+--~----,,__ ......... _________ ----..........------~+ le---------------~~ l l l CHRISTIAN FORRER I ~ THE CLOCKMAKER I l l l AND l f I HIS DESCENDANTS l COMPILED BY l f FRANK BRUEN I I I l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1939 l t l l THE TUTTLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. l l RUTLAND, VERMONT l i u. s. A. l l l lc_______________ ~l +---l .........--------·- .. --~..-- .........-------.,_---+ l CHRISTIAN FORRER THIE CLOCKMAKER AND HIS DlESCENDANTS PART OF THE FORRER FAMILY REUNION, JUNE 10, 1937, LURAY, VA. 1. Dr. Chas. H. Dunlop, Brooklyn, New York. 2. Judge Chas. Daniels Forrer, Parkersburg, West Va. 3. :\Iary Eustace Chapman, Dau. of Samuel Forrer Chapman, Pittsburg, Pa. 4. Elizabeth Forrer Chapman, Dau. of Samuel Forrer Chapman, Pittsburg, Pa . .5. Joe Ellis, Washington, D. C. 6. :\Irs. John (Bettie) Renalds, Front Royal, Va. 7. Vincent Brown Kerr, Staunton, Va. S. Frank Bruen, Bristol, Conn. 9. :\Irs. R. L'. Brooking, (Dau. Col. Wm. H. Chapman), Amherst C.H., Va. 10. :\Iiss Virginia :\I. Chapman, Dau. John N. Chapman, Luray, Va. 11. :\Iiss Ada Jean Rankin, Luray, Va. 12. l\Irs. Emmett Rankin, Luray, Va. 13. :\Irs. Charles Daniels Forrer, Parkersburg, West Va. 14. 1Iiss Elizabeth Charles (Chz.rlsie) Harmon, J\:orthport, L. I., N. Y. 15. :\Irs. Herbert Newman, (:\Iary Chapman, Dau. Col. Wm. H.) 16. :\Irs. Annie Kenney, (Annie Davis, mother an Eversole), Chicago, Ill. 17. :\Irs. J.C. Gro,·e, (:\label Forrer, Dau. of Frank B., Niece of l\Irs. Kate Walton), Dayton, \·a. 18. :\!rs. Howard Whitmere, (Clara Davis, Sister of Annie), Harrisonburg, Va. 19. :\Iiss Elizabeth R. Pendleton, (:\!other, Elizabeth Forrer Chapman, Dau. \V m. H.), \Vashington. D.C. 20. :\[rs. Thomas Sampson, (Josephsne Brookings:, Gordonsville, Va. 21. ',Irs. Carolyn ( Chapman) \Vood, Dau. John N. Chapman, Luray, Va. 22. l\Irs. Harry Forrer. 23. :\Iiss Sue Forrer, Harrisonburg, Va. 2-1. Samuel Forrer Chapman, (son of Col. \Vm. H.), Pittsburg, Pa. 23. :\Irs. Joe Ellis, (Esther Foote Brooking), Washington, D. C. 26. Charles Daniels Forrer, Jr., Parkersburg, West Va. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS FOR "CHRISTIAN FORRER THE CLOCK, MAKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS." p. 13. line 7, Dr. Hauser, not Dr. Rausch. p. 51. lines 11 and 12, \\'m ..-\. Skinnell, died :\fay -, 1933. p. 67. Under "No. 9. Jane Catherine Forrer," Judge Wm. H. Utz, in his Utz Book, gives her birth Nov. 27, instead of Nov. 29; her marriage Nov. 1, 1838; Henry Utz her husband, b. Jan. 20, 1809. No. 45. b-2. Jane E. l:tz, was born !\fay 12, 1845. " No. 47. 6-4. Ann l:tz, should be Martha Ann Utz, born 1851. p. !:8. Nos. 463, 464 and -165 were born at 1222 l\orth 10th St., St. Joseph, lvlo. " " Cnder No. 175 Mary Seymour, should be Mary A. Seymour. The birth of No. 17ti, Jane Catherine Gtz is given as 18il not 1872. p. 69. Line 3 should be 7 children, not 5. The name of the 5th child is Harry Edward Bigham. The 6th and 7th children are: Ko. 483-1. d-6. Sarah Frances Bigham, b. Sept. 10, 1917: No. 483-2. d-7. Anna Bell Bigham, b. Dec. 18, 1919. No. 181. c-10. may have been born 1885 not 1884. No. 45. b-2. Jane Elizabeth l:tz, b. May 12, 1845. p. 70. !\o. 47. b-4. :\lartha Annie Utz, not as printed. p. 125. No. 883. e-1. Thomas J. Wood, married Aug. 5, 1939, Miss Mary Louise Beust, dau. of :\Ir. and :\frs. Carl Werner Beust, at St. Paul's Church, Dayton, Ohio. " No. 884. e-2. Peirce James Wood, married Juiy 6, Hl39, :\1iss Ada Joan Wickham .Crook, dau. of :\Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Herbert Crook, at St. Luke's Epis. Church, ~fontclair, N. J. p. ~3!, 13th line from the bottom, reaci four not three daughters. p. 13a. Line eleven, Nicholas Bosley J\{erryman, II. Died Nov. 15, !939, at Ru:cton, Md., burial in Sherwood Churchyard, Cockeysville, :,Id. :\'o. 8!)6. e-3. ..\drian Hastings ~,Ierryman, not as. printed. p. 176. On the line between :\"o. /:!H and No. 9J5, read two children, not three. ;:,. 176. ;s.:o. 593. d-3. Corrie Leavell Cosby, married Stuart A. Johnson, of Hampton, Va., not as printed. They have five not four children, none of them married. The fifth child is: Ko. 912-1. e-5. Leonard Cosby Johnson. :\'o. 913. e-i. Garland Cosby Hudgins, was married Nov. 2, 1938, to Ann Olivia Baker, dau. of ',fr. and \Irs. Samuel Thomas Bak'!r, of Taylorsville, Va. Residence 3219 Brook Road, Richmond, Va. p. l~~- I understand Xo. ,598 and :,,Jo. ;';'.)9 are twins, but have no dates. p. 111. :\'o. 280. c-2. Daniel Forrer D,inlop, died Oct. 23, ~93S. Heart attack. p. 1~~- :,,Jo. 28-t c-G. Roberta Eai!ey Dunlop Ramp, died Oct. 30, 1938. p. lit,. :\"o. 2"36. c-S. :\lrs. Lela Lamer ·,Hawkins) Dun!op, wife of Dr. Charles H. Dunlop, died Oct. :3, 193:'I-. She was knocked down by a boy on a bicycle and died two hours afterwards. ";'heir three sons were accidentiy omitted in the book, they are as follows: Ko. ()15. d-1. Robert Ha,Ybns Dunlop, b. :\Iar. JO, 19":3; No. 6:G. d-2. Charles Cra·.vford Dunlop, b. Nov. 21, i91-1; d. Sept. 20, 1021; No. Gli. d-3. _fohn Bc.yne Dunlop, b. Apr. 9, 1916. p. 189. :\'o. 3':2. c--1. Jo!rn Jacob Ferrer, has three c:,ildrcn instead of two, ?\o. 635-1. d-3. :l!ar;:aret Fcr.-er bei,:g t'.1e th'ird daug- 11ter. p. l!),'j_ :S-:o. :~~6. c--1. William AEea Chal'ma•1, died JL1!,· 15, :\)31, at Covington, Va. The "Richmond Tir.1es-Di~ptch," \':ec:nesc':1y, July 1'.l, 1\J3\J, has the following obituary: "William Chapm~n Buried in Covington. CO\T\"GTO;,-Fl'neral sen-ices \\'ere held here :\!onday for \\'illiam Allen Chapman, who c'ied tl1ere Saturday after sufferin[' a paralytic st_roke. Buri2.l was in Cedar Hill Cemetery. :\lr. c:1apm,;n was the son of the Re\·. Samuel F. and \lrs. Rebecca Elgin Chapman. He was born at \Vayside, Fauquier County. His father wc>.s a caotain in \Iosb,·'s Rangers during the \Var between the States and also served as chaplain in the Fifth Immune Regiment in the Sp2,nish-American \Var. :\Ir. C11apman is sun-i\·ed by a brother, Herbert Ch?.pman of Co\·irrgton, and four sisters, ~diss Ellr, Cha.pman ancl :-Irs. George Revercomb of C.:,vington, :\Irs. Wingfield Young of \\'instcn-Salem, N. C., and :\Irs. George Stephenson of Richmond." p, :!11. Line seven. :\lrs. Agnes (KeckrJ Ciapmrn, widow of George Thomas Chapman, died, Feb. 10, Hl-10, at Luray, Va. p. 214. Key for the 1n;37 Forrer R.;-t:nion picture, Luray, Va. p. 218. Key for H\38 Forrer Reunion picture, at Luray, Va, p. 2lS. Tenth line from the bottom, shoul.:l be "Scrofulous" and not "Scorfulus" as printed. p. 2~,. Index, under name Forrer, :\~ary, add p. 27. p. 2:33. Index bet\\·een lines 13 and 1-1, insert: Harvey, \Iary Ogden, 135. Harvey, Dr. and ::1-Irs. Norman Darrell, 133. p. 238. Index, under surname, ":\lerryman" erase: _Toan 135; :\fary Ogden (Harvey) 135,: Michael Willets, 135; Norman Darrell, ~3.S; Sidney Ra,·el, 13,3. p. 2-10. Index, Pierce, :\!ary Forrer, should be Peirce, :'-!arr Forrer. t".,~'+. #='~6 3. c. - 7- ~-~ rp ~,:,_._ ~ ~ ~., J ~ t+ o Oen .. _' 1 (J . - I C)UlA O t --·-'/) ~1 u / . __.I.,--' I ""'"'- I ~ - LIST OF PERSONS IN THE FORRER FAMILY GROUP, AT LURAY, VA., JUNE 26, 1938. Beginning at extreme left, those standing. Now back to left to those sitting. 1. i\Ir. John Renalds, 56. l\Irs. Frick, 2. i\Ir. Henry Rolston, son of :\Irs. Eva Forrer 57. i\Irs. John Forrer, Rolston, 58. l\Ir. John Forrer, 3. .\Irs. Henry Rolston, 59. Mrs. Vincent Brown Kerr, 4. Mr. Montfalcone, 60. Mr. David Chapman, 5. Mr. Nelson H. Clark, 61. l\fiss Virginia M. Chapman, 6. Mr. George Revercomb, 62. l\Ir. Collins Chapman, 7. Miss Katherine Whitmore, 63. Mr. Jesse Brubaker, 8. l\Ir. Harry Forrer, 64. Mr. Robt. E. L. Kendrick, 9. .\Irs. Claude Graves, (Eva Kendrick), 65. Mr. Andrew J. Chapman, 10. :\Iiss Elizabeth Charles Harmon, 66. Mrs. John Forrer, Sr., 11. ,VIrs. Grace Cosby Hudgins, 67. Frank Bruen, 12. l\frs. Corrie Cosby Johnson, 68. l\Iiss Sue Forrer, 13. Mrs. :\Iary Chapman Rankin, 69. Dr. Samuel Henry Forrer, 14. Mrs. Rena Cosby l\lontfalcone, 70. l\Ir. J. Elliot Peirce, 15. l\liss Ressie Brubaker, 71. :\Irs. Roberta Ramp, 16. :\liss Helen Forrer Dunlop, 72. Dr. Charles H. Dunlop, 17. Miss Virginia Forrer, 73. l\Irs. Armentrout, 18. .\Iiss Regina Forrer, 74. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Wood, 19. l\·1iss Alice Brubaker, Back to left side again. 20. :\Iiss Nellie Belle Forrer, 75. Mr. William Chapman, 21. Miss Elsie Grove, 76. Mr. Paxton, 22. .\.Iiss l\lildred Graves, 77. Mr. Edmond Revercomb, 23. .\.Irs. J. C. Grove, (.\label Forrer), 78. 1Ir. Charles Dunlop, 24. :\Ir. Claude Graves, 79. Miss Estelle Brubaker, 25. l\frs. Herbert Newman, (.\Iary Eustace 80. :\Iiss :\largaret Forrer, (just her eyes), Chapman), 81. Miss Margaret Montfalcone, 26. l\lr. Samuel Forrer Chapman, 27. Mrs. Samuel Forrer Chapman, 82. Mrs. Robert Ferguson Light, 83. Howard Chapman, 28. :\Iiss Virginia Chapman, .\Ir. 29. l\Irs. Nelson H.
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