E1776 v12 Environment Management Plan -- an Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora Public Disclosure Authorized REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Municipal Infrastructure Development Project Public Disclosure Authorized Environment Management Plan /EMPI Public Disclosure Authorized Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora , -3 Public Disclosure Authorized - - -. Omonit Consult LLC, 17 G. Benkovskl Street, Sofia 1000 phorie.:02/980-21-16 fax:02/980-04-68 1 Environment Management Plan an Invcstnient Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC -- Stara Zagora TAUI. E OF CONTENTS 1 General .....................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Purpose of the Project....................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Bank's Requirements and Documents .............................................................................3 1.3 Role of the EMP ...............................................................................................................4 2 Initial Information Review .......................................................................................................5 2.1 Selection Principle for Projects included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora Projects for the Period 2008-201 2.......................................... 5 2.2 Brief Description of Projects Included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC -Stara Zagora ..................................................................................................5 3 Analysis of the possible environnlental impacts of the Project ................................................6 . 3.1 Positive impact .................................................................................................................6 3.2 Adverse impact .................................................. r ..............................................................7 3.3 Adversc Iinpacts during Construction .............................................................................. 7 3.4 Adversc Ii~lpactsduring Operation .................................................................................I0 4 Mitigation Measures against Potential Environn~entalImpacts due to ln~plcinentationof The Investment Prograill - during the construction phase and during the operation phase ...................10 5 Monitoring ..............................................................................................................................14 5.1 Monitoring and Control during the Construction ...........................................................14 5.2 Monitoring and Control during the Operation ...............................................................14 6 Conclusions and Steps Recoinmendcd to Ensure Performancc of the EMP.......................... 15 7 Consultations and PubIic Discussions. Discussion of the Positive and Adverse Impacts. Routine Consultations and NGO .................................................................................................... 16 APPENDICES: Annex I Contract Provisions Anncx 2 Environn~ental Impact Mitigation Progi-a?~for the Construction and Operation Phases Annex 3 Construction Phase Monitoring I'rogram Appendix A. Nonnative Documents Applicable to thc k'roject Appendix B. Abbrcviations llscd Maps and Diagrams of Stara Zagora Ornon~tConsult LLC. 17 G. Hei~kovskiStreet. Sofia 1000 phoiie. .02/980.21.1G. fax.02/980.04.68 2 Environment Management Plan - an Investmenr Program of M'ater & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora 1 General The government of R. Bulgaria requested the World Hank's assistance in financing of activities related to the Municipal Infrastructurc Development Projcct which will help Bulgaria to comply to the European Union's directives on potable and waste water and the environmental protection factors in the investment schemes that will be acceptable and eligible for financing from the European Union's Structural Funds and are not covered by other EU grants. The Project, part of which is this Environnient Management Plan IEMPI, encompasses the completion of water-supply dams (Neykovtsi, Plovdivtsi and Luda Yana) whcrc construction was suspended in the last decade, and rehabilitation of the wall of an operating dam (Studena Dam), as well as rehabilitation of the water supply system 01' six conlpanies providing Water and Sewerage services (Dobrich, Razgrad, Sliven, Sn~olian,Stara Zagora and Targovishte). 1.1 Purpose of the Project The general objective of the Projcct is to ensurc bctter water supply and responsible use of the water resourccs underlying the statc policy for sustainable dcvelopn~cntof thc water sector. That objective is completely in the spirit of the National Strategy of Bulgaria for Environmental Protection (2005 - 2014) that envisages ,,provision of good-quality water and sufficient water supply for all purposes". The purposc of the Projcct will bc achieved by means of: a) improvcrnent of thc conditions for potable water supply in selected regions; b) ensuring the required quantity and quality of potable water; c) reduction of losscs in thc water supply nctwork; d) improvement of the reliability and efficicncy of water supply systems and facilities; e) compliance with cnviroiimcntal rcquirements and regulations concerning the systcins; f) enhanccrnent of the managcmcnt and opct-ating capability of the operators. 1.2 Bank's Requirements and Documents The overall environrncntal category of the proposed Project is A in line with Bank policies with individual investments that bclong to both category A (the proposed dam completion activities and catcgory R (thc rchabilitation of water networks). Environment Management Plan - an In\rcstment Program of'water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zagora Based on the proposed Project Investinents the following World Bank's safeguards policies and procedures are triggered: OPIBP 4.01 Eii~~ironmentalAs.ressnient; OPIBP 4.12 Involuntaly Resettlenient ; OPIBP 4.37 Sufefy oj Danis; and OPIBP 7.50 Pi-ojects on fnternational Waterways. Furthermore, adequate protcction and maintenance of ecosystems downstream of the dams should be assessed during project preparation to determine the relevance of the OPIBP 4.04 Natural Habitats and OPIBP 4.36 Fore.stiy safeguard policies. Also, given the possibility that proposed water coiiipanies might implement projects in cities with historic districts, the OPN 1 1.03 Cultural Pi-operty safeguard policy might be triggcrcd. The following documents will be prepared by the Government of Bulgaria prior to project appraisal: (1) Environmental Framework of' the Project (EF) for all proposed subprojects; (2) Environmental Duc Diligence lieport (EDR), including, in summary, assessment of the site conditions and asscss~nentof the possible environmental impacts related to completion and operation of the proposcd thrce dam sites,;(3) Environment Management Plans (EMP) on investiiient in rehabilitation of the water distribution nctworks in which the contract provisions for construction worlts will be specified /bee Annexes 1, 2 and 31 related to application of the technical standards and other requircincnts relevant to the construction phase. 4) project Land Acquisition I'olicy 1:ramelvol-k that will outline the process to be followed in case there is land acquisition needed for the project; and (5) Social Due Diligence for 'the three dam sites that presents an overview of the past land acquisition process carried out by the Government. 1.3 Role of the EMP The present Environment Management Plan was developed by the Consultants Team of Omonit Consult LLC by assignnicnt 01. the Ministry of Regional Dcvclopiilcnt and Public Works (MRDPW) and contains a main, explanatory pard, Contract Provisions /Annex11 on environmental protcction, Environrnclital Impact Mitigation Program /Annex21 including appropriate environmcntal protection mcasures that n.il~lhclp to initigatc the ncgative impacts arising from the construction of new facilities and rehabilitation of the water supply system of Water & Sewerage SPLLC Stara Zagora, aiid the attendant costs, as well as an Environmental Monitoring Program /Annex 31, pointing out to the parties in charge of thc iniplcmentation of that program that, in the detailed documents of the wbrlts, they shall ensure adherence to all provisions related to environment and to thc correct implementation of all environmental protection measurcs. The monitoring Plan includes inlormation on the inspections in the course of realization, internal and cxtcrnal monitoring and asscssment, as well as a reporting system. The plan presents cost estimatcs of the en\~ironmcntiiiaiiagclncnt measurcs aiid the time schedule of their performance. ~ Omonit Consillt LLC, 17 G. Benkovskr Srrret, Sofia 100G p}lo:,e.:02/980-21-16; fax:02/980-04-68 4 Environment Management Plan an Inicstment Program oI'M1ater & Sewerage SPLI,C - Stara Zagora 2 Initial Information Review. 2.1 Selection Principle for Projects included in the Investment Program of Water & Sewerage SPLLC - Stara Zago1-a Projects for the Period 2008-2012. Selection of the sites proposed for financing from the loan granted by the World Bank was performed after analysis and assessnlcnt of the condition of various components of the water supply systems serving all nlunicipalitics within Stara Zagora District - Bratya Daskalovi, Gurkovo, Galabovo, Kazanlilc,
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