Environmental Assessment Document Initial Environmental Examination Grant Number: 0093 NEP July 2011 Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program Karki-Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Subproject, Rukum District Prepared by the Government of Nepal The Environmental Assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Government of Nepal Ministry of Local Development Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program [ADBGrant 0093NEP] Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of Kakri-Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Sub-Project (Rukum District, Nepal) Submitted to: Ministry of Local Development Government of Nepal Proponent: District Development Committee/ District Technical Office Rukum District July, 2011 Prepared By: District Project Office, Rukum TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS i NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROPONENT ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (NEPALI) iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (ENGLISH) vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background: 1 1.2 The Name and Address of Proponent 1 1.3 Needs and Objectives of the IEE Study 1 1.4 Methodology Adopted for IEE Study 1 1.5 Public Consultation 2 1.6 Information Disclosure: 2 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 4 2.1 Relevancy of the Proposal 5 2.2 Construction Approach and Activities 5 2.3 Proposed schedule for implementation of sub-project 5 3.0 REVIEW OF RELEVANT ACTS,REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES 8 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 10 4.1 Physical Environment 10 4.2 Biological Environment 11 4.3 Socioeconomic and Cultural Environment 13 5.0 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 16 5.1 No Action Alternatives: 16 5.2 Project Alternatives: 16 5.3 Alternative Route 16 5.4 Alternative Design and Construction Approach 16 5.5 Alternative Schedule and Process 16 5.6 Alternative Resources 16 6.0 IDENTIFICATION , PREDICTION AND EVALUATION OF IMPACTS; BENEFICIAL AUGMENTATION 17 AND MITIGATION MEASURES 6.1 Beneficial Impacts 19 6.2 Adverse Impacts 20 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 25 7.1 Institutions and Their Roles 25 7.2 Reporting and Documentation 26 7.3 Benefit Augmentation and Mitigation Measures Implementation Strategy 26 7.4 Mitigation Cost 31 7.5 Implementation of Mitigation Measures 31 7.6 Environmental Monitoring 32 8.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 38 8.1 Conclusion 38 8.2 Recommendation 38 ANNEXES 1) ToR of IEE 2) Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 3) Abstract of cost 4) RRRSDP environmental Checklist 5) Public notice 6) Deed of inquiry (muchulka) 7) Name of organization 8) List of persons consulted 9) Summary of Meeting minutes with local people 10) Recommendations Letters 11) Existing Condition a. Distribution of household by major occupation b. Summary of public service and infrastructures c. Land holding pattern of settlement within ZoI d. Number of household belonging to different food security category 12) Vegetation and Wildlife found in the project area 13) Photographs 14) Recommended structures necessary for slope stabilization. 15) Purposed Cross Drainage and Side Drainage for water management 16) Religious and Cultural sites of the project area 17) School and campus along the road alignment 18) Details of affected structures and summary of resettlement cost LIST OF TABLES 1.1 Summary of meeting minutes 2 2.1 Sub-project implementation schedule 5 3.1 Review of Environmental Acts, Regulations and Guidelines 8 4.1 Geological Features along the Road Alignment 10 4.2 Summary of Land use pattern along the road alignment 10 4.3 Rivers and Kholsi in the alignment 11 4.4 List of Plant species recorded during the field survey 11 4.5 Non timber forest product found in the road alignment and project area 12 4.6 Demographic Profile of VDCs 13 6.1 Potential Spoil Disposal Sites 20 6.2 Recommended Quarry Sites 21 7.1 Concerned Institutions and Their Roles 25 7.2 Beneficial Impacts and Proposed Enhancement Measures 27 7.3 Adverse Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures 28 7.4 Cost Estimate for Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Measures 31 7.5 Environmental Monitoring Cost 33 7.6 Compliance Monitoring for Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Subproject 34 7.7 Impact/Effect Monitoring for the Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Subproject 36 LIST OF FIGURE 2.1 Map of Nepal Showing Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road 6 2.2 Topo Map showing the alignment of Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot road 7 7.1 Environmental Management Organization Structure 26 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank IUCN International Union for Conservation Nature amsl Above mean sea level Km Kilometer AP Affected Person LDO Local Development Officer BG Building Group LEP Labour based, Environment friendly and Ch Chainage Participatory CBO Community Based Organization LEST Livelihood Enhancement and Skill Training CDC Compensation Determination Committee LRMP Land Resource Management Project CDO Chief District Officer M meter CEA Country Environmental Analysis MoU Memorandum of Understanding CGI Corrugated Galvanized Iron MoE Ministry of Environment CF Community Forest MoST Ministry of Science and Technology CFUG Community Forest Users Group Ml Milliliter CISC Central Implementation Support Consultant MLD Ministry of Local Development CITES Convention on International Trade in NGO Non-Governmental Organization Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna NRs Nepali Rupees DADO District Agriculture Development Office NTFPs Non timber forest products DDC District Development Committee OFID OPEC Fund for International Development DFID Department for International Development OP Operational Plan DFO District Forest Office/Officer OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting DG Director General Countries DIST District Implementation Support Team PAM Project Administrative Memorandum DIT District Implementation Team PCC Plain Cement Concrete DoLIDAR Department of Local PCU Project Coordination Unit Infrastructure Development and Agricultural RBG Road Building Group Roads RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete DPO District Project Office RCIW Rural Community Infrastructure Works DPCC District Project Coordination Committee REA Rapid Environmental Assessment DRSP District Road Support Programme RES Rapid Environmental Screening DSCO District Soil Conservation Office RIDP Rural Infrastructure Development Project DTO District Technical Office RP Resettlement Plan DTMP District Transport Master Plan RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation EA Environmental Assistant/Assessment Sector Development Program EARP Environmental Assessment and Review RS Resettlement Specialist Procedures SAP Social Action Plan ES Environmental Specialist SF Social Funding EIA Environmental Impact Assessment SA Social Appraisal EMP Environmental Management Plan SDC Swiss Agency for Development and EMS Environmental Management Section Cooperation EPA Environmental Protection Act SM Social Mobilizer EPR Environmental Protection Rules SMC Social Mobilization Coordinator ESD Environment Screening Document SMO Social Mobilization Officer FGD Focus Group Discussion TA Technical Assistance GAP Gender Action Plan ToR Terms of Reference GoN Government of Nepal TWS Technical Walkover Survey GIS Geographical Information System VDC Village Development Committee Ha Hectare VICCC Village Infrastructure Construction HH Household Coordination Committee IEE Initial Environmental Examination ZoI Zone of Influence IPDP Indigeneous People Development Plan Initial Environmental Examination Report of Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Subproject i Rukum District NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROPONENT Name of Proposal New Construction of Kakri- Kol- Hukam- Maikot Road Subproject, Rukum District Name and Address of Proponent District Development Committee (DDC), District Project Office (DPO), Rukum District Address: Musikot,Khalanga,Rukum Phone number: 088-680063/019-657004 Fax number: 088-649091/019-657005 Name of the preparer Dilli Bhatta DPO Engineer Data collection support Ranjit Kumar Singh Team Leader Kedar Ghimire Social Development Specialist Dipendra Yadav Sub-Engineer Chandra Bdr.Roka Sub-Engineer Bharat Dange Asst.Sub-Engineer Nita Sharma Social Mobilizer Anita KC Social Mobilizer Swarswati KC Social Mobilizer Initial Environmental Examination Report of Kakri- Kol-Hukam-Maikot Road Subproject ii Rukum District sf+qmL–sf]n–x'sfd–d}sf]6 ;8ssf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg sfo{sf/L ;f/f+z k[i7e"ld g]kfn ;/sf/n] nfdf] 4Gbn] ubf{ Iflt ePsf u|fdL0f k"jf{wf/x?sf] k'gMlgdf{0f / k'gM:yf{kgf sf] sfo{ PlzofnL ljsf; a}+s (ADB), l:j; ;/sf/ (SDC), la|l6; ;/sf/ (DFID) tyf cf]k]s km08 (OFID)sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf u|fdL0f k"jf{wf/ k'gMlgdf{0f / k'gM:yf{kgf cfof]hgf g]kfnsf] la;j6f lhNnfx?df ;+rfng ul//x]sf] 5 . ?s'd lhNnfdf cjl:yt k|:tfljt #@=&$ ls=dL= nfdf] sf+qmL– sf]n–x'sfd–d}sf]6] ;8ssf] gofF lgdf{0f ;f]xL sfo{qmd cGtu{t ;+rfng 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