E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017 No. 183 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Chief Petty Officer Adam Lee Brown, de- called to order by the Speaker. United States of America, and to the Repub- ceased (Killed in Action), Hot Springs, U.S. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Navy, Iraq (two tours), Afghanistan (two f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tours). Awards include the Silver Star Medal for Gallantry in Action, the Bronze Star PRAYER f Medal with Valor, the Purple Heart Medal, The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: three Navy Achievement Medals. Merciful God, we give You thanks for The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Specialist Four Roger K. Hollinger, Sr., de- giving us another day. tain up to five requests for 1-minute ceased, Prattsville, U.S. Army, Vietnam. Bless the Members of this assembly speeches on each side of the aisle. Awards include the Silver Star Medal with as they return to their districts to lis- f First Oak Leaf Cluster for Gallantry in Ac- ten to and communicate with their tion, the Bronze Star Medal for Exception- constituents about the issues and af- HONORING ARKANSAS MILITARY ally Meritorious Combat Achievement, and the Army Commendation Medal for Valor. fairs currently being considered in Con- VETERANS’ HALL OF FAME IN- DUCTEES Major General Billie (Bill) Branham Lefler, gress. deceased, Hot Springs Village, U.S. Army, It is the weekend our Nation remem- (Mr. WESTERMAN asked and was Vietnam. Awards include two Distinguished bers its veterans, upon whom we ask given permission to address the House Service Medals, the Legion of Merit Medal, Your blessing. May our Nation be for 1 minute and to revise and extend and the Army Commendation Medal. faithful to those still with us, pro- his remarks.) Major General Sidney Sanders McMath, viding whatever their needs may be Mr. WESTERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I Deceased, Magnolia, U.S. Marine Corp, World War II. Awards include the Silver Star Medal after they gave years of their lives in rise today to pay tribute to the 15 men for Gallantry in Action, and the Legion of service to our country rather than and women recently inducted into the Merit Medal for Valor. dedicated to personal gain. They are an Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of Colonel Billie Ray Wood, Mena, U.S. Army, inspiration to us, and we should not Fame. Vietnam. Awards include the Legion of Merit forget nor neglect our responsibility to Of the 15 inductees, the Hall of Fame Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the them. selected 10 ‘‘exclusively for their brave Army Soldier’s Medal, the Bronze Star As the Nation pauses to show its re- military service to our country,’’ while Medal for exceptionally meritorious combat spect, may we be forever grateful for achievement, two Meritorious Service Med- it selected an additional 5 for their als, 22 Air Medals, and three Army Com- the blessings You have bestowed upon ‘‘combined military and civilian serv- mendation Medals. the United States of America. May our ice to our community, State, and Na- Technician Fourth Grade Doyle Ray Collie, Nation continue to be a beacon of hope tion.’’ deceased, New DeRoche, U.S. Army, World for the world, and may all we do be for I am proud to note that 8 of these 15 War II. Awards include the Purple Heart Your greater honor and glory. American heroes hail from the Fourth Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, and the Amen. Congressional District of Arkansas, European African Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon with four Bronze Service Stars. f serving in conflicts ranging from World Lieutenant Colonel Mary Virginia Erdman, THE JOURNAL War II to Vietnam, as well as Iraq and Hot Springs Village, U.S. Army Reserves, Afghanistan. This speech simply is not Desert Storm. Awards include two Army The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- enough time to recognize their courage Commendation Medals, Army Reserve Com- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- and sacrifice for our Nation. ponents Achievement Medal. Erdman has ceedings and announces to the House I extend my thanks to all those who been very active in several veteran’s service his approval thereof. served as we recognize Veterans Day. organizations, and was the commander of the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Arkansas State Legion Department from Mr. Speaker, I submit for the RECORD nal stands approved. 2012 to 2013. a brief biography of each of the Fourth Lieutenant Commander John Roger f District heroes honored by the Arkan- Rickard, Alma, U.S. Navy, Vietnam. Awards PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE sas Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame. include the Meritorious Service Medal, three Navy Commendation Medals, and the Navy The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman HONORING ARKANSAS MILITARY VETERANS’ Achievement Medal. During the Vietnam HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES from Arkansas (Mr. WESTERMAN) come War, Rickard served three cruises as a tor- forward and lead the House in the Rep. Bruce Westerman/November 9, 2017 pedo mate on fast frigates. Upon retiring Pledge of Allegiance. Biographies of Fourth Congressional Dis- from the Navy, Rickard founded the Alma Mr. WESTERMAN led the Pledge of trict Inductees (as provided by the High School JROTC program and served 17 Allegiance as follows: AMVHOF): years. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8665 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:45 Nov 10, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09NO7.000 H09NOPT1 H8666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 9, 2017 SUPPORTING IMMIGRANTS GRANT- THE TRICK TRICK TRICK ACT COMMEMORATING VETERANS OF ED TEMPORARY PROTECTED (Mr. BUTTERFIELD asked and was THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS AND STATUS given permission to address the House THROUGHOUT THE UNITED (Mr. BROWN of Maryland asked and for 1 minute.) STATES was given permission to address the Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I (Ms. PLASKETT asked and was given House for 1 minute and to revise and rise today in opposition to the Tax permission to address the House for 1 extend his remarks.) Cuts and Jobs Act, also known as the minute and to revise and extend her re- Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- ‘‘Trick Trick Trick Act.’’ marks.) er, I rise today in support of every im- This bill, Mr. Speaker, includes a $1.5 Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, on be- migrant who has been granted tem- trillion cut to Medicare and Medicaid, half of my family and staff, I want to porary protective status in my district raises taxes on middle-income families, salute and commemorate the veterans and across the Nation. We have nearly and gives the biggest tax cuts to cor- of the U.S. Virgin Islands and through- 23,000 in Maryland, the sixth highest in porations and the wealthiest Ameri- out the United States on this Veterans the country, and 4,000 in my district, cans. Day. one of the top five districts in the This bill eliminates personal deduc- The Virgin Islands along with the country. tions for medical expenses, creating other territories send more men and Many people with TPS fled countries further hardship for people facing ill- women per capita to serve in the U.S. such as Haiti, El Salvador, Somalia, nesses; eliminates deductions for State military than anywhere else in this Na- and Syria, ravaged by armed conflict and local income taxes, resulting in tion. or environmental disasters. For over 20 higher taxes for people who can’t afford I would like to personally recognize years, they have raised their families it; and eliminates deductions for inter- Task Force Alpha on St. Croix, Task here in the United States. They are our est paid on student loans, making qual- Force Bravo on St. Thomas, and St. neighbors and our coworkers. Their ity education less accessible. John Responders. kids attend our schools. TPS holders Proponents of the bill, Mr. Speaker, On Veterans Day, we salute the men have been woven into the fabric of our will have you believe that these tax and women who have proudly worn the communities. cuts will benefit working families, uniform and the families who have Earlier this week, those from Nica- grow our economy, and decrease the served alongside them. We affirm our ragua were told they will be deported. Federal deficit. That is fake news. This sacred duty as citizens to express our Those from Honduras are next. Deport- bill does nothing more than destroy enduring gratitude, both in words and ing people and giving them mere the hopes and dreams of middle Ameri- actions, for their service. months to pack their bags after 20 cans seeking a stable career, a fulfilled As part of Veterans Day this year in years in the United States is cruel and life, and a brighter future. the Virgin Islands, we will be honoring isn’t who we are as Americans. The American people deserve better. female veterans in the territory. Being Mr. Speaker, as the Trump adminis- I remain willing and able to work honored as parade marshal and guest tration puts the lives of thousands in across party lines to achieve respon- speaker on the island of St.
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