E2352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks December 19, 1998 achievement in the 1998, AYSO Region 19, On behalf of the people of Michigan, I am the public and their elected representatives Boys U12 Division, Culver City. honored to recognize and thank Tim Walberg about the issues and programs under consid- f for his outstanding contributions to public serv- eration. They should plan to lead the consen- sus and committee structure and assign- ice and the state of Michigan. ments in directions beneficial to the local TIMOTHY L. WALBERG, STATE f REPRESENTATIVE, MICHIGAN, economy and respectful of private property rights and home rule. 57TH DISTRICT AMERICAN HERITAGE RIVERS The full identities and contact information INITIATIVE for each member of the thirteen-agency HON. NICK SMITH American Heritage Rivers Interagency Com- OF MICHIGAN HON. HELEN CHENOWETH mittee created by President Clinton are in- cluded to enable citizens to contact these in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF IDAHO dividuals as well. As soon as they are avail- Friday, December 18, 1998 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES able, we intend to add to the directory the Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I Friday, December 18, 1998 Navigators for each individual river and the five-person, full-time national Task Force wanted to take a moment today to recognize Mrs. CHENOWETH. Mr. Speaker, during which, it is said, will soon be selected to ad- a retiring political leader from my district. Mr. the 105th Congress I have fought the Amer- minister the American Heritage Rivers Ini- Timothy ``Tim'' L. Walberg, State Representa- ican Heritage Rivers Initiative (AHRI) with leg- tiative. tive, because of Michigan's term limits law, will islation to abolish it, oversight hearings to ex- PART 1. THE FOURTEEN AMERICAN HERITAGE retire at the end of this year after 16 years of pose its flaws and a federal lawsuit challeng- RIVERS service to the people of Michigan. Representa- ing its illegal establishment. Blackstone and Woonasquatucket (RI/ tive Walberg represented the 57th District, Repeatedly the Clinton-GORE Administration MA)ÐThe nomination was made by the which included nearly all of Lenawee County, stated AHRI was not a new federal program Providence Plan. Michigan. and would not result in a new federal bureauc- Community Contact: Michael Creasey Tim most recently served on the Advanced racy and new federal employees. Moreover, it Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Technology and Computer Development Com- would only be a new approach to help com- Coordinator, One Depot Square, Woonsocket, mittee, the Colleges and Universities Commit- RI 02895, 401±762±0250. munities gain access to existing federal pro- Jane Sherman, The Providence Plan, 56 tee, the Commerce Committee, and the Con- grams. Pine Street, Suite 3B, Providence, RI 02903, servation, Environment, and Recreation Com- The Property Rights Foundation of America, 401±455±8880. mittee. Inc., located in Stony Creek, New York, has Co-Facilitator: Doug Thompson, U.S. EPA, Mr. Walberg has not always been an elect- recently compiled the partial listing of federal Water Quality Unit/Office of Ecosystem Pro- ed public official. Tim was the Pastor of Union bureaucrats that will be administering AHRI. It tection, JFK Federal Building, Boston, MA Gospel Church in Tipton for almost 5 years. is based on information supplied by the Coun- 02203, 617±565±3480. Previously, he was Co-Pastor of Grace Fel- cil on Environmental Quality which has always Elissa Tonkin, U.S. EPA, JFK Federal lowship Church in New Haven, Indiana for Building, Boston, MA 02203, 617±565±1154; 617± been the lead agency for this new program. 565±1141. about 4 years. He received his training at the This is only a partial listing and does not in- Interagency Contact: Jerry Wylie, U.S. Moody Bible Institute and Taylor University in clude the names of ``River Navigators'' for Forest Service, 14th & Independence, SW., Fort Wayne, Indiana. He also received a Mas- each designated river and the five person Na- Washington, DC 20250, 202±205±1129 or Jerry ter of Arts degree, with honors, from Wheaton tional Task Force which will consist of federal Wylie, Federal Building, 324 25th Street, College Graduate School in Communications. employees working full time. These names will Ogden, UT 84401, 801±625±5172. He was elected to the Michigan State be available at a later date. Connecticut (CT/MA/NH/VT)ÐThe Con- House of Representatives in the 1982 elec- I encourage my colleagues to read this re- necticut River Watershed Council submitted tion. the nomination. vealing information which illustrates more bro- Community Contact: Whitty Sanford, Con- Representative Walberg has been involved ken promises from the Clinton±GORE Adminis- necticut River Weatershed Council, One in a number of civic groups including the Te- tration regarding the American Heritage Rivers Ferry Street, Easthampton, MA 01027, 413± cumseh Kiwanis Club, the Lenawee County Initiative. 529±9500. Chamber of Commerce, the Christian Family Facilitator: Eric Scherer, Natural Re- AMERICAN HERITAGE RIVERS OFFICIAL sources Conservation Service, 3 Sunrise Ter- Foundation Board of Directors, the Lenawee FEDERAL AND LOCAL CONTACTS REVEALED race, East Granby, CT 06026, 860±653±4149. County Riding for the Handicapped Commit- INTRODUCTION tee, Trenton Hills United Brethren Church, Interagency Contact: Roger Stephenson, The purpose of this directory is to over- Lenawee Habitat for Humanity, District Com- U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C come the impediments to citizen participa- Street, NW, (MIB 31230), Washington, DC mittee Member and ChaplainÐBoy Scouts of tion which have characterized the American 20240, 202±208±3855. America, the National Rifle Association, and Heritage Rivers Initiative. With the knowl- Cuyahoga (OH)ÐThe Cuyahoga was nomi- Pheasants Forever. edge of the identities, agencies, locations nated by the Cuyahoga River Remedial Ac- His political and legislative memberships and telephone numbers of both the federal tion Plan (RAP). have included the American Legislative Ex- contact and the federal facilitator, as well as Community Contact: Kay Carlson, Pro- change Council (ALEC) National Task Force the ``community'' contact, for each of the gram Manager, Cuyahoga River Community on Education, the Michigan and Lenawee fourteen American Heritage Rivers des- Planning, Organization/Cuyahoga River ignated by the President, citizens should County Republican Parties, and the National RAP, 668 Euclid Avenue, 4th Floor Atrium, now be able to become informed of the here- Cleveland, OH 44114±3000, 216±241±2414, ext. Republican Legislators Association. tofore secret ``community'' meetings before 253. Representative Walberg and his wife, they are held, and also bring influence to- Facilitator: Lucy Loghead, Community Susan, live in Tipton, Michigan. They have ward holding properly notice public hearings Builder, U.S. Department of Housing and three children, Matthew, Heidi, and Caleb. about all facets of the American Heritage Urban Development, Renaissance on Play- Their family dog, Sadie, is a special member Rivers program in their region. Citizens house Square, 1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 500, of their family as well. Tim loves fly fishing, should also be warned that the ``community'' Cleveland, OH 44115±1815, 216±522±4058, ext. hunting, and riding his motorcycles. I am sure meetings may be led by professional 7214. facilitators and conducted by consensus. his retirement from public service will give him Interagency Contact: Loretta Neumann, This means that skills to manipulate meet- U.S. Department of Transportation, Amer- more time to pursue these loves and spend ing outcomes may dominate and that, in- ican Heritage Rivers, 722 Jackson Place, more time with his family. stead of taking votes, a feeling of agreement N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503, 202±395±7416. Public service has its challenges and it or acceptance, supposedly by all present, will Detroit (MI)ÐThe City of Detroit, Wayne sometimes requires sacrifice. In all that he has be the basis for official leadership pro- County, Downriver Community Conference accomplished throughout his distinguished ca- nouncements and decisions. Minutes may and Peter Stroh, representing the business reer of public service, Tim Walberg handled not be taken. Citizens should make an effort community, nominated the Detroit River. his public duties with honor, generosity, and to enable a broad range of the public, re- Community Contact: Mark Breederland, source users, and other business people from integrity. As a former state legislator myself, I Michigan State University Extension, Michi- the region who are concerned about the gan Sea Grant Extension, MSUEÐMacomb know that Tim's contributions will be sorely economy, home rule, and private property County, 21885 Dunham Road, Suite 12, Clin- missed in Lansing. I am confident, however, rights to be consistently present in adequate ton Township, MI 48036, 810±469±7176. that Tim will continue to use his many talents numbers. Citizens are forewarned to be ready Facilitator: Rick Wears, Community to enrich our state and its people. to issue formal minority reports to the press, Builder, U.S. Department of Housing and VerDate 21-DEC-98 05:13 Dec 22, 1998 Jkt 005300 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\E19DE8.REC atx006 PsN: atx006 December 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2353 Urban Development, McNamara Federal Melanie Young, Allegheny County Cham- the President, OEOB Room 360, NW, Wash- Building, 477 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI ber of Commerce, P.O. Box 1237, Sparta, NC ington, DC 20503, 202±456±5147 and Loretta 48266, 313±226±7900. 28675, 336±372±5473. Neumann, Executive Director, AHRI, (CEQ Interagency Contact: Karen Hobbs, U.S. Interagency Contact: Chuck Moeslein, U.S. address above), 202±395±5750. Department of Agriculture, American Herit- Army Corps of Engineers, 20 Massachusetts U.S. Department of Defense, Sherri W. age Rivers, 722 Jackson Place, N.W., Wash- Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20314±1000, 202± Goodman, Deputy Under Secretary of De- ington, D.C.
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