" ower SENIOR ISSUE John Adams High School, South Bend, Indiana June 2, 1970 .. Seniors of '7 .Say Good-Bye AwardsPresented Awards were presented to out­ Winner of the t<'uture tlomemak­ Top Graduates Listed standing studen ts at the Senior er Award was Paula B.Sampson. Honors Convocation . The Most Valuable Walton for who will attend IU and David L. A. Kinney, Tracy Kirkwood, Rece iving National Merit Schol­ the 1969-1970 school year is Vance who will be attending MIT. Richard A. Kish, Annette L. ar ship Cer tifi cates of Merit were Robert A. Whiteman. Magna Cum Laude grad uates are Krueger, Kenneth J. Krueger, Mary Jo Rohman and Don G. The Best Thespians of the In­ Leonard I. Bara ck, Donna J,Gil­ Deborah M. Kuc, Jill A. Kues­ Ste inke. ternational Thespian Society lett, Robert L,Goldm an, Deborah pert, Carol A. Lind, Dale A. Letters of Commendation from Troupe 1464 are Jill Ann Kues­ D. Gonter, Robert C. May, Mar­ Mais, Anne P. Mcinern y, Cath­ th e National Merit Program were pert and Craig E. Bridge. gar et A. Stefucza and Michael A. erine A. McNerny, Wendy S. issued to Karen L. Behnke, Cathy Drama Club Awards for partici ­ Ta elrnan. Michalski, Susan M. Mizen, Paula L. Brubaker, Robert J. Franklin, pation and service were received The list of Cum Laude graduates L. Myers, Gary s. Nelson, Robert ; Donna J. Gillett, Deborah D. Gon­ by James E. Barnes, Craig E. is as follows: Gary L. Barker, E. Nyikos, Caron S. Olson, Trent ter, Julia M. Lewis, Valerie Pas­ Bridge, RobertJ. Franklin, Brian Susan L. Beeman, Karen L. G. Orfanos, Patricia J. Peiffer, cuzz i, Rick A. Rydzynski, Randall J. Stogdill, Karen Sue King, Jill Behnke , Crai g E. Brid ge , Jeffrey Mark J. Phillipoff, Margaret A. \\'. Sayers , Bennett B. Traub and Ann Kuespert, Catherine A. Luk­ s. Clark, Gail J. Cook, Albert F. Roe, Joseph F. Rubin, Janice C. David L. Vance. ens and L. Jane Watt. Dingl ey, susan K. Eberhardt, Schafer, Judith K. Shultz, Steven The National Achievement The L' Alliance Francais Award Robert J . Fran klin , Paul Fren­ P. Sim, Michelle K. Smith, Brian Scholarship Certificate was re­ for excellence in French was liel , Mary M, Fre y, Janet A. James Stogdill, Mark A, Sullivan, ce ived by Eunice A. Jackson. awarded to Patrick L. Wolf. Hazelton, Richard J. Hronek, James J. Szucs, Gar y E. Taylor, The John Adams Citiz enship Karen J. Slutsky received the Eunice A, Jack son, Pame la A. Graham K. Taylor, Jill K. A wards were give n to Janet A. Hoosier Art Patron Award. Jacox, Nancy L. Langwith, Julia Twomey, John Patrick Warford Hazelton and Brian J. Stogdill. The John Adams Coaches A ward M. Lewis, Catherin e A. Lukens, and Patrick L. Wolf. The PTA Award for Industrial was given to Robert E. Nyikos. Camille N. Mahank, Charles F. Education went to Robert Risner. The Adams Business Club made Martin, Brent F. Meyers , Fred­ Nat'I Merit The PT A Home Economics three awards. The outstanding erico A. Moreno, BonnieJ.Nooe, Award was give n to Karen A. student in Accounting is Sharon Valerie Pascuz zi, Rick A. Ryd­ Pederson. Rose. The outstanding students in zinski, Susan M. Scharz, James fjnalists Receiving the DAR Good Citizen Office Procedures are Linda K. Siberell, Leslie A. Topping, In the fall of this year, Mary Jo A ward was Annette Krueger. Guthrie and Sandra J. Mershon. Bennett B. Traub, Mary A. True, Rohman and Don Steinke, senior s, The DAR Excellence in U.S. His­ Deborah D. Mitchell is the out­ Laura J. Watt, David L. Weisel were named semi-finalists in the tory Award wasgiventoFederico standing student in Stenography. and Kim R. Zahrt. National Merit Scholarship Pro­ A. Moreno. The Tower awarded the South At the Senior Honors Convoca­ Members of the Class of 1970 gram. Recently both were in­ The Harry E, Berg Music Bend Tribune Most Valuable Staf­ tion, Friday, May 22, the top who are graduating with Distinc­ formed that they were Finalists Awards for talent and talent con­ fer Award to Kurt J. Heinz. graduates of the Class of 1970 tion are: Cheryl L. Ashe, Bonnie in the Program and the recipient s tributed to John Adams High Susan L. Beeman, Carol Lind, were announced. B, Ballou, James E. Barnes, John of honorary scholarships. School were given to Brad J. Jor­ Jane M. Paulk, Karen J. Slutsky, Graduating Summa cum Laude R. Bendit, Bonnie K. Bierenga, This honor was based on their dan (Band), Julie M. Lewis (Or­ and Scott A. Poelvoorde each re­ are Cathy L, Brubaker who will David E. Bray, Jeffery A. Brink, performance on qualifying test s chestra), and Kathy E, McMillan ceived Certificates ofMeritfrom be attending IU this fall, Mary Jo Leslie A. Gay, KimraA. Grayson, and their other achievements and (Vocal). Sch o 1 as tic Art Aw a rd s Rohman who plans to attend St. Linda J. Guthrie, Kurt J, Heinz, interests. Mary Jo has been ac­ Competition. Mary's College, Randall W. Say­ Janice M. Hill, Karen H. Inwood, tive in National Honor Societ y Hoosier Rick A. Rydzynski was recog­ ers who will attend the University Judity A. Jenner, J. Michael Joy­ and Math Club, and has held the nized for his performance on the of Notre Dame, Don G. steinke ner, Kathryn A. Keith, Kathleen office of treasurer in both or gan­ Scholars National Mathematics Contest of izations. She has been her horne­ the Mathematical Assn. of room 's Album-Tower represe n­ In 1965 the Indiana General As­ America. Review of Senior Activities tative for four years, Next yea r sembly passed the Indiana Scho­ Congratulations to Seniors ''SOUNDS OF SILENCE" The Seniors were honored she will be attending St. Mar y' s lar ship Act. Each session, the earning these awards. The Class of 1970 held its Senior with a punch party by the P.T.A. College with some of her clas ses General Assembly recommends Prom, ''Sounds of Silence," Sat­ Bruce J. Hendrickson, Richard J. after the convocation. being held at the University of the number of Scholarships to be Hronek, Karen A. Inwood, Eunice urday, May 2, at the Indiana Club. Notre Dame. Don Steinke is ac­ awarded each year. Monetary Music was provided by Eddie Jar­ A. Jackson, Fredrick LaMar SPRING SPORTS ASSEMBLY tive in Math Club and National awards range from $100 to $800. ret and his Orchestra. Decora­ Jones, Kathryn A. Keith, Annette A wards were given to athletes Honor Society. He was also a These may be renewed annually tions included a flowered tree L. Krueger, Kenneth J. Krueger, active in the spring sports on member of the Varsity Tenni s if certain qualifications are met. swing and a graden fountain, Jill A. Kuespert, Carol A. Lind, Thursday, May 28, at 8:15 a.m. Team. He will be attending In­ They may be used at any recog­ Catherine A. Lukens, Charles F. diana University, Bloomington. nized college or university in the FINAL EXAMS Senior athletes received awards Martin, Anne P. Mclnery, Wendy at this assembly. state of!ndiana. Honorary awards S. Michalski, Susan M, Mizen, Having finished their final exams, COMMENCEMENT REHEARSAL are presented where there is no seniors are officially finished Paula L. Myers, Bonnie J. Nooe, BACCALAUREATE Seniors practive for the Com­ financial need, in recognition of a Robert E. Nyikos, Trent G. Or­ with school. Exams in afternoon mencement Exercises today, classes were administered Tues­ Baccaulaureate services were student's outstanding college po­ fanos, Valerie Pascuzzi, Patricia June 2, at 8:00 a.m. day, May 26, morning exams were held Sunday, May 31 at 4:00 in tential. This year Adams has 58 J. Peiffer, Thomas M. Peters, given Wednesday, May 27. the John Adams Auditorium. The Hoosier Scholars. They are: Linda L. Philip, Joseph F. Rubin, COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Cheryl L. Ashe, Gary L. Barker, SENIOR HONORSCONVOCATION invocation was given by Rev. Rick Rydzynski, Wayne L. Sam­ Samuel Chase. Dr Daniel Fow- . Members of the Class of 1970 Susan L. Beeman, Karen L. Beh­ ple, Randall Sayers, Janice c. Seniors marched into the Audi­ will receive their diplomas at nke, Craig E, Bridge, Jeffery A. torium in their caps and gowns, ler delivered the address and Schafer, SUsan M. Schwarz, prayer. The Benediction was gi­ Commencement Exercises, to­ Brink, Cathy L. Brubaker, Ro­ James K. Siberell, Mark A, Stauf­ Friday, May 22, at 8:25 a.m. to night, Tuesday, June 2. Principal be recognized at the Senior Hon­ ven by Pastor Wilmer Ballou. bert A. Buzolich, Jeffery S. fer, Don G. Steinke, Mark Alan Virgil L. Landry will present ors Convocation. Senior mem­ The Concert Choir sang ''The Clark, Alan K. DeGroff, Chris­ Sullivan, Michael A. Taelrnan, the class of 1970. The Orches­ bers of the Concert Choir and the Creation" and "The Lord Bless tine J, DeLeury, Susan K. Eber­ Gary E. Taylor, Leslie A. Top­ tra, Band, and Combined Choirs Mixed Chorus sang, "No Man is You and Keep You." hardt, Robert J. Franklin, Paul ping, Donna s. Troutman, Jill K. will perform. an Island," and ''You'll Never Frenkiel, Donna J. Gillett, Ro­ Twomey, Laura J, Watt, David L. bert L. Goldman, LyndaR. Heise, Weisel and Kirn R. zahrt. Walk Alone." Pag e 2 The Towe r June 2, 1970 , , As strains oI Pomp and Circum­ new Band uniforms .•. AFS dies " Meet Me in St . Louis ' ' . stance fill the air, Seniors of '70 . .Human Relations Board. • Hair. .stogdil 1 leads the class can be seen reminis cing about cast parties ..
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