Peter Lorimer Peter Cormack Pat Stanton WORLD CUP You•re better MEXICO 1970 1oun 10 24 D•Y ladoti•e M•r,: with the for World Cop 10 ·111 u••J 1 me. MIJ' ";rn�::Glas 1 ow Special departure fn>o, B of S 311b M•1· Life is so much easier if you budget for your expenses. An account with the B of S makes all the difference. 61 WtstReoent Street BAIIOF .. GLASGOW, C.2 Telephone DOUglas 8911 (in associ!ltion with Oe.ccbco�bcr SGOTLAID Lloyd) B� Gill· METAL MERCHANT DISMANTLING and QEMOLITION CONTRACTOR BUYER OF C01"'ER, BRASS, LEAD, ZINC, ETC. IN ANY QUANilTY CO TAlNER SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR' INDUSTRIAL SCRAP ARISINGS KENMUIR ROAD, MOUNT VERNON, GLASGOW, E.2 Telephone: 041-7782357 E TH( a111c fOOTBAll AND ATHUTI( (0., llD. (Founded 1888) Ointtors: Mnn::asrr 1 SIR ROBERT KcLLY. J.P .. JOHN STE..lN Chairman. DESMOND WHl:TE. C.A. Oftieiw Addrc�• , THO!\IAS l- DEYLI . 95 KcRRYDALE STREET JAMES M. FARRELL. M.A., LL.B. GLASGOW. S.E. • • CHAMPIO , which we like to think we are, shouldn't be halfway down the lca�ue lable. So it is essential when we meet Ribenaian this afternoon at Celtic Park to get hack on the winning trail. Despite some domestic upsets which ii is not ffi)' business to comment upon Hibs have struck a bit of league form. The have often given us a great contest and we look for• ward to a fine match. But, zs I h11ivc said, for the sake of prestige and reputstion a win for us is a must. !"he trouble so far in our lc:1i:uc progrnmn1c ha� hccn 1ncon�i�1enc}·. the vuy fault which I usc<l to h.1rp on when I w.._� in my lin,1 �ca�on ;1s chic' manager. fo he fair to the pb}ct,. we h:ive ha<l our shn.rc of 1nJ1ir1cs and the sooner we aro rn thc routine of nne g.imc per v.,·el.. the belier it will be for US, Dunfermline abo lost a player l hc kaguc result� so far have been through the same inC4dCnt I fed a 2-2 draw with ·1. John,1011c at Celtic were atTcctcd more than our homc. a 4-2 victory nl Kdm:.mock. opponents were. and a 2-1 clcfoa1 at Dunfermline. It is M>mc consol:1t1011 10 l..now that THE LEAG E CUI' compared with the result, of the Wc rclllmcd 10 League Cun hu�i• C(1rn:,ponding games la� t sc.ison we ne,� al Pill<xlrie l'.irl... Abcr<lccrl. on arc only one point worse off. In 1968- Wcdnc�cla� night and I was delighted 69 wc beat t. John\tonc at h"mc with the di�play of the team and the and drew with both Kilmarnock and result. Dunfermline away. In last season's campaign we droppc<l a point 10 llib� Taking into considcra1ion our dis­ al Celtic Park. ,;o if we win today appointing performance at E:ist En<l we will he in exactly the �amc posi­ Par� last wcel.. and the foct that we tion rcsull�-wise ,LS last sea on. were forced into further team changes. the re,ult ,v.,s a good one. I thought the team pla)cd 1,plcn­ Although we played the game a ctidly al K ilmarnocl.. but not nearly little more dcfrnsivcfy than is our so well at Dunfermline. The ordcrinµ wont during the first half. we took off nf Willie Wallace up et the team s plan . of cour e. and even though (Continued. on page 4) HADDOW&. Wine Merchants 119 TOLLCROSS ROAD (CORNER SORBY STREET) Tel.: 554-2702 FORALL YOUR OFF SALE REQUIREMENTS BEFORE and AFTER 11IE GAME We cater for Wedcling.9 and all Social Functions OUR VANS DELIVEJl TO ALL DISTllICI'S For. Superior and Personal Tailoring "THE VISIT CELTlC JOB : -1 VIEW" Mc6EACHY "'The Celtic View," more 229 Duke Street popular lhan ever since its size Glasgow, E.l was increased to eight pages y Telephone: 554 4921 is on sale c,•cr week on No Parking Restrictions Wednesday-price 6d. A FEAST OF GOALS AT EASTER One ROADof Celtic's l" most remarkable league ,•ictorics last se,1son ,,as against Hibernian al Easter Road Parle The score barely 12 minutes from ·1ime "�� 2-1 for Hibs, but Celtir scored four goals before the fini�h. The hist, pictured alon�sidc. "as headed by Uohby Lennox. Grounded are Hibs goalkeeper Wilson and l'at Stanton. THI DISTINCTION Of HIBIRHIAN The great days of our visitors HIBERNIAN were one of the leading footbalt clubs in Scotland hcfor4' CeWc came into being. Yet they have not played so loo� io Scottish League Football � Celtic have. Founded by Irishmen in Edin­ Thnt is the onlY instance or a club burgh away back in 1872. Hibs other than Oeltic or Ran,:crs win­ ning the first dh•ision championship played several matches for char­ in successive years. elsewhere ity in Glasgow and The namL'S of the src-.il Hibcrni:111 years before the introduction of (orwards of the period some 20 years ago are still magic 10 many footo:dl cl1ic 10 foo1ball. enthusiasts outwith H1bs supporters Gordon Smith. Bohhy John,;tonc. L:twric Reilly. Eddie Turnbull and As a ma ucr of fact. it wa. after Willie Ormond. Which of those great one of those charity gam1.-s in which nlayer would not. had he been born Clyde and H ibcrnian raised £50 for 20 yean; later, been worth £. I00.000 charity on Clyde's ground. Barrow­ or more in the tmnsfc.r market ? field Park. that the idea of Connin� the club that i nt)W Celtic was born in the .minds of the original Glasgow JOCK STEIN says . "Ceh . (Continued) Indeed it "!IS touch and i:o for control of the game • during the Celtic not being chri<.1cncd Glnsg<m second period and came Yery close to Hibernian. �inning in the closing stages. Hibs decreased in J>ower shortly When Aberdeen visit Celtic P:1rk after ch.: birth of Celtic. lnd..:cd in on Wednesday week. in the second the very early I 89<rs they cc:isc.-d 10 leg of thi qu:incr-final tic. b{) th exist as a. club. TI1cy did not start up te.1:11s will have everything to pl:iy for ugain for three �•ears :ind it wa� which should result in an cxci1ing. be�111sc of their ab ence from the all out ,Lllacking. encounter. cor\tempor,11y football sc.:nc that they were not original memhcrs of th:: DEPTH Scottish Le:iguo a C chic "c1 ,.., Ahho11s]i the depth of our playinit str.:ng1.h was evident at PiUOdnc we CH.AMPIO SHIPS arc hopeful that our injury problems wilt be rcsolYcd before the return There is not th� slightest do11ht match on Wcdncsda)'. Scotcmbcr 24. about tb:, greaten period in the Edin­ at Celtic Park. burgh club' history. lllcy had joined and were original members of the Scottish League second· division in 1893 and they won that eompcti­ tion in season 1893-94. The first diYi­ sion championship c:1mc their way in CELTIC POOL 1903. but it w:is 1101 until the late PRIZES tGO OVERSEAS 1940's and e:irly 1950's that the great Hibernian days arrived. T�c Celtic Development Pools continue lo :11trac1 agents and mcm­ In 1948 they won the first division h�rs. The pri✓es are going far ,ind title for the second Lime and the wide. for in rcccnl weeks some have championship was Lhllirs again in 1951 ?CCn won in Toronto <Canada) and and in 1952. 111 the cw York arc:i. 4 PLAYERS AND OFFICIALS FOR TODAY'S GAME Celtic Hibernian from from FALLON MARSHALL ltefcree: HAY R. C. GREE LEES SHEVLANE GEMMELL (Lochgelly) JONES MURDOCH BLACKLEY MCNEILL • BLACK CLARK STANTON Linesmen: BROGAN Red rlag MARINELLO JOHNSTONE J. S. B,YARS HAMILTON HOOD (Paisley) O'ROURKE WALLACE Orange Flag• MCBRIDE CHALMERS K. CAMERON CORMACK LENNOX (Dumfries) STEVENSON CALLAGHAN PRINGLE HUGHES GRANT . HALF-TIME SCORES A ABERDEE MORTON - - - AYR NITED B RANGERS C DUNDEE ITED -AIRDRIEONIANS D HEARTS . KILMARNOCK - --. E MOTHERWELL - ST. JOHNSTONE - F P ARTICK THISTLE �UNFERMLINE ATHLE'flC - G RAITH ROVERS • DUNDEE - ST. MIR.REN H CLYDE MANCHFSTER UNITED J LIVERPOOL NEWCASTLE UNITED K DERBY COUNTY DRINK TALL DRINK lONG JOHN Scotch with that ten foot feeling MA IN AGENTS FOR JAGUAR, SINGER & TRIUMPH Showrooms open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-7.30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Sunday 10.30 a.m.-5 p.m. IS THERB A BB17Blt TEAM TH,tN •. AND YOU CAN MBETTHEM AT Bell Grant Begg EFFIE DEANS White Hom Jehule Walker Red Hackle Ballantyu Crawford 821 Shettlesto• Road Haig Buchanan Lang GLASGOW, E.2 Telephone • 778 4835 Best Quality Wines, Spirits and Beers Modem Lounge & Cocktail Bar 6 John Clark Sees A Change my ten }cars at Celtic l':1rk I h:l\'c cxpcricnccJ the bad a, \\CII a� the i:uod. I I h:ne beer. in tc:1ms thal "ere c,11cc1ed tu \\in major e,·enls bul didn"t. and I h ;H'C had the pri,·ilci:c of bcini: in tc:rn\S that \\On the g-re:llcst honours c_lub !ootball had to offer. including tho European Cup od that famou., day m Lisbon. Think1111:! over the goou tune, a, well a, th-c bad. I bdievc crnc tbmi: ,ticks in my mind more than .tll\ c>lbcr.
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