z - DOORS OPEN 1:15 - L tho was RiP!fMil Fair he eNDS NOW WEDNESDAY Fe.. ...., _ ................. iwo roIeSiOr '1tlefltst "timer MtttI .......... H .... ..., " .. IS. ~Iy I. .. .IIttte oil owon w........ l'IIIIInIIty. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of IOWQ Cit" E... hU ..... 1a U. Iowa City, Iowa - edonday, JUJIII 14.1114 News • In Brief Ive unt -in color­ with • • DELPHINE SEYRIG • ••• the star of "Marienbad" or IVI riO NEW YORK III - ~o teenag ters were r turninll hom from a graduation prom early Tuesday when a hot rang out in the dark :I and the elder girl tell dead with • buUet In the head. FBI Discovers Police were virtu lIy without clues. and could only USpecl a my tery niper a the 61 yC!!' of Joan WU on. 18. Especially bam­ Ing was the moUve. If any. Joan and her Ii t r. Margaret. Burned Auto l5. graduated {rom Holy Cross • Grammar School - the young girl Monday. LOIN BACK • • • Bar-b-qued Ribs Dinner Safe Trip NORTHAMPTON, Mati. An aide reported Tu ay that a Reg. 1.65 Now 1.49 Siny Spengler, 6. leavel Pan Ameri!;lIn DCI 1Ilrliner at lerlll)'. team of Army doctor credits th (Served with French FriIs, chief of talr of Cooley Dlckln on Mild end girlie buttered roll) Teo,1 Airport T~sdav atter an uneventful flight ov.r the I:Orrlcl.r through East Germany to aerlin. SillY, a Berliner, WII the fir.' Hospital \\' Ith sa vln th m of passenger to land - wit" the aid of stewarel - 1I1 the end of tht Sen. Edward M Kennedy who u(· fcred a broken bock in a plan flight in New York. - AP Wirephoto cra h Friday night. Edward Martin, an aide to the Charred Civil Rights Car Found Ma achu elts Democrat, al 0 n. nounced in an evenin, bull tin that The bumed rem. In. of • ,tlltlon Wlgon (lIbovtJ Thty IIlIYt not lIMn Men. (Phll~.,ph. ,. 'n Nt- ICarpenters, Kennedy's condition Is "v ry satis­ Rel W~rni~g ' thllt wa. Uled by thrH miss "I civil rlg"b ~rIc. 1M'" COIIftty, wh_ SUI atvHnt Mile. Kenney. factory with all vital ligns "itbln G, 5tn Frlndleo, II txllK," ,. FIYt other normal limits." en. I. towed from I sWlmp Ire. n ..r "" Mlnl.­ _Ie. PARIS III - Mr . Ngo Dinh Nbu. lippl town of Phll.delphia. II WII 4111:Overed SUI stvdents hlYe carnp~ted rlthh train'", In 'I Safely Ignored Contractors lhe fiery former fir t lady oC Soulb there TuelClllY. Two white men lnet I Nelro were Oxfltnl, Oh 0, and will be nt to tther .re.. CIf Viet Nam, has been refused a visa I,res," in thl. clIr Sundll'f, fined. lind re'tllSed. Mlilluippl., -AP Wirtpttot. ' Settle Strike to visit the Unlled Stat ,th U.S OODS Emba y said Tuesday. By Je tl Iner Iowa City carpenters were to go An emba y poke. man id .nd FOOD back to work at 8 a.m. today Mrs, Nhu applied June II (or a ix­ Pope Paul VI Announces - F:-f. and Sat. 'fll 2:30 A.M. Minor Clashes BERLIN \lI'\ - Ignoring a Soviet afler settling with local contraclors month visitor'. visa to tulflll an warning, an American jetliner for 15 cents more an hour and an· invitation to speak in New York. from New York flew Lo Berlin other lS-Cent increa e April 30, Tbe Stat Departm nt said it New Birth Control Study acro Communist territory Tues- 1965. They had been orf the job considered h r Inellglble und r the On Beach in day and Clew out again 8 few hours since Friday, curtailing COll5truc· terms or a section of th Immigra· TIC , CITY ( P) - POI' P·wl VI h IlIlnOUll later wilhoul being harassed. lion on eight sur projects. tion and Naturalization Act. new Unman "thollo rudy f birth rontmJ d( v lopm ts. pre- The two captains, Joseph FI)'IlII Pickets were removed at noon • • • and Bob Born, who piloted the Pan Tuesday from S 1 buUdlng sites, WASHINGTON "" - Th Hou St. Augustine \\IInably meaning l'Olllmcepth 'pH . But II ned immcd t American World Airways plane in three major Iowa City JObs and the Ways and lean CommlUee po t­ ohangl's ill church nil . and out, said they spotted no prowl- Hoover Library In We t Branch. poned until today 8 m tin, sch d· ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. "" - Ne· groe. and Whl OIl the In a major h Tu ay, "IW have nlll y IIliCic' at lng Soviet jet fighter . Both de- The strike elided af r ~ two-hour uled TUesday for a~tlon on Social beach and on th tr 'I' ay)' r d hlo <Iii' ftcr h be- to consid r ov rcom, nd th scribed the IS-mlnule flight aero meeting Tuesday morning between Security changes, Including po I­ Scranton Pleased East Germany as routine and un. representatives of Carpenters Lo­ bly writing in a bealth care pro­ as civil right d 'Inon tralO1'8 main· came Roman Cath lie ruJ • be Core not obligatory, th ruJ ,iven talned their os null on gr gallon. mad his flrst pronouncem I ID 8 b)' Pope Plua XU In Ibis conncc· eventful. cal 1260 and local contractors. The gram. By Lodge's Move Tn the past. the Soviets have sent se sion was called by federal medl· The only explanatioll Crom com· During lh . third slralght day or growing de.bate amon, orne Ro- tlOn ," Pope P ul IBld . "Th y must violence on th .\U nllc Beach, two man Colhohes about the u of new th relor con id ed valid .t up MIG fighters to harass Weslern ator Jame Jeffrey, Cedar Rapids. miUee sources was that lOme prob­ birth control m thod . ICll t for Ion a we do nol'lcel NEWARK, . N.J. (1\ - P yl. FARM FRESH eggs A lari/e. S dOL Allied flights of which they disap. The carpenters agreed to a two- lems had arisen in drarung the pro· ~o~ n attacked prayln;; d mono Th fi6.year~ld pontiff .aid th In con i obliged to modify vania Gov. Wllllam W. Scranton. '1.00. John's Grocery. Free Dellv • ..". posed 338~1 . ..2111 proved. y~ar contract retroactive to June 1 measure ra Drs. birth conlrol qu ton wa. "und r th m " h rlcncd by the backing of Am- The Soviets prolested to the al an hourly rale of $3.80. They had There wa no clear promise ot a Hour later, a jeerina c ro~d of tudy a broadly and profoundly . b dor Henry Cabot Lodge in his KIDDIE PACKS. Carry baby on your vote Wednesday. abou~ ~O wbile men and WOl1'M!ll as ~ible " In th Ii bt of "both POPE PIUS XII ~ 1 51 ~eaf. bid (or ~ RepUblican PresIdential back. Double. a. car seat. 337·sm United States and Britain against asked for the same scale aa the acter 5:00 p.m. ,·It use of the Berlin corridors by Cedar Rapid local will have next • • • met 80 IDlegratJon morchers at the th reUc and pracUcal d veJop- firmed Roman Catholic oppolloon nomination , ouaht Tuesday nlcht WASHINGTON "" - Reps. Ben Slave Mark t Squor and broke men ." to contra pUv . [n I ~ poke to win Ne J raey'. 40 d I late FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. 11 cilble f1ighls lo other countries than West year - a total of 5 cents more Ceel. Four year. old. LIke new. 331- Germany. The Soviets called illegal than the amount eWed for. Jen en and H. R. Grosa, Jowa Re· through poliee lin tlllle . HE SAID th tudy w beinl of pili , sayin a woman ml 1 vot . 5928 . 6-U the Pan American Ne\ll York·Ber- University projects affected by publicans, said TUesday they wUJ AR tile marchers w Iked around mad "with th coUabor Uon of thcm to ch. k u~rin &limen If Th ov mar I In his IeCOnd "We go atraid, yet dedlcated," GAS RANGE. '30.00. Table, olh.r 1m service and disclaimed responsi- the strike included: The Union and vote against the Senate·passed civil the sc:uore, gongs of 'hite youth mony illustrious experts" and that not don With the mt nt to prevent full w ot campaigning to win h d, household Ilems. 338·3823. 7·1 bility for consequences if il was University Hospitals addition. the rights bill when it reaches the ch:! d them. On ... grabbed a white h hoped to be able to make the cone ptlon, ev n Ie that may be a del gate vo for next month', Re- The parenti 01 Goodtnall and 6-2.'1 - --- -- - --- Rouse floor. good REFRIGERATOR 20. rugs, l.ble• .'.mp~ continued. new business administration bulld· woman march.r and attempted to conclusions public JOOn. tcmporary r ult. publican National Convenlloa. in Scbwerner m wltb Atty, G afler u.ed crib, misc. Phone 338-53.... 6-25 Speaking on behalf of Its East ing, the new physics building. addi· Jensen and Gross were the only pull her away. "Bul I t u say (rankly that "Bul." Pope Pius added. "OIle San Francisco. Robert F. Kennedy at Wuhlnflon 6·26 '63 PHILCO portable TV Include. , German satellite, Moscow said the tions to I,he zoology building, Bur,,, Iowa members of the Hou who A the man'hers' column turned pl'I!vokes a direct nod therefore iI· H I king to ov rtake U.S. and tpoke with Presld nt JolmlOll. or stand. $90.00. 338·3884 aCter 12:01 vOled againsl the House civil rights 7-7 p.m.
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