B, E, O) Goodfellas (B) Goya’s Ghost (B) The Grey Zone (B, E) Galaxy Quest (L, B) The Gambler (J) The Game (J, MA) Gangs of New York (C) Gaslight (H) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (J, L) Get Shorty (J) The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (J) Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (W, B) Ghostbusters (JE) Giant (G) Gilda (L, B) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (E, S, J) Gladiator (J) The Gods Must Be Crazy (O, I) Godzilla (J) Golden Eye (V) Goldfinger (J, V) Gone With the Wind (H, V) Good Morning Vietnam (H) Good Day to Die Hard (MA) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (O, L) Good Will Hunting (J, H) The Graduate (J) Gran Torino (C) The Grand Budapest Hotel (C, O, I) La Grande Illusion (S) The Great Beauty (O) The Great Escape (L, B) The Grapes of Wrath (O, I) Grease (L) Gremlins () Groundhog Day (J) Guardians of the Galaxy (F, D) Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (EZ) The Letter H House of Games (B1, T) The House of Mirth (B) La Haine (B, V) The Hairdresser’s Husband (B) Hard Candy (B) Hard Eight (B) Hardware (B) Heavenly Creatures (B) Heaven’s Gate (B) Hellraiser (B) A History of Violence (B) The Horseman (B) Hacksaw Ridge (C) Hairspray (1988) (G) Hallowe’en (series) (H) The Hangover (C) Hannah (D) Hannibal Brooks (F) A Hard Day’s Night (I) Harry and Tonto (D) Harry Potter (series) (H) Hart’s War (D) Harvey (L, D) The Haunting (V) He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (V) Head On (O) Heartlands (I) Hell’s Angels (L) Help! () The Help (C) Hero (O) High Anxiety (O) High Fidelity (L, O) High Noon (JE) His Girl Friday (L) Histoire d’O (L) Hitchcock (C) Hitch-Hike (L) The Hobbit () Hollow Man (L) The Hot Spot (L) Hotel Rwanda (H) House of the Flying Daggers (O) House of Wax (L) How the West Was Won (L) How to Marry a Millionaire (L) Hurt Locker (C, W) Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte (L) Hyde Park on Hudson (C) The Letter I In Cold Blood (B1, J, C) In the Heat of the Night (B) Imitation of Life (B) Incendies (B) Indochine (B) The Innocents (B) Interview With The Vampire (B) Intolerance (B) It Follows (B) I Am Dina (DI) I Am Sam (I) I, Robot (C) Ice Cold in Alex () The Ice Harvest (L) Identity (L) If … (O) I’m Not Scared (I) The Impossible (L) In Bruges (C) In The Mood For Love (O) Inception (W, C) The Incredible Hulk () Independence Day (H) Infamous () Inglorious Bastards (C) Indiana Jones (V) Innocent Blood () Inside Llewyn Davis (C) Intolerable Cruelty (L) The Intouchables (I) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (L) Iron Man (E, F) It Came From Outer Space (LT) It Happened One Night (V) It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (L) It’s a Wonderful Life (L) It’s Alive! (LT) I’ve Loved You For So Long (O, B) The Letter J Jackie Brown (B1, C, O, V, H) Jagged Edge (B) Jason and the Argonauts (B) Jean de Florette (B, O) Jeremiah Johnson (B) JFK (B) Johnny Mad Dog (B) Ju Dou (B, O) Ju-On (B) Jackie (C) Jacob’s Ladder (V, TO) Jane Eyre (1943) (C, E, H)
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