John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: the Duty of Loyalty R

John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: the Duty of Loyalty R

Cambridge University Press 0521623952 - John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: The Duty of Loyalty R. A. Melikan Index More information INDEX Abercromby, Hon. James, 1st Baron politics (1807), 213, 215, 216, 217, Dunfermline (1776±1858), 303, 228 314, 324 politics (1809), 221±2, 225 Abinger, Lord, see Scarlett Caroline, Princess of Wales Act of Union (1801), 161, 262, 329 (1786±1821) 184, 185, 203, Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount 276±9 Sidmouth (1757±1844), 118, 216, Bill of Pains and Penalties against, 241, 261, 264 n. 57 280±1, 283±91, 292±3 Prime Minister, 168, 171, 176, 178, investigation of (1806), 213±4 189 relationship with Eldon, 173, Alvanley, Lord, see Arden 213±14, 227, 231, 281±2, 293±4 Anglican Church, see Established Castlereagh, Lord, see Stewart Church Catholic Association, 330, 338, 341, Arden, Sir Richard Pepper, 1st Baron 343 Alvanley (1745±1804), 21, 27, 30, Catholic emancipation, 161, 175, 245, 71 328±32, 337±8 Attorney and Solicitor General, 38±40, Catholic Relief Act (1829), 339±43 199±200 Cavendish-Bentinck, William Henry, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738±1809), Bentham, Jeremy (1748±1832), 42±3, 25±6, 57±8, 119, 221±2 313 Chancery, 296±7, 298±9, 299±300, Blackstone, Sir William, 91 301±4, 304±6 Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham Chancery commission (1824), 295, and Vaux (1778±1868), 203±4, 303±4, 309, 310±11, 314, 320±2 353 Chancery Reform Bill (1826), 305±6 Chancery reform, 303±4, 305, 309, Charlotte Augusta, Princess 316 n. 76, 324 (1796±1817), 184±6, 231, 277 Queen Caroline's trial, 275, 277±8, Charlotte Sophia, Queen (1744±1818), 283±9, 292 n. 75 67±8, 240±1, 243 Burdett, Sir Francis (1770±1844), 159, Clark, J. C. D., 344 260 n. 45, 304, 338 Coke, Sir Edward, 104, 105 Burke, Edmund (1729±97), 63 n. 10, Colley, Linda, 344 68, 71±2, 73, 74, 83 Constitution, 65±6, 138, 262±3, 268, 292, 348±50, 353 Cabinet crisis (1809), 221±5 see also Established Church Camden, Lord, see Pratt Copley, Sir John Singleton, 1st Baron Canning, George (1770±1827), 247, Lyndhurst (1772±1863) 201, 209, 281, 332, 346 n. 85, 326, 327±8 333, 341±2 Chancery reform, 302, 306, 318±19, Chancery reform, 305, 306 320 Queen Caroline's trial, 283, 286 366 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521623952 - John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: The Duty of Loyalty R. A. Melikan Index More information Index 367 Cross®eld, Robert, prosecution of Frost, John, prosecution of (1793), (1796), 120, 121±3 87±90, 96±7 Cuthell, John, prosecution of (1799), 132±3 Gentleman's Magazine, 30, 36, 114±5 George III (1738±1820), 25, 115, 159, Denman, Thomas, 1st Baron 221, 278, 329 (1779±1854), 203±4, 283, 301, assessment of Eldon, 21, 173, 314 307±8 illness (1788), 62, 64 Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville illness (1801), 168±72, 236±7 (1742±1811), 35, 55, 101, 119 illness (1804), 177±84, 186±8, 236±8, 241 East India Company, 23, 33±4, 69 illness (1810±11), 143, 231±4, 242, East India Declaratory Act (1788), 243, 244 33±5 relationship with Prince of Wales, Eaton, Daniel Isaac, prosecution of 182±6 (1793), 87, 90±1, 94±5, 96 George IV (1762±1830), 62, 169, 198, Ecclesiastical Courts Act (1787), 29±30 203±4, 231, 326 Eldon, Lord, see Scott marriage, 173, 185, 213, 276±9 Encombe, Lord, see Scott politics (1812), 242, 244±6 Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland relationship with Eldon, 187±8, 207, (1771±1851), 195±6, 214, 235, 234±5, 246±7, 249, 327±8, 338±9, 242, 248, 338 n. 54 354 Erskine, Sir Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine relationship with George III, 182±6 (1750±1823), 15, 213, 282, 290±1 Gifford, Sir Robert, 1st Baron MP, 74, 78, 80, 85 (1779±1826), 200±1, 327 trial advocate, 76 n. 69, 92, 108, 110, Chancery reform, 300, 301, 309 112±13, 117 n. 87, 121, 135 Queen Caroline's trial, 283, 288 Established Church, 328±32, 334±6, Grenville, Thomas (1755±1846), 339, 343±5, 351±2, 355 222±3, 232, 235, 242±3 ex of®cio informations, 90, 92, 136, 252, Grenville, William Windham, 1st Baron 259 Grenville (1759±1834), 178, Eyre, Sir James (1734±99), 106±7, 109, 218±20, 226, 233 111 political negotiations, 222±4, 245, 247, 248 Foster, Sir Michael, 88, 89, 103±4, see also `Ministry of All the Talents' 105 Grey, Charles, 2nd Viscount Howick Fox, Charles James (1749±1806) 32, and 2nd Earl Grey (1764±1845), 70, 74, 85, 178, 180, 212 216±17, 236±40, 245, 247, 248 Libel Act debates, 78±80 Regency debates (1788±1789), 62, Habeas Corpus Act, suspensionsÐ 64, 66, 68 (1794) 101±2 see also Fox's India Bill; Westminster (1795) 113±14 election scrutiny (1798) 131, 132 Fox, Henry Richard Vassal Holland, (1800) 161±2, 176 3rd Baron Holland (1773±1840), (1817) 261 213, 217, 248, 344 Hale, Sir Matthew, 64±5, 104, 105 Fox's India Bill (1783), 23±5 Hardy, Thomas, prosecution of Fox's Libel Act (1792), 75, 77±81, 87, (1794), 103 n. 22, 106±9, 113, 119, 90, 91, 94 290±1 Francis, Philip (1740±1818), 31±2, 35, Hastings, Warren (1732±1818), 31, 68, 70, 71 68±75 Frederick, Duke of York and Albany Hawkesbury, Lord, see Jenkinson (1763±1827), 231, 248 Hazlitt, William (1778±1830), 353 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521623952 - John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: The Duty of Loyalty R. A. Melikan Index More information 368 Index Hobhouse, Henry (1776±1854), 204, Lord ChancellorÐ 206 history of of®ce, 167 Holland, Lord, see Fox judicial authority, 295±7 Holt, Daniel, prosecution of (1793), 87, patronage, 190±2, 211 92, 93, 96 see also Speaker of the House of House of Lords jurisdiction 295±6 Lords complaints about, 297, 298±9, 300, Loughborough, Lord, see Wedderburn 301±3 Lushington, Stephen (1782±1873), Howick, Lord, see Grey 304, 320 Hume, Joseph (1777±1855), 304, 305, Lyndhurst, Lord, see Copley 322 Hunt, Henry (1773±1835), 263 Macdonald, Sir Archibald (1736±1814), 21, 47, 48, 52, 72, 84 Impey, Sir Elijah (1732±1809), 31±3 Melville, Lord, see Dundas Irish Act (1793), 216, 329 Milan commission, 277, 290 `Ministry of All the Talents', 212±17, Jekyll, Sir Joseph (1754±1837), 198, 220±1 206 Mitford, Sir John, 1st Baron Redesdale Jenkinson, Robert Banks, 1st Baron (1748±1830), 41, 110, 117 n. 87, Hawkesbury, 2nd Earl of Liverpool 154, 161 (1770±1828), 201±2, 216, 233, Chancery reform, 298, 309 241, 247, 255, 270 n. 78, 326 legal opinions, 47, 48±59 passim, politics (1809), 222, 224, 228 125±7, 130, 137 nn. 74±5 Queen Caroline's trial, 279, 291, 293 Moira, Lord, see Rawdon-Hastings Morning Chronicle, 29, 237 Kenyon, Lloyd, 1st Baron (1732±1802) see also John Lambert 4, 27, 29, 166 judge in sedition trials, 89±90, 91, Namier, Sir Lewis, 20 94 Newspapers Regulation Act (1798), King, Peter, 7th Lord, King, Baron of 127±8 Ockham (1776±1833), 236, 238 O'Coigly, James, prosecution of (1798), Lambert, John, prosecution of (1793), 128±9, 135, 161, 162 87, 92±5, 97 O'Connell, Daniel (1775±1847), 338 Lansdowne, Lord, see Orders in Council (1807), 220±1 Petty-Fitzmaurice Oxford University election (1809), 15, Law, Sir Edward, 1st Baron 226±8 Ellenborough (1750±1818), 200, 206, 213, 255 Paine, Thomas (1737±1809), 83, 84, Leach, Sir John (1760±1834), 204, 90, 92, 107 276±7, 309, 312, 313 Pains and Penalties, Bill of, 279±81 legal opinionsÐ patronageÐ conventions regarding, 45±8, 49±51 ecclesiastical, 190, 192, 211 corpus produced by Scott, 43±5 Eldon's employment of, 192±3, re Canada Act, 53±6 196±9, 207±10 re colonial judiciaries, 56±60 legal, 190±1, 205, 211 Liverpool, Lord, see Jenkinson Peace of Amiens (1802), 174±5 London Chronicle, 24±5, 30 Peel, Sir Robert (1788±1850), 190 n. 1, London Corresponding Society, 83, 99, 326, 327 n. 3, 335, 339 100±1, 128, 260 n. 45 Chancery reform, 295, 303±4, 306, prosecutions of Hardy and Tooke, 310, 319 106, 107±11 friendship with Eldon, 295, 319, 328 Londonderry, Lord, see Stewart n. 10, 333, 352 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521623952 - John Scott Lord Eldon, 1751-1838: The Duty of Loyalty R. A. Melikan Index More information Index 369 Perceval, Spencer (1762±1812), 213, Scott, Elizabeth (Repton) (b. 1783), 228, 242, 246, 247 147 King's illness (1810), 231, 232 Scott, Elizabeth Surtees, Countess of politics (1809), 222, 224, 225 Eldon (1754±1831), 139±42, 146, Perkin, Harold, 210 148, 151 Peterloo Massacre (1819), 263±7 Scott, Francis Jane (1798±1838), Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, 3rd 146±7 Marquess of Lansdowne Scott, Henry (1748±99), 145 (1780±1863), 233, 338 Scott, Sir John, 1st Earl of Eldon Pitt, William (1759±1806), 28, 69, 83, (1751±1838): 101, 119, 148, 329 attitude toward George III, 174, 189, Regency debates (1788), 62±4, 233, 223±5, 227±8, 244±5, 248±9, 354 238 attitude toward George IV, 188, return to of®ce (1804), 178±81 246±7, 248±9, 293, 354 supporting Scott in debate, 32, 35, attitude toward Pitt, 159±60, 161, 72, 80 165, 171, 176±7, 178±81, 189, 354 Plumer, Sir Thomas (1753±1824), health, 10±11, 153, 173, 186 213±14, 306, 311±12 income, 3±8, 154, 208 n. 63, 308, Portland, Duke of, see Cavendish- 315±16 Bentinck indecision, 42±3, 47, 206±7, 292, Pratt, John Jeffreys, 2nd Earl and 1st 307±8, 313±14, 319 Marquis Camden (1759±1840), insecurity, 10, 12, 115±16, 226±8, 221, 292 293±4, 313±14, 325, 339±42 Public Advertiser, 25, 27 intellect, 8±9, 156, 313, 355 judicial temperament, 155±9, 274, Rawdon-Hastings, Francis, 2nd Earl of 283±91 Moira (1754±1826), 184, 234, 238, prosecutorial temperament, 94±7, 245, 247 112±13, 124±5, 136±8 Redesdale, Lord, see Mitford see also Robert Cross®eld; John Reeves, John, prosecution of (1796), Cuthell; John Frost; Thomas 116±17, 120, 123±4 Hardy; James O'Coigly; William reform, 250±5, 269±70 Stone; John Horne Tooke; Revd criminal, 255±60 Gilbert Wake®eld electoral, 255, 350±1 religion, 17±19, 209, 212, 215, 331, political, 80±4, 97, 99±103, 263 355±6 Regency debatesÐ Scott, Hon.

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