COMMON GROUND AND CONFLICT iN TEE STRUGGLE OVER THE USE OF FORESTS AND LABOUR RU BRITISH COLUMBIA: THE CASE OF GREENPEACE AND THE PULP, PAPER, AND WOODWORKERS OF CANADA Alexander Simon B.A. State University of New York ai Albany 1988 MA. State University of New York ai Albany 1991 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPRY in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology @ Alexander Simon 2000 Simon Fraser University February 2000 Ali rights rrsrrvrd. This work müy not br rqroduccxi in whok cir in put, by photocop? or other meuns. without permission of the author. National tibrary Bibliothèque nationale 191 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie SeMces services bibliographiques 395 Wdlingtcm Street 395, rue Wellington OtiiwON K1AûN4 Oniwa ON K1A ON4 CensQ CaMds The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seU reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic fonnats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retaias ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial exûacts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author' s ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Absuact According to James O'Connor, the second contradiction of capitalism stems from capital's tendency to destroy its own conditions of production (i.e., labour. nature, and infrastructure). O'Connor asserts that the crises engendered b y capital kt exploitation of production conditions creates the potential for cooperation between the environmental movernent and the labour movement. This dissenation utilizes O'Connor's theory as a framework for analysing how Greenpeace and the Puip. Paper, and Woodworkers of Canada (PPWC)have responded to capital's dual exploitation of forests and forest sector workers. Data were gathered utilizing several research methods including open ended interviews with woodworken and environrnentalists. a case study of a corporate propaganda campaign, and discourse analysis. Suppon was found for O'Connor's propositions regarding the positive relationship between capital's exploitation of labour and nature as well as his major propositions reyarding the relationship between capital and the state in the production of commodities. O'Connor's treatment of social movements needs to be refined as he irnplies that social movements respond to objectively perceived crises created by capitalist exploitation of land and labour. As theorizcd by Alain Touraine, the policies of Greenpeace and the PPWC have "mutated" to adapt to changing social conditions. However, the data gathered for this study indicate that both woodworken and environmentalists subjectively constnict their undentandings of the crises engendered by capital's dual exploitation of labour and nature from a multitude of sources. Moreover, both capital and the state attempt to quash significant social change by engaging in propaganda campaigns designed to reaffirm the dominant ideology which justifies the existing smcture of the forest industry. ... 111 Therefore, the responses that social movements have to capital's dual exploitation of labour and nature remain highly unpredictable. DEDKA TION To my good friend. Kenai. Completing this project would not have been possible without the help and cooperation of a great many people. My cornmittee members, Ian Angus, Marilyn Gates, and Karl Froschauer provided excellent support and feedback throughout the entire process. 1 thank al1 of you very much. Many of the PPWC members who agreed to take part in this study were anonyrnous interviewees. Therefore, it is not possible to identify some of the individuals who made the rreatest contributions to this dissenation However. yoiir participation is greatly appreciated. I am also grateful for the cooperation of National P.P.W.C. President Garry Worth, former National President Stan Shewaga, National Forestry Officer Sean Reel, and National Environmental Officer, Fred Henton. Many people frorn the environmental community also took time out of their busy schedules to participate in this study. I would like to thank Karen Mahon. Tamara Stark. Tzeporah Berman, David Peerla, Greg McDade, Will Horter, Mitch Anderson, John Werring, loe Foy, Herb Hammond, and Trevor Jones. 1 would also like to thank Susan Hammond and Colleen McCrory for providing very useful data on the Forest Alliance and Share BC. Professors Michael Feller, Michael M'GonigIe. and M. Patricia Marchak, have al1 conducted valuable research on B.C.'sforests. Moreover, their participation in this study greatly enhanced the quality of the dissertation. 1 would also like to thank Rod Webb and Gus Abel for participatins in this project and for having the courage to express their opinions in a volatile atmosphere. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Cindy for al1 of her help and for sharing the many adventures we have had since we packed up the truck and ieft New York. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTIONe~~ee~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~e~~e~~eeeeeeeeeeeeI Research Procedures Recruitment of Respondents List of Respondents interview Techniques Data Analysis Biases and Limitations Ethical Considerations Summary of Chapters vii O'Connor and the Two Paths to Socialism The Fint Contradiction of Capitalism The Second Contradiction of Capitalism Criticisms OF O'Connor's Theory The Forest lndustry in B.C. and the Second Contradiction CHAPTER THREE: PRIVATE INTERESTS AND PUBLIC FORESTS........... 65 Role of the State NA FTA The AAC Ptmiuctiun of Labour Relationship Between Capital's Exploitation of Labour and Capital's Exploitation of Nature Capital's Self-lmposed Barriers to Accumulation CRAPTER FOUR: RESPONSES TO THE LECITMATION CRISIS BY CAPITAL AND THE STATE............... .......o.~~.....8~....8....... ......o~............... ..........8~..96 The Dominant Ideology The State's Response to the Legitimation Crisis Capital's Response to the Legitimation Crisis The Forest Alliance The Corporate Discourse Lillooet BC: A Case Study of Corporate Propagandr Share BC and the Use of Physical Intimidation The Forest Alliance Cornes to Lillooet Counter-ldeology at the Local Level Popular Support Tor Corporate Front Croups CHAPTER FIVE: COUNTER-IDEOLOGLES AND ALTERNATIVE WAYS OF STRUCTURiNG THE FOWST INDUSTRY ~mbb#mbe****a*18bbabb~~~bm~~*136 Alternative Ways of Utilizing Land and Labour in BC Partial Cutting vs. Clerrcutting Value Added Manufacturing The Neo-Liberal Critique Reduced Work Week The Envitonmental Movement The Genesis of Greenpeace From Grassroots to Multi-National NGO Greenpeace's Labour Policies Greenpeace's Forest Campaign in BC Mutation within the Environmental Movement CHAPTER SEVEN: MUTATION WITHIN THE LABOUR M0VEMXNT~~~rnern~ern~~~.195 The IWA: From Radical Union to Business Union The Genesis of the Pulp Paper and Woodworkers of Canada Politically Diverse Leadership World View of the PPWC Rank-and-File Official Policy Statements of the PPWC Decreasing Exploitation Through Reduced Work Hours Mutation of Social Movements Unpredictable Consequences of Dual Exploitation The Fletcher-Challenge Strike The Limits of Addressing One Form of Exploitation Barriers to a Labour-Environmentalists Alliance Cultural Barriers? Institutional Barriers O'Connor Reconsidered lmplications of ihis Study MAPS AND PBOTOGRAPES Cornparison of old growth and second growth forests......................... 144-145 Map of Great Bear fiinforest ................................................................271 Photographs of Timber Dependent Cornmunitien......... ... ................282-283 xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION " The issues of ecummic and social justice and ecological justice have surfaced as in nu uther period in history. It is increasiniply dear that they are, in .fact, hvo sides uf the same historicnl process" James O'Contior Currently British Columbia is faced with an economic crisis, one manifestation of which has been a drastic decline of Forest sector employment. The region is also faced with an ecological crisis. one symptom of this crisis is the destmction of old growth forest eco- systems on an unprecedented scale. Academics. journalists, (e.3..M'Gonigle and Parfin 1994) and professional foresters (e.~.,Hammond. 1992) have sugyested reforms that ivould both create more forest sector jobs and reduce corporate exploitation of forest eco-systems. While these reforms would crcate more forest sector jobs and decrease the amount of environmental degradation caused by the forest industry. these reforms would also reduce the political and economic power of timber capital ists. Therefore. timber corporations have a vesred interest in maintainin!: the status quo. Through lobbying organizations such as the Council of Forest Industries. public relations enterprises e.g.. the Forest Alliance and Share B.C., and conservative think-tanks such as the Fraser Institute, timber corporations are united and organized in their efforts to preserve their economic, political. and ideological dominance. Labour unions and environmental organizations constitute the major opposition to the corporate
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