Stellenbosch Filatelistevereniging Stellenbosch Philatelic Society Champagnestraat/Street 18 Proteahoogte/Heights Brackenfell 7560 Tel. : 021-981-4036 Faks/fax. : 086-672-1625 E-pos/mail : [email protected] JaargangVolume: 34 No/Nr: 11 Klubaand : 1ste Dins van mnd om 19:00 Club night: 1st Tues of month at 19:00 Venue: Le Donjon, La Societé, La Clemence, Webersvallei Road, Stellenbosch NUUSBRIEF AUGUSTUS 2013 VORIGE BYEENKOMS 2 JULIE Die Voorsitter, Leon Smith, verwelkom lede Henk Geertsema, Wilhelm Verwoerd, Thys Malan, Hugh Mulder, Gunter Wossler, Anton Putter, Siv Borgin, Laurette van Tonder, David Wolpe, Ida Potgieter en Robert Harm. Hy verwelkom ook ons gaste Rob Allan en Lydia Smith. Verskoning word aangeteken vir Dennis Horn, Pieter Maritz, Kallie Buys, André Oosthuizen, Willem Lubbe, Emil Bührmann, Niel Matthee, Peter Jolie, Tewis Britz en Ds Scheepers. Lede Kallie Buys (9 Jul), Gunter Wossler (14 Jul), Ds Scheepers (16 Jul) en Pieter Maritz (23 Jul) word gelukgewense met hulle verjaardae. Leon Smith word spesiaal gelukgewens met sy 50ste verjaardag op 20 Jul. Dit is met leedwese dat die Voorsitter aankondig dat Willem Lubbe na ’n kort siekbed oorlede is. ’n Hele aantal lede het sy begrafnis bygewoon vanuit ’n stampvol kerk. Hy het baie mense binne en buite ons klub diep geraak, en sy opgewektheid en sy besonder materiaal sal by ons gemis word. Daar is baie goeie getuienis oor hom gelewer. Lede handhaaf ’n oomblik van stilte ter nagedagtenis. In sy verwelkoming verduidelik die Voorsitter dat die normale program aangepas word om voldoende tyd vir die veiling van ongeveer 90 lotte te laat. Die normale programitems SK&A en alfabet uitstalling staan dus oor. Ledec word herinner dat die opbrengs vir ons jaarafsluiting gebruik sal word. Die bywoning is minder as verwag, maar dis ʼn vakansiemaand. Lede wat reis word ʼn goeie reis toegewens, asook ʼn veilige terugkeer. Hierna gaan die byeenkoms kortliks voort om enkele klubsake aan te spreek. De klubsake onder bespreking is die volgende: a. Die lede word herinner aan ons klubaand van 1 Okt 2013. Die instelling van kompetisies en die toekenning van die bekers word die aand bespreek en gefinaliseer. b. Die Voorsitter herinner lede aan JOMAPEX 2013. Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings is tot 31 Jul 2013 uitgestel. c. Die Voorsitter bevestig dat Nasionale Seëldag by die Soneike Poskantoor gehou sal word. Die Klub sal 100 spesiale koeverte vanaf Federasie aanvra op die grondslag dat onverkoopte koeverte teruggestuur sal word. Die Sekretaris moet die skrywe op daardie grondslag aan Federasie rig. Hy moet ook vasstel of daar ʼn spesiale aanplakbiljet beskikbaar gaan wees. d. Daar is nou vordering vir ons deelname aan die Interklub in Sep 2013, waar ons klub as gasheer optree. David Wolpe sal ʼn drie-raam uitstalling, Siv Borgin ʼn twee-raam uitstalling en Gunter Wossler ʼn een-raam uitstalling inskryf. Rame sal om 17:00 opgerig word, en lede word versoek om reeds daardie tyd beskikbaar te wees om te help. e. Lede kla weereens oor die obliterasie van seëls op die koeverte waarin die SA Philatelist ontvang word. Die Sekretaris word gevra om dit in ʼn skrywe aan Federasie bekend te maak. Die Voorsitter verdaag die vergadering vir verversings en ʼn glasie wyn, met dank aan Lydia The next agenda item is the auction. This is the first auction held by our club for many years. The Chairman shortly explains the rules and stresses the fact that all participants must register with Lydia. He explains once again that the sellers are paying the commission and that prices include the commission. Members are requested to pay their bills before leaving or to make arrangements with the Chairman on payments. The pay-out will take place as part of the August meeting. Bids will be increased by R2 up to R100, and by R5 after that. After this the auctioneer David Wolpe takes the floor, while he himself will deliver each item as the bid is confirmed. Bidding is brisk and some 80% of the lots are sold. Everyone is thrilled about the contents of this meeting, and there is an immediate request that further auctions must be arranged. Provisionally the next auction is arranged for Mar 2014. The meeting closes at 21:45. FACTS AND FEATS: THE POSTAL SERVICES The highest permanent post office in the world can be found at Phari-Yong, Tibet. It lies at an height of 4 575 m. The highest Post office in the United States is in the aptly named village of Climax, Colorado at 3 450 m. The highest post office in the British Isles is at Wanlockhead, Dumfries and Galloway at a mere 451 m. Between 1886 and 1904 an office existed on the summit of Ben Nevis at 1 343 m, but this handled telegrams (about or in connection with the observatory) only. The most northerly permanent post office in the world is situated at Ny Ålesund, Spitzbergen, Norway (78˚55’32”). The post office in the town of North Pole, Alaska (population 600 in 1988) is actually 23 km east of Fairbanks (65˚), and does not lie within the Arctic Circle. For interest, the most northerly on the European mainland is at Nordkapp, Norway, in Asia it is at Katana, Siberia, in the US at Barrow, Alaska, and in the British Isles it is at Haroldswick, Unst, in the Shetlands. The most southerly post office in the world is operated by the United States at the South Pole and serves 1000 servicemen, scientists and naturalists (1981) engaged in geophysical research. Mail for the office is routed through Christchurch, New Zealand. The oldest post office in the United Kingdom, still in its original building, is at Sanquhar, Dumfries and Galloway. The post office is unique in having occupied the same house since its inception in 1763, a fact which was officially recognised in a pictorial postmark in 1974. The post office, as an abstract term, has existed since the mid-17th century, but not in the same building. The post office serving the smallest population (in 1988) is that on Suwarrow, an atoll in the Cook Islands group. The island is 800 m long and 200 m broad, and lies some 320 km from its nearest inhabited neighbour. The only inhabitant, New Zealander Tom Neale, was appointed postmaster on 22 Jul 1969. Prior to that date he served in an unofficial capacity. Mail from the island is known with an official datestamp and Tom Neale’s own circular4 cachet. The most sparsely populated area in the UK served by its own post office is the island of Canna in the Inner Hebrides (population 20 in 1988). In 1891 the neighbouring island Rum had a population of only 12, and were served by their own post office. The world’s only undersea post office was established on the sea-bed of the Bahamas on 16 Aug 1939 as part of of the facilities of the Williamson Photosphere, operated by the American Field Museum. It consisted of a globular, glass-walled chamber, equipped for observing underwater phenomena, and was manned by Capt Charles Williamson. The uniqiue post office was depicted on the 5/- and $1 definitive stamps of the Bahamas of 1965-71. Facts and feats come from: Mackay, James, The Guinness book of Stamps, Guinness Publishing Ltd, Enfield, 1988 VERVALSTE POSSEëLS IN DUITSLAND Op ’n vorige geleentheid het ek in die nuusbrief genoem van die vervalsing van posseëls in Nederland. Nou blyk dit dat ook in Duitsland sulke gevalle ontdek het. Die tydskrif FOCUS Magazine nr 17 van 22 Apr 2013 meld dat Duitse versamelaars op hulle hoede moet wees. Jaarliks spandeer Duitse versamelaars ongeveer €175 miljoen (ongeveer R2 miljard) (u het reggelees ± R2 miljard) aan ouer seëls en nuwe uitgiftes. In die proses maak hulle gebruik van seëlhandelaars en op veilings, en maak nie altyd van die bekende handelare gebruik nie. Dit maak hulle die ideale teiken vir bedrieërs. Boonop word seëls aangekoop as ’n manier om geld “te was”. Oskar Klein, hoofredakteur van Michel waarsku dat vervalsing met rasse skrede toeneem, en dat professionele vervalsers tot die seëlmark toetree. Reeds word papier herstel, oordrukke later aangebring, stempels vervals, en aan die onversigtige versamelaar verkoop. Een voorbeeld hiervan is Wahnfried Thum uit Düsseldorf. Hy het ’n reeks van 17 seëls van Duitse Kolonies (sy versamelgebied) vir Є7.000,00 (meer as R80 000) aangekoop in die hoop dat hy sy versameling aanvul. Nadere ondersoek het egter getoon dat slegs 2 van die 17 seëls eg was. Die res was later gedruk, van nuwe gom voorsien of eenvoudig vervals. Dit sou goed gewees het indien hy die seëls eers aan hulle ekwivalent van ons “Expert Committee” vir bevestiging blootgestel het. Sy spyt het te laat gekom. Verlede jaar is ʼn saak teen ʼn handelaar van Hamburg aanhangig gemaak, waar by sy winkel en huis met ʼn wettige bevel deursoek is. Die handelaar het appèl teen die bevel aangeteken, en dit laat die saak hang. Intussen gaan die handelaar voort met verkope vanaf sy winkel en aanlyn. Selfs die handelaar se seun het erken dat daar veral via die internet veel gemors verkoop word, en dat kopers versigtiger te werk moet gaan, veral as goeie “materiaal” teen lae pryse aangebied word. KNBF nuusbrief 039 van Jul 2013 (Daar is twee reëls wat geld: Caveat emptor – Buyer beware;, en as die prys te goed is om waar te wees, is dit.) THE DEATH CENTENARY OF EDWARD STANLEY GIBBONS (continued from July 2013). After selling the business in 1890, Stanley Gibbons travelled extensively, mostly for pleasure but always taking the opportunity to obtain stamps for his old company. In 1897 he visited Honolulu where he observed the burning of unwanted stocks, something he viewed as “sad”.
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