Malaviya National lnstitute of Technology Jaipur (An lnsutute of Nat onal lmportance under Ministry of Education, Govt of lndia) JLN Marg, Jaipur-302017 (Rajasthan) INDIA Date* 75/02/2021 No.F6(1)Misc/MNlr/0s/ pt-il / 3A54 OFFICE ORDER The competent authority has constituted the Local Organizing Committee consisting of the following members Jor smooth conduct of CcMT & CCMN-2021 coLtnselling process:- sl No Name Department Responsibility 1 Prof Udaykumar R Yaragatti Direator chairman 2 Prof Rohit Goyal Civil Engg Coordinator 3 Prof Kanupriya Sachdeva Physics Co-Coordinator 4 Prof Rajesh Kumar EE Co-Coordinator 5 Prof tava Bhargava ECE Co-Coordinator 5 Prof K R Niazi Electrical Engg M em ber 1 Prof Kailash Singh Chemical EnBg M em ber 8 Dr Sanjay Rajpal ICT Centre M em ber 9 Dr Vikas K Sangal Chemical Engg M em ber 10 Dr Amar Patnaik Mechanical Engg M em ber 11 Dr Dinesh Kumar Mechanical Engg M em ber 12 Dr Sumanta Kumar Meher Chemistry M em ber \<u "'-p Registrar Copy to: 1. All committee members 2. Personalfiles of concerned committee members 3. Webmaster to upload on lnstitute lntranet 4. PS to Director/PA to Registrar Deputy Registrar (Admn. & Estt.) ( 2-l\) Malaviya National lnstitute of Technology Jaipur (An lnstitute of National lmportance under N4lnistry of Education, Govt of lndia) JLN Marg, Jaipur-302017 (Rajasthan) INDIA Dated: 16/O2/2027 No.F6(1)Misc/MNlr/08 /Pt-rV 3 05 5 OFFICE ORDER The competent authority has constituted the Local Organizing Committee consisting of the following members for smooth conduct of CSAB-2021 counselling process:- sl No Name Department Responsibility 1 Prof Udaykumar R Yaragatti Director Chairman 2 Prof Kailash sinth Chemical Enee Coordinator 3 Prof K R Niazi Electrical Engg Co-Coordinator 4 Prof Urmila Brighu Civll Engg Co-Coordinator 5 Dr Sanjay Rajpal ICT Centre Co-Coordinator 6 Dr Harlal Mali Mechanical Engg Member 7 Dr Gunjan Soni Mechanical Engg Member 8 Dr Ramesh Battula csE Member 9 Dr Santosh Vipparthy CSE Member 10 Dr Arka Prokash Mazumdar csE Member 71 Dr Anup Malik Mechanical Engg Member a) \-, ".* Registrar Copy to: 1. All committee members 2. Personal files of concerned committee members 3. Webmaster to upload on lnstitute lntranet 4. PS to Director/PA to Registrar Deputy Registrar {Admn. & Estt.) Malaviya National lnstitute of Technology Jaipur (An lnstitute of Nat onal lmportance !nder IVinistry of Education, Govt of India) JLN Marg, Jaiput-302017 (Rajasthan) INDIA Dated t6/02/2021 No. F6(1)Misc/MN rTl0g/Pl-llr/ 2056 OFFICE ORDER The competent authority has constituted the Local Organizing Committee consisting of the following members for smooth conduct of DASA-2021 counselling process:- sl No Name Department Responsibility 1 Prof Udaykumar R Yaragatti Director chairman 2 Prof K R Niazi Electrical Engg Coordinator 3 ProfVijayJanyani ECE Co-Coordinator 4 Dr Anil Swarnkar Electrical Engg Co-Coordinaior 5 ProJ Kailash SinBh Chemical Engg Member 6 Dr Sanjay Rajpal ICT Centre Member 7 Dr Kuldeep Singh ECE Member 8 Dr Satyendra Singh Chauhan CSE Member I Dr Sandeep N Electrical Engg Mem ber 10 Dr Priyanka Sihag Management M em ber \4-.-a Registrar Copy to: 1. All committee members 2. Personal files of concerned committee members 3. Webmaster to upload on lnstitute lntranet 4. PS to Director/PA to Registrar ffi'-lr-'"u Deputy Registrar (Admn. & Estt.) Malaviva National Institute of Technology Jaipur 6) qT-diftq qr$q ffiffi d{arn qqE{ of India) (An Instihrie ol National lmportance under l'lin stry of Education (Shlksha l'4antralaya)' Go\t ir-r'r uanc, :lrpuR - 302017 (RAIASTHAN) rNDIA Dated: No.F6(1)Misc/MNrt I tB lPr ilrl 3146 SEEISE oBDEB The Competent Authority has constituted a Committee of following members for deciding the Fee Structure of UG, PG and Ph D students for Academic Session 2021 221- 1. Prof. Urmila Brighu, Dean, Academics Convener 2. Prof. Lava Bhargava, Dean, Students Welfare Member 3. Prof. A.K. Vyas, Civil Engineering DePartment Member 4. Prof. Upendra Pandel, Chief Warden Member 5. Prof. K.R. Niazi, Registrar Member 6. Prof. KanuPriYa Sachdev, Associate Dean, (PG & Ph.D) Member 7. Dr. Anil Swarnkar, Associate Dean (UG) Member B. Dr. Reetu Singh, Deputy Registrar (Academics) Member 9. Sh. DeePak Maheshwari, Assistant Registrar (Accounts) Member w).n Registrar (I/c) Copy to :- 1. A11 the concerned members of the committee' 2. PS to Director/ PA to Registrar' 3. Personai file of concerned members 4. Webmaster: To upload it on intranet' '.fr-,L[-* Deputy Registrar (Admin. & Estt') €>t, Malaviy-a National Institute of Technolog y Jaipu@ q-mftq rr$'q ffiffi E-{effi (An institute of National Impoftance under [4inistry of Edlcation (Sh ksha [4antra aya), G-olt of India) JLN MARG, JAIPUR - 302017 (RA'ASTHAN) INDIA "rgt No.F6{ 1)Misc/MNlr 1 s 1 tt-m t ! 251 Dated: OFFICE ORDER In compliance of directions of the Hon,ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of "University of Keraia v/s Council, principai,s College, Kerala and others,, in the Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, the Competent Authority has constituted an Anti-Ragging Committee consisting of the following members for the academic year 2O2O-21:- 1. Director - Chairman 2. Dean (SW & A.A.l Member 3. Dean (Academic Affairs) Member zl. Associate DeaI (CACS & A.A.) Member 5. Associate Dean (Sports) Member 6. Associate Dean (UG) Member 7. Associate Dearl (PG) Member B. Chief Warden - Member 9. Coordinator, Institute Secudty - Member 10. Chief Proctor Member I 1. SDM, Jaipur North - Member i2. SHO, Malaviya Nagar, Police Station Member 13. Mrs. Ma-nal1 Chatun-edi, CEO, Surman Sansthan NGO - Member 14. Mr. Brajendra Kumar Gupta (parents Nominee) - Member 15. Mr. Rachit Gupta, Student Nominee Fresher Batch - Member I6. Ms. Upama Boro, Girl Student Nominee Member \<4.""- Registrar (I/c) Copy to t- 1. A11 Dearls/Heads/Section Inchal.ge 2. A11 the concerned members ofthe committee 3. Webmaster to upload it on Institute intranet. 4. PS to Director/ PA to Registrar. 'UJt-e" Deputy Registrar (Admin. & Estt.) ZBT 6 Malaviya National Institute of Technoloqv Jaioif"')"qtl qrd-ft-q vt$q ffiM H-{effi rrg (An InstitLrte of National Importance Lrnder !linistry of HRD, Co\t. or Ifdia) ,LN MARG, JAIPUR . 302017 (RATASTHAN) INDIA t-J' ^J3 No. F6lI )M1sc/MNIT/ Os 7 er nri o^r.a, -QJ /'i I ? i , OFFICE ORDER The following facultv members are hereby given the following responsibilities for the various societies under the Creative Arts & Cultural Soclety as Mentioned Under:_ Dr. Hemant Kumat Meena, Coordinator (CACS) S.No. Name of the Coordinators Responsibilities Societv Offers a platform for students interested in acting, directing, stagc Dr. Nivedita Kaul managing, writing, and designing or building sets, lights, sound, and Dr. Reeta Singh costumes. 1. Dramatics Dr. Surajit chosh Society is named DIL-Drama is Life rvhich organizes various events like Mad Ads, Perpendicular Situation, Improv Comedy, etc. Apart from it t]le dr-marics Leam part'.ioalec in rhe c.rILural lesrs olorher colleoe Provides platform for singirlg, dancing and instrumentals. Orgalizes events 1ike, Taa.l, Dr. Prerna Jain Symphony, Dum charades. and Antaa l<shar.i. Music Dr. Preeti Bhatt The society is linkedwith professional 2. & SP]CMACAY Dr. U.K. Arun Kumar academies of Jaipur organizing workshops for the students to learn various styles of dance. SPICMACAY aims at presening the countiv culture and heritage. Events like kawal.s. straJ \\aoan. tanpurq u adalr etc are orqaniled. This club deals u.ith literature. It .anes all rhe poetic a,1d arl'str, minds of the institute. Events like kavisammelar. Dr. Dipti Sa-xena hindisaptah, essay u,riting, poetry competitions are organized. Dr. Nidhi Bansa.l Literary Regular classes involve debates. ]. Dr. Abhishek Tripathi group discussion, extqmp'ore ar-rd students ar-e taught the tricks of overcomilg stage fear and be comfortable with public speakirrg ski11s. Dr. Niruti cupta This segment deals w.th crea't\itv. l .rns at 'mpro\tng the , rearive Fine Arts Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava aspects and innovative skills ol Dr. Manoj Kumar budding engineers. \arious a, livil'eq su.h as craj.s and Diwal.ar des.gning ore ln( -1, aled in tne duration of the year. Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaip' qrdrfiq qqg{ <r$q fretFr+t fr{effi - (An Insttute of National Iraportance under l,linistry of HRD, Govt. of India) ,LN MARG, JAIPUR - 302017 (RA'ASTHAN) INDIA work towards e hancement olL phorographY sl<lLls of sludenls. L ollcge inviles P_o'estional photographcrs lrom me to lrme 10 shaJe rhcir erperrences wallh Lhe Dr. Kapil Pareek students. The club annualh organ;7es Dr. Gunjan Soni Film & MomenLs. a PhotograPh ' 5 Photography Dr. Arirban Dutta ( ompet'Lion comprising of varlous .alegories in $hich srudenls enlrlesl aJe JJdgcd and lhe besr ones rewarded. Thi\ group tonstsls ol all ihose people who zre x.illing to take thej initialive for the betterment o societv. I Involves constllctive arrd positive interaction, guidance a1ld mentorship of junior students bY senior students. Dr. varun Jindal The vision of the programme is "to Student start from Dr. Md Oayes Midda inculcate the dght attitude Mentorship the beginning'. Prografime Mentorship helps students build networks with other students; facultv and sta-ff who can help mal<e the most of their undergraduate career. This goup deals with students who are interested in coding and stuff like Dr. Harlal Singh Mali ethical hacking, making Phishing pages about the designing of a Dr. Rajendra Mithafl&'al or 7. Technical web page. Dr. Swati Sharma A lot of coding and other technical competrtions are organized bY the society throughout the Year.
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